Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
200Th Edition-Spiritual Ministries Newsletter...Happy 4Th of July, Part 2!
"What If," Happy Birthday Mo!
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
See, I told you that I would back, for I have lots to say...first of all, my sadness that Michael Jackson has left the room!
It was too early and no I still don't have a sense that what ever Michael did, had he done it...was done to hurt another...for he was one personality character that I had seen over my twenty four year span of professional alternative health profession work...more than once...
A man caught between the world of adulthood and one of a lost childhood raised by a totalitarian authority father...raised in a large family that all seemed to have just gotten lost somehow in the maze...of growing up.
There is a great book out there with the title I believe, "Absent Fathers, Lost Sons," I am not sure of the author's name...I only know that it depicts the kind of guys and girls to come out of that style of upbringing...where the father, believing he is front and present and doing all of the things to be the best parent that he could be...just like his dear old dad...
Yet what was missing in Michael Jackson's life, was the lost childhood that he missed out on as he threw himself into being the best that he could be for one and all concerned...
The key or clue if you want to call it that...came from a personal interview that I believe Barbara Walters did with him before his trial...for his last child molestation allegation...where as, he stated that to him, the greatest love that one can give another is to sleep with them.
Just because we live in a land that if one has this opinion on what love was...why does it always mean, in a sexual manner?
Michael Jackson loved kids, and brought in the children to his center that were basically terminal or children that had so very little and parents who couldn't afford to lavish on their children that which Michael Jackson could in their short visit...
I believe that Michael Jackson gave to all of those children, the very best of him that he had never received himself...Almost like a Peter Pan kind of character...
I for one am very sad that such a talented young man, who has been given the title of Greatest Rock Star Entertainer (King) to every live in America! has left the stage that he loved so much at such a young age...we have truly lost someone very special.
I too believe he never came back from the last attempted take down of one wanting something from the man that was too overly generous.
For both times, after expending so much of his hard earned fortune, I saw the sadness and lost look in his eyes as he reached even further into his pockets and gave those that wanted his blood, sweat and tears, a fortune just because that is what these people pleasing types do...when it is discovered that they have found themselves with an undeserving master, they serve them up the second time around, a heaping pile...
I believe even though he was found innocent...both times, I believe the man-boy type inside of Michael Jackson, realized that if these boys were desperate enough for their parents sake to "bear false witness," that the guilt they would have to live with...were it not for the money he gave them, would not have taken them over the top and I believe that all Michael Jackson did, he did for love...
The case that I have been presenting to Dr.Phil, Robin, Oprah and President and First Lady Obama...is a case similar yet because there are not millions able to be spent on the defendants in order to have the proper legal representation...so that adequate research time could be given this case, innocent lives perhaps ruined forever; will be the outcome.
For just imagine this 11-12 year child of my adopted daughter; that told her mom and her grandpa indirectly, yet directly that she is being forced to lie...the first time that she could gain access to a phone and talk to her mom, for 30 seconds!
Perhaps her being able to admit that fact to her mom and grandpa before she has to take the stand and tell everyone the lie that she stated her step mother, is forcing her to say or get put somewhere else where no one, not even her mom will find her or go to a detention center until she is 18 years old, perhaps airing that to her mother before she is taken forever from her mother and step dad and brothers, will be enough to carry her through life a knowing that a innocent man that she loved and he loved her as all step dads should that know love isn't a stealing thing...she put in prison for 20 years, not to mention her own mom that was the only rock she had to stand on for almost all of her first ten years of life...
A leaving her life until her mom gets out of prison...for remember, this was the warning that the R. County DSSI Crew gave her when they told my 34 year old adopted daughter, "if you don't admit that you believe your daughter and that your husband did molest her, you will never see either of your children again!"
Again, my adopted daughter; was told that all of her ten to 15 minutes a visiting her husband in jail, once a week, were going to be used against her in court...for that showed that she supported her husband and not her daughter...thus she would be found equally guilty as her husband when he is convicted...for knowingly not protecting her children from their step father.
Followed by my adopted daughter a stating, "how can I tell you that I believe my husband to be guilty, when I don't feel that he is and why are you so anxiously to have me "bear false witness." and lie about something I don't feel is true?
"For I know my daughter and she is one that is so anxious to have all approve of her that she will tell them what they want to hear, versus what they need to hear and if put in a corner and made to stay there with threats of being thrown or locked away, I know that my daughter will pick the safest side...for she is only 11 and that is what good kids believe they should do...obey the parents...no matter what...especially if she had been told that her mom just dropped her off and didn't love her anymore...and wasn't returning for either her or her one year younger brother...
That last statement came from her youngest son's mouth when T.P. was able to grab him from his dad's house...of which T.p.'s daughter was asleep and thus T.P. couldn't grab her as well...happily T.P. was able to get him from his dad's house, only to lose him again to her father when the DSSI worker, ordered that T.P. not have any unsupervised visits with him...so at least J.H., her son knows the truth...and for this little ADDHD child...that only knew like his sister, his momma...with her being as well the only rock he had to stand upon...that few hours with the momma that his daddy and step mother said didn't love him and his sissy anymore...and was gone from them for good...he discovered was a lie.
J.H. as well has had like his sister, a full exam...and pictures as well of his rectum and therapists a probing his brain and still he comes back to them with, "my mommy and my step daddy never harmed me...and my sister is a lying and all I want is to be with my mommy, sissy and step daddy like it used to be..."
So my efforts aren't only for my adopted daughter, it is for all the innocent victims in this melodrama that is based...on lies fabricated from a woman too insecure about the love of her husband for his ex wife and back child support owed money and the hope of a permanent income...given her and her husband, for taking care of these damaged kids...
Two things I would like to add about prove of my allegations...jealousy and greed...
When T.P.'s two youngest children's father first realized that instead of going to jail for back child support payment of $24K...and now had temporary custody of them...he and his wife, the step mother of the kids, ran down...not walked to social services and signed up for every benefit that they could get for them...so I disagree with the court appointed Guardian Ad Lightum worker for T.P.'s kids...when she told me that she believed the lie was created as H.H. stated to her mother and overheard from the grandpa not a foot away from him when little Heather grabbed the phone and told her mother the truth...
"Jealousy of the step mother towards the mother."
The last thing that I want to mention here as well, is in reference to Michael Jackson's innocence's, did anyone buy the CD recording of Michael Jackson's after the acquittal and too many were viewing him like O.J.?
I already told all how Michael Jackson's music moves my spirit...that CD recording is not one of my favorites and he is basically screaming his pain of not being believed...
All can judge Michael J. and T.P.'s husband any which way that they want to...I know what my senses tell me when ever I am in T.P.'s energies and those of her former husband and ex husband's wife...and the love that T.P. has for her husband and children is undeniable...and the love energies emitted by the parental figures the county of R. wants to place T.P.'s kids with permanently...please give me a break here!
I know, "judge not, least thee be judged." Yet I say, you are to get into this melodrama to understand how many precedences are being broken here...an innocent man and his wife could lose their freedom here...and all the battles in the past of securing our great land in staying the land of the free will be in vain if the people of America and the ones that they have chosen to be their team mate, aren't upheld...and honored.
"Innocent until proven guilty," used to be our call of the land, now sadly, it is;
"Guilty until proven innocent."
One more parting thoughts when I zoom into Michael Jackson's memories he left me...this man was not all that off key, for he knew how much in America the white skinned ones were celebrated over the dark skinned ones, and how all things that didn't fit the perfection mode, was cast off...A.K.A, the reason for all the facial surgeries on his nose...never fully realizing that no matter what he did or how he went about his life and affairs...he wouldn't be given his proper place, until his death...how so very sad again...
When all watch the memorial service for this very loving, talented man-boy...look around the crowds and see all those others that celebrated the love he gave them...you will see that more understood than closed doors on him...
I just heard that Michael Jackson was also a great humanitarian and like Oprah
Winfrey, what ever he saw was needed, he was there...there is no greater love than to give to others a needing assistance...Right everyone?
Please Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
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