Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Traveling That Road To Inequality, Again?
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
I have decided that because I feel the most home here, I would write my continuing letter/book to Dr. Phil, Robin and President Obama and First Lady Obama.
I usually write it on Micro soft word, and then transpose it over to their individual contact sites. This time I want to feel especially safe and comforted as I write perhaps the largest fire that I have been attempting to put out, since last August...yet to no avail.
That story is an old one to Dr. Phil and Robin, for I have sent enough emails to fill perhaps two books, hahahehehe...and to President Obama and First Lady, is this my very first attempt...
It is my hope that President and First Lady Obama will see the significance of the precedence that is being laid here in in the county that my adopted daughter, children and husband reside in.
It is not a pretty scene and involves lots of players in the game of justice...yet we all know the system is broken...and yes lots of people have stated that they were innocent...when found guilty.
Yet, my being an 7 time tested: INFP...Meyer Briggs Personality Test...Which I believe stands for Intuitive, Nurturing, Feeling, Perceptive. I could be wrong...yet sense that I am not, if that makes any sense at all.
Anyways, the deepest part of me believes that what is getting ready to go down in this good ole boys land, County Courthouse next Tues...will be the saddest day for an illegal Mexican...as well as all other illegal citizens.
This is what my adopted daughter (not really, yet in name alone) told me today about what her husband who is this illegal Mexican, who is being tried for rape on several counts, and the attorney was offered by the DA, a plea bargain for 157 months.
The female court appointed attorney for this 25 year old illegal Mexican who has been in our country for I believe 7 or 8 years...and paid income taxes on a stolen social security number...and whose American born citizen wife, attempted to obtain citizenship for, yet couldn't afford...
I know that this is my perception and perhaps not quite what my adopted daughter was expressing, yet I believe I have the jest of it all, for I had wrote this exact thing to Dr. Phil and Robin, perhaps 5 or so months ago?
Racism at its ugliest...I was given confirmation today of that very fact.
The reason that I included the Meyers Brigg Test, wasn't to brag only to show all those that doubt my intuitive hits still...hey guys and girls when a college uses this type of testing that has been scientifically researched...to see if there is such a thing as persons utilizing more of their intuition than visual or taste aspects...so those of the left brain set, can rest assured that scientifically, mankind has so to speak, proven that intuition is real, especially if it is lead by Divine Inspiration and Guidance...Father, Son and Holy Spirit...
Paraphrase, here say impression of that meeting...this Thursday morning, July 02, 2009:
T.P's husband attorney after being on this case, since the allegations had gone down that this man was guilty of rape on several counts taken from the testimony of a 11 year old step daughter. (T.P. and her husband have been married five years, I believe)
Court Appointed Attorney: The DA wants to give your husband 157 years in prison if he admits to his guilt, being we have no evidence other than what Raleigh Hospital Doctor stated she saw in her intensive exam of your daughter.
Then my adopted daughter stated to the attorney: Wait a minute, where are the pictures taken of my daughter that were blown up into a 8 X 10 of my daughters vagina and rectum?
The attorney stated: What pictures, I received no pictures...and my adopted daughter told me that she told her then...the pictures showed clearly the hymen with only a small tare in its totality, and small and fresh tares to her rectum...of which the doctor asked her daughter had she had a rough bowel movement recently? Of which her daughter, stated, no.
Yet my adopted daughter remembers the doctor a hurting her daughter when she pulled back her buttocks too far and made her daughter cry in pain the second time that the doctor had examined her daughter's rectum...so the doc could have easily done the small tares herself...according to T.P. the mother who was then present for the entire exam.
That was probably the last time that my adopted daughter, saw and was able to be present in her daughter's life...that was back in September of 2008, I believe and T.P. hadn't seen her daughter since August and neither did the step father...so fresh tares were impossible to have been made by the step dad...are you following along?
So according to my adopted daughter's court appointed attorney who is trying her husband on a criminal rape charge on a minor...The DSSI worker somehow forgot to send along the only evidence to validate that this child hadn't been raped...what kind of system is that and do I want a part of it? I think you know what I am thinking...not only heck no, yet hell no!
The attorney told my adopted daughter who not only faces losing custody of her children, yet also perhaps jail time herself for having known that her husband was abusing her daughter and perhaps even participating...
I was not aware of any pictures being taken, so I will try and find them for if that is the case, than the DSSI department have no evidence at all...
Those that are really God fearing medical professionals, know that if a child is alleging rape allegations...a small piece torn from a hymen...does definitely not compute...for a small internal tampon can take out an entire hymen...as well as a 3 year previous documented medical exam that stated was caused from a fall on a bicycle she was a riding...at the time...
T.P.'s told me that she asked her then to postpone the trial until the pictures can be located...and the attorney told her that she would try...
So this attorney that had been on board from the start of the nightmare of T.P. and her husband H.P....told T.P. that in the event that she wasn't successful...her husband would have to go before a jury and being he is an illegal alien...he would probably be found guilty and get 20 years.
She also told T.P. that her daughter would be present in the court room the day of his trial and would have to tell her story...
Yet her daughter had already told her story to her mom and grandpa at the same time...for T.P.'s dad was a visiting her daughter (the only one that could see her besides T.P.'s youngest son J.H., age 10 and oldest son, A.M, sixteen years of age)
In a incident that I wrote earlier about to Dr. Phil and wife Robin...where in a 30 second stolen moment phone conversation, overheard from a surprised, starled perhaps frightened grandfather...being he was told by the DSSI workers that absolutely no communication could go on between his grand daughter and her mother, his daughter...
A story that went something I was told not only by T.P., yet also her father...Something to the effect that she had been ordered to lie by her step mother or face being sent somewhere where no one could ever find her again...
A child as well at the beginning of this long grueling humiliation road...a told by the police officer as well as the DSSI investigator; "that if she was found a lying, she would go to juvie until she was 18 years old."
A child told by the father and step mother, that mommy didn't love her anymore and that she had left both her and her brother and had moved on...or something similar to this, ( the lies were told both children by either their father or step mother...that is why her 9 year old brother, made his break the first time he could when mommy came to visit...and since then...he had been a living with a grandfather and father of his mother...with until recently, hadn't been allowed to even visit...of course this mother's visit with her son, she can't mention anything about the case or how she is a doing...
This is what I told my adopted daughter today after I stopped crying and raging at the world of injustices that I see in this world called America...yes, I dove that low for to listen to an attorney state that even with no evidence...people can go to prison and basically forfeit their entire life over on a lie...was just too gut wrenching and highly emotional for me...to handle.
I am now better...for that is what writing does for me, it helps me come to peace from a knowing that even if this letter as well, goes unanswered...at least I did all I could to help...and when my best is all that I have to offer, and that doesn't bring the end that I am a hoping and a wishing and a praying for...than it is what it is and that it is all it is...know what I mean?
I told my adopted daughter that both attorneys need to perhaps go into other fields for I find their best just isn't good enough...
For this is how I see it play out: The first flag that both attorneys were they really interested in this case and not just the pay check they were a receiving...was the initial ER visit that the father and step mother took the alleged molestation little girl...for this case didn't start out with any other testimony than the little girl a stating that her step daddy had tried to enter her and instead placed a finger in her...so a small tare in the hymen...wouldn't have been all that unusual...especially being this guy is a rather small framed man...know what I mean?
T.P. was told by her ex husband and father of her daughter...(a man I would call a boy-man, were you to met him you would know what I am a meaning) that the ER doctor that saw their little girl at the onset, didn't see any evidence of molestation...yet he couldn't do a rape test kit, being he didn't have one to use...that folks is clue ONE!
The DSSI worker blew past that door number one and sent the child 2-3 weeks later to D.H. for a intensive look...2-3 weeks later and time away from the step daddy that she alleged did the finger touching?
I also told T.P. that the taking of the pictures of this child's bottom ends...is a violation to the child to begin with...and if the pictures weren't necessary to the case at hand...why were they taken in the first place and just where in the heck are they?
I also told T.P. that if this caseworker was really all that interested in helping her children get to the bottom of the situation...why did she and supposedly all of the experts that she commanded to dig deeper into both these children's lives..not give the evidence they held until the very last minute possible and not all of it as well?
I feel a grave injustice is being done not only to these individual case and all of the people involved...as well as all future illegals and their American spouses...and at this very moment in time, I feel that living in this area is totally not what I should be a doing...or supporting.
It is a very sad day for me today because I too from having been born American, yet of mixed ethnic background...Panamanian, Chinese, French Canadian, German, English, Scottish, Irish, and my dad's mom, 97% Danish, with 3% Spanish from Spain...a mixture I have always described at a Heinz 57 Type...A.K.A.mutt...
I have always felt like I was a outside a looking in and could easily relate to what other ethnicity's were a being treated because of their differences, for I was a treated the same...and being poor and not high degree educated in standard education circles...have definitely always...lead me to be taken advantage of...physically, emotionally, mentally and career wise...not to mention the dating world...for believe it or not...I was told by a few unhealthy choices in men that "we could go through all the pretense of dating, yet don't expect to get married for their families and friends, would never accept it."
I even had a very wealthy fruit and vegstable producer with a very large vegstable store in Western Michigan who I had dated for about six weeks that had me over for dinner at his large home to meet his folks for we were a getting quite serious with each other and had started talking about plans to marry...which got destroyed the minute my boyfriend went outside with his dad and left me alone with his mother...for it was then that she told me, "you are not our kind and the only reason that you are with my son is for his money and if it takes all that I have, I will make sure that you and he will never get married.
I know that she told of me as a immigrant worker, yet she knew as well that I was a managing my father and mother's convenient store and gas station that they owned.
I was so hurt at being treated like dirt under her nails, that I moved 4 hours away and never told the son, what his mother had said until about a year later when he called me and told me that he had married a friend of mine and he demanded to know why I ran away from him and never called or offered any explaination...so I told him and he called me a liar for his mother would never do anything so terrible as that...yet as God is my witness...it did happen.
Back to My Adopted Daughter's Case
If this case goes to trial and this man is found guilty...which will mean his wife is guilty as well, for she had to be a knowing accomplice or else she wouldn't have believed him over her daughter...justice in America will become non existent in America and I won't just take it that it is the area that these unfortunate victims of wrong ethnicity are a staying...
For this isn't my first go round with false allegations a being given and being the accused didn't have the funds for legal representation...and were given over worked, out dated legal assistance (court appointed lawyers)...I know of another close to me that spent 5 years a swinging on a lie created by a immature teenager a wanting to hurt emotionally his daughter by taking daddy away from her and embarrassing her to the guy the promiscuous teenager really wanted, this man's youngest daughter's boyfriend...
So yes, there are other cases out there...where truth is never discovered, because it isn't politically correct in the court appointed attorney's eyes.
It used to be that one was innocent until proven guilty, today it is; "one is guilty until ones case is acquitted and if one isn't of the right status image or financial success, and can hire decent counsel, than justice and truth can't be found or is available for them...
Here is another case that I was closely associated with that went down rather badly in a county perhaps a lot like this past day racing deteriorating town...my kid sister who at the time only had one small toddler daughter and a husband...had a $16K mobile home that her and her husband had paid cash for at the time they had moved into it...yet because they had no land...or the money to have it moved...ended up paying a lot rent payment to the previous owner they had purchased it from...
Perhaps a year or two later, my sister and her husband were separated and trying to make it work out between them...and were kind of between both homes...hers and his...so when the lot payment came due...they were a bit behind like 20 days or so paying this $120.00 a month lot payment...and because of their late lot rent payment, the previous owner took my sister and her husband to court and got awarded the trailer back...
My sister stated that her African American attorney that was the only attorney brave enough to battle the good ole boys of Carrbaris county and felt that after his attorney bills to my kid sister and her husband of almost ten thousand...the case was lost because he was black...and because she was listed as Hispanic...Why Hispanic? Because our mother was from Panama and a naturalized citizen of America...like Craig Ferguson...because she was from another country and at that time; The American Census Bureau had a limited ethnicity labeling system...and now today, I check the box; Other...or write...blended American...hahahehe...
So again, there you have it...my thoughts on the injustice of racism...a still going on...in our land...and for all that just can't get what I am a trying to address here...I say this...speak in prayer to Our Heavenly Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit and ask that They touch your heart, mind and spirit...and ask yourself...were these things a happening to ones that you loved, wouldn't you do all that you could possibly do for them...wouldn't you reach out to the press, Oprah, Dr. Phil & Robin and Our President and First Lady?
I also want to close with these thoughts as well...I believe that because karma in the land is real...I will use The Golden Rule as my example..."Do unto others, that which you would have done unto yourself."
Or looking at it in another more popular saying way; that which goes around comes around, kind of a thing...any judge, jurors or attorneys that when dealing with a human life, rather American or illegal alien...if they don't give their 100% in the mix...I feel will somehow down the road perhaps a bit, have a moment in time where the karma is reciprocated...and it will come at a time when they least expect...for Our Father in Heaven has a great sense of humor!
I am just a throwing this stuff all out to you Mr. President and First Lady so that perhaps you will write a note for Dr. Phil to interview my adopted daughter's daughter...for this county's DSSI department is very adamant about not allowing this child to be in communication with anyone but those they deem would help this case and like I stated to Dr. Phil and Robin in the below communications...I challenged him to talk to the child and tell her how her mother sent him to talk to her, and to explain to her that when one tells a lie, sometimes that lie can forever be stuck within and end up changing their and others whole life around...
Thus giving her a final chance to amend the wrong that is being done...for I see a child that was forced to tell a lie because the step mother wanted the real mother that she is jealous of and knows that her boy-man husband is still in love with...totally out of the picture and a end to child support of which is back about $24,000 at the time the case was brought before the court system...
Thus very good grounds for motive setting, at least that is how my forensics investigative mind sees it...
The court appointed Guardian Ad Lightum lady to T.P.'s kids told not only to T.P., yet also myself, that she felt that the step mother had done this because of jealousy...of T.P....and not so much greed.
That analysis I realize, came from a non expert, yet one that was allowed to be alone with both of T.P.'s children...and one that states that the report she turned in to the attorney in charge of Guardian Ad Lightum...was basically ignored...and she also stated in pretty much definied language that the girl child is one that basically can be lead to say anything that would please those around her...I would like Dr. Phil to take his good viewing eyes and ears and tell me that what I have stated that isn't real...
So there you have it...this afternoon...Mr. President and First Lady...the reason I addressed this correspondence to Dr. Phil, Robin, Oprah and yourselves as well, is because as soon as I publish it here on my newsletter site...I will be a taking it to their site as well...
I know that is within your powers Mr. President to give pardons to death roll prisoners, can you also give a note so that Dr. Phil will be allowed to see for himself that which I and many others that know of this case, can see?
Just a throwing it there, to see if any of it falls on listening ears...we need help here...ASAP!
This area of this state has more Confederate flags than not...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace
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