Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Quite Ironic Moment In Time Experiences
July 05, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Just like so many other proud Americans, I had quite a full day yesterday, first by writing a couple of newsletters here and then I went to some friend’s pool side barbecue where several military officers students/past-present of my professor friend, and their spouses and children were also present...
One of the present officer’s was also in the class that I last spoke to perhaps six months ago, on the continuing subject of vibrational medical bodyworks therapies.
That last class that I talked at, and all the years past that I was asked to speak in this professor's class who teaches on "Tran cultural Relationship Studies," I always found quite rewarding, for this professor teaches to officers that after they obtain their master's degree go forth and are the peace keepers trying to help settle differences all over the world for our government.
"That which you give to others, gets given back to you."
This past military officer student of my professor friend...
Was also the volunteering student that allowed me to introduce cupping to his fellow students using him as the test subject...so I got to hear his comments about the results of the brief work that I had done on him in the presence of his fellow classmates...and I got to meet his wife and kids and hear about his next assignment place, as well as meeting the other officers, and their spouses and children present; on this special day that we are a celebrating all military personnel past/present and future due to all of their efforts and support given this great land of ours...so that freedom can continue in our great land...and world.
So it was grand time spent well...
I didn’t' decide to go with them as a group to see the fireworks, for they were a going to see them in a place different than what my daughter in law and grand children and myself had planned later that night...
So I decided to go as planned to my usual area to view the fireworks with my family...yet this time it was different for this was the first time that I had watched the fireworks lake side in all the years that I had lived in the county...usually I just watched and celebrated the fireworks from a distance because of the large crowds and later resultant traffic problems...
Do your recall that I stated in one of my last newsletter posting that I wasn't going to allow anyone to steal my joy over this one of my most favorite holiday's?
Little did I know that I was going to have to try extra hard to not allow my peace and joy to be taken...and it happened at this first time public up front fireworks
event...can you believe it?
The event took place while my brother and myself were a looking for my daughter in law and grandchildren...we happened to stop amongst the crowds to gather some rest at the lake's only sheltered area...the gazebo.
He and I were a standing and looking all over the area for my kids, and then because I had worn the wrong kind of shoes and my feet were a hurting me...my brother suggested that I sit inside the gazebo where a space large enough for two people was present.
So I asked the couple that was a sitting next to the large space if that space was being held for anyone and the large size frame guy, said, I could because he didn't know where the couple that was a sitting there, went.
So I said thank you and sat down.
Moments before I had sat down I did notice that the group seemed to have been happy and conversing with each other...yet after this gentleman told me that I could join the small group, things started getting energetically rough...for in the near corner of the group sat this rather angry woman who was now raging and whispering angry things in the woman next to her ear...and that women instead of looking concerned was a laughing herself into a frenzy...a couple of times the angry woman made a few attempts to stand up and others near her, tried to contain her...
While angry glances at me were made by all around her.
At first, I wanted to say, do I know you? Have we made before and had I done something to you to cause you so much grief? As I searched her face to perhaps catch a glimpse of remembrance...being I have done so much educating/work in this area, running into past students that I had trained or past clients that I had worked on or with, isn't all that unusual...
I kept hoping that I would catch a remembrance flash had either of the two ladies that were involved in disrupting the energy flow of this area and grand event about to happen...eyes...yet neither were giving me that advantage...accurately, the energy in that gazebo was now really quite hostile...all due to my uninvited intrusion in their private world...
So then I tried to rat ionized the moment that perhaps it wasn't my darker than their own skin coloring, and perhaps it was my clothes that I was a wearing or my weight that was a problem to them...yet when I looked at them like they were a looking at me, I didn't see that they were dressed finer than myself...and it couldn't have been my weight for the majority of them could have used weight watchers program and it couldn't have been my inability to speak English, for that is all that I know...
So just as I was about to ask the lady an acting like an angry rooster a ready to defend her flock...do I know you or you me? my grandchildren came a running up to me and a hugging me and a telling my brother and myself where their mom and them were a sitting...
Then just as my grandchildren and myself were a walking out of the gazebo, I heard, "thank God, one of them people is a leaving!" Then I heard the applause of a few...
For the next 1/2 hour as I tried to not keep glancing back towards the gazebo that was easily visible from where my family and myself was located...I looked around instead at the group that had gathered to watch the celebration fireworks...and the majority around me were immigrants...the darker skinned underclass of our land and guess what, there wasn't a whole lot of smiles and joy present amongst them...and I wondered were they also privileged to the welcoming committee that I accidentally ran into myself?
The only way that I could recapture the moments I had earlier experienced at my friends barbecue earlier, was to pray, "Dear Heavenly Father, In The Name of Jesus and Holy Spirit, I ask that you forgive them, for they know not what they do," and please I pray that you give me the courage and strength to handle all that tomorrow brings, Amen.
My first actual up front and personal fireworks display was absolutely fantastic and even though I had to walk about a mile to and from the fireworks, it was all worth it...and two of the songs that the band played at the event...touched my heart deeply was Neil Diamond's song, "They Are Coming To America," and Michael Jackson's song, "Thriller," and triggered my memories of him and a life he lived trying to please all others that he forgot about himself...
If you have read my recent newsletter postings, you would have read that Immigration, racism, Michael Jackson were my leading topics of discussion...yes, "there are no accidents," no not a one...the group as well were from Motown...Michigan, a place that I knew and grew up in...
When my brother who is still visiting with me; and myself got home, I instantly turned on the television and instantly got the Boston Pop Fireworks Show, and guess who was a singing? Yes, that is right, Neil Diamond and my favorite song, "They Are Coming To America," with Craig Ferguson our most recent celebrity naturalized citizen...who perhaps loves America and its entire people, more than the small group that was present in the Gazebo on the lake...just how I had earlier planned on my evening ending...two light shows back to back...with the best coming in last!
On the 11:00 clock news, that I caught between stops and go, (the channel I hadn't been able to get on DTv...until the other day) was about our Vice President Joe Biden a spending the 4Th of July in Baghdad, Iraq with our troops still present there and being a part of a ceremony honoring the country's most recent naturalized citizens present in our military so yes folks, many persons of other lands are doing our land good...and love our country perhaps more than those that have never served or gotten their citizenship such as myself, at birth.
I love this land and its entire people, no matter the skin coloration or material wealth or not...and our Vice President stated that, "America still welcomes its immigrants and basically our borders are not closed...for we are all immigrants."
I know that I have mentioned this before so for those that have forgotten what I wrote before or haven't read it as of yet...Were I wanting to run for President, I could for I have the same birth place as Senator John McClain...Coco Solo Panama, Navel Base Hospital.
Down through the almost 58 years of my life, I have been asked hundreds of times my nationality for some have guessed...African American, Italian, French, Philippino, Hawaiian, Mexican, Indian...of which I simply respond, "A Heinz 57 Variety."
The event at the lake in the gazebo, served one large purpose and that was to show me that my efforts at trying to gain a fair trial for my adopted daughter and her illegal alien husband and my thoughts of leaving this area that loves and respects me not...is not in vain...for another sign jumped out at me...that along with all the other signs that have been given me for quite a while...also tried to cloud my holiday joy...
Yet even though supposedly the South on top of being the Bible Belt is also supposed to be one of Southern Hospitality...I have personally found that the transplants such as myself, to be more accepting of others not like ourselves...
Those are my thoughts at this present moment in time...I am sorry if you felt any of the comments to not be as optimistic as I generally try to aim towards...yet, "the truth will set one free," if you know what I mean?
Besides, yesterday when I talked on the phone to my adopted daughter and she told me of her uncle passing at 1:00 o’clock in the morning, July 04, 2009, and the coincidence of his mother passing a few years prior at 3:00 A.M., July 04...and I recalled back to the below posting I made yesterday from California Psychic...and her telling me exactly the words of her husband's attorney...going something like this..."T.P., if you husband doesn't admit to being guilty, being he is a illegal alien, and being you know how this county feels about illegal aliens, and being I have not seen ever a case where a illegal alien didn't get a guilty conviction on any of the charges brought against them, I will guarantee that he will be found guilty by the jury and given twenty years."
So there you have it...my thoughts at this moment in time, hours after the fireworks have settle down and the smoke has drifted to where ever it goes in our trade winds...
Please Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
California Psychic.com
July 04, 2009
In the United States, not only was the country's Declaration of Independence signed on this day in 1776, but two of the founding fathers (John Adams and Thomas Jefferson) died exactly 50 years later on July 4, 1826. Often on opposing sides of the then-friendly debates that defined the country's political system, the two men were vital in establishing the nation. Some say Jefferson (with his pal Benjamin Franklin) even had an astrological agenda! Whatever the case, there's something synchronistic about the simultaneous passing on the very day of the nation's birth.
Email From AsianWoman this morning...thank you AsianWoman...we can always use reminders of that which we always knew, yet sometimes have forgotten, for as you wrote, my path does seem unclear right now...
Don't Say You're Not Important
Don't say you're not important,
It simply isn't true,
The fact that you were born,
Is proof, God has a plan for you.
The path may seem unclear right now,
But one day you will see,
That all that came before,
Was truly meant to be.
God wrote the book that is Life,
That's all you need to know.
Each day that you are living,
Was written long ago.
God only writes best sellers,
So be proud of who you are,
Your character is important,
In His book, you are the 'Star'
Have a Fabulous Day!
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