Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
September 01, 2008
Dear All One Family:
Lots of times, I respond in similar manner to others that are a posting on other web sites...this is the problem that Chinmayee put before this blog site and my and another's response to her question.
May the responses given here...help all that are a searching for similar ideas...
another Pay Forward Kind of Thing:
Dear Chinmayee:
I too am a health care provider...see my website.
It is my understanding that our research scientists still in 2008, have little understanding of how our brain really works.
The treating of our body ailments symptoms is the best that medical science has given us...
I believe after 24 years in the field of body dis-easement...research and study...that only 1/10 of percent is the physical beingness of what makes us the solid parts of us and the rest is pure energy.
When I looked over your request for help, I noticed that your past is one that has somehow convinced you that you have little worth or value and that I believe plays a large role in how that 1/10th of a percent functions.
I know that I too have come from a past that didn't really fill me up positively and perhaps is the largest reason that I have fallen so many times in the past...and allowed myself to make wrong choices about things that should have really mattered the most to me at the time and because I didn't have the strength to be stronger due to this diminished self viewing of myself...took the wrong road/path/direction.
I have just came across your email and don't know what you have already given this group...so I will ask you the questions that seem to be coming across at this point to me...intuitively.
First of all...being we are what we eat, think and do...how's your diet? Is it high in sugars for that can cause us to become unstable if our body has too much or too little...for the rule of thumb is...limited, salt, sugar, tobacco, alcohol...plenty of exercise and 8 glasses of water, meditational time...daily. Attitude of gratitude for our life wouldn't hurt as well...in other words...moderation in all things...except prayer and positive attitude...
Secondly, have you ever received chiropractic care and bodywork? Sometimes the body can get out of balance so badly...that seizures can arise...bodywork moves the energetic fields...and chiropractic places the vertebra's in their proper locations so that energy flow will go where it is needed most to feed and remove the waste products remaining after nutrition is given each and every cell of our body...
Thirdly...what we think about ourselves, radiates and goes out into the world...that is why I have found Steve Jones hypnosis tapes to be so valuable to me.
I have only been in to them a short while...yet I do believe that along with the energetic bodywork that I do on my clients, family and friends...it will be a life saver for all those caught up in not being able to see themselves clearly...
Check out again, Steve Jones on my website...
The latest tape of Steve's that I am doing is the latest development called the hybrid tapes series...forward and backward affirmations at the same time...Steve is working with the backward concept being, supposedly all that we hear comes into our processing centers of our brain, backwards...how is it a working for me?
I have only at the current time done the positive attitude and motivation tape...yet I did them last night before retiring to bed and this morning it seems like the world is a much brighter and inviting day, while yesterday so much negative junk hit my plate from those that I love and attend to...that sleeping for days didn't seem all that bad, of course that was yesterday.
Steve i believe is in the world like myself to help all those a needing help...he wants us all to be successful, just like I do.
When you get into his work...you will see and feel what it is that I am a seeing and a feeling...it is good stuff.
As for the nutritional aspect of your treatment protocol...you might want to check into the site on the Mannetek product line up...good stuff!
And if you are wanting to deal with a master herbologist and Iridologist...see Ginny's site again on my website...Ginny has spent her life a helping others...I know her personally and have worked with her for over 7 years in her health food store and feel very good about being able to pick up the phone and get her nutritional ideas and thoughts on just about any subject...
Those are my thoughts...also have you done Dayu's DNA activation work up? I have and let me tell you, there is nothing else like it on the planet...good stuff!
That is all that I have to give you at this time...
Please know that you are blessed
God Bless You Little One
Love, Light and Peace
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
--- On Wed, 8/20/08, sara ann From: sara Subject: Re: [PIVOTinJOY] Natural Healing
To: PIVOTinJOY@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 9:07 PM
hello, i deal with patients that has the same problems. 3 of them are suffering from epilepsy, and i feel really bad that when they have there episodes i cant do nothing but make sure they dont swallow there tongue. later i have to tell them about there day, and help them to remember what we was watching or reading before it happen. i have not found a cure for this. but sometimes they do remember what they did earlier today or the movie we just watch. sometimes i sit and re watch it all over again. i have been a caregiver for 11 years. and i have no real answer to this question. but to say, when you relax listen to some soft jazz or focus on the beautiful things in this world. stay strong,
--- On Wed, 8/20/08, chinmayee
Subject: [PIVOTinJOY] Natural Healing
Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 1:20 PM
hi friends,
i am a 24-year old unmarried girl..i have newly joined this group.
I am a patient suffering epilepsy.Though i have been having seizures since childhood lasting for 30-45 seconds...I dont know what kind of problem i have...On medical tests of EEG and MRI Scan,my reports indicate that i m not epileptic... .I have done these tests many times as and wen advised by the neurologist. Each time it has indicated that everything is normal....but in spite of that i do have seizures..sometimes very rarely(just 4-5 times a year),and sometimes frequently(even 3-4 times a week,especially when i have tensions and stress or if i have inadequate sleep).I have been living upon medicines since childhood though after my first few attacks...I started medication when i was 6 years old as advised by my Neurologist. ..Recently, I was advised to reduce the dosage of Divalporate Sodium to zero...and now i am having Levetiracetam- 750 along with Clobazam-20 per day.I have read from articles that Valporate is not good especially for women at the time of pregnancy and it also affects the liver.So i m quite scared....Further i want to know how can Levetiracetam affect me...Is there any harmful effect...I am also confused about the cause and the reason why i am having this problem....and what is the problem in me.....
Dear friends,please help me.Why should i go for medication life-long if medically,i m found not Epileptic... .Why do these seizures happen? Can this have any other reason than epilepsy.... May be.....Pls help me.thanks a lot.
Whatever the problem may be,i am doing TAT along with some EFT to heal myself naturally... But while doing them,i don't understand where i should rank myself....on the scale of 1-10,and also m unable to recognise where are these negative thoughts,etc. accumulated inside the body...as it needs to be answered in TAT or EFT Techniques.
After performing them for 20-30 minutes even i cant notice any change within me....Each time it comes to ranking myself,i feel confused.I doubt if i am not doing that in the correct procedure..or i m unable to recapitulate my memory properly.... All thoughts are diffused and sometimes they aggravate and consequences are not good...There are few things i have experienced in my past which may not be very big in general but a big shock to me....which i find difficult to overcome...I don't know wats the reason behind it....but i have many other lackings in me...like i lack confidence.. .find it difficult to trust people...i regret a lot for simple things...feel i m unsocial...think myself good for nothing and a trouble for everyone...etc. etc.etc.This may be because of my past experiences or my health problem.I am taking the medicines which can have adverse effects. Please help me in healing myself through proper utilization of EFT and TAT techniques.What should i do?
Pls advise...Thanks a lot....
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