Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
July 13, 2009
I Found The Love Moment That Broke My Heart
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
When God/Jesus and Holy Spirit revealed to me tonight what my adopted daughter was a thinking when she chose to not allow her daughter to tell her and everyone else in the court room that her step daddy raped her and that her mommy knew about it...for that is what her attorney told her would happen if she didn't take the plea bargain for neglect and I told her, we have him for entrapment simply due to the questions I forcibly had to ask him when he was a pretending to not hear me asking for some answers...
My adopted daughter's attorney who the night before was given several copies of the emails that I had sent to Dr. Phil and Robin's website...yet when he sat down right next to me, for that was the seat I especially chose to sit near for this was the first time I had been taken into counsel with her attorney after he got his blood, sweat and tons of tears out of the poor damaged child that all ganged up on...and made her accept a plea bargain that took her husband away from her for good...all because of a small tare of her daughter's hymen being evidence enough that her husband could have touched her with a finger...as she originally stated when this nightmare started...
For this poor damaged child of mine has been tortured mentally and emotionally by a system that refused to hear her not at all, for too many calls to social service were put on her in the past, by those not accepting how she lived...for she had to work; for her dad's family kept telling him how silly he was to keep on a helping his daughter out for she made her bed and now she just needed to lie in it alone and throw that no good using her for her daddy's Mexican out and all in the family would accept her again.
At least she got her dad to understand that the trailer that she lived in prior to this unending nightmare, she paid for with her inheritance money from her mother's passing...so him threatening me to that he will take it back from me if I didn't throw my husband out, I told him that he had better remember that just because it is in his name, doesn't mean I didn't buy it...it just means that he won't release it back over to me even though he knew he was a doing me wrong...he kept up the threats and nasty accusations about me and how I was a spending all of my money, never fully understanding that the little money that I made per hour, forced me to work extra hours so yes it seemed like all I was a doing was a working...so I should have in his estimation thousands in the bank, were I not a sending it to Mexico and my husband's small income father and mother and family...
Even though the family of her dad told her that they would allow her back around them, were she to throw her illegal Mexican husband out of dad's place that she was living in rent free, like usual...
What the same family members didn't add to that equation, "yet we will never forgive you for being such a dirty nasty little girl and sleeping with Mexicans, that is just too nasty to imagine!"...even if it was only one that she settled with at a time, she in the imagination of her dad and family members, was a taking on the whole nation of them...
And to this day I bet that there isn't a one of her dad's family member except my former, his brother that couldn't tell you things back when she was a little girl that she had done and still the family carried against her as a sign of her lack of worth and value...for that is what happens when one is raised in a family that can't forgive...no matter the age she was when it occurred and the many moons that have passed since...she is a black sheep until she dies...
I believe that she dated one other Mexican other than the one she married...and she dated the one that she didn't marry, only for a short while, for she could tell early in the game that he was nothing like her husband who came into her life a short time later in her life and now because of her and being married to her and becoming her children's step dad, he has been sitting in jail...since December.
A man a waiting to see how an American court treats one that didn't do anything and wanted a lie detector test from the beginning and was told that they were inadmissible...in court anyways...of which he said, "I just want to prove to my wife that I am not lying...for I don't want her to go away, only if they make her do so and then one day when the kids are grown and she is free to travel to my homeland of which I will probably more and lucky be...our life will maybe begin again...
When my adopted daughter told me of the plea bargain she accepted, she told me that it was just kind of a technicality that they demanded she take as a way of proving her love for her kids...accepting that while the alleged event had supposedly gone on of which they told her that they had enough evidence to convict her husband with...and by her being at work when it happened, that meant she was negligent for she left daughter in the company of her daughter's step father.
I know that I wrote this part before, yet it still makes my skin crawl and I just don't know...for number one they hadn't proved that it did occur...number two where is the photos that would prove that a small tare in a 11 year old cherry...is concrete proof that this child had never been raped up until the point that the pictures was taken...back in September...with the offense supposedly a happening somewhere from May to August...I believe...
A good caring expert medical examiner...could easily tell from the missing photos that is somewhere out there where the truth lies, because my adopted daughter was present in the room when the photo's and examinations were done on her child and the results the doctor discovered were given her in person with her daughter right beside her a holding her hand ...and that was no rape, small tare in the child's hymen and for those that don't know what a hymen is, it is that which is known street wise as the child's cherry...
A child now stating 2-3 rape events with step dad and perhaps a couple with mom's previous other illegal Mexico boyfriend...
Yet in Juvenile court, my adopted daughter's husband is being convicted for the small tare in his step daughter's cherry and that is the evidence that they are a holding against him, which her daughter stated the fall on her brother's bicycle straight bar about three years prior, had produced a spot of blood which was found in her daughter's panties by her dad's then live in girlfriend who was doing some wash and she told my adopted daughter's grandmother, my adopted mother, who called me and told me about it, for she instantly knew that the dirty Mexican husband had done it to her grand daughter and she was on the rampage...
So when my adopted daughter asked her daughter about hurting herself down there, her daughter told her that she had fallen over on the bar of her brother's bicycle...so to keep the grandmother off of her grown weary of all of the crap of her grandmother a always on her back, with different accusations and such, my adopted daughter took her little girl to the ER to have her checked out and the doctor said she was fine and had noticed a little blood down there, yet not much other than that for she was about eight years old then...
When my adopted daughter tried to obtain the record, the doctor and staff didn't make any notation of why the visit was necessary, yet I remember it well, for I was the one called by her grandmother after she called her oldest daughter into it...I was called so that she could tell me, I told you so...for didn't I tell you it would happen? All them nasty Mexican people are the same!
Without proof of the findings then or adequate reason of visit stated on record...there is no proof of damage a happening to her three years ago...and of course this is the only angle at this point that this kangaroo court had to use and chose to pursue...interesting isn't it? Proof of touching, I believe it carries a 4 -5 year prison sentence...yet a tampon on a 11 year old could take out ones total hymen...
Then something else jumped out in my mind eye's imagining...what if, the evidence isn't presented because that would mean clear cut that the child was a lying and perhaps my adopted daughter knew that when the child took the stand and lied about her step daddy a raping her...her court appointed attorney, by having proof that there was no rape with the missing photo's finally a making their appearances, or he could have said "I object, there is no proof of rape," and then he could mention the missing photos that would prove that rape hadn't occurred...and as well, how the funds were found for the expert medical examiner, and when the pictures were turned over that will substantiate the claim that no rape had occurred...
So he could have had my adopted daughter's daughter's testimony postponed until the photo evidence was finally produced...
He also could have taken the CME report and taken it all apart showing the discrepencies in it with my adopted daughter's daughter's story that kept changing even now still and that of the step mother who basically turned into quite a story teller herself...
He then could have gone to the CME report that stated that this little girl's daddy stated to the forensic examiner that his daughter is a habitual liar and lies all of the time...and the mother has been without her children all of this time for she believes her husband is innocent for one a few occasions her daughter had told lies that were untrue and were she able to talk to her daughter one more time and ask her if she is a telling a lie or not...she would get the answer the court system would need..
The surprizing twist to Tuesday court hearing was the part about my adopted daughter a going to her court appointed attorney for her husband; on the same eve that my adopted daughter's husband court appointed attorney tells all involved in her client's wife's case a mistruth that turns this case into an even more dangerous lose ones children route...and this is the attorney a representing her husband...my goodness, were she to keep this attorney, for her husband...it would be over twenty years at least before she would ever see him again, and that would be a definite meet you in Mexico adventure...
Yet were there to be the medical examiner called in like told my adopted daughter to review the photos and see if they see the same thing as on the medical report sent DSSI...with no pictures attached even though it stated as such...at this point I am so confused as to who the real attorneys are and whose side are they really on?
To me plea bargain on neglect means that it will be even longer before she is able to get her kids back and perhaps custody...for negligent means, unable to care for them properly...and being all the hoops, dips and tail spins she has been ordered to perform...she did and each one was told her was needed in order to get her kids back and here it is almost a year later...and the best she got was her son that auntie has temporary custody...for a month at least until the next court date...
If it turns out that what the pictures reveal were that of a child with a small tare in her hymen that would mean that the child was a lying from the start and the court would throw her in a detention center like they had earlier promised when this all first began...for they had warned her of telling lies that weren't true and if discovered, it wasn't true...goodbye until you are 18 years old.
On the eve before the court date my adopted daughter was given hope by her husband's attorney, yet when court began the next day... It was made relevant the statements that were made by my adopted daughter to her husband attorney showed concrete proof that her client's wife was a still seeing her husband and the attorney believed that his wife never really believed in her husband's innocence for she said something like that she would ask him to consider taking the lighter plea bargain sentence, which meant to my daughter's husband's attorney, admittal of husband's guilt...
I wonder in the telling the prosecution team proof positive that the wife knew something about her husbands guilt I wonder as well did the attorney also tell that she had told her court appointed client's wife that along with the possibility of a guilty charge a coming more than not likely, and that she also told her that she recommended the plea bargain deal for the evidence against her husband was great and that being all the county's illegals trials that she had ever seen especially all the cases that went to jury trial that were like her husband's kind that had an interpreter; were never to be found not guilty...and if that happened to her husband, of which she could almost guarantee it would, he would then get twenty years instead of the 157 months as stated in the guilty plea bargain the DA was a offering him to accept so as to bring this long trial to an end...
Something like I have this stick of dynamite, what do you want this one stick or two?
You choose...
I don't know if any that are a reading this know that my dream once my parents moved us kids away from an area that were prejudice to the kind of race we were to them and I wasn't judged anymore for being dumb and retarded, plus odd enough to not want to hang with...and we moved away to the suburbs of Detroit and into a school that had other children of varying skin tones not just the perfect white ones, I started to pick up speed and got on the honor roll the first time we got our first report card and held my high B average through graduation.
My dream was when I found that I wasn't retarded like the schools growing up in that rural Dutch farming country...labeled me and I wanted to become an attorney and that is why I worked my tail off to catch up and stay with good grades, I had a dream...
Different twists and turns in life, young marriage, children, all kind of unexpected things a happening slowed that dream reality a coming true down...and it wasn't very long ago I realized from all of the attorneys of the past that I had worked on...that I really didn't miss a thing...although right now it wouldn't have been so bad to have been one...for when I say Barney Fife Court System...I mean it...
Having said that, I know how much this just one case has taken out of me and because I am someone that never quits on anyone that I believe to be innocent until proven guilty...working in a system such as what I have seen presented here, would have driven me absolutely stupidly mad...and I only had to endure the stupid for a few hours...once a month for three months so far.
Come on now, when the court appointed Guardian Ad Liteum volunteer is the only one to know where the cracks are in the case and has to point it out to not only my adopted daughter's attorney, yet also the DA, and DSSI's team, you know the one that is 110% positive the Mexican is a rapist and also don't forget they also threatened my adopted daughter with carceration as well and permanent removal of her children from her...as well.
With her court appointed attorney a telling her that her taking the plea bargain for neglect meant she wouldn't get prosecuted ever, and it didn't mean that she couldn't get her son, for he was a going to let him go and stay with her and her aunt...with her aunt a having temporary custody of him and she could be with him unlimited...and that her daughter stated that she never wanted to live with her again, yet her daughter's newest mental health therapist, was a saying that she wanted to meet with her and her daughter to see if a mother daughter reunion down the road is possible...
So when I asked my adopted daughter's attorney if the plea bargain was admittal of guilt of her husband a doing the dirty deed...that is when he told me that juvenile court only needs 49.99 % proof that something did occur, the court doesn't need proof of who...and that is when I said, a small tare in her hymen (cherry) is the proof that something had occurred, right? He said yes, for he isn't being charged for rape...only touching...my adopted daughter's, daughter's first story...touching.
So my adopted daughter's plea bargain of neglect...meant that when her daughter alleged she was touched...by her step daddy, my adopted daughter is guilty of having to have gone to work...and thus is a negligent parent...
I know this is the third time that I have written this...the allegations and implications of the reasoning power of this so called attorneys is totally beyond me and if this is a sampling of what court appointed attorneys job performances...represent...for is not ones attorney supposed to be on your side?
Or at least pretend they are...for when my adopted daughter's attorney told her about how damaging it would be to her case were she to allow her daughter to tell the court room and judge that her step daddy raped her and you knew it and that you told her to shut up for she was just a lying...that would seal your fate right there...he told her.
Yet no mention of the missing photos that showed clearly no rape had occurred...and to tell you the truth, I don't even believe that she was touched, I believe she was a child surrounded by folks talking bad about her mommy and a always threatening to do this or that because she had a stinking Mexican living with her...and I believe that when she had gotten so down trodden from all of her families attacks, she perhaps talked in front of her daughter of the day she could escape away from all the judgmental prejudice voices in her ear a always questioning her and asking her things that would later get her in trouble with her daddy for only he could tell anything to his family...for his family didn't believe her anyways for they know that she is such a big liar...
Power of Three: Three Generations Pattern
1. Adopted daughter's grandmother...told by accusing former husband father of my adopted daughter...wife is a liar
2. Adopted daughter, told by grandmother and father and family members is a liar.
3. Adopted daughter, daughter, told by mother, sometimes tell lies, by daughter's father, is a habitual liar and tells lies all of the time.
Another thing that is quite interesting as well, why did my adopted daughter's former husband , state that his daughter is a habitual liar? He really doesn't know her all that well, for he was absent most of her life, until about eight months before this incident was stated to have occurred by his daughter...a father who saw his daughter and son during that period on occasion every other week end, for an overnight visit...yet the mother of her who raised her and was there when her daddy wasn't...all those years she needed him...and the mother states, occasionally lies and the daddy states, habitual...what is wrong with this picture and why would he turn on his little girl now?
Yet when mommy said she didn't know if her daughter was telling the truth about it or not...she had both her kids taken away for she wasn't able to protect them if she didn't trust her child...yet the father who the state is considering giving him custody of,...states his little girl is a habitual liar?
Why is it different when a mommy who raised the child says occasional lies told and daddy says habitual and hasn't had her around all that much her whole life, yet she is safer with him they are a reckoning...
By the way, the 24K that my adopted daughter stated that this father of her kids owed in back child support that he always refused to pay...somehow got taken away from and he doesn't owe it anymore for he is disabled and can't work...
So all of this nightmare was a good for the daddy of the little girl and her step mother...no more back child support owed and no more worry of jail time, given him.
I am just hoping that when the pictures turn up and proof is there that nothing happened to this little girl and she had indeed lied...I just wish that someone would put the step mother on a water board to get the truth out of her...it might take a few hundred times...for the obvious hate, disgust and jealousy she has for my adopted daughter is enough to make ones skin crawl...I just wish that someone could be a taping all the racist and nasty things she is saying in court a hoping that my adopted daughter hears her so that she can get my adopted daughter to show the court her lack of control as she knocks her to the ground for a doing this to her and her daughter, for she knows that she entrapped her daughter into saying all those things that would cause so much grief and pain in her, her husband and children's life.
I know personally from a watching this so called, better choice in a woman than my adopted daughter...DSSI's opinion...and what I see before me is a vile nasty talking, and highly racist person...and one I believe would have a very hard time a not expressing her thoughts of her step daughter's mother...for she doesn't have a hard time a saying all of these terrible things in front of her sister's daughter...and what her sister daughter hears, goes straight back to her step daughter for they play together...and so silly is this step mother of her daughter, she is even trying to get me to tangle with her just because I am in support of my adopted daughter...This woman isn't well...yet the DSSI seems to think so..
Oh well, tomorrow is another day...
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
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