Sunday, August 31, 2008
Please Pray For All Caught Up In Storms of Their Own
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
"That Which You Do For The Lowest of My Children, You Do For Me"
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
This came from Asian woman on one of the sites that send me is quite significant being New Orleans may again suffer another go round...Please hold up all caught up in this our latest threat to all lives caught in its path...thanks and please be Blessed one and all...
Love, Light and Peace
It was a rainy night in New Orleans;
At a bus station in the town,
I watched a young girl weeping
As her baggage was taken down.
It seems she'd lost her ticket
Changing buses in the night.
She begged them not to leave her there
With no sign of help in sight.
The bus driver had a face of stone
And his heart was surely the same.
"Losing your ticket's like losing cash money,"
He said, and left her in the rain.
Then an old Indian man stood up
And blocked the driver's way
And would not let him pass before
He said what he had to say.
"How can you leave that girl out there?
Have you no God to fear?
You know she had a ticket.
You can't just leave her here.
You can't put her out in a city
Where she doesn't have a friend.
You will meet your schedule,
But she might meet her end."
The driver showed no sign
That he'd heard or even cared
About the young girl's problem
Or how her travels fared.
So the old gentleman said,
"For her fare I'll pay.
I'll give her a little money
To help her on her way."
He went and bought the ticket
And helped her to her place
And helped her put her baggage
In the overhead luggage space.
"How can I repay," she said,
"the kindness you've shown tonight?
We're strangers who won't meet again
A mere ' 'thank you 'doesn't seem right."
He said, "What goes around comes around.
This I've learned with time - -
What you give, you always get back;
What you sow, you reap in kind.
Always be helpful to others
And give what you can spare;
For by being kind to strangers,
We help angels unaware.
- Author Unknown
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Lightening Strikes Again
Sunrise-8/08/2008. Key Largo, Florida
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Allowance is key to all significant relationships
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
August 30, 2008
Dear All One Family Members:
Today I am going to allow you a little peek through a communication that put the relationship that my favorite sister and myself into a distant holding pattern. I personally believe that it wasn't an accident that we have decided to go our own least until the presidential election is over with anyways...hahahehe.
My sister doesn't believe that she is prejudice. I told her that she was and that was the end of our communication.
I told her that she basically couldn't help it that she was...yet that is just a fact that I can see quite clearly, for it was basically part of our dad's upbringing of us...I know that this is true because I lived it and spent many years trying to put down the gut feeling that somehow my dad never felt totally accepting of my mom's mixed heritage of Panamanian and Chinese.
Yet he changed down through the he grew wiser than those that had somehow convinced him that skin coloration made the marker of rather a man was good or bad...
Numerous times during my youth did I heard my father state that he moved us from Panama, simply due to "his fear of anyone of his children a marrying a black person, being Panama was heavily mixed with them and sometimes when one grows up around them, one sees the other as not being different."
Panama was the place where he was stationed when he met my mom. I was the second born of three children that was given birth in that country.
Presidential Candidate-2008, John McClain and I share the same birth place...Coco Solo Navel Hospital, Panama. Different years of course...hahahehe...
My father also never allowed my mother to teach us Spanish, even though it was her native language...all because he didn't want us to be looked upon by the community of European folks that settled in that farming town in Midwestern migrant workers.
Little did my father realize...his plan wasn't a working for segregation was still around when I was a growing Michigan. And because we were the darkest skinned persons this area had seen...we were on the same level of acceptance...we were not.
So I told my sister, were she still racially motivated...I would understand it, for being she is 8 years younger than myself...her growing up days were not anything compared to mine and she couldn't compare the two at all...only that fair enough?
She only needed to know as well, that she was a helping her children not see so clearly about all being equal if she decided that based on what a person appeared to her as being...without fact...they too would follow her lead...perhaps that isn't important to a conservative natured person...yet in Revelations we are told that "in end times, good would be bad and bad would be good." We are also instructed to "stay flexible to the changes," and to me; change is all that my life has been about, my whole almost 57 years of being on the planet...again...take what you need and do please leave the rest...please?
What lead us towards this path of controversery that we would want to waste precious time a squabbling/and going off to our own corners of the world over who is right and who is wrong?
The Obama and McClain presidential election for she is a Republican and I am an Independent.
She told me that like Clinton, she felt the same energies as she did for Bill Clinton. I then told her that she hadn't given Obama a chance because she hadn't taken the time to hear what it is that he was a saying about what kind of changes he would make were he president...
If one judges another by appearances alone...they are in effect only going off of their gut reactions.
Now if they could say 100% that all things that raises their gut reactions are definitely on the money...than I would say...hey you might just be right...yet I know of a few times that her gut didn't lead her down the correct road...and I too claim the one but God is 100% totally all knowing...
I also told her that one becomes the energy that surrounds them and if one finds themselves strictly in the company of Republicans...guess what...your ideas are purely the blending of the group that you are in...
Also, if all your mind's imaginings are due strictly by the negative emails that have been going around for over a year now on Obama...and you didn't take the time to go to to see if the junk was real or not...and you didn't bother to listen to his speech at the Democratic Convention or check out his website at and at least check out to see what his platform was...than how in the devil can you call an apple a squash?
How do I know that she wasn't a watch the Democratic Convention when Barack spoke? Because she was on the phone with me and not a wanting to let me go, almost as if she knew that if I did get to watch him...I would be even more difficult to turn away from him being the best which to vote for.
Yet, I still had my tv set on...and I saw the reactions that he drew and later when I caught the news and heard some of the things he spoke of...tears came to my eyes and tonight in my email mailbox...I was sent a link from to hear the whole thing...thank you God!
What started the big controversery? The fact that McCain chose a 42 year old Governor of Alaska mother, wife to be his running mate and she liked what she had to say.
I told her that I had heard her speak somewhat and I found her voice too shrill and a lot like Hillary...rather demanding, and pushy and like I told her...perhaps too busy to take on all the ills this country has headed itself towards...and no, I didn't believe that George Bush was the total problem with our country the last 8 years...
George and crew played their part, like all those other presidents and cabinet members that went before them...did. President Bush unbeknownst to himself, took on a time frame that would hold lots of problems to be solved...perhaps years from now we will see the fruits of his labor, than again, maybe not...
I will not judge the job that he did for I know that no one has total power over anything...all decisions are generally a consensual thing...that is how our system works or doesn't...
One thing positive that I have discovered in this momentum Chinese Year of the Rat is that a black man is running in office on the year anniversery of Dr. Martin King's, "I Have a Dream." Also the anniversery year of women being given the ability to vote...Now having a black man-running for president and a woman running for vice president...can't you see the synchronicity of this new direction for America?
Perhaps as well, it was a good thing that Hillary didn't get selected to run for vice president...because the state of affairs in the White House that they both would have taken heir convenient for the Republicans to nail the black man and women for having created it...when it was already set into motion...just like it was for George Bush.
So whatever change that the Obama administration brings forth...I still believe will be better than what ever change the McClain team could ever dream up...purely because when ones whole life is spent in the combat mode...going into a communicational mode wouldn't be an easy endeavor and it has to be for the one taking office for we have too many hot spots in the world that is a needing to sit down at the oval table and talk things out together...for we are all in this together...all nations need to be lined up with NATO, not just a few...we are all sharing the same energetic world together...when one nation throws a nuclear is thrown back...and pretty soon...there is no world left to fight over...for us all...
I also told my sister that if McCain sees a governor of Alaska...the state that holds more oil than any other our nation and still no talk about harvesting it rather than our off shore mining endeavors that just might be again in trouble with the largest hurricane a sweeping perhaps down upon it...
A woman governor/ vice president makes me wonder if he wasn't just trying to get the non committed votes for Hillary this election year...being the race was too tight between Obama and Hillary that it could have easily gone either way...never less...
One other thing that has always bothered me is the fact that women are not valued or respected in most of the Middle Eastern countries...and large power countries as well...China, Iran, North Korea...etc., it really time for a woman vice president? I think not...yet I could be wrong...perhaps if we hadn't had Ms. Rice a doing most of the leg work in a land of conflict and war torn edges...that definitely didn't like or respect women all that much...perhaps more could have been accomplished over there...just my thoughts. We are all entitled to think and say as we choose you know?
Also I will be a watching her and McCain's speech this Republican Convention week...just like I gave time to the Democratic Convention...for that is how one does their analytical work properly...listen to the issues tabled and then make ones decision...
Also I don't believe that anyone should judge another's love for country or God by the words of that person's minister...for most men are asleep with their eyes opened/ears shut down when going to church...
Also, no one but God can judge the level of God/Consciousness contained in anyone of say that one is not equal to ones own idea or conception of what Christianity to be self-righteous...for not any are righteous hold that position as judge and jury...anyways those are my soap box ideas...all can have their own...for that is what America is all about..."judge not, least thee be judged."
I hope my sister doesn't stay out of communication until the election is over, yet I wouldn't be surprized if she did for she is a Taurus you know and they are rather bull headed...just like McCain is weathered...and when looking at McCain, one must look at his aging status factor...and at his running mate...for the chances of him not a making it through his 4 year term...especially being there are so many fires he and his vice president will be a needing to put out...and that leads one to consider...what kind of job will this woman be able to handle especially being she has already a large load already to carry with her already responsibilities..yet never say never!
Besides God already knows who will be in place in November and I am much too busy with the game show of trying to survive until relief and help comes for the persons caught up in professions that many feel is a luxury instead of a necessity...
May All Be Blessed
Please do have a nice evening...I will overcome this point as well...for it is all good!
Life is good!
Love, Light and Peace
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
4 Plus Years to 2012 By Tom
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
"When It is Easier to Run and Hide Our Heads, Instead of Facing The Light of Day!"
August 05, 2008
Dear Tom as well as All One Family Members:
This newsletter edition contains the posting of Tom M. and my comments on the synchronicity of his posting to me after the Conspiracy Theory I posted in my last posting.
It could be my imagination, yet I don't choose to call it as such for to me, "all things happen for a reason, as you all should know that is how I look at life, all of the time, now.
To me, I call that further awakening proof, others can call it what ever they choose for right now, all I want to do is concentrate on the moment for as long as I "look behind or ahead, I somehow lose the moment and there within the moment is where all things are a happening." I believe Eckhart Tolle wrote that, yet I can't be sure for before Eckhart there were numerous others futuristic soul beings that tried to awaken me (books, Cd's...etc.) and Eckhart and Oprah successed when all the others couldn't quite completely awaken me and I choose to call that astounding!..."A New Earth, Awakening To Your Life's Purpose," Eckhart-Oprah ten week online classes...
Dear All One Universal Family Members:
I want to apologize to all that found fear contained within the video that I chose to pass along to all on this newsletter that caused you one moment of fear. That was not my intention.
My intention was simply to offer up another's interpretation as to why our world wasn't a working. A scenerio I realize that more than not symbolize a world that was a chasing its own tail, so to speak. Almost like the movie, "Ground Hog Day."
I like Sharon Destiny,am grateful that other interpretations are being a offered us, so speak to answer the questions that many that are a thinking them, aren't a verbalizing openly and that is,:"what the heck happened?
Now that we have been given one person's opinion, what do we do with that information?
Do we grow more despondent? Or do we take that assumption and decide how to change that outcome that this video author believes is written in stone?
One thing I find the most pressing to discuss at the moment is Janet Reno's ideas (Oklahoma Bombing clip) about what a terrorist is...
I remembered when Janet Reno did the news reel and I wondered silently to myself...this can't be a Christian woman for what she is calling a cult is every God based religion in the world...for each belief that they are the only way Home and each believe differently to a slight degree than the others...
I believe that 87% of United States believes in God and of that 87% of the population, perhaps 90% believe that our government from time to time has exhibited ways that are a bit not completely honest with the people it is a serving.
So are 90% of the population of America, terrorists? I don't believe so, for I believe that Christianity is fully installed within one's being when they can look at another and see the Christ within the other and not see skin color or path differences.
(mirrored reflection-or what I am a saying about you, I am really a saying about myself type of thing-or what importantly; that which I am a doing/thinking of another, I am actually a doing/thinking about/to myself.)
The conspiracy tape lay out format and my thoughts on it...
Am I shocked or surprised? No. Angered or stunned? NO. It is what it is...take the mistakes of yesterday and build from it a new tomorrow...definitely a time for change, for the old isn't a working in a way, it seems that will benefit all of mankind and I believe therein lies the secret and it being...were any nations choices not built on building the nation they were a serving and representing...they were not working in the light of God and thus...those responsible for making the decisions before looking at the reactions possible due to their actions...were not acting responsible in God's eyes and karma was to befall the one a believing that self was more important than all.
Thus I believe that the ones responsible for the wars that cost losses of God's children, those a jointly choosing to go left instead of right, will be held responsible for all the consequences of their decisions, just like each and everyone of us.
Do I want to buy into the conspiracy theory? Actually no, for that would mean that this great land that I love and cherish would represent a lie for which it stood at one time, "One Nation Under God," so rather than go there in judgement, for all I know is the rumors of the grape vine committee for perhaps 20 years coming out in a video on the Internet and published bizarre is that to be real?
Were all of my suspicions real? Do I want to think like that? Absolutely not! For to think in a negative light, produces nothing but (yes, Dr. Phil, I wrote but)negative living...and I am through with the drama and the world should be as well...for drama is what created it and drama could cause it to evolve and completely re-arrange itself...2012.
So what I am going to do is to focus on what is good about America and get down on my hands and knees and pray and ask God to lead us all out of it safely by awakening up our world leaders and future leaders to the fact that we are in this all together...and a pleading with all to do the same.
I believe that many mistakes have been made and now what all I believe we can all do is; take the mistakes of yesterday and learn from them and as Dr. Phil would state, when we go in search of those "how did it serve our purpose?" answers; we would soon learn that a new and better way was in order to be manifested.
Especially since the old was a doing all that it was supposed to have been doing, a keeping us a chasing after our own tails a trying to gain control of the world, yet the only one in control of the world is God and thus all a long we all have been a playing God...One dab of God's spark doesn't make us total...
Change your thinking, change the outcome of your world.
Dear Tom:
Thank you for your wonderful posting. I know that one day your book will sit on the shelves of my library at the Angel Foundation Research Center. You might even choose to do lectures there as well...who knows for sure what tomorrow could bring.
I only know that the first time that you wrote on your Eckhart Tolle blog site, I knew that you definitely were one that pushed past the box into a reality that you along with myself and the world is a trying to re-discover.
I find that you and I resonate quite similarly in many directions...thank you for being one of my guides, in this life-time that is going swiftly towards the direction of cleansing either through a nuclear explosion or an asteroid...4 plus years and a counting down.............
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
We are on the cutting edge of an incredible time in human
history - a great awakening.
We stand at a pivotal moment in time where mankind stands
to expand its consciousness and transcend the holographic
illusion of what is considered reality.
The Law of Attraction, the Art of Conscious Creation, the
Secret, the Bible's "what you sow you reap" - whatever
tradition we wish to call it - the great avatars and
masters throughout history have always taught...
We Create Our Reality
What we think, feel, believe and expect to receive comes
back to us. In other words, whatever we focus on becomes
our reality. Realizing this - and remembering who we truly
are - is the 'real' secret to changing our personal world
and the world we live in.
We are connected with the Source, or the 'All That Is'. We
are a spark of this creative energy some people call God.
Thus I teach and share an actual living of, and reclaiming
of the power to consciously create our reality, and the
experience of knowing our true nature and our connection to
all things and to each other.
We have a natural potential for balance, harmony,
perfection, beauty, complete health, abundance and
happiness. As we remember our true essence, we begin to
see the link between our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and
actions... and our power to create.
We live in a world where everyone is a creator and all we
see before us is our creativity manifested. Since most of
us are unaware of our creative power, it is quite natural
that our world is chaotic and dysfunctional. My books and
courses detail the what, why, and how of our current state
of affairs and the ways we can 'consciously create' a future
of peace and prosperity.
We are present at the birth of an opportunity to truly
change the world. We are living in a time of the most
rapid change in our history - an expansion of awareness and
consciousness. We truly hold the keys to unlocking the door
of the future of our planet and humanity. Now is the time
to do what we came here to accomplish and remember we were
Born to Manifest!
There is so much more in my new book,
"The Manuscript: Awakening Into Oneness"
Wishing you an amazing day,
Fearing Not The Moments In Time
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
"There Is Nothing To Fear, But Fear Itself" Author unknown
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear Sharon and All One Family Members:
Today I received the below posting and I felt a need to post it along with the video posting that I got a couple of days ago. The video I am a sending along with this posting to Sharon is rather long and if you don't have the time to read the books that she outlined to us all, than the lengthy video would be your choice.
I especially liked the last 20 minutes of it...for I didn't walk away from it fear loaded...I just felt better informed...similar to, now I understand what we are facing, I know that who gets the presidency and vice presidency will have their hands most definitely filled and hopefully by not a adding to our already massive problems in the land that we love.
Dear Sharon and All One Family Members:
Again Sharon in less than 24 hours, I have found myself a writing you twice. It is my hope that it won't be as long as my previous posting to you, yet I never know what direction God's spirit within me will lead me goes my thoughts on your posting:
I too have been lead towards the conspiracy factor within our world...and what you have laid out with all the book postings that you so generously gave us too am submitting a video that I was sent a few days ago.
I like you was a wondering how could we as the wealthiest (once wealthiest that is) nation in the world reach such low levels of beingness...
Just to emphasis my point more I went to patronize a new pizza place not too far from my home for lunch. I was a going there simply due to the fact that I heard the food was good and low costing.
I didn't get a chance to patronize it, for on the door was a signed that read, "Due to the stinking economy, we had to close early."
I am right there with you Sharon...I don't feel that the taking in of information that doesn't resonate with our own ideas to be a bad thing... for as Einstein stated, "that which we fear most, comes at us greater."
I am also not stating that all that I read, I totally believe and allow it to become a part of me...what I do instead is that I look at and pray to God that were it to be real that God somehow changes it for all of His children that are awake and are trying to be the change in the world that is so badly needed.
Just my thoughts.
Thank you Sharon for your posting...the advice towards the end of the video states clearly how I am a dealing with all the negatives that seem to be a coming at us all as we move steadily towards December, 2012...and a time I too believe to be the cleansing of our planet and the end of all of the misguided directions of all of our world leaders...past, and current. Praise Be To God.
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
Subject: [In_Joy] Two New Books: "State of Confusion" and "The Rise of the Fourth Reich"
Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 10:39 AM
Don't be afraid to read these books. History often shows that the real conspiracies
turn out to be official government/military positions. But, history does not always
clear its name in our lifetime. In the meantime, here are two new books to add to
the many being written as food for thought regarding the dumming down of our
world and what we choose to see as 'reality.' See additional book recommendation
at end of post.
Two New Books:
State of Confusion: Political Manipulation and the Assault on the American
Mind, by Bryant Welch, published June 10, 2008
Product Description:
If America is going to change the mind-set that led us to war in Iraq and left us unable to confront our serious national problems, this book is vitally important. Drawing on his unique experience both as a clinical psychologist and a Washington, D.C., political figure with the American Psychological Association, Dr. Welch shows how the long-term effects of sophisticated new forms of political manipulation have not only led to our debacle in Iraq but are also currently undercutting America’s ability to address its very serious problems. In the 1944 movie Gaslight, a husband drives his wife to the brink of insanity by playing games with her sense of reality. Just as in the movie, America’s most recent political “gaslighters,” such as George W. Bush, Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and many religious leaders, have generated and exploited confusion in the minds of countless Americans.
Gaslighters prey on their victim’s vulnerability to paranoia, sexual perplexity, and envy to undermine the mind’s ability to function rationally. Welch examines why millions of Americans, in response to such assaults, subconsciously and dangerously create their own simplistic reality, even if it is completely different from the more complex reality of the world.
Most important, State of Confusion explains how and why Americans must act now to fight back against this harmful manipulation before it’s too late. Dr. Welch’s exploration of the American mind is both fascinating and frightening, and State of Confusion is a must-read for everyone who cares about the future of this great country.
The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten To Take Over
America, by Jim Marrs, published June 28, 2008, also author of the following
Rule by Secrecy
Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy
Alien Agenda
The Terror Conspiracy
Deception, 9/11 and the Loss of Liberty
Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies
PSI Spies: The True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program
Product Description - The Rise of the Fourth Reich
Throw out everything you think you know about history. Close the approved textbooks, turn off the corporate mass media, and whatever you do, don't believe anything you hear from the government—The Rise of the Fourth Reich reveals the truth about American power. In this explosive new book, the legendary Jim Marrs, author of the underground bestseller Rule by Secrecy, reveals the frighteningly real possibility that today the United States is becoming the Fourth Reich, the continuation of an ideology thought to have been vanquished more than a half century ago.
This concept may seem absurd to those who cannot see past the rose-colored spin, hype, and disinformation poured out daily by the media conglomerates—most of which are owned by the very same families and corporations who supported the Nazis before World War II. But as Marrs precisely explains, National Socialism never died, but rather its hideous philosophy is alive and active in modern America. Unfortunately, most people cannot understand the shadowy links between fascism and corporate power, the military, and our elected leaders.
While the United States helped defeat the Germans in World War II, we failed to defeat the Nazis. At the end of the war, ranking Nazis, along with their young and fanatical protégés, used the loot of Europe to create corporate front companies in many countries, including the United States of America. Utilizing their stolen wealth, men with Nazi backgrounds and mentalities wormed their way into corporate America, slowly buying up and consolidating companies into giant multinational conglomerates. Many thousands of other Nazis came to the United States under classified programs such as Project Paperclip. They brought with them miraculous weapon technology that helped win the space race but they also brought their insidious Nazi philosophy within our borders. This ideology based on the authoritarian premise that the end justifies the means—including unprovoked wars of aggression and curtailment of individual liberties—has gained an iron hold in the "land of the free and the home of the brave."
For the first time Jim Marrs has gathered compelling evidence that an effort has been underway for the past sixty years to bring a form of National Socialism to modern America, creating in essence a modern empire—or "Fourth Reich"!
Additional Book:
The True Story of the Bilderberg Group by Daniel Estulin
Product Description
Delving into a world once shrouded in complete mystery and impenetrable security, this investigative report provides a fascinating account of the annual meetings of the world’s most powerful people—the Bilderberg Group. Since its inception in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the small Dutch town of Oosterbeek, the Bilderberg Group has been comprised of European prime ministers, American presidents, and the wealthiest CEOs of the world, all coming together to discuss the economic and political future of humanity. The press has never been allowed to attend, nor have statements ever been released on the attendees' conclusions or discussions, which have ramifications on the citizens of the world. Using methods that resemble the spy tactics of the Cold War—and in several instances putting his own life on the line—the author did what no one else has managed to achieve: he learned what was being said behind the closed doors of the opulent hotels and has made it available to the public for the first time.
Submitted in the spirit of gratitude for those trying to bring about truth,
Here is my posting video address. Thank you Laura G. for it:
MUST SEE......!!!!
This video shows the "grand plan" of what is to come and is important to watch
all the way through....especially the last 40 minutes (from about 1:40):
Pass it on... Please...
Remember to copy and paste it into your browser and fly! Tonie
Monday, August 4, 2008
Living In The Moment of Time
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
In Memory of My Mother
August 04, 2008
Dear All One Family:
This is a response posting to one of web posting family members. I am not really sure why I reached out to her this evening...perhaps in memory of my mom...for her birthday was yesterday and yes...I still miss her alot.
Yet I know that where she is along with my dad and sister in law and all the other family and friends that have journeyed on before me...the place where they all are is wonderful and magnificent and that is what I have to hang on to and also understand...that I too must continue to do and be my best so that I can one day see them all again...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Dearest Sharon and all one world family members:
This is quite an interesting posting to us all. At least to me it is, for we all are different and we all have different viewings of that which we see, hear, feel, smell, think, react and have our being in the world, as you too have perhaps already surmised as well.
In my 24 years of professional practice as a vibrational body worker, I have become acquainted with persons that one aspirin ( I am included in that statement) taken over a three day period, would cause bruising of our skin.
So we all have sensitivities and react differently to different food substances and medicines.
The combining of different ingredients is where therein lies the difference. I am on no medications for anything and when someone has a headache or a fever, I generally have to decide if the aspirins in my cupboard is fresh enough to be taken by them safely for I don't take aspirins.
Not to say that I don't ever get headaches, I do from time to time. Yet because I know the points to press on others to release the energetic flow a going to their brains" it is quite easy to release them in myself as well.
For all of us living in the real world of reality has those pain in the head and neck, other parts of our body, moments. Especially when we don't accept the world as it is a coming at us.
Living In The Moment of Time, and my understanding/believing that each of us are given a set amount in which to serve out our missions here; has helped me immensely deal with the passing of my parents, and other loved ones.
At the time that my mother passed, (2 days after my birthday, September 17, 2006) and my dear and preciously close sister in law, ten days prior. I was taking 12 mg. of melatonin and 50 mg. of Benedryl, just in order to sleep.
I had been doing this for about 5 years and suffered no ill effect, as was determined by my physcian who had been a monitoring my self medicating measure.
He was a doing this because I was on no pain pills, no antidepression pills, no heart meds...nothing, yet I was in recovery from a serious car accident that left me with 3 herniated discs in my neck and one confirmed by a M.R.I. on my right knee, of a torn medial meniscus, with the left one determined by range of motion exercises performed by a leading orthopedic surgeon's, P.A. as being in worst shape than the confirmed right knee...
Just one of those body dis-easement would have sent the least pain sensitive person on pain pills. I can't take them for they make me weak, tired and unable to work and work I had to do all these years, being I have been divorced for now over 15 years and live alone.
So the natural way back to health is the only way I could have handled my recovery program. I truthfully believe that melatonin is a wonderful product. Yet for some I realize that it might not be as effective as on others like myself.
Just understand as well, the mechanism of producing the serotonin in our brains that it does. I sufferred a concusion that my doc stated was missed because it wasn't large enough in compacity to show a highly visible change in the brain's structure, so for me; I believed my brain needed it to overcome the damage that was created to various nerve centers in it...the impact blow was on the left side of the head, and somehow the ability to hold memories of numbers and time, have seemed the most difficult to overcome, yet it is getting better for me as time moves along.
So I am a counting my experience as a plus...for those of us that have sufferred not only physical yet emotional and mental obstacles in our life that's true person was to awaken us more fully...sometimes this melatonin supplementation is a plus and not a negative.
Especially if one works indoors rather than outdoors, than the naturally supplementation of the sun is missing...and needs to be supplemented. I work indoors and visit outdoors, not all that often...
Also being a sensitive since a young child, the hearing/seeing/feeling of things to come, or pertinent past moments in common for me.
When my sister in law, mother, dad passed; all within a six months frame of time...being able to sleep with so much of their conversation with me a going on in my head...I thank God that I had my melatonin in which to escape their visits for a while to just get some sleep.
I wouldn't have necessarily liked the idea of having a date that one will pass...I just like to look at each person that passes my way, as well as myself and understand that each of us have a contract ended date...and living in the peace of the moment that life is good and that no matter what comes at us, it is all good.
Lots of people that I know, live as if they are a waiting for the next shoe to drop. I don't have time for that valuable time expenditure, for life to me is simply; "It is what it is."
I have a close family member that told me that when she took 3mg. of tablet it made her more aggressive. I truthfully don't believe it as being true, for she was always a very aggessive personality to begin with.
She didnt change until she experienced a near death experience and realize that life is really a short time here and so much of it she missed from trying to climb the corporate ladder so aggressively...that she missed the very moment in time she was a standing upon...true story!
I had two profound near death moments and I know this feeling quite well myself and yes, it does tend to change one's attitude about life...
I don't know why I am a writing all of this to you...Usually I just hang back and let things just ride on by...this time I felt the need to reach out to you...for I sense your sadness and fear about the invisible divine side of ourselves and I pray that somehow this has comforted you somewhat.
August 03, is my mother's birthday and I do miss her so! Yet almost nightly my mom, dad and sister in law come to visit me...and when I don't give them time to correspond briefly with me...the church parking lot across the street. (fairly new church) parking lot lights signal to me that they are near me. Too cool to understand.
One more thing that I would like to mention...I have a discomfort with sleeping in the darkness...for like the Medium Show on TV...that is when my ghostly visitations would always occur as a wasn't until I became an awakened adult that I grew to understand that I am control of who and what I allow to visit me...and there in made all the difference in the world to me...just a knowing that God was in charge and watching over me like He does with the sparrows and such...
And that whatever He leads us towards, He will lead us away from it as well...
Thank you for allowing me this moment in time...for those that aren't aware of muscle testing...muscle testing can tell one if in combination with everything else that they are a taking and are on...alcohol/food and such...will interfere/ or assist with their body's functioning or not.
Perhaps finding a naturpathic physcian might be a grand move for all those a wondering if this or that supplementation is good for ones own body or not...just my thoughts. All can do with their life what ever it is that they choose to be their truths.
Be Blessed
You Are Not Alone
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace
Spirtual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
Subject: [In_Joy] Mind-blowing Personal Synchronicity
Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 2:49 PM
I'm being blown away with a synchronicity that is just this minute being
re-membered. It was triggered by replying to a friend about a post she'd
sent on the importance of melatonin (chemical produced in the brain during
the darkness of's counterpart is seratonin, the chemical produced
in the brain during the light of day (sun). I've been teaching my five year old
granddaughter, Lila, about this for the last couple of years, explaining why
it's important to sleep in darkness. Here's what would like to be shared.
In the spring of 1996, I awoke from a dream after having taken a dose of
melatonin, for the first and last time. Upon awakening, I 'heard'..."soul
number expires July 8th"...there was no year or name given. Just to
be on the safe side, I treaded lightly that year and many other years on
that date. For the past few years, I haven't given the date in the dream a
As I was typing the reply to my friend's post about melatonin, the dream
about the date, July 8th, returned to my consciousness like a comet.
July 8, 2008 is the date my mother died, 12 years to the day of the date
in the dream.
Sending love,
| Database | Polls
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Tithing Ones Way Through Life
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
"Ti's Better To Give Than Receive"
August 03, 2008
Dear All One Family:
This posting came to me today and I just wanted to share its contents with you all.
I realize that not all a reading it will understand its full impact on their world at this given point in time and that is alright too.
For me, it told alot especially in light of the fact that the other day a close and personal friend/client of mine, told me that she thought that by my mentioning that I was a having financial difficulties and absolutely didn't know what tomorrow would bring me, and rather than patronize another establishment, and pay out money to another business, plus the 2 hour drive time to get there; why not just purchase the unit she was a wanting to do more research on so that I could gain from the usage of it in my practice as well?" To me that made more sense. Yet my true devout Christian found it appalling for me to do such a thing.
I told her that I disagreed for in the Bible it states, "that which you do for the lowest of my children, you do for Me."
I also told her that the lady in discussion gives large sums of money away to other foundations she is wanting to support, why not myself? What to her made me less than all of the others that her and her family supported in the past?
I also told her that all of my minister clients/friends, I never charge them a cent simply due to the fact that they were all a doing the same as myself, a trying to help all find their way back to God/Home.
Saying such, would that not make me someone that is trying to support another's highest good for their life, did not that make me a valuable endeavor to her?
And if not for the spiritual support, how about the work that I did in trying to help her find her way back to balance and harmony, structurally, physically and mentally?
So I guess the story goes, just because one doesn't find another all that worthy to be assisted, doesn't mean that they are right or the other wrong...It is just their perception at the time.
One doesn't ever know what will show up from the bushes that they shake, until they shake it...
Anyways, that is my story and I am a sticking to it.
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Enjoy this posting. I couldn't agree more! Many that know me personally, know that I am a giver, rather than a receiver. When I ask for help, know that it is a serious thing and I am only a explaining, instead of a complaining, yet all can take it anyway they want to, for this is America, the land of the free and the brave, we all can believe any which a way...only check from time to time to see if the only way is a working for you. God Bless us all.
Quantum Mind Power Newsletter
Issue No. 3
The"Manifesting Money From Thin Air"
Wealth Attraction Tool No.3:
Tithing your way to riches
Song Chengxiang
Copyright @ 2008
I am going to talk about another wealth
attraction tool that I have used over the years
to magically multiply my own wealth. As I said
before, wealth attraction is not something that
you can achieve overnight, if there were such
techniques that would allow you to do that, those
techniques would be best avoided. After all, what
you want is a way of life, a way to experience
abundance in your life in an easy and effortless
What I am trying to do is to help you form a
series of habits that guarantee you to be rich.
And whatever I suggest you do, I have already
proven is working in my life. So do your work,
form these habits, you will soon see an abundance
of wealth manifest in your life. I have received
lots of positive feedback and thank you notes
since I published the first two wealth attraction
tools. People are already making incredible
progress with these techniques. They are working,
but only when you use them.
As you read the title of this section, you
probably have already guessed what I am going to
talk about. Yes, this is a topic that has been
taught over the centuries. Those who applied it
in the correct way have made fortunes and lived
an abundant life.
Yes, there is a correct way to apply the
technique of tithing, and there is a wrong way.
Unfortunately, most people are doing it the wrong
way, and wonder why they don't see any results,
and most of them stopped tithing with
If you have tried, but did not make it work,
don't feel disappointed. I am going to show you
exactly how to make it work magically for you.
And if you have already made it work, I am going
to tell you how to make it 10 times more
effective. Sound exciting? I am serious, if you
do exactly what I tell you to do, this is going
to make your life so much better and make you so
much happier, and certainly your wealth is going
to multiply fast!
First thing I want you to understand is the flow
of energy. If the modern scientists are correct
(they are probably very close to the real truth),
then this physical world is nothing but energy
vibrating at different frequencies. Everything is
energy, fire is energy, water is energy, your
body is energy, even the stone is energy, and
certainly money is also energy.
And energy flows. If you want to have the energy
of money to flow to you, you must make yourself a
channel that allows the energy to flow. Imagine
yourself being a channel, your must have an inlet
and an outlet. Most people focus on the inlet,
but forget that without an outlet, the energy
will not flow. If the energy of money came to
your channel, but could not find an outlet that
it can flow through, then it will rather choose
another channel that has an outlet.
Does that make sense? Well, all you need to
understand is that money is energy, you must keep
it flowing. That's one reason that you should not
be negative about spending your money. Spending
your money is one of the ways you can open the
flow. And a better way to open the flow is
tithing your money. When you give away your money
to others, you open a channel for more money to
flow to you. Remember energy always flows.
Then how much should you give? Remember the power
of ten that I mentioned in the Wealth Attraction
tool No.1? There is a magic power of increase
embedded in this number, make really good use of
this magic number to grow your wealth. Most of
the books on this topic suggest you to tithe 10%.
And this is also what I recommend you to do. It
might be hard for you if I suggest you to tithe
10% of all your savings, and then start by
tithing 10% of your monthly earnings. When you
start seeing the benefits, you will want to tithe
10% of everything you own. ?
You might say that you cannot afford to tithe
because you are in deep debt. Well, I say you
cannot afford not to tithe. If you keep doing
what you have always been doing, you will keep
getting what you're always getting. If you are in
a situation of debt, I want you to read the
following conversation I had with a reader
The reader told me that she has been paying for a
debt for 3 years, and recently she became
unemployed, her spouse had to pay the debt on her
behalf. And she asked me for advice to get out of
the debt. Here is what I replied to her:
"...what you need is a shift of focus. Ask
yourself: You have been focusing on getting out
of the debt for so long, has your situation got
any better? If not, why should you keep doing
what is not working? If it does not help to focus
on the debt, change your focus, then everything
will change. Focus on something that you can do
to make more money, focus on something that you
already have and make it grow. What you focus on
will expand, it is your choice to choose focusing
on debt or focusing on the little one penny in
your pocket. There is a world of difference in
this simple decision. Focus on what you have, and
be grateful for it, the universe will give you
more. The little penny will grow with your proper
intention and focused attention.
Ideas and opportunities will appear when you make
this little shift. And remember to express your
gratitude when they do show up."
That is also what I want you to consider if you
are in similar situation. Focus on what you have
and be grateful for it. And one way to express
your gratitude is to give away 10% of that you
have. If you earn $1,000 this month, give away
$100, if you earn $100, give away $10. The value
does not count so much, what counts is a shift of
mindset that allows more money to flow to you.
If you withhold the money, you will probably stay
where you are. But once you start giving,
everything will change. I am speaking from my own
experience, I have been practicing tithing for
years, and I have been seeing how my money grows
with tithing. And every time I give, I am 100%
confident that the money will come back to me
multiplied. Please, make this a priority for you,
start this month, tithe 10% of what you earn, you
will be surprised how the money will come back to
you in the most unexpected ways.
The next question is where you should tithe. If
you read any books on this topic, they will
suggest you to tithe to places where you receive
spiritual help and inspiration. Well, this is
good. If you believe what is taught in your
church or monastery is helping people change
their lives for the better, then give your money
to the church or monastery. This is good. Another
place you want to give your money is the people
that you think need your money the most. This
will give you a sense of confidence that your
money has been put into good use. And you won't
regret the tithing. When I first started tithing,
I gave my money to a charity based in the US
Dedicated to helping hungry children in Africa
and other parts of the world. I felt great every
time I donated my money. I knew that the money
was going to help many children in parts of the
world that are not so well-developed, and I also
knew that the money will come back to me
On 12 of May, 2008, an earthquake measuring 8.0
on the Richter scale hit Sichuan province in
China. Tens of thousands people died in the
earthquake, and tens of millions people were
affected. This is one of the biggest disasters
that has happened in the past 30 years in China.
I knew that these people needed help, and they
needed continuous help over the next 5 to 10
years to rebuild their homes. Since then, I had
begun to donate my money to the earthquake relief
each and every month. If you like, I hope you can
help these people too by tithing your money to
them. You are not only helping these people, you
are also helping yourself to grow your own
wealth. If you want to help, you can check out
the Chinese Embassy or Red Cross Society in your
country. If you are in America, this is the Red
Cross Donation page for the Sichuan earthquake.
You can also donate through China Red Cross
Society. Here is their English website:
Ok, now you understand you should tithe at least
10% of your incom\e, and you also know where you
could donate your money to. The next part is what
confuses most people.
Should I tithe without a string attached, or
should I tithe with an expectation for a return?
Well, you should do both. You should tithe
without a string attached, and at the same time
expect a return. This may sound contradictive,
here is what I mean. You should give the money
away and expect nothing in return from the source
that you give to. If you give your money to your
church or to a charity, don't have a slight
expectation to get something back from them. You
should give freely without asking anything back.
This is what I mean by tithing without a string
On the other hand, you should expect a return
from other sources. This expectation will tell
the universe to bring the money back to you in a
greater amount. And you can make this formula
more powerful by employing the power of magic
number 10 as I have been telling you again and
again. When you give your money away, expect 10
times or more money will come back to you. And
remember to give thanks to the universe. If you
really follow what I am saying, you should see
how powerful this technique is, it combines the
power of tithing with the "Magic 10" formula I
told you in the sample issue. It will make your
money grow fast when you use it.
Here is a summary of the tithing formula:
1. You should always keep your money flowing 2.
You should give away at least 10% of what you
earn no matter how difficult your current
situation seems to be 3. You should give your
money to a place that supports your spiritual
growth or somewhere needs your money the most 4.
You should tithe without a string attached 5. You
should expect 10 times more return from other
Use this formula starting today; you will see
your wealth start growing FAST! I look forward to
hearing your success stories.
If you have any questions or comments, you can send them to me
anytime to
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Veggie Fest-Chicago Area August 2, 2008
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Saturday 02, 2008
Dear All One Family:
Today this event is a taking place in the Chicago, Il., area. For those fortunate to be able to attend, have a grand time!
This type of fever needs to be caught by all, especially in light of so much of our veggies not being healthy and sound due to our having little FDA, supervision of it. Not to fault the FDA for their man power I am sure is probably being cut as well like almost all of our business industries and especially in light of how many drugs being discovered are a needing approval by their department...
Can't you see communities a gathering together and having food co-ops and organic gardens like our ancestors used to have?
A return to the basics of life...such a grand idea and an idea that time has arrived!
All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director,0,2312594.story
Veggie Fest to descend on Naperville this weekend
Event expected to attract estimated 10,000 people starting Saturday
By Ted Gregory
Chicago Tribune Reporter
11:12 PM CDT, July 31, 2008
Thirty miles and an ethos from the site of the Taste of Chicago gorgefest, crews are setting up for a celebration that might be considered odd in a suburb of the city once known as Hog Butcher for the World.
It's called Veggie Fest, and it's in Naperville, the same city that hosts Ribfest, an annual four-day celebration that draws 250,000 people.
At Veggie Fest, organizers hope for a record turnout, maybe 10,000, or about 4 percent of Ribfest's masses. Those who visit can attend programs on vegetarian cooking for dummies, vegetarian soul food, even something called Rah Rah Raw, among other offerings.
But this weekend's celebration of eating low on the food chain is more than a community incongruity. It's a merger of history and contemporary buzz, a small symbol of the building momentum behind vegetarianism. It may mean that it's hip to be veg.
"It's no longer considered this leftist, hippie thing," said Peter Manseau, editor of Search magazine, which calls itself "a non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian magazine exploring the intersection of science, religion and culture."
"Twenty years ago," added Manseau, an avowed carnivore, "if you said you were a vegetarian, people would ask, 'Why would you do that?' Now, people say, 'Wow, that's really cool that you've done that. I wish I could do that.' "
Veggie Fest is sponsored by and on the grounds of the Science of Spirituality Center, at Naperville Road just north of Warrenville Road. The center is a global, non-profit, ecumenical organization committed to a spiritual way of life through meditation. About 2,500 people attended the first, in 2005, and nearly 5,000 came out for the second, in 2007.
This year, organizers have distributed 75,000 brochures, increased newspaper, radio and TV advertising and have added a second day to the festival—all of which have fueled confidence of a high turnout.
"We've got 24 porta-potties," Veggie Fest manager Jonathan Kruger said Thursday while walking the 5-acre site, where crews have erected 100 tents. "That was a big debate—how many porta-potties we should have."
Leonardo da Vinci; Mohandas Gandhi; author, philosopher and naturalist Henry David Thoreau; and playwright George Bernard Shaw were vegetarians. So are Paul McCartney and Olympic gold medalist Carl Lewis, who maintains he performed his best as a 30-year-old vegetarian.
But for as long as polling has been done on vegetarianism in the U.S., the percentage of adult vegetarians has hovered around 3 percent, keeping pace with the increase in population.
The number of vegetarian offerings on restaurant menus—haute and low cuisine—has risen dramatically in the last 15 years. And this year's National Restaurant Association "What's Hot & What's Not" survey of chefs showed that locally grown produce and organic produce rank second and third.
Liz Burke disagrees. The 24-year-old Chicagoan became a vegetarian in January, about the same time she became a server at the Chicago Diner, a landmark vegetarian restaurant.
Her decision to go meat-free was a final step in a gradual movement, she said, motivated by concern for her health and the environment.
Research suggests vegetarians have lower cholesterol, decreased risk for heart disease and colon and breast cancer. And in 2006, the UN stated in a controversial report that raising cattle contributes more to global warming greenhouse gases than transportation.
"It's been really, really, really easy," Burke said of her shift, "and that's been somewhat of a surprise. I haven't regretted it at all."
She said she doesn't miss meat, either. Burke frequently cooks stir-fry, enjoys spicy Thai cuisine, nachos and the veggie burritos at Taco Burrito House near her Uptown apartment.
Don Emery said he is hoping for a robust turnout at Veggie Fest. Emery, chairman of the 2008 Ribfest, hadn't heard of the vegetarian celebration until told about it Thursday.
"No, I'm not worried," he said, chuckling when asked whether Veggie Fest might steal thunder from Ribfest. "I wish them well. For everybody who likes that kind of food, great. If I get a minute, maybe I'll pop over there and check it out. If it's as good as Ribfest food is, then they'll be successful."
Copyright © 2008, Chicago Tribune
VeggieFest Originator:
Hi, Friends of VeggieFest!
Because it is part of your mission to promote healthy living, and to help maintain the highest quality of life, this is an unprecedented opportunity to engage your patients, clients and/or customers in a proactive manner. Sharing this event will supplement your efforts to educate and engage them. By connecting those you serve to Veggie Fest 2008, you create a niche for your practice / organization which is synonymous with healthier living.
Thank you for forwarding this to those in your sphere of influence.
Friends of VeggieFest Coordination Team
Hi friends! This is to let you know about an event taking place this weekend that is truly worth attending.
Check out this streaming video:
then read more about it below:
Veggie Fest 2008 Is Almost Here…Aug 2-3
Don't miss the most exciting FREE event of the summer - Veggie Fest 2008. It's coming up soon!
The fun begins on Saturday, August 2, from 11AM to 6PM and continues on Sunday, August 3 from 11AM to 4PM on the grounds of the Science of Spirituality Meditation Center, 4S 175 Naperville Rd., Naperville IL 60532. Admission to Veggie Fest, all talks, and demos is free.
This is the third and biggest Veggie Fest yet with thousands of people expected. It's is a family event with dozens of activities to keep kids entertained, including crafts and a magician, while the grownups browse through over 40 vendor booths or get a health screening.
Cooking demos held throughout both days will include Mexican, Indian, Chinese, and Thai vegetarian cuisines as well as how to juice, prepare raw foods and make kid-friendly meals. On both days, medical professionals and health and environmental experts will lecture on the relationship of diet to cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Music will keep things hopping, and this year Rich Dworsky, pianist and music director for Prairie Home Companion will be joined by jazz and folk bands and Latino groups.
Sound good? Get more information at:
and remember - it's all FREE.
Come to celebrate our 3rd Veggie Fest, a spectacular 2 day community event, the largest event of this kind in Chicagoland.
Enjoy delicious healthy food, live bands, and great talks from professionals. Visit the vendors and pick up valuable information on healthy living. Discover something new about your own health by participating in on–site screenings. WOW! All of this with no admission charge and free drawings for prizes.
· Children programs-face paintings, crafts, singing
· Live music– bluegrass, folk, jazz and latino
· Cooking demonstrations with sampling
· Health talks by medical experts
· 40 food vendors-restaurants-exhibitors
· 11 health-education booths
· Blood pressure, lung capacity, body fat, & sugar level measurements
· Free drawings for prizes on the hour
· Outstanding Vegetarian & Vegan Food Selections prepared by Chicago Area Restaurants and Vegetarian Chefs…
· Whole Foods (Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, and Veggie Treats) Fresh Juices and Other Natural Beverages…
· Alternative Health (Wellness) Practitioners…
· 50 Vendors & 30 Exhibitors…
· Live Music & Entertainment for your Enjoyment…
· Expert Speakers from all over the World…
· Vegetarian Cooking Demos…
· Meditation Demos…
· Onsite Medical Screening…
· Seated Massage & a wide variety of Holistic Treatments…
· Fun Interactive Children's Activities…
· Raffles & Giveaways
Thank you for forwarding to all others - family/friends - who may be interested in attending.
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