Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Happy Is The Person That Knows God Lives!
September 1, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Yesterday I received 3 negative programming Obama email ads...none were true and exact. Thanks anyways CFW for them. You sent them before and I would like for you to scan the previous newsletters here to discover what I wrote about them to you then.
You also sent me the one about what Chuck Norris had to write about Oprah/Eckhart's new church.
As I stated somewhat in my last newsletter directed towards the email about Chuck Norris comments. I basically told you then that I watched all ten of them and found nothing that would suggest that they are about a new church being organized only that of a new way of thinking about what God Consciousness means to them and what it could mean to you.
It was apparent that Chuck Norris if he had wrote it at all...he had not seen anything that I saw...or heard anything that I heard correctly. Allow me also to state...who is Chuck Norris besides a movie actor and muscle building guru?
Had he wrote this...I would say that his voice is that of the very few...not the majority that got the privilege of being gifted such a gift of eye opening awareness classes for free!...yet you somehow support this type of broadcast and being you have your rights along with the rights shared by all in this great land of ours...
I also dear one went to Revelations and read directly there about the email that you sent from a supposed minister about Chapter 13 and Obama..."the beast."
The only thing that I found similar to the email facts, was that it is a description of the beast of a man that would take leadership that would bring us all to our knees..It says nothing about it being a black man or a Moselm...and in my fundamental book of thoughts about judging...or the bearing of false witness... would say that who ever was the author of that posting...needs to look out for broken glass..."those that live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones."
Just my thoughts, for I know that you have you own as well. So let's call it a draw especially since you and I go back perhaps 15 years...as already stated in last newsletter I wrote...addressing your fear based/propaganda emails.
Now let's go to the email with the cartoons depicting Obama looking like a monkey.
Now doesn't that reek a bit of racism? Many of all races, have more than average sized ears...look at Buddha! Large ears are a sign of intelligence, not evilness...
As for Obama being black. Obama is mixed. The Jewish religion believes that a child takes on more of his mother's heritage than the father's, genetic base...so that means that Obama is actually white, to the Jewish.
What is Obama to me? He is no different than you or I...in fact, I believe that it is all Christian's job to recognize the Christ child in another. Now I could be wrong...yes, even those that especially don't think/do like ourselves...
Our job is not to look towards the exterior, only the interior...for there is where lies the true measure of a person.
I used to see color in Obama when the tide of thoughts of my daddy of old, helped circulate within all of his children...and now I see a brave man a wanting to help United States change...help the world understand that it is time to put down the cave man ways...and help the world understand that we are all in this together...what is happening over in Iraq is also a happening right here in the United States...
Why do I call Barack Obama a brave man? He knows that even though he doesn't want to circulate the fact of his heritage during this election year...he knows that we have those radicals that are looking to gain their 15 seconds of fame...even at the expense of this country a losing someone as brave as himself.
That is why he told "Sixty Minutes," that he chose Joe Biden as his running mate, because he knew that Joe could handle the job of president if for some reason or the other...he couldn't.
Also CFW: Please understand my largest reason for not viewing the Republican Candidate John McClain in a serious light...at this time.
His age. Years experience formulated primarily from years in the Senate and growing up in a military family, with own military roots himself...bomber during the Viet Nam era and such...A grand history although honorable and patriotic...still not enough to make him the wisest choice as well.
My final vote came from President Bush's mouth himself. It was perhaps a speech of his that I caught a couple of months back. President Bush himself stated that he was sorry that he couldn't do more for this country that he loved, simply because the majority democratic based, House, Congress and Senate...spent all of their time a blocking his decisions...
I voted for George his last term out because I was still upset with Al Gore for a pushing to the people of United States, NAFTA...that I could for see that would take jobs away from Americans and give it to foreign countries...and the effects of that lame action...filtered on down to George...just like I believe the closing of our military bases and the canceling of other programs to help balance the budget and provide an excess of money in reserve...only went back out as we fought to show the world that we still held power...with 9/11 as the catalyst for change.
I also felt that we sort of owed it to George Bush to finish the job that he started...so that he couldn't come back and state in our history books; that had he been re-elected...he would have completed the job. (Everyone deserves a second chance)
I was totally against all the web bloggers that wrote me during that time a calling me this or that because I supported our own era's Hitler...as the bloggers pushed for all to go total democratic the last House, Senate and Congress voting session...I stated that all we would be doing would be to mess up the government even more and actually give George Bush an excuse to have not done better in his final months of office...
So having said that and no, "I told you so's!" Allow me again to re-interate those last thoughts... Were the election to swing towards the Republican Party...what makes one believe that John and Sarah will fair better than President George Bush?
With so much needing to change and yes I know what Obama is viewing will cost in the billions...and perhaps a raise in taxes as well...yet I still see him and Joe a doing better with democratic support, House, Senate and Congress than not...
Can we afford a president that only has excuses when so much work is needed?
I also state that I was rather dis-illusion ed with the choice of Sarah by John McClain...with so much on her plate already...wife, mother of 5 children...with a son going to Iraq this month...anniversary date of 9/11...I know what I went through when my son went to Desert Storm with the Marines...
Life as I knew it had changed...I had no other choice but to change as well and go with the flow...yet my life didn't get better until my son came home for good...I can't help but wonder how others whose loved ones and babies didn't, how did they fair their own personal storms...
Sarah Pilan looks like she could weather it...yet, with so much other stuff on her plate...infant plus other children...I wonder what Dr. Phil would say about the feasibility of one so over burdened already...and John McClain a thinking the office of Vice President is such a cake walk...that she can easily handle it all...
Were God to decide that it is John's and Sarah's to run things in Washington D.C., this election year!
Just my thoughts all dear ones...take what you need and please leave the rest...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
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