Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
May 21, 2009
What Direction Is Up and What Is Down? What Is Hot and What Is Not!Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Today I decided to post the my letter response that President Obama originally sent me concerning my thoughts on Health Care Reform. Now once again I ask you, when ever in all the presidential terms of all of our presidents, has one ever had the opportunity to receive a letter from our president a wanting our response?
Just a throwing it all out there...all can respond any way they choose to respond...call it a good thing or call it a bad thing...I am calling it a good thing...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
May 20, 2009
Dear President Obama, First Lady: And All One Family:
I do stand with our president and state that we most definitely need health care reform...
First of I am just one of those Americans who has no health insurance and probably couldn't get health insurance due to two car accidents within a 1 year and 1/2 of each other and even though the first car wreck paid me $2500 to have a good time on, my second car wreck paid me $7K and the medical and alternative health care costs came to over $13K...both accidents were not my fault...
So now a long story short, I sit with already existing conditions...
I am also one of those persons that believe that preventative health care along side chronic maintenance care is lots better than just medical health care practices that most insurance companies are a supporting...
Versus alternative health care practices that are lower costing and less physically damaging and much more longevity life sustaining...
So by my having a health care provider, perhaps were I able to afford it;
Would not be as practical as a policy that included medical health care and prescription costs, as well as dental...along with alternative health care coverage for Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Naturalopathic Physicians...
Medical Massage and gym exercise memberships at a reduced rate for insurance coverage members...you know stuff like that...
Just dreaming big is what I am a doing!
By the way Mr. President, I have also noticed that many that carry different forms of health care programs are forced to see doctors that are not their own and sometimes gets lost in the system as they wait for the insurance companies to approve cancer treatment and such...
That is how far we are a going off the mark...Sir!
Free choice is no longer served up to the people...the insurance companies serve up who they can see or not...not right in my books, yet I could be wrong.
Another thing that I am a seeing Mr. President is persons unable to pay for their remaining prescription bills are self reducing or extracting meds that drs. tell them they must be a taking...that isn't a good thing as well...
Another thing that I am a seeing from persons without health care, they are a waiting too long in which to seek care due to the fear of being bankrupt from the journey of treatment...
Fear causes us to do lots of silly stuff as you are aware of...I am sure.
The next thing that I love about your health care reform is that numerous federal grants are being offered up in the alternative and complementary medical health care world...and that is a good thing...although many insurance companies are aware of all of the studies of old about these ancient sciences, long ago forgotten since Dow, Merck and other drug companies became Vogue in our high tech, industrial world of yesterday...
Our new world is now one of peace keeping, mopping up the sludge and a returning back to basics...
I applaud all of your efforts Mr. President...please see my web site blog...
Spiritual Ministries Vibrational Medicine Newsletters at www.onlinetoniewallace.com, you will find many postings out of my 150 plus newsletters that mention your race and my thoughts about the phenomenal job you are a doing...
I thank God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for you and all that you are a doing for our country...Your wife is the perfect complement for you...I thank God as well for her...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. D.Tonie C. Wallace
Letter From President Barack Obama
May 20, 2009
tonie --
The chance to finally reform our nation's health care system is here. While Congress moves rapidly to produce a detailed plan, I have made it clear that real reform must uphold three core principles -- it must reduce costs, guarantee choice, and ensure quality care for every American.
As we know, challenging the status quo will not be easy. Its defenders will claim our goals are too big, that we should once again settle for half measures and empty talk. Left unanswered, these voices of doubt might yet again derail the comprehensive reform we so badly need. That's where you come in.
When our opponents spread fear and confusion about the changes we seek, your support for these core principles will show clarity and resolve. When the lobbyists for the status quo tell Congress to hold back, your personal story will give them the courage to press forward.
Join my call: Ask Congress to pass real health care reform in 2009.
After adding your name, please consider sharing your personal story about the importance of health care reform in your life and the lives of those you love.
I will be personally reviewing many of these signatures and stories. If you speak up now, your voice will make a difference.
American families are watching their premiums rise four times faster than their wages. Spiraling health care costs are shackling America's businesses, curtailing job growth and slowing the economy at the worst possible time. This has got to change.
I know personal stories can drive that change, because I know how my mother's experience continues to drive me. She passed away from ovarian cancer a little over a decade ago. And in the last weeks of her life, when she was coming to grips with her own mortality and showing extraordinary courage just to get through each day, she was spending too much time worrying about whether her health insurance would cover her bills. She deserved better. Every American deserves better. And that's why I will not rest until the dream of health care reform is finally achieved in the United States of America.
Please add your name to join my call. Then share your personal story about why you too will not rest until this job is done.
Last November, the American people sent Washington a clear mandate for change. But when the polls close, the true work of citizenship begins. That's what Organizing for America is all about. Now, in these crucial moments, your voice once again has extraordinary power. I'm counting on you to use it.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
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