Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
I Still Believe In Miracles That Change Us All
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Again I am attempting to convince Dr. Phil, Robin, Oprah, President & First Lady Obama of assisting in this case that I find to be a very grave matter of injustice not only to one of America's own, yet also one that has contributed in his own small way by the paying of income taxes...to our great land of America.
With only a few days before the court hearing...I realize there isn't much time left so what I am attempting to do with this presentation to all above mentioned is just be myself and pray that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, will put it upon my heart to express those things that synchronistically come into view...
I also pray that my words in my haste to complete this another assignment, will be successful.
Thank you for all of your tolerance in the matters of my heart I have given you all and please if you don't agree with that which I write, please pray and ask that which you Serve as Lord and Master in your life, to show you that I am only being/doing who I believe I am supposed to be and accomplishing with my mission here on earth.
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Dear Dr. Phil, Robin, Oprah, President and First Lady Obama:
This is my 202ND Newsletter Edition that I am a writing you all, here at http://tonie-wallaceblogspot.com.
I realize that you don't really know me, yet somewhere in all that I have written you all, you perhaps have gotten a good glimpse of me.
I hope Dr. Phil that you aren't upset that I sent my emails to Our President and First Lady a requesting that he write a note for you so that you could perhaps be able to talk with my adopted daughter, daughter before she goes and takes the stand and testifies against her step dad and perhaps mother as well...
For as I see it...this little girl has been held away from those that could right the wrong that has been put upon her shoulders...by those with their own selfish gains and reasoning's...dad & step mother.
I do believe that Turning Points can be a beneficial thing if our legal system is also co-operating fairly...
I have gotten several comments from those that once watched your shows in the past and was told that being you were from the state of Texas and they felt that Texas residents think quite similar to Southern state residents that illegal aliens are a nuisance and a hindrance to our land.
I know this about illegal aliens, they like all the other nationalities, have a problem with excessive alcohol usage and perhaps simply due to the non availability of getting jobs with out their green card and no way to support their families left in their homeland...or families that they have gathered here...that perhaps that is the reason for those cases that hit our news service, yet were anyone taking notice of the amount of offenders in the news, all nationalities are also found to be guilty from time to time.
I also know that the majority of those illegal aliens that I know, are hard working individuals and I don't agree that they are all a taking away jobs from the citizens of America needing them badly...perhaps now maybe...being jobs are hard to find, yet it hasn't been all that long ago that most of the jobs that they folks were willing to do, were jobs that the average Joe and Jane, wouldn't have even considered had they been higher paying jobs.
It is also common knowledge that our new building/housing industry alone would gravely miss these illegal aliens were they all transported back to their homelands...and the end result would be even higher building costs than what we are currently a visualizing...
That as well goes for the farming industry...long hours, cheap pay...
So even if my friends and a few family members have it right about you being not for the illegal aliens...which I don't believe myself...I know that you stand firm on family and the crushing of yesterday's wrongs that will result in today's rights...
I also believe one and all...that if one can dream, they can bring it into manifestation so here is my dream vision for my adopted daughter...
Dream Vision
I see you setting up a room that you and perhaps Robin are in that has visual and sound taping available...In that room I see Heather and yourselves only present.
I see Robin sitting next to H.H. and a holding her hand...I see you Dr. Phil sitting across close from H.H. and you introducing yourself and Robin to her and saying, "Heather your mommy asked us to come and talk to you before you have to go and tell the court room all that you have to say.
I hear you saying that you know those things that make people sick sometimes for their whole life time...and one of those things are lies.
I hear you Dr. Phil also saying, "your mommy and grandfather have made it clear to me what you said to your mommy over the phone when you grabbed the phone from your grandfather and quickly stated some things."
"Would you like to tell me and Robin those things as well, now that it is only you and I and Robin in the room?"
Then perhaps Dr. Phil you could tell her that you will do all that you can to insure that life as she once knew it, could be returned to her...
I see you doing this as well with T.P. youngest child J.H. as well...asking him his thoughts on all of this and what it is that he is really a wanting now that he has gone through all this time without his mom.
I believe Dr. Phil that you will be quite amazed to see what gets turned up and if nothing more comes out of it except the interviews...then at least my adopted daughter will know first hand that a life that she once had with her daughter is no longer...for too much time had passed since her daughter had been held hostage by the state and those now present in her life as parental figures too strong in their programming techniques...based on fear.
"The Sins of The Parents Will Fall Down Upon The Children For Six Generations." Meaning.
Dr. Phil and All:
Yesterday when T.P. told me of her uncle passing and how coincidental it was that he was to pass only time frame wise...by two hours different on the 4Th of July, than his own mother a few years ago...
I told her that I was also given the thought impressions about her family and all the other coincidental incidents as well...
One of them I had already shared with you in other correspondences...the fact that while this was all a going down for T.P., her father who never allowed T.P. to bring her husband around him or his family because of his learned hatred of Blacks and Mexicans...from a father who taught this to him.
This father of T.P. again while this is all a happening to T.P. and changing her world drastically, also attempted to get custody of her oldest son Anthony...stating that he was a doing it so that all of A.M. child support money could go directly to A.M. so that he could pay his own car insurance on a vehicle that he had given him on his 16Th birthday and gas and clothing money as well...being her dad had already given him his own place to live in, set up on T.P. dad's land.
I also told you prior that T.P. dad's father when married to T.P.dad's mother, also when they were a getting divorced, somehow got the attorney to put in a clause that T.P. grandmother could decipher being her education was highly limited...and thus got custody of his youngest son, through lies and deception, and made it seem like T.P.'s grandmother was unfit to raise her own child and somehow tainted the image of mother/women in both Tonya's father and Uncle's life...
What I haven't expressed to you as of yet, is the fact that T.P. was only 8 years old when her own mother was taken away from her in a head on collision with a drunk driver...
Now H.H. is a facing being taken from her own mother, a few years older than what T.P. was...and maybe not in a physical death situation...yet a death never less...and most definitely a continuance of the "sins of a parent a falling down on the children for six generations." Biblical quote.
When T.P.'s mother passed and T.P. was left without a mother, at the age of 8, her brother K.M., a few years younger, also was left without one...can you see the analogy between T.P's daughter and younger son also being without a mother.
Also just like T.P/'s grandfather a tearing down the very fibers of motherhood...thus forcing T.P.'s dad's mother, to always while she was alive, to always attempt to prove her value and worth to one and all...never knowing if she was successful with her own 4 children that wouldn't allow her to discuss their dad in their presence...
A marked woman...just like the granddaughter soon will be...
There is one bright moment in the whole of things...and that is along with the medical data collected from the D.H. center on their medical evaluation of the examination on H.H. and that is...even though the medical evaluation was written in terms that all that are a reading it are interpreting to show further evidence that Tonya's husband had done what H.H., age 11 stated...also stated on the evaluation report is the words..."photos enclosed."
So even in darkness, there is still some Light and Hope.
I also believe that were you to place T.P. and her father, in a situation similar to T.P.'s kids...all those viewing the interviews...would see perhaps what I am also a seeing...
For remember this as well, the court appointed Guardian Ad Lightum worker, also confirmed to me that when she talked to T.P.'s father, she saw first hand the dysfunction present within him as well...that I saw.
He confirmed it when he sat down with the forensic interviewer...(remember T.P. didn't get this opportunity, for the forensic expert put his assistant on her instead) and when asked what his opinions were about his former son in law and his current son in law...he stated to Tonya, that he had told the man that he didn't like either S.O.B's!
Even though he told T.P. that he felt that her husband was innocent...he still didn't like him because of his race and the fact that he was a helping his family back in Mexico...great reason to hate someone wouldn't you say?
Even though he knew that his daughter was facing charges herself for not wanting to lie on her husband...he still allowed his racism to overcome his brain and heart towards his daughter and the future of his grandchildren a changing right before his very closed eyes, heart and ears.
Those are my thoughts at this moment in time...if I get anymore insights, I will be back and if this as well goes down in the land as most cases involving the underclass people of our land...I will probably need a bit of time before I will be able to write...more.
Please pray for T.P. and her only relative remaining that ever along with me, thought her worth while enough to stand in support of her...her uncle passing has hit her very hard...for he represented the only man other than her current husband that ever loved and cherished her.
This uncle was married to T.P.'s mother's sister...and T.P. moved in with her a few months ago to help her with her failing husband...who along with Hospice...allowed her uncle to remain in the home until his death...
Thank you one and all, if for nothing else, your prayers at this time for all involved...
Especially for T.P.'s father and family who up until this moment in time, has been Tonya's largest non supporters...for little do they know that by their actions, they are only continuing that which I have already stated..."The sins of the parents will fall down upon the children for six generations."
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
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