Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Monday May 18, 2009
I have Just Became a Aunt For Another Time
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Celebrate! I have just became an aunt for an additional time. My 8 year younger than self sister, oldest son's wife just gave birth to their second child a little boy named Andrew Eugene.
8 lbs. 3 oz. A very not happy baby perhaps for various reasons.
Reason one: This little guy's mother had to have labor induced, chemically...and the nurse that appeared to be very tired, gave his mother a full dose with no interruptions and thus probably a very forced filled delivery, later process.
Of course I am not a doctor and don't know the full ramifications of such actions...especially on the baby just prior to forced delivery process. I know experts in the field can fill in the blanks.
Then to add insult to injury again, the same tired nurse; also infused antibiotics full forced into the delivering mom's veins...for the bag according to my nephew in a conversation with his mom concerning the noticed incident...emptied in a very short period of time.
All those chemicals on a new born baby prior to birth, I have to question is it a good or a bad thing? Perhaps Dr. Lisa from the Doctor's TV Show, could address what her thoughts are on the subject of Andrew Eugene.
Now all those in the field of out side of the box thinking on the impact of emotions on the whole planet, would state: Perhaps the baby's hesitstancey was due to the time spent in the womb and thus realize that the world isn't all that happy of a place right now, especially since dad maybe without a job soon and might have to move and don't quite know if mom is a wanting to follow...
Also perhaps, these same mind, body and spirit theologians who believe that a baby's birthing cycle plays a clue to later life perception problems, unless the baby is taken through a rebirthing cycle that isn't all that pain filled or later emotion laden...such as believing that all of life has to be pain filled because that was how they started their life journey...
These same persons would also have one believe that if a baby is in the womb and having to hear mommy down grading daddy in front of all others...this child will grow up to do the same to all those that he will ever love and love him back...
Kind of like, he will grow to hate himself for if mommy didn't hate daddy, she sure was a playing a good role that she did.
So these theologians would also have me state that on the same token, abuse given by the father to the mother in the same light that the mother was a giving it to the father, also came up with a dead and last zero.
Both parents have a responsibility to the children to be their very best own light to themselves and to the world.
Lead by example and put away yesterday, "for yesterday is gone and tomorrow hasn't gotten here yet..." Author, unknown.
I believe that total honesty and respect given by both parents, will replicate back to the children and as they grow and develop, they too will pass on the learning lesson of life, to all those they will ever touch and give life towards...
Sort of like, a teaching them how "to do unto to others, that which they would have done unto themselves." For as all know, that know what I know, This Golden Rule is probably the biggest rule we should never put down as being immaterial.
Of course!
Now if little Andrew Eugene does develop some physical problems later down the road due to the sleepy and tired nurse that wasn't awake enough to realize what she was a doing...remember family, you heard it first here...
I thus ask that when you pray, please ask that Andrew Eugene be blessed and sealed in God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's divine gift of protection and comfort and that it won't be long before Andrew can feel comforted, protected and secure...
I thus believe that the greatest gift that a parent can give their child is peace, comfort and joy. Yet first that parent has to find that place within themselves and the only way that I know that one can get there, is to have faith, trust and belief that all things are on purpose...even if it was only to show how tired a nurse can get having to work so many shifts back to back because staffing has been cut or something like that...
For just remember, those that are angry at someone else is in essence captured by the person you are a angry at...it really doesn't serve a single good purpose and only 60 seconds of anger can cause one's immune system to go on stand/by/asleep for 6 hours...now I don't know about you, with so many weird viruses a trying to get us...I can't take the pleasure of throwing all care to the wind...
Every person by now has heard that when one collapses and takes to their bed, it is natures way of getting us well...rest...nighty night, kind of thing...so I personally choose on purpose those times I want to allow anger to be present within myself...for anger as all must know by now, is a choice.
Just my thoughts a throwing themselves out there for all to gather...or not. I love you all...thanks for the prayers, blessings and well wishes...for they are worth more than money or gold could ever!
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
So remember my dear family members...one of the things that we must gather to ourselves is compassion for the world...look at other's world clearly so that we can see our own...
Just my thoughts dear ones...that is why I also captured from my associated Internet newspaper that Yahoo provides for me...the subject of happiness...I was going to dedicate it to another niece, yet decided that it would benefit this newsletter as well...
Because I don't know of anyone personally that could use these key advice tickets to happiness...I was just saddened that alternative medicine therapies such as Massage, Reiki, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Hydro Therapy treatments weren't included as well as a total ticket to wellness...yet that is tomorrow's direction that I am a heading towards...a making it all certifiable in a research wellness and Training University Center.
So please enjoy and know that I am happy, happy, happy, so many angels a coming onto the planet...to help us create the new transformation...treat them all with love, respect and honor, especially to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and from that good dose of Divinity Plan, beautiful, loving and creative children will develop.
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
Aunt Tonie
First Cadon, April 06, 2009 and now Andrew Eugene...To my nephew C.Y., and niece S.Y., and grandmother for the 7Th time...you sure do make beautiful babies...
5 Keys to Happiness
By Greg Soltis, LiveScience Staff
posted: 22 August 2008 10:16 am ET
Buzz up!
Comments (33) | Recommend (23)
If you're not happy and you know it read along.
You've watched "Seinfeld" re-runs, splurged on yourself and downed pints of Ben and Jerry's. Nothing's helping. Maybe you're one of the 20 million Americans diagnosed with depression, you're bottoming out or you just want something to improve your day.
Here are five ways — some admittedly challenging — to help you get that much-needed mood boost:
1. Pick good parents
In Happy Land, genes trump environmental factors, according to the experts. And a study in the March issue of the journal Psychological Science scores another point for the gene team: Differences in DNA that could explain why some people tend to have an extra bounce in their step might also underlie the tendency to be more emotionally stable and socially and physically active.
Genes do not provide free passes from the doldrums, and other external factors will still try to mow you down. But, heredity could provide some people with a horde of happiness that they can draw from when the good times aren’t rolling.
And Canadian researchers' ability to genetically stifle depression in mice in 2006 indicates that human happiness could one day be improved by manipulating genes. This was the first time science throttled the throes of any organism. Mice bred to be void of the gene, called TREK-1, acted as if they had been downing anti-depressants for at least three weeks.
2. Give it away
It only takes $5 spent on others to make you happier on a given day, according to a 2008 study. And selfless acts can also help your marriage become a more enjoyable experience for you and your spouse.
After performing good deeds, people are happier and feel their life has more purpose. But is the act selfless if you expect something in return? Maybe it just depends on how you look at it.
3. Ponder this
Think of a happy place. And you, too, like Happy Gilmore, might sink that putt and earn back your grandmother's house — or overcome your own hurdle.
Humans are more resilient than we think and can endure trying times, as demonstrated in a 2005 study that tracked mood changes in dialysis patients. They were in a good mood most of the time despite having their blood cleaned three times a week for at least three months. But healthy patients envisioned a miserable life when asked to imagine adhering to this demanding schedule.
As Winston Churchill said, "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
4. Work out
Consistently breaking a sweat, along with medication and counseling can help people battling depression by sapping lonely and vulnerable feelings.
Exercise improves one's state of mind in part by affecting the body's levels of two chemicals: cortisol and endorphins. The adrenal glands of angry or scared people produce cortisol. This increases blood pressure and blood sugar, weakens the immune response and can lead to organ inflammation and damage. But working out burns cortisol, restoring the body's normal levels.
Running, biking or using an aerobic exercise machine also causes the brain to release endorphins — the body's natural pain relievers — into the bloodstream. The body foregoes the negative side effects of drugs while still experiencing a natural high. To gain the most from your workout, make sure its intensity reflects your stress level. And challenge your body to continually adapt by varying the exercise’s length and intensity.
5. Live long
If you have the right genes and are selfless, optimistic and active but still find yourself down in the dumps, just give it some time.
A study of 2 million people from 80 nations released in January found that depression is most common among adults in their mid-40s. Among Americans, the worst of times hit women around age 40 and men about age 50.
But with age humans are more inclined to filter out the negatives while focusing on what they enjoy.
Americans in their golden years tend to see the glass as half full, despite their increased doctor visits and chemo treatments. After battling cancer, heart disease, diabetes or other health-related obstacles, 500 independent Americans from age 60 to 98 rated their own degree of successful aging as 8.4 on average, with 10 being the highest in a 2005 study.
Happiness, it seems, takes time.
• Spirituality and Religion Make Young Americans Happy
• Boomers Miserable, Seniors Happiest
• How Birth Control Brings Us Down
This too was added:
Comment from one subscriber…”Golden Times”
Actually, and for a complete opposing view (in regards to the "genes trumping the envrionment") , one that is inspiring in itself, check out Dr Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist which has advanced cellular science, and his book "The Biology of Belief". Briefly, he has discovered that the idea of our genes controlling and guiding our health and fate is an illusion.
Cellular biologists now recognize that the environment -the external world and our internal physiology - and more importantly, our PERCEPTION of the environment, directly control the activity of our genes; How we percieve the world is more important that anything else, and our ability to change our perception, change our mind, is something we all can do to change our world for the better.
Attitude is Everything!!!
www.brucelipton.com check out his book -not much reading on the site, but the book is great!!!
Here’s something else that he wrote for Jen 1971
To Jen1971: Why won't you trying to be optomistic work? Cause your mind is already made up ("it probably won't work"). Our attitude is what governs what we feel and what we experience, as lamaeas, above, stated so rightly, and as Dr Brucel lipton has realized, biologically, from his studies: www.brucelipton.com. The more we learn about how are brain & body works, the better we can run our own ship.
A brief & simple overview of how our attitude controls or body: Our attitude, our perception, is ultimately what governs all cells in our body; our perceptions are the orders that the cell recieves via molecules and electrical signals (this is initiated from our thinking and starts with the brain firing from our choice of thoughts). The orders then move to the nucleus to find the appropriate DNA. The appropiate DNA is then transformed into a molecule which then makes it's way out of the nucleus and to the rest of the cell. The cell now has the appropriate "Blueprints" or "Plans" which it then uses to change itself according to our direction (if angry or same 'ol same 'ol are the directions, then the cell is not going to rejuvinate itself but is going to stay in a status quo; if happy or something new and exciting are the directions, then the cell is going to repair itself and change accordingly).
Quite a cool process if you ask me!
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