Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
July 07, 2009
Another Day In The Kangaroo Court Room Ends In Tears
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Allowing The Synchronicities/Tears of The Day To Flow Out
Dear All One Family:
Today on top of Michael Jackson's Memorial Service, and my oldest grand-daughter's birthday...My adopted daughter was pushed to take a plea bargain, admitting guilt for neglect of her 11 year old daughter that she left with her husband, her daughter's step dad, while she went to work.
Imagine that, now one can be charged along with the alleged just for having married/or just living with the man or woman that does some form of assault on ones child when they go to work...
My adopted daughter took the plea bargain so that she could finally be allowed to be around her youngest son Jordy and perhaps one day regain at least visitation of her alleging sexual molested daughter who will be 12 years soon...
For according to my adopted daughter's court appointed attorney...the contents of the her plea bargain began with: "Do you love your husband? Of course she said "yes," and then she was asked, "more than your children," of which she stated no, my love is different for them than for him." Dr. Phil are you paying attention?
So then she was asked, "if you had to pick your husband over your children, would you do that?" Of which she stated, "no, for my children are my life." Then she was told that by not believing her daughter when she stated that her step father had done the things that he did to her, that was exactly what she was a doing.
Since this all went down last August, that is exactly what the DSSI workers had been a doing, trying to get her to admit that she did in fact believe her daughter and that he had done those things to her...
Little did she know that by her being told that if she took the plea bargain of admitting neglect, that she was a sending her husband to hell...yet she was a desperate mother that had been the primary parent of all three of her children since their birth...and the type of mother that being without her kids for even one day was hard enough, yet until they were grown and able to return to her on their own...was just too difficult for her depressed and heart broken state that my state and her former husband and current wife, had worn her down to.
She is currently disabled, and on medications to stay calm and to sleep...a wreck of a person, just a going through each day without her babies or her loving husband beside her.
Yet because she was forced directly to sell her husband out; a person that she, her aunt, her dad (even though he can't stand Mexicans) and myself, all believe to be innocent all because she didn't want to lose her kids forever...
as part of the plea bargain she accepted today, also ordered by the court; was that she was to never see her husband again or allow him to see his step children ever again...
When I asked my adopted daughter's court appointed attorney if that still applied were he to be found innocent? My adopted daughter's attorney told me that he would never be found innocent, only acquitted which doesn't mean that he was found innocent, only not enough evidence presented to be found guilty...and he told me quite matter of factly, that there was enough evidence present to convict him...
Of which I stated, "how can that be when the CME reports of the forensic interviewer were all filled with holes and contradictions of Tonya's daughter?
I told him as well that were a good attorney to take the case when he/she placed the alleging child on the stand, he/she could tear her testimony apart because all know that the problem with lies is that one doesn't remember a telling the lies and thus can be found non creditable, quite easily."
Of which my adopted daughter's court appointed attorney stated, oh I forgot to mention that part of Tonya's plea bargain acceptance part today, she is in agreement that she doesn't want her little girl to go through the interrogation process...so she won't be a taking the stand...(of which inside of my mind I was truthfully thinking, damn Tonya share some of those powerful drugs the doctors are a giving you with me! Just kidding, for I know that sometimes our serotonin levels run low from all the stress that we are a internally processing and need a revamping, yet after today, I don't believe Tonya will ever have what it is that she had yesterday....
Michael Jackson never went back being the same...and he went through it twice...
I am writing all of this done to you all, before I forget some of the horrors of my day in court...with my adopted daughter whose only other remaining rock steady support, her aunt had to leave the conference room early so that she could go home and prepare for her husband's wake this evening, a dear man that was Tonya's third support system that had passed on the 4Th of July, like I had wrote earlier in another posting...
So I basically was the only one a asking any real questions because by now, Tonya and her aunt were numb by all of the losses that they had been a going through for almost a year...from the failing health of her aunt's husband, Tonya's husband's incarceration since December 03, 2009, Tonya told by her court appointed attorney that he wouldn't advise her a visiting her husband because she refused to accept that her daughter wasn't lying and by visiting him for the 10-15 minutes a week, she was a showing the court that she favored him over her own daughter...so since February, she hadn't visited him, yet today, she was accused of having been a visiting him by DSSI, even though if any of them had gone to the jail house, they could have gotten the records of visitors for all have to sign in and out...
To make matters worse...when Tonya went and saw her husband's attorney...the other day to see how his case was a progressing being it was like her husband's case was put in the dead pile...because no one was a calling her or calling in any of the witnesses that she had given his attorney...and she knew that when his case settled and he was found not guilty, perhaps her life could go back to normal...so I understood her curiosity...yet that as well was used against her for Tonya's husband attorney told DSSI that Tonya had agreed that her husband would perhaps take the plea bargain of 157 months...which never happened...
Tonya's husband's court appointed attorney was the one making that false testimony...and she was the one I was told by the court appointed Guardian Ad Liteum worker, that turned this into a terrible rotten stinking mess!!!!
Dr. Phil, I have already sent you in one of my numerous emails, this wonderful lady's name and phone number and had told her that perhaps there was a possibility that you might be a calling her...Her initials are V.H...remember now?
I was told many things in court and later when I called her on her cell phone after court let out this afternoon...she has read all of the reports and has been around the children and family members involved with Tonya's kids and would be a key witness for Tonya and her husband's defense for she doesn't believe the allegations are real...
She does believe though...that Tonya needs to stay away from her husband while he is in jail because after what Tonya's husband court appointed attorney did, Tonya had she not taken the plea bargain, she felt Tonya would have been up for criminal charges...as if she knew what her husband had done and was keeping quiet...
I realize that this is long and involved...so I will break for now...for I have a few more interesting things to post here about today...
Be Blessed Always,
Love, Light and Peace
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