Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
May 17, 2009
Just hours old K.L.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone -Associate Editor
Dear All One Family:
When one lives in the land of la la...one can have the magical day I had. I thank God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for the gifts I received today.
I started the day by going to my brother and my own church. Turning Point.
That is when my day actually started as far as I am concerned.
The first miracle was when the church choir began to sing and we rocked the house together...Remember everything is about vibration and thus have an energy form...
When we join our Holy Spirit channel energy together and fill the church house with true and deep loving energy to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, we are in essence multiplying the biblical truth that all it takes is "2 or more persons a praying for the same wish" and we are actually a standing in a guaranteed position with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, Front and Center.
So just imagine how much Holy Spirit Energy that can only be brought in by the congregation, becomes magnified by all the congregation a wanting the same well wishes for all of their brethren, rather near or far?
Imagine the intensity and understand that each of us bring to every situation, our own Holy Spirit spiritual energy.
Turning Point Choral and Angel Dance Team...together, along with all our individual congregation Spiritual Energy filled with divine love and gratitude...causes me to empty the well of tears that I carry for others...and myself of course.
I love truly how I am allowed to drain most all of the reserve tanks of emotions stored within my subconscious and conscious memory cells...and then get filled back up by all those a wishing everyone the same goodness in return...
Music can either sooth or irritate...Turning Point fills the notes of soothing and calming, and most of the time, those moments in time are enough until I return again...drain and restrengthen...for a meager donation.
Also please, let me tell you about the people that don't care where you come from or what you have done, or who you think you are...they love you just the same.
Imagine being embraced by those who recognize the Christ in you as you recognize the Christ in them as well...
Knowing that even though they can't give you financial assistance, the love and caring that they hold for themselves, in God/Jesus and Holy Spirit essence, they also extent to you, freely and warmly.
The second miracle of the day, was our tithing time...For non stop, our minister of tithing always seems to know the right scripture to quote that confirms each week the need to always support our church, for to support our church, insures that our church will always be...
I plan on always a donating to this church, rather God moves from here or not...I get that much good stuff from it and I hope and pray that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit will always bless it and keep it a keeping on...for if it and the people (that doesn't exclude one single person there) could get me a believing that I could truly move past yesterday using this "faith the size of a mustard seed," premise...and thus helped me see that my "dreaming big stuff," isn't all that delusional...
Especially when those closest to me, told me it was. Perhaps now you will understand how I want this church to always go forth a paying forward to all that are lucky enough to discover its presence, and being able to find it always where it wants to be and God's will, needs to be.
So until I amass the Grace that will allow me to adequately donate to this church, I will just take joy in knowing that what little help I give it today, multiples itself and is returned to me Ten Fold, so that I can continually give back that which is gifted to from God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
The next miracle was the true story of our Pastor's wife's brother, as told by our pastor's wife before introducing her visiting brother...who fully recovered from a cancerous brain tumor that really should of killed him and if not that dramatic, the surgery should have left him paralysed.
It was least to say, quite a testimony of,"faith the size of a mustard seed and the power of prayer," "Seek and you will find, knock and it will be answered unto you."
Our pastor's wife, stated that the last prayer she made before her brother went into surgery was that the cancerous tumor that weaved in and out of his various brain structures and had been noted by the surgeons would take a lengthy period of time due to its complications, and such...Brenda asked that the tumor would just fall out simply and to the doctors amazement it did exactly that when the surgeons first touched it...like domino's fall when stacked just right...it did.
Four hours later...He was through with surgery and no paralysis or further complications...the brother that walked to the altar...was healthy, happy and had no speech problems or walking problems...one that looked like he just stepped out on happy land and am grateful to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for the experience.
The next miracle was another great sermon from our Pastor, who kept it short so that he could allow a visiting pastor from another area church, speak to us all today.
This was not a new thing for our Pastor to bring forth visiting pastors...so that didn't make this moment a miracle moment...what made it a miracle moment is the fact that this visiting pastor is the pastor that I send all of my married couples a having marital problems for like myself, he doesn't charge for his spiritual counseling...yet like my ministry and all ministries, he does ask for donations.
I had never met this visiting pastor before, I just know of his great work for Our Heavenly Father/Jesus and Holy Spirit. To see him in his mission for Our Lord, made me appreciate him even more...Yet he isn't our Pastor and my brother totally agrees with me.
For there is no one like our Pastor Stoney.
The vision that our visiting pastor did leave me a bit winded...for he talked the same as what I did to M.J., yesterday...those things about time a moving forward and definite changes abounding and the need for continual prayer and helping others...Israel and Pakistan and basically the same premise of what I spoke of in several newsletters...a staying in the Light, Love and Peace of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, for he too believed we are in End Times and how we resolve that can only be with "faith, trust and belief."
This visiting pastor also believe as I wrote a few weeks back, that the front line awakened Christian warriors are under attack...and he like our own pastor, can see it in our energies...
So thus the message of taking on the Mantle of Protection (Holy Spirit) was reverberated again by our visiting pastor.
The next miracle was my past student of vibration medicine that is so busy playing single parent to two sons, one already graduated and the other a getting ready to graduate and a working too many hours, a doing the work I first trained her in...and the fact that she sometimes goes to our first church service and thus miss me totally...was a sitting beside me when I opened my eyes after praying.
Zenya always seems to know when I need her presence the most...just knowing that if anyone tried to take me spiritually down...she would be there to help defend me, like in the past...was very comforting. Besides just knowing that she is alright and a making it in the world...without me a having to tract her down...gives me strength as well.
The next miracle of my hour and 1/2 in church...was when Pastor Stoney asked all that had special needs and wanted intercessory prayer to come forward to the altar...and being I had so many prayers a always being directed to me, I didn't feel obliged to go forward until I seen a elderly lady a waiting patiently up at the altar and I could tell that her Parkinson's Disease was a taking a toll on her frail and shaking statue...so I walked up to her to assist her in whatever manner, God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would have me offer.
About two minutes in a holding on to this family church member, Pastor Stoney came over to us both and as he prayed with my church sister and myself...I somehow got into the mix, when Pastor Stoney held both her and my hand together.
The power of three's...pretty powerful! What one does for another, gets done for them as well...Golden Rule, "do unto others, that which you would done unto you."
What a phenomenal hour and 1/2, wouldn't you agree?
The next miracle moment was a watching my oldest grand daughter perform in her band concert at our local high school...the pride and joy I felt just being a part of her young life a unfolding...and to know that her and her band are like a 5 band and a sixth is the highest rating band...just a knowing that she and her peers are all on the same page...helps this grand mother who knows the importance of team effort in all things...and is always a wishing that her children and grand children always find themselves amongst those that support their highest good and well being toward all of mankind achievements...
The next miracle moment was a finding myself sitting in front of the health nurse of the local hospital that I worked at for 7 years as a critical care technician, CNA 3.
At first I didn't recognize her, for many years had passed since the last time I had seen her and I remember to this day, the last time I saw her for she had a difficult time a looking me in the face and had told me that for many years she worried that I would somehow place a law suit against the hospital being the dose of medicine that she had been ordered to give me...to help inoculate me against Hepatitis B, was contaminated and made me quite ill...and just when the ER doctors were a wanting to completely drain all of my blood out of me and replace with new blood and different immunological agents...my blood started to do what it needed to do...
I remember telling Cookie then, that I wouldn't have come after her had my outcome not been all that successful, for she was only a doing what her job required of her...yet she knew like I knew then...that perhaps when I got older, I might then not fair that great...
So today she got a confirmation that I was doing alright still and quite ironically, her grand daughter and my grand daughter were in the same band group and were only sitting one row apart...
I hadn't seen this lady in years...and we meet again under this circumstance...mutually shared grand child concert...both our grand daughters in the top award winning group of ninth and tenth grader students...
I call it a miracle, because I know that all that harm another, rather intentionally or not...should at least offer apologies for not having known a better way or have the ability to change the circumstances...obviously, Cookie couldn't change the outcome...and my being able to offer her confirmation that I had indeed up to this point in time...at least am surviving and my grand children are proof that I had survived the ordeal...
The next miracle was the fact that I had never attended any doings at the high school auditorium where my former moon, stars and heaven had taught at for over 12 years...
The next miracle moment was the warm and fuzzy feeling that I had towards this band for the band and band leader that had been present during Desert Storm...played at the hospital that Cookie and I worked at, during a dedication to the Desert Storm troops/Family Support Group of which this grand daughter's daddy was serving...and I was on the planning committee along with Dr. Doris Bullard, M.D., my doc who helped bring the band's presence at our time of suffering...who would have ever guessed that 15-16 years later...
A beautiful future child of one of military soldiers would exactly honor the school with her magnificent presence...so many years later?
I know to many, that perhaps this is just too much information about nothing...yet remember to some one's nothing, this could be like mine, some pretty special miracle moments that one is a thanking God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for...Different strokes for different folks...
Enough for now...just reflecting on my marvelous Sunday. I do hope that yours was as grand and blessed as mine. I can't wait to see what miracles are in store for me tomottow.
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
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