Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
July 08, 2009
Key Indications That One Does Become The Energy That Surrounds Them
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director/Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Around 10:00 o’clock this morning as Tonya, her aunt, her dad and myself waited outside of the courtroom for the judge to finally make her appearance...I was a telling Tonya and her aunt about all of the synchronicities of this day, Michael Jackson's Memorial Service, my oldest grand daughter's birthday, her uncle's wake and then she stated..."how old is your grand daughter? I told her and then I told her that she was also a student at her uncle, her dad's brother school where he taught school...and then I told her that my grand daughter a teen agar, was blond hair and blued eyed and she said, "dang Tonie how did you manage to get something like that out of you?"
Then I told her, for your information, both my sons at birth were blond haired in fact my oldest son stayed a blond until he was about five years old and my youngest son until he was ten or eleven years old...and all of my grand children at birth, except for one, were all blonds...for in my blood line I not only have my mother's side which is 1/2 Panamanian, yet also 1/2 Chinese. and then on my dad's side are not only European combinations...with his mother almost full Danish, yet also my grandfather on my dad's side, that was Irish, Scottish, French Canadian, German and such and I got so weak hearted having to hear her as well, act like I shouldn't have fair skinned kids because I was so dark, that I almost walked out of the court room, especially a knowing that we were in that court house a battling for her children because she had done the unthinkable to not only her father yet those native red neck Southerns by marrying someone of not their race...not only a Mexican, yet an illegal one at that…
Perhaps it was the energy of her father or need to impress him or her aunt who when I told her of my sadness about Michael Jackson's sad life and early parting...and she said she wasn't all that sad for she never liked him or his music...of which I stopped her and threw in my thoughts...for I know that this area of the country is probably the most backward one could ever get trapped or lost in...
I also told Tonya that many people judge another by the coloring of their skin and by now she should know that real beauty lies within us all...yet I really don't blame her for her ignorance...our parental programming mirrors back to ourselves, the persons we will one day grow up to become...
I also told her that not only are we all immigrants in America except for the Native Americans that were here before our ancestors came, yet also that many of us are blended beings, take for instance Diana Shores, blond hair, fair complexion, yet she had a grand child born dark complexion...and she discovered that her family lineage had black relatives...
Now jump back to the 4Th of July and what happened to me at the lake fireworks display...and you will understand how I took this little event to be also another sign that perhaps my moving away and not a taking her with me, might not be all that bad...perhaps tomorrow I will feel differently...right now I am just too stunned for words...for I expect that arrogance out of strangers that don't know me...yet not one that I have stood solidly beside and defended her against her entire dad's family up to and including her dad's brother who once was my moon stars and heaven for more years than I care to remember...
Even her grandmother, her dad's mother who stated she knew her the best, and called me her adopted daughter...
Anyways, onward Christian Soldiers...
Dr. Phil, I remember a bit about the foster care show that you had and how concerned you were about the amount of children that we have in our country in foster care...I believe it was 4.5 million...I believe that Tonya's case has revealed why it is such...
Tonya's court appointed attorney, stated to me that Juvenile court is different than Criminal court...for in Juvenile court, the DSSI department don't have to have solid proof that a crime went down against a child, only 49.9% that something did occur...so even though Tonya states that on the photographs of her daughter's private part showed only a small tare...that was enough proof along with her testimony...
Also because Tonya won't admit that her daughter is a telling the truth, that means that Tonya is unable to provide protection against it ever happening again to her or her other siblings and thus the state can take the children away from her...
So there is where the system is broken and why we have so many children in foster care, for I wonder how many parents have lost their children to such cases as what I have been involved in such as Tonya's...
I also had an incident that went down in court today that left me a bit unsettled...a black girl of 19 years old, had lost her 5 year old due to a charge of obtaining goods under false pretense...and the court had given her a lot of things to complete while in probation and the DA that was a trying the case, because the girl was in her third month of pregnancy, had been too sick to work, and because of this, the DA called her lazy...yet admitted that he had never been pregnant...and didn't know what one felt in the third month of pregnancy, so I had to reflect back to my two children pregnancy and I remember, morning sickness for about 4 months with my first son and my youngest son, about six months...also used against her was postpartum depression symptoms after her first child's birth...
So the judge going on the suggestion of the DA, DSSI and Guardian Ad Liteum folks, scheduled another court date for six months in order to decide the fate of her child, to see if she will get her act together and comply with all of the things that the court had originally demanded of her...
Yea, we are living in the dark ages in this state, still...
The real hero of today's day, (besides the few blurps I was able to catch on my still not right HDTV...was a portion of Michael Jackson's Memorial Service where I believe the lady's name was Sheryl Jackson Wade, (D) House of Representatives from Texas...and she made one statement that stuck in me and made me cry, and that was that, " our Constitution guarantees that all are innocent until proven guilty"...and I cried because I don't know when it changed...)
Was the court appointed volunteer Guardian Ad Liteum worker...for it was she that personally took to the DA, Tonya's lawyer, the DSSI Supervisor and case worker, her report concerning Tonya's case...it was also her that sat down with each of them and explained all of the discrepancies that she found contained within the CME 45 page report...she also went to the jail house and asked to see the log book that showed that Tonya hadn't seen her husband since February like she had tried to convince the DSSI worker that was alleging that Tonya had her own agenda a going on...
This is not the job of the Guardian Ad Liteum worker, yet that of the attorneys and DSSI worker that believed 110% that Tonya's husband was guilty...she also was the one that battled to get Tonya back with her youngest son Jordy who is not only ADDADHD, yet only knew the security of his mother's care...and the youngest victim of this case, for nobody was a listening to him, even though all of his therapists and case workers knew that all he wanted was to be back with his mom and knew that his sister was a lying and that nothing happened to her...for he was always her shadow...her protector...
So V.H., came up with the idea of giving Tonya's aunt temporary custody so that Tonya could be with at least one of her children...and when DSSI wanted Jordy to be allowed to visit his father every other weekend, she suggested that perhaps they should start with three hours a week, being Jordy now states that he hates his father and step mother for what they have done to his mommy, him and his sister...and V.H. also stated that perhaps they could start with three hours and continue his therapy with his counselor and his counselor can determine if it should be added on or deleted completely...
Dr. Phil, you came into mind when I thought back on what you had stated about parents putting down another parent in front of the child and how the child one day grows up and realizes that what the other parent had stated was incorrect and it is that parent that loses the child's respect and love...am I not correct?
So that was the positive to come out of today's court session...Tonya was also informed today that her daughter had told her newest therapist that she wanted to see her mother and her therapist had wanted to meet with Tonya, yet somehow that never got to Tonya's attention...now it will begin and it is a small step...perhaps it will end up being a large step...right now, I am not sure...
I say this because Tonya's attorney told me that no one in the court room other than the Guardian Ad Liteum volunteer and the attorney from Wadesboro for Guardian Ad Liteum that was brought into the case today...believe that Tonya's husband is innocent...
As well, now that Tonya has accepted the neglect plea bargain...I somehow feel that it will be used against her as all the other things that she has been slapped with, in spite of the evidence presented that somehow gets thrown under the rug...
Take for instances what Tonya's attorney stated today after court to Tonya, her dad, her aunt and myself...he said, I don't know what went down between you and your daughter Tonya, yet it must have been pretty bad for her to be not wanting to be or see you...yet he had just stated that her daughter's therapist had stated that she did want to see her mother.
Today as well, Tonya brought in a hand written note to her mother that was given her little brother on Mother's Day that stated that she loved and missed her mother...so I don't know where this guy is a coming from...or what planet...know what I mean?
Also I told the attorney that in the forensics report, that Tonya's daughter's father gave to the interviewer he stated to the doctor that his "daughter lies all of the time about everything."
Yet Tonya hasn't had her children in her physical presence since this all went down back in August of 2008, for saying that her daughter had told tales in the past and when she had in the beginning questioned her daughter about rather it really happened or not, her daughter dropped her head, like she did in the past when found in a lie...and because Tonya asked her daughter this one question...it was the last words she could say to her...
The state also contends that the reason that they never paid attention to those things that Jordy was a saying was because they thought that his mother or family had programmed him into a saying that which would help his mother and step father...
So I asked Tonya's court appointed attorney why was it wrong when Tonya stated that in the past that her daughter (who Tonya raised almost single handedly being her daughter's father's wife wouldn't permit her husband to pay child support or visit with his kids because of jealousy over Tonya and feelings that she knew he still held for her, as already stated previously) had been caught in some lies told, and when her daughter's father tells the forensics interviewer that his daughter is a habitual liar...basically he is allowed to be present with their daughter...I asked him was it because he was a man and her a woman?
I basically believe that Juvenile court is a making their decisions on this case based on Tonya's daughter's first accusation about her step father a trying to enter her and not being able to, put his finger in her and that is why the small tare in the hymen is proof positive that something had indeed happened...photograph proves this...yet, the 3 year plus ago incident where Tonya took her daughter to the hospital ER to check out the small blood amount in her panties after she fall on her bike, was never adequately stated as a vaginal exam or the bleeding coming from a small tare in her hymen...so this is the evidence that juvenile court is a using to extract Tonya's kids and life away from her...
Yet like I tried to tell Tonya's court appointed attorney, that isn't what Tonya's husband is being charged with in Criminal Court...for he is being charged for rape 2-3 times according now to Tonya's daughter...and that in itself should prove that Tonya's daughter is a liar for if a small tampon can take out a hymen in a woman...than 2-3 times being raped by Tonya's husband would in no way allow any part of her hymen to be remaining...
I also told this "not paying attention attorney hired by the court," that were Tonya's husband a being charged for touching only a minor, he wouldn't be facing 20 years for a lot of folks didn't get that sentencing for murder...so either he is that out of touch with this case or somebody is a hiding things from him, perhaps the same person or persons that are a holding out the pictures that would prove Tonya's husband’s innocence...you reckon?
Also on the photos of Tonya's daughter's rectum...it is shown small fresh tares...Tonya nor her husband had seen this child for almost a month...were those tares to have been caused by a molestation of almost a month prior, wouldn't they have been old scars?
I told him that "I am not a doctor"...I am just a asking common sense questions here...
Another person; before I close, that I believe would be a good person to ask questions about this case with, is the attorney from Guardian Ad Liteum that was brought into the case today...the reason being is another synchronistic moment thing...for the attorney that is the boss of V.H., was also the attorney that helped Tonya's father when Tonya's mother passed in the car wreck when she was eight years old and because of conflict of interest...they had to bring in someone from another close town...
This is what V.H., told me that this attorney for Guardian Ad Liteum fill in; stated after reviewing all of the evidence in this case..."he felt the most sorrow for Havre, for they don't have any evidence against him, yet are acting like they do."
V.H. called this court the same as what I do, "a kangaroo court."
She also told me that she participated in a health survey for her county and one of the things that most folks indicated to be an issue that is most problematic in her county is racism...who would have ever believed that possible? hahahehehe...
I also told V.H. that I hoped and pray that Tonya's little girl doesn't get sent to her dad's house to live because in the court room today, Tonya's little girl step mother who V.H. calls a drama queen, was doing her darnest to show Tonya and me as well, her contempt for us both...lots of racist things were stated in hopes to gain a reaction from me...and from Tonya...it was a good thing that Tonya was out of hearing range...and for the first time, I heard Tonya's former husband go from being a boy-man to a man-boy when he told his wife to stop all of her nonsense for she was a trying to get me to hear what she was a saying to cause trouble and I said loud enough for them all to hear, that be about right! Thus letting them know that I had heard more than I cared to have heard...
Yet according to V.H. Tonya's daughter's step mother's CME report; it was filled with false claims and exaggerations...supposedly from Tonya's daughter's school and such and V.H., being the thorough Guardian Ad Liteum worker that she is...checked into the claims and found them false...
The one positive thing that Tonya's husband's court appointed attorney did tell Tonya before she slit Tonya's throat was that she had gotten last week, finally the funding in which to get a medical expert that will be able to interpret the photographs when she did receive them...hopefully...and that she was hopeful that she could get her husband's case postponed till then...
Before I sign off and go to sleep finally after my event filled day, when Tonya's attorney stated that Tonya no matter the outcome of her husband's trial was to never see him again, I started to tear up and I said to him, without a trial proving innocence or guilt, you forced her to sign this plea bargain admitting guilt for a crime that hasn't gone to trial yet...not knowing if her daughter is a liar or not...and the only man that has ever loved Tonya truly and completely she has to throw away and he said, "she will get over it."
Tonya's father was in complete agreement on the subject and what do I say about this attorney and Tonya's father, neither of them know real love...and thus neither of them know that Our God is a wonderful and loving Father and He loves us all equally and what one does to another, they do to themselves...Sorrow and pity is all that I have for them both...and understanding for Tonya's uncle that I used to believe to be my everything...isn't love blind?
Goodnight, Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Ps...I had Tonya turn off my cell phone when the young black girl was being tried, and Tonya thought she had turned it on vibrate...yea right, the cell phone rang and the deputy came up to me and asked me if that was my phone a ringing and I said yes and told him that I thought it had been turned on vibrate and he asked me if it was now turned off and I told him yes and he said it had better be, because if it rings again, I would be going to jail!
Can anyone else beat the day I had? I welcome your letters if so! It wasn't hell enough just participating in the kangaroo court, the thoughts of having to spend one minute more than I needed would have been more than enough to have to endure...
Tonya's husband's attorney looks like a twin to my dear friend Shark Bait...only with more of a blond hair coloration than hers...and August 04, 2009 is when Tonya is scheduled for another hell go round...that is one day after my dear departed mother's birthday...It could have been worse, for it could have fallen on her birthday and on top of ignorance being shared from the kangaroo court proceedings, missing her since she passed, September 17, 2006, two days after my birthday...would have been more than I could have endured...so all things do happen for a reason...one just has to find the positives contained within, so it doesn't all look so bad and awful...know what I mean?
Be AT Peace and Blessed Again...
I have my peace now for I said all that I needed to say...
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