Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
July 11, 2009
Not Wanting To Live Any Longer In An Area That Doesn't Honor The Christ In All Of God's Children
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director/Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
When I talked by phone to the Guardian Ad Liteum court appointed volunteer worker assigned to my adopted daughter's case...V.H. right after I got home...from that disastrous day...and heard about all of the plots and plans to destroy the only real parent of her two court appointed case minors...and how not one single attorney involved in the case along with the DA had a full knowledge about what evidence was present in this case that showed quite conclusively that the man named the rapist in it, the evidence presented didn't support that conclusion...
Last month her court appointed report was more or less never held up for review...by any of the legal teams for both sides...almost as if it didn't hold any relevance, because it didn't support the take down they were a plotting...
I watched as she sat down with each and everyone involved and saw her point to this and that fact and put it all in their faces...most of all, the face of my adopted daughter's attorney...and then the DA and the DSSI worker and her supervisor...
Each time I saw her leave each one a shaking her head and talking to herself...
I asked her after she told me of all the deceptive things that those responsible for making large changes in my adopted daughter and her husband life, were a trying to do unjustly...
I asked her, how old she was? She told me 38 years old. I asked her, do you have any children of which she stated three kids and My oldest son is getting ready to be deployed to Afghanistan...soon, she said sadly yet proudly!
I asked her about the subject of lying...had she as well, had a problem with any of her children when they were little about telling lies?
She said of course haven't we all? I also told her that I knew my kids so well that I could tell more times than not when they were a lying...and asked her if she had the same magical power and she said yes...Mothers always seem to know that which our children daddies seemed to not...or understand.
I told her that for almost ten years of my adopted daughter's little girl life, she wasn't in her daddy's life not because her momma didn't try to arrange to happen even when he refused to pay child support for them since they separated and divorced...
So unbeknown st to V.H., the court appointed Guardian Ad Liteum volunteer...my adopted daughter was the primary and single parent for all three of her children...two by the former husband a putting together this case while being given temporary custody of their daughter since the time that my adopted daughter asked her daughter shortly after the allegations were filed...
She asked her daughter had this in fact gone down for the last time allegations were made by her little girl, it caused a flurry of trouble with DSSI and her dad and his family members...and when she got the truth out of her little girl who was then about 8 years old...and had stated that her step daddy touched her boobies...and really later was discovered that he hadn't...
When my adopted daughter asked her little girl as to the reason that she found it necessary to tell such a terrible lie and she stated that she didn't like her mommy gone to work so much of the time and she felt that if she told this lie on her step daddy that maybe mommy would quit work and stay at home with her...and her little brother that missed her greatly!
I also told V.H. that up until the time that this storm fall out, her daughter was a calling her mother several times a day while mom was at work, just to hear her voice and talk about the things she was a doing...so this little girl didn't have a large misunderstanding or problem come down between her and mommy and that is why she felt it necessary to tell her daddy and step mother about that which she couldn't tell her mom herself...
This little girl is attention deficit, meaning this child craves attention and it doesn't matter how much grieve it causes others, for even bad attention is a better than none at all...
Besides my adopted daughter's former husband and father of her two children...is disabled and a stay at home daddy and being he is more boy than man, he is your non typical dad, for like Michael Jackson, something happened to him when he was a growing up that prevented him from having a good childhood and now is when he is a making up for lost time ...so who wouldn't choose a parent that will play all the games that you want and give you all the undivided attention that your mommy couldn't for she was a working and too tired to play all day and all night...and work as well...
A single mother of three a working too many hours because of low hourly pay,because the state gave very little support to those single parents that could work and didn't...so her working is what caused the separation between mother and daughter...and that is exactly what my adopted daughter's court appointed attorney used in his description to her in a conference closed to only her and all the other legal teams a wanting to cook her...for good.
The Plea Bargain of Neglect was according to her legal Representative...her court appointed attorney...He told her,according to my adopted daughter, that by her accepting the plea bargain of admitting neglect, that she was in fact admitting that when her daughter alleged the incident had occurred her mother was at work and being the juvenile court system doesn't have to have proof of who did it, only 49.99% of the probability that something had happened in order to gain a guilty verdict...
"So by her a taking the neglect plea bargain, she wouldn't have to worry about further prosecution no matter the outcome of her husband's criminal guilty findings."
I told my adopted daughter why hadn't she told her attorney and all of the other buzzards a hovering over her a trying to pick her apart and drive her in to lying on her husband in order to save her children from being taken from her for good.
I told my adopted daughter that I haven't heard of so much crap in my whole life, for what he had told her concerning this plea bargain of his was that he was a offering her; would make all parents responsible for the actions of the other...when the other had to go to work...and I just don't believe that our judicial system would allow such ignorant responsibility shared convictions to be allowed and if such, all I can say is this, I might not ever marry again for it is too risky taking on the full responsibility of knowing before I married the man if he was pervert or not...
For I am now wondering what happened to the woman that was married to the very sick man that she had married to for thirty plus years and how she stated how happy that she had been together all those years and how they had a good marriage in the good and bad times as well and he never showed her any other sign that he wasn't what he appeared to be all those years together...until the day the police came a knocking with a warrant for his arrest for having killed over 25 women in the period of time that they were married together...
I am now wondering, if she had to share in his serial killing action the responsibility of his crime, even if she didn't know?
When this all came down to my adopted daughter, I already told you that the first time that she asked her daughter, all the past signs of lying were present and what my adopted daughter generally did was to test that body language signal of her kids at least two times...
My adopted daughter was never allowed to see or talk to her daughter about the case since the first time...and because of that, she is going on her daughter's first and only reaction time a coming out positive for lying...
When my adopted daughter interrogated her husband about the charges of touching her daughter he stated that he hadn't and would never have done that kind of thing to his and her kids...for he loved them and her too much to.
My adopted daughter told me that he told her that he would do anything that she wanted him to do to prove his innocence...a lie detector test...moving out until it was all settled and he was found innocent...
My adopted daughter told him to stay in their home and she would move in with her dad so that she could be close to her youngest son and oldest son and keep DSSI off of their backs for she was ordered to throw the only man that ever showed her love, her whole life, out in the streets...so instead she allowed him to stay and she move out and in with her dad and two sons...until her husband got arrested and jailed the first week of December 2008.
So since August until 4 months ago when my adopted daughter's favorite and close uncle got so ill that Hospice had to be called in, she was a living with her dad...so when DSSI decided due to her daughter's latest version of her story that included a Jerry Springer kind of scenario play out, where her youngest son was not allowed to see his mommy without DSSI supervision, once a week for an hour...
My adopted daughter then moved in with the only remaining family member of her mother, her mother's sister to help her with her failing husband, her favorite uncle that knew she wasn't the black sheep that her dad's family made her out to be since her mommy died and couldn't protect her any longer against the over critical eyes and mouth of her dad's family who were a getting their information from her daddy who as well, has attention deficit problems and just needed to vent his thoughts a believing like his own father who showed him the way as well...that by first putting in the complaints that he had, they would all somehow feel sorry and sympathetic for him, and needed advice because he didn't have a clue as to how to raise two kids alone, for his own dad had been missing in action when he and his siblings were a growing up, so the grumbling he did every time he and his kids went to battle, had a two edge sword purpose...assistance with advice and it allowed him to get it off of his chest...
One of the advices of his siblings that I know for a fact went down concerning my adopted daughter's father was that he stop doing so much had made for herself...
So that is exactly what he did for that is what my adopted daughter's father's family is all about...listening to each other family member and taking their sides even if it isn't a wise decision, it is one that the family felt appropriate...and if anyone says anything to another family member that hurts that family members feelings, you have the whole family to go to battle with...
So after my adopted daughter's father's siblings told him that he was a ruining his daughter by being too accommodating to her when ever she needed him, he started to not help her when she needed it and complained about doing anything for her...simply because his family believed he was a spoiling her by being too loving or too giving...and she wasn't appreciating anything he was a doing for her or she wouldn't be so resistant to be what he told her she needed to be.
When I heard my adopted mother tell me that my adopted daughter was spoiled and that was her largest problem...
I have always had an objection when ever my adopted mother spoke of her grand daughter in such terms as spoiled.
I told her that first of all, a spoiled child wouldn't work as hard as she does to keep a roof over her head and her children that she brought into this world of pain, suffering and sorrow...
A spoiled child wouldn't keep a keeping on when all around her told her she had no worth or value...
A spoiled child would not have worked yet have others do the work for him or her and keep all of the profits...
A spoiled child wouldn't care what you thought of them, for being spoiled, the world belongs to them and them alone...and it doesn't matter how many bodies they have to step over and on to obtain all the things that the world owes them.
A spoiled selfish child, wouldn't have had any children for the world is all about them and they aren't going to share it with anyone.
Were a spoiled selfish child to have children, they would send them off to someone else, gladly! Not fight for them to be returned!
So as all the other times I didn't agree with her opinions of that which I could see more obvious than herself...she would get upset that I didn't agree with her and act in the manner that she wanted me to do, even in matters concerning her son that I had been dating long term...
So with my adopted mother, we only battled when I differed on her opinions set in stone...which would usually be followed by a angry call from my more times than not, my back and forth boyfriend...her son... a wondering why I keep harassing his mother and how if I didn't stop, his older sister would handle it...yet what his mother didn't tell him that sometimes we would spend 6-7 hours on the phone a trying to get her to let go of the past so that she could move into the present moment or die...
On several occasions, friends of my moon, stars and heaven, would tell me that the greatest complaint that their buddy, my on again, off again boyfriend...had about me is that I talked too much with his momma and he didn't personally like the things I was a saying to her and all of it was getting back to him for his momma had a big mouth and told things that only she has the memory of and many are a wondering if she isn't a losing her mind...
For that is the reason that their dad told his kids that was why he got rid of her sorry ass...for she told him crazy things all of the time...and she was a unfit mother, housekeeper, sex partner and all those things that most ordinary men know how to kick around when they have gotten caught in the cookie jar of a neighbor, whether married or not...more times than not, or just plain bored and wanting new adventure...
A man who my adopted mother described as one that told his sons to distrust all women, and marry none for they were all gold diggers...yet he didn't do his fifty fifty cut deal even though she worked for many years in the mills and tobacco fields along side him and by herself with her kids when her husband was too drunk or getting ready to go out on the town, by himself and on the prowl for a better sex partner for the one at home has become someone elses mommy, not once yet several times....and he was a looking for excitement and not commitment for he had that pain in the ass at home.
A woman that her husband called a nag because she would talk to him, for in his estimation, women should be always ready to do the tango, be seen and definitely not heard, for anytime women are a talking, they aren't a discussing, and they are a arguing and thus a relationship where all talks are fights and nothing was able to be compromised or settled and so much anger that all of my adopted mother children were shell shocked from all of the yelling and screaming and to this day, all of her children would rather tell you a lie and have you happy than tell you the truth to cause a lock down, shut down, especially if they were a wanting a special favor a little while later...
A woman my former adopted mother described herself as; a cryer, worrier and a prayer...
For instead of leaving after the physical, mental and emotional abuse lesson episode she was always given over her 24 year span of time of being with a man that she believed was manic depressive from being at boot camp and having some kind of an episode or drug reaction from some vaccines he had been given by the military and was sent home and she told me that she only discovered the paper work by accident from the military and using those words in it as a way to describe his illness; when she was one day a going through the mail he told her to never touch of his...
So she instead of leaving, because of knowing of his illness and knowing that part of ones marriage vows is stated "in sickness and in health, and because of her great love for this man she loved. she loved him her whole life and accepted the treatment of abuse he felt needing to dish out to her because that is what manic depression is, all things lying down, look truly up and that is why you hurt the ones that loves you the most...because for some unknown reason one loves the wrong one and throws away the baby with the bath water...and she stayed she told me until the one that I call my moon, stars and heaven, told her it wasn't save being around dad right now...for he is angry and he is a blaming all things on you and in his not well state, he might try to hurt you so please go mommy, even though I don't want you to go, I just feel it would be safer for you to leave before he returns...
Yet before she was told by her miracle baby son of the danger that he saw building up in his dad in his misplaced anger mode, all the attacks that she had weathered with him in the past were handled by her a crying herself to sleep and a asking God/Jesus each and every time he lost the moment, to touch her husband's heart so that he would pull through this another one of his manic depressive behavior moments...and not leave as he always threatened her with and a raising her children alone for in those moments in time, he wasn't even sure in his lashing out to those that matter the most to him that these were even his own kids, for all women are nothing but trash...and no good...and that is why she told me that he told his sons that when they are young they are to have their women and when they grow old and can't get Charlie to respond to their mental and visual commands easily, they will be able to drink their whiskey...until they finally get to die and be finally in peace and quiet land.
Oh the pearls of living in an upside down world, a believing it is right side up and everybody a looking funny to you when in reality you were a looking funny and odd to them...
I told my adopted mom that I was sad that I hadn't had the chance to have met my moon, stars and heaven's dad, for until she told me of the manic depression, and I could gather some bearings on what kind of a relationship not, her son was a wanting me to be able to have and to hold along with him...on his call play...I thought her son to be my largest challenge yet...for the incorrect program he was a running through his manifesting endeavors, was a creating him to always chase the wrong tail and somehow get lost from stop to go...similar to the design his daddy left with them as well...interesting isn't it...parents as role models to their children, who would have ever thought such...hahahehehe...
Enough for now...for I am fully spent...tonight and have been since Tuesday, Michael Jackson's Memorial Day my adopted daughter's kangaroo court day...and I still don't feel that I have recovered fully yet the promedx muscadine grape extract...is certainly a helping ne tremendously...
I thank God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...for its entry into my life.
Please Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
I will be back with Part 2 tomorrow...
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