Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
July 11, 2009
The Setting Free of Those Things In My Psychic, Called My Imagination By Others Not Affected Or Having Experienced...
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director/Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
I am still on the rebound back from my crash and burn experience...from the totality of the episode of overwhelm, sadness and depression over realizing that I was a living in a land that couldn't love and respect all equally.
I can't remember who wrote a "land divided will never stand," all I do know is that whoever coined this expression, knew exactly what they were a talking about...
I believe that what brought forth that total explosion that rocked my world in not a good and wonderful way, was the realization that all of my life I have been treated with disrespect and made to feel less than others not like me...
So when I received this email posting from Asian Woman, today; it totally put me into synch that what happened was meant to happen! Because all of the lessons and such that were to come out of my memory recall moments, triggered by events that have transpired since last August when all close to the situation, realized the damaging effects of one lie a pumped up by the television media world that was probably host to a lot of kicked back time and soap operas reinforcement, lies, deception, greed, lust...
A child attention deficit due to mom having to work all of the time due to daddy not a paying child support.
Just going through the melodrama of the unfolding of these non justice moments re- triggered and allowed me to remember what it felt like to be be born a citizen and considered lower class, and treated less than acceptable, yet tolerable until one produced or gave them all these career moves wanted of them, and then set packing to sights they really didn't care to know and with out even a wave of the hand goodbye!
Why didn't I sue, sue, sue? Because first of all, it isn't really what God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would want of us because "vengeance is mine saith The Lord."
So I just swallowed my pride and wiped away from tears from all of the ground breaking efforts that I put forth in the area I have lived in for 20 plus years and pretended that my career unsuccessful efforts were due to my inability to produce the perfect product for them...when in reality, I was never meant to be more than the set up person and the riches from the harvest always went to someone more than myself...
So it was a natural thing that I was to fall apart when I realized that in 58 years of my life, places like Barney Fife Town Land and Justice System, still do exist..."and justice can't be heard in such a discouraging world of basing ones worth on their skin color, nationality and material holdings.
Proof to back up this statement...Please consider this thought train; of all of the people in the court room this past Tuesday, and supposedly tied in with the unalienable and undeniable rights of the innocent being upheld... don't you find it very interesting that the persons that did the best job that day, were those not being paid and participated out of their sense of caring for those involved in the case...
For they were the only ones that read all of the evidence not hidden and presented, and they were also the ones involved in checking all of the evidence presented, for the truths and contradictions and changing stories...and making notes and giving comments about the discrepancies that they saw present in the case...
Who again were those persons?
1. The Guardian Ad Liteum Volunteer -V.H.
2. The attorney for Guardian Ad Liteum Attorney out of Wadesboro.
3. Myself
Guardian Ad Liteum and CASA are similar types of non profit organizations with their greatest aim is to give the unheard involved children victims...their rights and voice...a great organization in my books! For these two above mentioned persons were the only ones that cared that innocent persons were being unjustly handled...
More later on V.H...the hero of this sad non loved by town or family story...
I found it interesting when it dawned on me that when these two interested people that went the extra mile and ended up putting themselves totally in the shoes of those on the firing line...they were the only ones to see this case more clearer than those just a barely paying attention yet telling everyone that they are the right ones...and thus no witnesses need to be called. Case closed kind of thing...
"Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, forgive them please for they know not what they do and forgive me as well for any part I might have played unconsciously in the unfolding of these events... And as well, Please reveal to me all the lessons that are contained within its appearance, so that this lesson won't have to come around again, to those that do not believe that, "what you do to others, you do to yourself,"
Such as what You Father/Jesus ordered us to demonstrate as proof positive that we were a trying to become more Christ like...as proof of our love for You. "Your Golden Rule"
Please as well Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, I ask that you please help me to be more able to stand up to those a calling me less than themselves and unworthy to speak, and thus unable to speak my truths when I get all of the offenders of the truth a telling me my truths mean nothing...for now I am a finding out that by keeping my truths to myself, it hasn't helped the world a bit...
"The Truth Will Set You Free," kind of thing.
For in this land that time has forgotten to check on and update FATHER...evidence in Your Children's case, that would clear the slanderous allegations-situation up in a heart beat...WERE hidden as You know and thus this curse on the land of "bearing false witness, by the prosecution team of this town for continuing the lies that first created this terrible scenario...so please Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit...help all of Your children see that we have a serious situation here and not just a story about a poor white trash American citizen a hooking up with an illegal with no rights afforded him being he illegally came to United States and is therefore far less accepted than the poor white trash American he married and has no rights what to speak of...
For I believe this is not the America that You wanted us to create for I know that You love all of Your Children equally...and all are just as important as everyone else...
Thank You Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit...please allow the truth to be heard all over the land...
All this I ask in God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's name, Amen."
Love, Light and Peace
True Forgiveness by Lynn Woodland
Can we have love but not forgiveness?
Or true forgiveness without love?
Without forgiveness we can't love.
From the perspective of spiritual reality, the statements "I love you but don't forgive you" and "I forgive you but I don't love you" are impossibilities.
Love and forgiveness go hand in hand.
We can't have one without the other.
True forgiveness is not something we do for another person.
I often hear people speak of forgiveness as something we give to someone else, something that must be deserved or earned, and sometimes needs to be withheld.
The spiritual purpose of forgiveness is self-healing.
As long as we are holding anger, resentment and grudges against another person, we are poisoning our bodies with toxicity, lowering our immunity to disease and on subtler levels generating thoughts, expectations and attitudes that repel our highest good.
As we hold on to the belief that someone has harmed us so badly that we cannot, will not, forgive, we give power to the part of us that feels vulnerable and susceptible to being harmed.
Our lack of forgiveness actually draws more circumstances that will feed our anger and victimization.
Lack of forgiveness has been related as a contributing factor to physical illness, excess weight, financial scarcity, failed relationships and a host of other problems.
Lack of forgiveness inhibits love, which is the only true source of power.
As we withhold forgiveness, we inhibit our power and our very life-force.
Medical intuitive Caroline Myss, who, through her gift of intuitive sight sees the energy patterns that lead to illness, says, "By far the strongest poison to the human spirit is the inability to forgive oneself or another person."
Now that we have established its importance, what exactly does it mean to forgive?
What often makes forgiveness so difficult is that we tend to think of it as a sacrifice, as giving in, giving up, losing our "rightness.
" It's like giving up the chip that says
"You owe me."
It seems to discount the pain we felt.
Forgiveness is sometimes experienced as letting someone who hurt us off the hook, no longer holding them accountable for their actions.
But forgiveness is not an act of negotiation between two people.
It does not begin and end by speaking the words "I forgive you."
Instead, it is an internal state, an ongoing process rather than an act.
True forgiveness is not about excusing someone's hurtful actions.
It goes much deeper than this.
It is the inner awareness that no harm was done, thus there is, in truth, nothing to forgive.
Most of what passes for forgiveness is rooted in the belief that we are separate and vulnerable and have been harmed.
In this way, the act of forgiveness directs the attention of both people to the hurtful act.
The forgiver feels self-righteous, the forgiven, guilty.
The whole process strengthens both people's belief in the reality of separateness and harm, and in this way is disempowering to both.
True forgiveness is a shifting of attention away from the hurtful act, not in denial, but in release.
It means identifying with the higher part of ourselves that was never harmed so we can see past the illusion of separateness to the reality of Oneness.
As we understand ourselves to be one with the person who hurt us, forgiveness becomes self-forgiveness.
As we transcend our belief in ourselves as victims, we are able to see the other person differently.
Instead of seeing his or her "wrongness" we see the pain that motivated his or her actions.
Living from a belief that doing harm brings personal gain is a prison of separateness, powerlessness and pain.
Anyone who acts intentionally to harm another is trapped in this painful prison, even if he or she doesn't recognize it as such.
When we understand this, we can more easily feel compassion instead of rage.
As with the idea of "love," I have heard the concept of forgiveness promoted in spiritual, metaphysical and psychological circles for years as the spiritual thing, the healthy thing, the right thing to do.
And, as with teachings on love, I have heard much more on the benefits and reasons to do it than on how to do it.
How can we coax our hearts into forgiveness when they feel hardened or broken?
Words of forgiveness are worth nothing without truth behind them.
Let following help you find a path into the process of forgiving.
Let Go of Victim Scenarios
Write a "victim" scenario.
Describe everything that was done to you unjustly, all the ways you have been harmed, every way you are right and the other party is wrong.
Next, describe the same scenario from the perspective that it was somehow a great lesson, gift or turning point in your life that served you in some important way.
Write this even if you don't believe it.
Take the first scenario of yourself as victim and symbolically release it: burn it, tear it up, bury it or flush it.
As you let it go imagine that you are releasing the need to feel victimized.
Keep the second scenario and read it every day for at least a week.
See the Reflection of Your Core Beliefs
Instead of focusing attention on the wrong thing that has been done to you, imagine that this painful experience reflects some belief or expectation you have about life.
This doesn't mean you "asked" to be hurt.
It means that you learned, probably when you were very young, to expect painful experiences.
Release blame, shame and any idea that you have done something wrong and simply look at this situation as a mirror, giving you important information about your core beliefs.
Every day for a month, pray to God or your Higher Self for help in stepping out of the hurtful dance you have created with this other person.
Pray for help in releasing the beliefs and expectations that call hurt into your life.
If you are working on forgiving a parent or other person from your early childhood who helped to instill your limiting core beliefs about life, you can still see your experience with this person as reflecting some deep level of choice.
Imagine that your Higher Self called this relationship into your life for a purpose.
For example, if I look at all the pain my alcoholic father caused me in my childhood and early adulthood, I am tempted to feel rage and powerlessness.
However when I think of the turns my life took as a direct result of this early pain, I realize that my whole life path with its focus of love and healing was because of my father.
From this perspective, I see a higher purpose to our meeting and can actually feel gratitude for this painful experience in my life.
Get to the Root of Displaced Anger
When your anger is toward a group, an institution or society, rather than an individual, it is important to remember that anger is a much weaker power source than love.
Many feel that anger is a necessary ingredient for creating change.
While anger can motivate action, ultimately, when we give attention to victimization and abuse, we may achieve some sense of victory, but we also perpetuate a reality that includes victims and abusers.
The more we motivate ourselves from a place of anger, the more we will continually have to fight victimization.
Being angry at a group often has a feeling of hopelessness built into it.
While we may be able to create peace and resolution in relation to one person, doing so with all of society is obviously more difficult.
When we often find ourselves angry at "the system" in one form or another, there is usually a person or people from early in our lives we need to forgive.
This early hurt, usually related to one or both of our parents or other significant adult care-takers, imbedded within us feelings of anger and powerlessness that we project onto other situations in our lives.
We may also find that we have anger toward one or more of the important people in our adult life ¾ a spouse, friend or co-worker - and have displaced this anger onto an impersonal system because we fear the consequences of our anger.
It may be easier to face the anger we have toward a faceless system than to deal with the true source of our feeling, which invariably comes back to personal relationships with individuals.
However, it is far more manageable to forgive an individual than a system.
When you find yourself angry at a group, find the one individual you most need to forgive.
If, for example you are angry at a company where you used to work, focus on the one person you feel the most anger toward.
If you are angry at society or other such large institutions where there is no one single individual who stands out, then look to see who in your life you are holding anger toward.
Practice Self-forgiveness
If all approaches to forgiveness feel equally difficult, you probably have at least as much trouble forgiving yourself as you do others.
In this case, begin the forgiveness process by forgiving yourself.
Make a list of all the things you hold against yourself and begin to say out loud and as written affirmations, "I, (your name), forgive myself for ___________. "
Louise Hay suggests looking at yourself in the mirror as you say affirmations of self-love.
I find this mirror technique to be especially helpful in working on self-forgiveness.
Aim for Moments of Forgiveness
God Bless And Keep You Always...
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