Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
We Are All "The Colour of Water" The Rainbow People That God Sent To Planet Earth
November 2, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I want to express my total disgust with this election campaign. I have seen the most stretching of truths ever given in and the spread of the fear element in our land and I also believe that it was what rocked directly the Wall Street Stock Market...causing all victims of its up and down action based on speculations only...
All those that have beared false witness,
Will have their day of reckoning...I personally don't chose to have and to hold the energies caused by the Republican Party, directly, both local and nationally...and you all know who I speak of...I don't have to give any names...for your names will go down in the history books of not only our nation, yet all other nations that were paying attention..."that which is swept under the rug, will resurface", as we see the slander suits start to amass...for it used to be that the winning of the game wasn't all that was important...it was supposed to have been about how one played the game.
Now I worry that if the Republican Party does take office...
Will we really trust them to have our best interest abroad with our foreign allies and such that are wondering how tightly this party has their thinking caps on?
For Our Father knows all things...He alone knows what is inside eachs heart and mind and being I have to account only for my actions in this life to HIm, I will worry not about all those proclaiming to be Christians and really aren't in my estimation...yet what do I know really? Right? For we each own our own opinions...
History Repeating Itself
Yet that too was long ago, for our nation to have forgotten the mistakes made back when...perhaps back before the Depression of the late 1920's. Yet we are being given the facts that we were mightily close...financially.
How shameful to understand that this great nation of ours, has allowed itself to fall down to the level that our forefathers and mothers all were a living way back when...a time of mistakes made and lessons needing to be learned...
The other day before I voted, I decided to ask my favorite neighbor of any neighborhood I had ever lived in...his opinion of who he thought should get the presidency and was quite shocked to hear his response...for I know this young man to be a Christian, and found out that his and my thoughts on Christianity were quite similar, yet different in a large way.
That large way, perhaps not big and important to him, yet to me; it was a major difference.
He at first wanted not to go there and pleaded the Fifth Amendment...and as I prodded...further...I got things about the N word...and I kindly reminded him that in our white race, were also those kind of people...people that preyed on the weak and helpless, and never giving forth one ounce of good intentions back to this great land of ours. All things done by these folks were self serving and not for the greater whole of our land.
He agreed that yes he knew this as well.
He also talked about the take over of Blacks were Obama to win and that if they didn't win there would be rioting and break out of violence from the Black people...I told him that all know how close of a race it will be...and that we might even have recounts having to be made...and that I didn't believe that African Americans were all that convinced that the supreme white race here would have even allowed a Black American to get this far.
I am not saying that there won't be those individuals a wanting to get their 15 seconds of national fame, yet I believe those cases will be far less than many as you are imagining it...so please I told him, stop imagining it as a happening for I believe that what energies we hold in our mind's imaginings we can manifest...Just like I told him to stop imagining the white supremest groups a harming our Black John F. Kennedy figure.
(A short time later, it came over the news that two young men, claiming to be "skin heads," had been caught a plotting such an action and wanting to harm African American children in the mix as well...
How totally sad and not all that surprising...for if mankind can imagine it, he/she can help manifest it...take for instance...philosophers and sages of old, like Albert Einstein, when he stated, "that which you fear, comes at you greater," or Napoleon Hill when he wrote..."That which you perceive, you will achieve."
When I look at these young men ages and remember back to when my own two sons were this age...it kind of took my breath away for an instant...
For both my sons were raised by a racist father and step father...and grandfathers before they both found God in their life...I tried to show them a better way, yet my voice being I was't the same sex role model; that boys naturally cling towards in which to determine the role they will play as grown men and fathers as well, was never heard...
So in other words...these boys could have been my boys and now having to watch what becomes of them...in the court system...would have been too difficult for me to have handled...for my sons, and the grand children/spouses they brought and will bring forth are my everything.
To imagine that something that I gave them about the rights of others, hadn't been understood or taught properly and their whole lives would change one day from freedom to incarceration...is enough to make any parent go weak in their knees before God...Greatful I am and grateful they should be that it wasn't their children in the wrong here...
Parents that don't know right from wrong, and thus aren't able to teach the difference to their children...I believe will not be judged as harshly as those that do...and all reading these words of a minister...take it to the bank...you were told the difference and it counts when God asks you "did you know the difference and had no one ever told you that He made all of His Children different as a way to test the Golden Rule of "do unto others, that which one would have done unto themselves"? Think about it, is all that I ask.)
I also told my neighbor that I believed that he was simply caught up in the fear element of the Republican Party and from the view that I got...watching all of the news cast about both parties, and all of the debates shown on television and reading Senator Obama's newsletters and such... and seeing all of the negative ads that were put out on Obama...and still feeling calm inspite of the worry and concern of those close to me that state they love this land and people and aren't racists...yet a devil is trying to take office...I could only state to them that I believe myself to be informed of all of the facts.
Thus my being a Republican turned Democrat this election period...
I would have to state that he bought into all the stretched truths into lies from the Republican Party, that were given intentionally to create this fear imbalance in our land and perhaps the real reason that our weakened fiancial system in our government almost folded...being Wall Street that controls the flow of economy in our land rises and falls simply based on speculation...and now what else was so astounding was how it effected the whole world...who also are a having to bail out their own declining economy systems...
I also told him that McCain and Palin believe that the American people can be who dooed easily...for if Barack Obama were guilty of all those things that the Republican Party stated he was...not a citizen...budding up with terrorists groups and such...thus simply a building the energy of distrust to such a large level...would not our Central Intelligence Center...not have put a stop to him a running in an election only for natural born American citizens? Why would it take our government so long to act on such a matter of such importance..think about it?
Just like Senator McCain a putting out that he wouldn't raise taxes...inspite of our fast growing ten trillion dollar debt...stating he will do away instead with unnecessary "ear marks," yet never telling us what those "ear mark," programs will be...and us the American people knowing that Social Security and Social Services-education, fire-police-health care: Programs are perhaps the largest that we have...how stupid does he and Palin think we are?...
For Think About It America!
If we are in debt and just borrowed 850 Billion dollars from China and other foreign countries to bail out our Stock Market-Insurance Companies-Banks-Mortgage Companies and now perhaps failing car industry...does he not know that someone is going to have to stop the massive debt accumulation spending that perhaps all of our grandchildren and their children will have to one day repay? This money has to be held accountable...for all one day will have to face the "pied pipper", or our children will get it passed down upon them...
"The sins of the parents will fall down upon the children for six generations." That is Biblical.
Remembering the whole while that yes our politicians can tell us anything that we want to hear...trying to win the election...the proof in the pudding will come after the election and I for one believe like Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama is that man...we have all been a waiting for to arrive on the scene...
Time will tell if I am right or wrong...
Especially if McCain-Palin do take the nation by a few votes...
I hope that I am wrong about my opinion...Just know that I for one will honor any president and vice president that is in office...no matter how I feel about their election campaigns that got them there...I will just do what I have done with the current president of which I voted for in our last election...
I Voted Republican in Our Last Election For Two Reasons...
I simply did not like the fact that John Kerry was a running being I still remember what John Kerry and Jane Fonda did to our brave soldiers that were drafted for the Viet Nam War.
Based on a few that John Kerry knew that went off the deep end and started abusing/killing and maiming the ones that they were sent over to protect, they made it seem that all of our soldiers had gone off on a raping and killing spree with children and women...
One does not take a few and call it all...
Just like one doesn't put all Muslins into the same boat...for all are not alike...we have many great Muslins fighting in Iraq and Afganistan at this moment and many others in our great land that are helping make this great nation what it is...so how can anyone call a spade a spade when it is merely a diamond in the rough...think about it?
The unknown has always been the reason for so much harm done to our land and that of other worlds...I felt 4 years ago that President Bush deserved to play his last hand out being he was the one that took us not into war with Afganistan and the Taliban, insurgents...and into war with Iraq...so he deserved a chance to get us out...of which President Bush stated that, the last two years were difficult being he had most of all of his actions cancelled out by the solid majority vote of Democrats that had been elected at that time.
Our President having stated that...perhaps 4-6 months ago...I now state...that if McCain and Palin gets into office...what makes the Republican Party so sure that they too won't come up against the same obstacles...can we as a nation that needs solid leadership now to help turn the declining economy picture into a more secure one...handle another president telling us 4 years later, that he could have done more had he had more Republicans in his Senate, House and Congress seat?
We need a President that is Democratic and a willing to look over all the things that aren't a working and having the assistance of the Senate, House and Congress a working with him...we need no more fear tactics and excuses...and I personally don't believe McCain and Palin are those individuals able to handle the massive load that will be their constant bed partners...I could be wrong though...time will tell the tale.
Someone close to me tried to tell me that I was in love with Barack Obama...
Also as well, that I perhaps was one of those that worshiped him as God. I told him that I wasn't in love with the man and I did not see any God worshipping come from me to him...I simply took the time to look further into him the man and what I found is that he loves this country so much that he would put himself and his family in harms way to try to do his part to help turn it around...and if that is God worshiping than he and I had another interpretation of God Our Father.
For I know that God Lives and Has His Being In Us All
I don't as well see Barack as a celebrity figure...just because Oprah, James Taylor and other celebrity figures has given him their endorsement...doesn't make him the same as themselves. So the Republican party stated that the news media favored Barack over them...I don't see it the same way...I didn't get a chance to see his thirty minute news broadcast the other day...because none of the local channels I watched...carried it...only channel 11...the channel that my rabbit ears brings in the weakest...interesting...
It is true that Barack Obama
Is a smooth talker...simply because he is a highly educated man...A man that got where he got in life simply by setting goals and establishing them...a man that got where he got simply by determination and self sacrificing efforts...no one placed a silver beer stine in his hands...
And yes
I am very proud of the war efforts that John McCain gave forth, as I am for all of our vets and our allies vets...
I am sorry that he had to endure the prison camp of Viet Nam...yet he isn't the only one that was held prisoner...or was tortured...
Do I believe that makes him better to serve a nation in crisis?
Not really...especially if he is like the other war vets that were fortunate enough to return...and still hold onto the memories of a time...we were all a living upside down...
The dropping of bombs on those unaware isn't the same as negotiations a going on to prevent the dropping of unaware bombs to begin with...
We need a president able to think outside of the box of sameness, and wasn't that how George Bush handled his campaign...based on fear as well...I see us a standing still with John and Sarah at the helm...and I pray that I am wrong...especially if they do win the election...
To Senator McCain I Will State
Gone are the days of war drums...all nations have to come to the understanding that we are all in this battle together...a simple nuclear bomb thrown to a foreign neighbor does impact all lands for we all share in the same air and planetary space...don't believe me...how many of us living on the East Coast...found volcanic ash from Mt. Saint Helen after the mountain erupted? I did.
How about the smoke flumes from 9/11?
Not only did I see the smoke trails in our skies...I could also smell the burning refuse...and I am located a long ways from New York...
The time to talk to other nations that aren't aware of the part that they play in the whole of our world's survival...
Is now...not after civil war breaks out amongst other nations...Senator McCain prides himself on past war actions...and his campaign has been built around the fear element of terrorists...that tells me in a large way how our next four years will run...he has left his mark on our nation...and those that choose to pay attention...will one day see what I mean if he does get into office...at least he has Anne Oakley on board with him...if she is around when he is at...he won't have to worry about a mean ole moose or bear a getting him...hahahehe...
End of Part One