Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
When Trust Becomes Broken, Jealousy and Insecurity Always FollowsRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I felt it necessary to cover my thoughts on jealousy. I have wrote these words before a few times, yet I feel it is important that I recover that ground, just in case I missed something about it...the previous time.
How I am able to retrieve that stored data is by saying, Dear Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ and Precious Holy Spirit, I ask that you allow me to travel back to the day that memory holds and allow me to act as a observer to the event...unfolding before me.
I believe what I wrote before was this: Jealousy was something that was taught to me by an very insecure mother who never could trust anyone for sure...Especially men and your best girl friend...
I believe I wrote before that my youngest son saw a shrink and he told him that it was all my fault for having taught him how to be jealous...for every relationship that he ever had, fell apart due to his level of jealousy and insecurity...as he knew he drew them away because of his weakness...
I told him that I took offense to what he was offering up for I didn't blame him for a thing, and he had given me lots of things that he wanted to hold the blame towards me...and because I knew then that whatever my mother taught is how I learned to see the world as well.
My mother, 1/2 me, my dad, 1/2 me...kind of thing.
So after mopping my broken heart about what my son had to say to me. I called my mom and told her what my baby son in his mid twenties had told me, that basically he was a snap head due to my child rearing skills...and that I taught him how to be jealous...
Instead of hearing how insensitive my youngest son was a acting out because of the Hillbilly I chose to make his father...
I heard, darn right I taught jealousy and distrust...for there is where smart girls live...and true to form...I accepted that perhaps I did teach this parenting flaw and I called my son and told him what his grand mother had to say...For my mom stated that in her life she had seen too many times that the total trusting wife was the last one to know all things...and when I asked her if she had done things differently would she still choose to teach distrust the next time around and she said absolutely she would do it again and again and again...trust is something that a smart person doesn't do.
So I apologized to my toxic background raised youngest son...and told him that trust can be found, yet understand that when it is broken, trust takes a lot longer to get back...sometimes it is never rediscovered for not all persons as you know can snap back and forgive on a dime like dear ole mom...
I also told him that even though distrust was taught me a growing up, that I couldn't have been so bad for I allowed your dad one large mistake and found him guilty of a second and I knew right then that it was time to bail for we were never going to get trust back at the rate he was a dishing distrust out at me...
I also reminded him that his step father and I didn't have a problem with distrust until we reunited after each and every split up and go back rounds...so even though he might have thought us was the one to blame...all he had to notice after a 13 year marriage, who had the distrust issues, first? It was not me...So I would have to believe that the one leaving the other isn't the one that is the jealous one, only the surrender er...
Anyways, that is my story and I am a sticking to it...
The level of jealousy that I found in the T.M.P. Case that would cause such devastation to a family blown apart by a system that bought into the step mother's calculated master plan...is the same kind of devastation that I have seen with others that love might be a leaving them...for I believe that there are more kinds of contract killings, that sometimes only hurt the psyche of another...yet all don't know how many moments in time this adopted daughter held when she felt like hope was a leaving her...
And all I could give her was: Lean on God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and speak into the mountain that seems to want to take your life, that it has no power over you for you are a child of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and you can cast out anything that isn't real and of God!
So there is where this child took herself...directly into the waiting arms of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...and because of that,she has enough hope to keep on keeping on for now she sees the light at the end of the tunnel...too cool of a story wouldn't you agree?
I don't know how things will end for the step mother...I just know that there is no way in God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would she ever want the father back for she has a husband already and he is the one that she still loves deeply and dearly and long for his return...she knew he was innocent all a long even though the state intimidated her with all kinds of things to get her to say that he was indeed guilty and she never would...for she knew the truth and I guessed it long ago as well...
Enough for now...
All Have a Very Blessed Day
Love, Light and Peace
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