Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Why Is There So Much Fear?
June 13, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Thank you for all of the comments that I received from my last posting. All I can say is, wow! It is really unbelievable how Oprah's shows stimulate one to think deep thoughts.
All that know me, know how important I feel that is that we all move towards this important place within our body, spirit and mind.
Some of the comments that I received were in my estimation, highly judgmental and critical...yet all that I can offer you at this time is what I call memory flash backs from a old movie that described in large detail what was to be the future of our country and world...looking at it in a police state methodology...
I remember back to the time that I first saw it being played on my television and I remember saying, "Dear Heavenly Father, Jesus and precious Holy Spirit, I pray that if this is to be mankind's future, please allow me to be called Home to You."
I truthfully believe that we can learn how to live together with each other without having to have the government control our every movement.
I did not write those comments of mine as a way to allow the sexual perps free access to our babies...for I was one of those babes, yet I was allowed to live because I was simply too young to remember the horrors afflicted upon myself.
It took almost thirty years to remember the details...and then I didn't get the face of the actual perp, and perhaps that is alright as well.
For I already have enough emotional baggage that I thought had been released, yet still floats from time to time through my dream time, creating sometimes a very nightmarish moment or two.
All I can say is this on the subject of giving our government more controls on our behavior, instead of concentrating on those most afflicted by our government's failing economy; pretty soon, we all will be more closely watched...
I personally say, bring it on...for I have nothing to hide, yet I still resent having every movement that I make, being monitored and really don't understand how the celebrities can a handle the press that never allows them privacy.
For I am a very private person and really could live in a cave were it not for the bats, snakes, spiders and other woodland creatures that walk, fly and such...
Perhaps you are a wondering why someone that states that she is a private person type would be so open about her personal life?
Just allow me to state this factor, in my last posting newsletter I wrote as if I were a talking to Oprah herself. I didn't do this because I was a losing it, I have written Oprah and gave her my newsletter address and if she isn't a reading these newsletters herself, than perhaps her staff is...moving on the premise that what it is that I am a wanting is being manifested.
Perhaps that is the dreamer in me, perhaps not. Time will be the largest proof of what it is that I am addressing and seeing sometimes all at the same time...
Many of my returning vibrational medicine students have told me that lots of that which I taught them, is coming round today as medical facts.
I don't know about the rest of the world of teachers of all walks of our land...when those special moments happen to me, I feel confirmed moments in time and that keeps me encouraged to keep a shooting off my thoughts to all those that matter in my world at the moment and all reading this at this moment, please understand that you all matter to me or why else would I be a taking the time to express the matters of my heart, mind and soul?
Please allow me to walk you through the movie of old that never left me...
I don't even remember the name of the movie for its contents were enough to stay rooted in my memory cells.
It was a time frame of the future. In that movie;
We all were under a police state government. We had micro chips in our bodies that could read each minute detail of who, what and where we were placed by the government.
There were two types of scans that could read the micro chips and all needed to be scanned to purchase food, and to work, plus we could all be scanned at any given point in time. (types of scans, body scan and eye scan)
Those that didn't carry the chip, were deemed outsiders and were either extracted from the planet or forced to take on the chip.
We also had two types of survival masses, those that complied and those that didn't were the slum dwellers or underground crowd.
We were basically a peace filled land because we were totally controlled by the system and the only out breaks we had from time to time, were those who resisted this controlled government.
Even our thoughts could be monitored in this system of ruler ship...
That is why when ever I hear of our government a wanting to do this or that and I don't agree; I write my opinions to my legislators, senators and congressmen and because we have a president who believes that forming thoughts together as a nation is better than him just a dreaming it up himself, and has provided us with a website to express our thoughts is such a great gift to our land and world.
For just like it takes a community to help raise a child, it takes our world a working together to bring about such a result.
So please don't judge me by my words...my intention is still very good, I just want all to understand that when they want government to call the shots on all things, understand that sometimes that results in a throwing the baby out with the bath water...for we all are not a "one size fits all category/labeling."
Each one of us have special talents and attributes and equal missions of serving one another and attempting to make this land our very best effort...of returning it back to Our Heavenly Father, of which, He sent us all here.
I thus believe that each one of us were supposed to be peaceful warriors of His army and thus be the example of goodness instead of self-centered selfish ones.
In fact that is exactly what has made this planet so off balance and rocky, windy and rolling...
Our eyes have left His side for now many are under the assumption that He lives no more and thus are kind of a playing out our own go round...
To those that believe that the harming and doing injury to others outside the realm of protection such as all of our troops of all military branches, governmental and such...I believe will come to a highly karmic level of reciprocal action...for that which goes around, comes back around... My prime example taken from The Bible...aka...B-Basic, I-Instructions, B-Before, L-leaving, E-earth...enough said? Want more? The Golden Rule - "Do unto others that which you would have done unto you."
Were I to jump into the movie that I above mentioned...when it came to our prison system of the future...gone are TVs, three squares a day, and a return to the salt mine factories of our land...placed in areas where mankind no longer could survive so it became one of those cast off places, with poor weather conditions, thus a rebuilding of it was too fruitless because too much damage had been done to its water, air and now not even the sun can shine upon its land...
So to all those that can illusion as well as myself, understand that I am only a looking out for the future coconut heads that just can't get it right and somehow believe today that the world is all about themselves...it really isn't...please wake up from your slumber before the day leaves your side forever.
To all those that I have offended with this form of mind illusion building dangling participrocals...I only speak these thoughts because I care, and not the only way around...yet when I hear stories of Medicare funding being cut for all the land of California...I get weak in my knees...and when I hear about police officers jobs perhaps in jeopardy...with rising crime/violence factors such as is seen in times of great hardships upon any land...
So when it comes to my vote upon placing funding towards an area of our land that is in trouble...and looking at the whole picture that I have laid out...teachers, police officers, fire men, social workers, Medicaid, Medicare, social security...Art, Music, libraries and on and on...
Besides what is wrong with asking God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to keep a watch on your loved ones and ask them to do the same?
Is not that which is meant by: "Having faith-trust-belief " the size of a mustard seed and one can move mountains in their world?"
The other day I felt a bit amiss ed when I heard the latest stats of where faith in our country has hit.
I therefore have to apologize for my incorrect assumption. Somewhere I had heard that 87% of our country believed in God.
I was just informed that it is now 83%. Holy moo cow! Some just went back to sleep!
Now do you understand my need for a cave at times?
One assumption after all that I have written to date...175 editions worth...is the reason that sentient awakened beings such as myself, are experiencing more fear energy...so to all those that these words touch a special note within you...you were not a dreaming it and are not another crazy being.
I personally have taken several of Dr. Weed's herbal extracts for neurological and emotional imbalances...and it is working along with Steve G. Jones subliminal tapes on depression, positive attitudes, abundance, grief...which are the tapes that seem to fill just about each one of my research persons profile that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit lead me to play for them and myself as a protection barrier...along with my sage incense.
My sage Incense is so important for me to burn that I have chosen to allow research clients to pass by me that felt that any type of smokey residual was harmful to them...for without the sage, I have told them that I no workee...
Telling them all generally that; "even though your energies are comfortable to you because that is all you have ever experienced to be true, to me; these types of Type A energies, sometimes fall down upon the unsuspecting energies of my family and friends that visit or stay with me...and trust me...some of the energies left behind at my house can become rather disruptive to my own personal world and that is too high of a price for me to pay for you supporting my research project.
Hard to imagine isn't it? Here I need financial funding so bad, yet I have started to limit those who can or can not enter...yep folks, we are a moving through some pretty hard times in our land, so please remember this as well, I heard a long long time ago that there wasn't anything called fiction, for if mankind can dream it, he/she can create it, the cartoon show of my youth called, "The Jetson's" was the key indicator of that futuristic philosopher's thinking process. He used as an example, all the high tech stuff contained in it: vitamins as whole food sources, phone visuals (Skype), flying autos and such...
According to the Mayan Calendar written eons ago...we should have already moved into solar powered autos...the reason it was stated that we hadn't gotten there was simply due to greed...whose greed owns it?
That isn't for me to judge...for the only judgements that I had better stay focused on, is my own actions and not those so asleep that they can't wake up and smell the coffee a brewing...
Please take what you need and do please leave the rest, for I don't believe I am asleep...yet I might be and this isn't at all a happening...and I am just a dreaming it...hahahehehe.
Please Feel Blessed, For We All Are
You Know?
Love, Light and Peace
"To Thine Own Self, Be True"
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