Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Walking Through DisneyLand Part Five-Open Letter To Angeline-Jada StoneRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Before I turn this posting writing over to Jada, I wanted to post the latest news release I had gotten on the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., murder story. This one is quite unusual because it is the murdering mad man's son that gave his accounting of his dad's actions to the press.
In case you missed it on your Internet Yahoo Associated News release...
All that I can say about the story is this...what an impressive story...and yes the saying in the Bible, "the sins of the parents will fall down upon the children for six generations," isn't always the case, for this murdering father's son, has broken the cycle and curse of what his father believeth...being ignorant instead to the son...great story! I give it a ten thousand rating!
BE Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
US museum shooter son slams father's 'cowardice'
2 hrs 59 mins ago
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The son of white supremacist James von Brunn, who shot a guard at the entrance of Washington's Holocaust museum this week, slammed the "cowardice" of his father's actions on Friday.
"My father's actions are unforgivable," Erik von Brunn, 32, said in a statement to ABC News. "I do not expect, nor will I accept forgiveness for what he has done," he said.
Erik's 88-year-old father reached the entrance of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in the US capital on Wednesday, raised a .22 caliber rifle and fatally shot African-American museum guard Stephen Tyrone Johns, 39, in the chest.
Security guards returned fire, shot von Brunn and prevented him from entering.
Von Brunn will face murder charges for the crime, officials have said.
"I cannot express enough how deeply sorry I am it was Mr Johns, and not my father who lost their life," the shooter's Florida-based son said.
Erik von Brunn said his father's hatred for racial minorities and Jews destroyed his family, and resulted in the divorce between him and Erik's mother.
"My father's beliefs have been a constant source of verbal and mental abuse my family has had to suffer with for many years," he wrote in the statement.
"His views consumed him, and in doing so, not only destroyed his life, but destroyed our family and ruined our lives as well.
"Now, it is not only my families lives that are in shambles, but those who were directly affected by his actions; especially the family of Mr Johns, who bravely sacrificed his life to stop my father."
If convicted, James von Brunn faces life in prison without parole and could face the death penalty.
A search of the shooter's car left in the street outside the museum Wednesday turned up a notebook of handwritten anti-Semitic rants denouncing President Barack Obama as a Jewish puppet.
"The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews. Obama does what his Jew owners tell him to do," said one of the notes, which was signed James W. Von Brunn, according to an FBI affidavit.
Erik von Brunn had blunt words for racists and anti-semites who idolize his father's actions.
"For the extremists who believe my father is a hero: it is imperative you understand what he did was an act of cowardice," he said.
"To physically force your beliefs onto others with violence is not brave, but bullying. Doing so only serves to prove how weak those beliefs are. It is simply desperation, reminiscent of a temper tantrum when a child cannot get his way."
Jada Stone Letter To Lovely Former Daughter, Mother of her youngest grand-daughter:
Dear Angeline:
I hear the promptings in your heart and want to reach out, yet now that right now you and my son are at the turning point of what relationship type you will be a holding onto as you both watch your children together grow up.
I know the love that you hold for my son is unconditional and that it is the reason that you just can't seem to make a total break from it, yet at times, leaving is always easier than remaining...
Than the morning arrives and you are right back at a wanting the medicine of life that isn't all that good for you to take...can I get an Amen sister?!
When we talked the other day you told me upon hearing my voice, "how do you always know when something is up?"
Do you recall what I said? I said, God/Jesus and Holy Spirit lead me to make this call so that I could confirm what it was that I was a sensing that wasn't feeling all that hot."
Something like you praying for clarity and my praying for clarity, a coming into presence moment...
I also told you that sometimes I am a wanting to call and I am told to let things kind of simmer a bit before a doing it...
When I heard all that went down...I told you this: "I want to thank you for being there for my son. The way that you showed me that you cared about him, was seen in your action of explaining all of the things that he could have done, versus what he had done...
You cared enough to give him your very best...yet so men would call that bitching...I say, those men that would say that are purely victims...and sometimes ones angelic wing flaps aren't strong enough to hold both you and your unconditional loved one together...
I totally understand the need to have someone in your life that doesn't call you such ugly names when in reality he is merely seeing himself in your eyes and that isn't always a good sign, you know?
For that which he offends, comes backs and offends him...not pretty of a cat and mouse game is it?
So thank you for not treating him as he is was a trying to treat you.
Truthfully, any behavior rather disgusting or not is a cry for help...yet like you and I have already discussed, until Brad decides to put down his own self created low self esteem behavior...it won't happen.
Yet like I told you, please never give up on him for even if he by chasing his own tail, lands up with the wrong one...will one day I believe awaken and discover what is real and perhaps it might be too late, for I know that you crave as any normal human sentient being, the attentions of someone that really and truly loves, cares, understands, trusts, speaks and hear you...
I can only pray that he will awaken before it is too late...for as I wrote a few newsletters before, you are wonderful and beautiful just the way that you are...you aren't perfect, yet no one is, especially me...for if I were perfect, would I receive such abuse? Not playing the victim, only explaining, not complaining...hahahehehe...
For were I perfect, would not I create an out of the box situation each and every time...before I got pinned in by the straight box thinkers?
Think about it...I do, then I hear, "if all of your life you held no obstacles to overcome, would you be able to explain it to others, how to get out of their own way"?
I am also dear one, grateful that you didn't allow your unconditional love for my son to interfere in the lessons he was to gather from his latest episode the other day...for I and his Auntie, felt completely happy that you didn't cover up for his lie...for the one he used is one that her and I explicitly never use...the health of our family or friends and our vehicles a breaking down...
Because we know like yourself, that what you imagine, you manifest...as intelligent as my son is...I find it hard that he used such a lame one to begin with and as intelligent as he is...were one to cover for his absence from work, shouldn't the cover er, be brought into the alibi picture?
I can only state this...he must have had one of those unable to sleep nights again and was pretty sleepy when the boss man...called.
Yet for him to find your name and child in the front of his awakening moments...says lots as well...so even though he is far away, he is still very close...
Just thought I would drop those words off to you. I am not trying to make a big deal out of the last known episode...I can only pray that you both find each other before you both turn to others...just simply because I know that you both have traveled many miles together and do have wonderful memories of those times...and as you stated before, it isn't fair that you had to help him become the person you needed and the world needed him to become, just to lose him again, to another chase the tail moment...
I still remain a very thank filled person for the grand daughter and step grand daughters you have given me...stay hope filled and at peace dear one...all is never lost, and if it seems to be that way at times...it is only temporary..."for God never closes a door without opening a window." Author unknown.
Our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us and for those that stay within communication with Him/Jesus and Holy Spirit, all things just seem to always work out fine.
More later...
Love you always, dear one!
To all Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Jada Stone
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