Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Riding The Waves of Life As We Don't Know It
September 01, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family: Please support Jerry's Kids MDA fund raiser...they were there for my youngest son...and paid all the bills on him...when I get to where I believe I will be a landing...I will definitely make sure that they are one of my greatest contributions that I make...one doesn't know how dark that stormy night is until you have a child that is sick and there is no money for insurance...thank you again Jerry and Cripple Children's Hospital of Michigan.
My son isn't disabled, only within that portion he chooses to be...he just celebrated his 36th birthday...father of two sons, one daughter, two step daughters...one of which just completed her high school education and headed to college...
My son is gorgeous, strong and highly intelligent...and definitely a contribution to society...ask those that really know him...
So please give as you are lead...thanks for all that you do to help our planet each and everyone!
The following email came from my upline sponsors of the K1 and Mannetek products...they have wonderful advise to give if anyone needs it from them...Bill also has one of those biofeed back machines that he gives sessions on...so I feel privileged to have him and Laura a working with all that want to help others the same as myself.
Feel free to ask them any questions about health and healing that you might have...just make sure that you remind them that I sent you and you want that which you received from me to pay forward so that you can help others as well...thus my work like the other Johnny Apple Seed of the world workers...will all gain from this small act of gratitude.
Email from Laura to me...please remember to copy and then paste any of the links below...to your browser. And then fly there...sorry that this Google blog is so primitive...it is free and that is all I can afford right now...I watched this ad and it is exactly what I as well, see a need n pursuing...see if you don't agree...
All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
email to Laura:
Dear Laura,
$427 million. That's what the oil and coal industries spent during the first
half of 2008 on lobbying and advertising. They're protecting their interests
-- and hurting ours.
So we've got a new ad that tells the truth
what needs to be done -- demanding that our leaders FREE US from an
addiction to expensive fossil fuels.
Watch it here
It's running on TV right now, but we need millions more to see it. The
special interests will outspend us, but we can compete head-to-head with
them when we find ways to share these messages for free.
That's why I'm asking We members in all 50 states -- from Oklahoma to Ohio,
from Minnesota to Mississippi, from New York to North Carolina, and all the
rest -- to watch this ad and share it with their friends
Let's spread the word
time to Repower America with 100% clean electricity in 10 years.
Cathy Zoi
Bill and Laura Brobeil
This following is my K1 and Mannetek sponsors...remember to mention my name and site... www.onlinetoniewallace.com
Bill Brobeil
104 Stevensbrook Rd.
Moretown,Vt. 056660
N.C. : 1-828-693-5497
Vt.: 1-802-496-5333
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