Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
May 16, 2009
How Closely Energetically Are We Linked"
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone - Associate Editor
Dear All One Family:
M.J., unbeknownst to herself, was a emailing me as I was a publishing the previous newsletter...I guess to give all confirmation that "The Hundredth Monkey Story," is a real thing...Even though her and I are not only separated by distance, and years of our own personal journey stories...of ourselves and others...we still are psychically and energetically linked...I would like to name this edition...another synchronistic moment in time.
M.J., would probably call it, me a ratting her out moment...a sharing her deepest heart felt moment in time; yet in defense of myself, I would rather call it another heart expressed moment in my life.
I personally am not one a wanting to slam and dunk anyone yet that seems to be how those closest to me are a seeing me and a moving forward in time is all that I am being allowed to do as it seems that I am a running up against many that see me differently than how I see myself.
I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. Know what I mean?
Anyways, I can't allow anything to slow down the progression that I see myself a having to move towards. I hope that all will understand and if not, I pray that you will all forgive my arrogance and boldness.
Anyways before I post M.J.'s synchronstic response; allow me to post the words of Dorthory Law Nolte Ph.D., "Children Learn What They Live," copyrighted, 1972.
Always Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
"Children Learn What They Live"
"If a child lives with Criticism, he learns
to Condemn.
If a child lives with Hostility, he learns to Fight.
If a child lives with Ridicule, he learns to be Shy.
If a child lives with Shame, he learns to feel Guilty.
If a child lives with Tolerance, he learns to be Patient.
If a child lives with Encouragement, he learns to be Confident.
If a child lives with Praise, he learns to Appreciate.
If a child lives with Fairness, he learns Justice.
If a child lives with Security, he learns to have Faith.
If a child lives with Approval, he learns to Like Himself.
If a child lives with Acceptance and Friendship, he learns to find Love in the world."
Dorthory Law Nolte, Ph.D.
Tonie's comment on ageless poem
What I found interesting about this poem is that once I found it, I knew deep down inside of myself that no truer words could have been written and also as well, the middle name of this poet is the same as the last name of my dad's mother, a Danish born saintly being of a woman, who lived long into her ninety's. A woman I greatly admired and loved. My namesake as well.
I want to also add that even if one weren't given the virtues that D.L. Nolte expressed here...that still won't be an excuse when we return Home to God our Father.
It just means that one will receive more kudos for having realized that these good virtues were necessary to obtain.
Just my thoughts, take what you need and please leave the rest.
May 16, 10:59 A.M.email response to M.J.
Dear M.J:
What you write is exactly true, just like what I write is my truths...let's agree to disagree at times too, okay?
For to me that is what true sistership is all about and I am glad that you are a doing good as well and striving well in your continuing evolvement...myself as well, again; thanks for allowing me the chance to move into this realm of thinking outside of the box...and no the emails that I send others, don't have their true identity and are situations affecting the whole planet and not just the world of a few like you imagine...
Remember the Hundredth Monkey, story? What effects one effects all parts of the world...
I told you previously that you haven't read too much of my stuff...and I believe it is because we are too close, even though we are far away from each other...and that is perhaps why it is that you don't choose to see my writings as anything more than soap opera moments of others, shared to all...
Hopefully by now you will see by the newsletter that I practically dedicated to you soley...that the Hundred Monkey Effect, is the real McCoy and if not, again at least I tried to convince myself that it is...check the synchronisity of what it is that I assumed you were a feeling and see if I didn't get it right.
Yet who is right and who is wrong, shouldn't matter at this point...for we have a sister hood that goes before time and will always continue...unless of course, you saw not!
For it takes two to tangle and it is very hard to boogie alone, yet I have done that as well forever it seems...of course with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's help that is.
I am very happy that all is going great for you. I wish I could say that for all that I know and are experiencing really hard times in life...and for them, all I can do is pray for them and hold them along with you on my altar of prayers to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, like I do for you.
Always keep me in your prayers no matter how you might perceive I am a living my non life, and I will always do the same for you, even if you were to quit. For I love you all that much.
Love you girl, always anyways...for it is what it is.
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit
Response from M.J. May 16, 2009
ok Tone - - I accept your wishes to write to the masses instead of relating one on one. But that is what a relationship is - - relating - - and what God wants as well. He wants an individual relationship with us one on one.
Your newsletters are interesting, yes. Your correspondence with others that I am cc:d on seems more personal. I would not cc you on letters I write to others because you wouldn't know that person. So, I will continue to try to understand where you are and what you are doing and why.
Oh - - by the way, everything is going ok for me. I am so blessed to know I don't have a problem in the world and am just working on evolving like you.
Take Care
Love You
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