Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
My Own Personal Thoughts On The Need For Health Care Reform-Revised.July 05, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
This is in its entirity that which I put on President Obama's, Organizing America Health Care Reform Site.
Remember, we all have our own ideas as to how we can be better served by our country...please feel free to know that what I have done, all can do as well...just by making the effort. Start by going to barackobama.com and clicking on Organizing America link.
Be Blessed and Well
Love, Light and Peace
May 20, 2009
Dear President Obama, First Lady: And All One Family:
I do stand with our president and state that we most definitely need health care reform...
First of I am just one of those Americans who has no health insurance and probably couldn't get health insurance due to two car accidents within a 1 year and 1/2 of each other and even though the first car wreck paid me $2500 to have a good time on, my second car wreck paid me $7K and the medical and alternative health care costs came to over $13K...both accidents were not my fault...
So now a long story short, I sit with already existing conditions...
I am also one of those persons that believe that preventative health care along side chronic maintenance care is lots better than just medical health care practices that most insurance companies are a supporting...
Versus alternative health care practices that are lower costing and less physically damaging and much more longevity life sustaining...
So by my having a health care provider, perhaps were I able to afford it;
Would not be as all see it today, for my policy would not only include medical health care and prescription costs, as well as dental... yet would also include along with it: alternative health care coverage for Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Naturopathic Physicians, natural herbal/vitamin/mineral supplementation,
Medical Massage that includes all types of energetic body treatment modalities and gym exercise memberships at a reduced rate for insurance coverage members...you know stuff like that...
Just a Dreaming A New Way To Become Possible
I know, I be just dreaming large in the “health care reform change needed area/ mode: Yet it is my dream and I am a dreaming it along with many others that also have seen vast differences in recovery time and longevity results when the combo effect happens and trust me, it hasn’t happened all that much for just getting a doctor to prescribe my treatments were insurance to pay for them…isn’t all that common so like I have already stated…”most of my clients are those unfortunate ones that aren’t recovering and I am the last step for the doctor to take with their case.
For the lucky ones that took their doctor’s advice and sought my treatments, I believe they are happy that they did for most of them, never had a body works treatment before and found it the best step yet, and were sorry that they had to wait so long to obtain it.
To those that were sent to me a bit too late in their body destruct program, that I couldn’t help with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit’s help, was simply due to my not being able to take the horse to water and get him/her to drink it…For the mind set is: The taking of a pill to cure all or the surgical cut of a knife to fix it…is the only thing I be a used to…and were you all that successful in what you have to offer to help the people, why were you asked in last? And on top of last, why doesn’t my insurance company believe your service is so valuable?
Yes, I am a Whining…And a Explaining All At The Same Time
By the way Mr. President, I have also noticed that many that carry different forms of health care programs are forced to see doctors that are not their own and sometimes gets lost in the system as they wait for the insurance companies to approve cancer treatment and such...
That is how far we are a going off the mark...Sir!
Free choice is no longer served up to the people...the insurance companies serve up who we can see or not...not right in my books, yet I could be wrong.
Another thing that I am a seeing Mr. President is persons unable to pay for their remaining prescription bills after co-pays are actually self reducing or quitting their meds that doctors . tell them they must be a taking...that isn't a good thing as well...
Another thing that I am a seeing from persons without health care, is that they are a waiting too long in which to seek care due to the fear of being bankrupt from the medical journey of treatment that could follow, or the fear that they won’t survive the medically prescribed journey.
Fear causes us to do lots of silly stuff as you are aware of...I am sure.
The next thing that I love about your health care reform is that numerous federal grants are being offered up in the alternative and complementary medical health care world...and that is a good thing...although many insurance companies are aware of all of the studies of old about these ancient sciences, long ago forgotten since Dow, Merck and other drug companies became Vogue in our high tech, industrial world of yesterday...
Our new world is now one of peace keeping, mopping up the sludge and a returning back to basics...
I applaud all of your efforts Mr. President...please see my web site blog...
Spiritual Ministries Vibrational Medicine Newsletters at www.onlinetoniewallace.com, you will find many postings out of my 150 plus newsletters that mention your race to the White House and my thoughts about the phenomenal job you are a doing...
I thank God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for you and all that you are a doing for our country...Your wife is the perfect complement for you...I thank God as well for her...
For behind every strong and successful man is a strong and successful woman… Yin &Yang, a working together!
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. D.Tonie C. Wallace
ADDED Portion:
Tuesday June 15, 2009
Dear Mr. President & First Lady:
I would also like for you to review this addition that I made to my newsletters reviewers...for I see the times ahead as being very challenging., as we move towards that large change factor of our land.
You are absolutely right, the time to act is now...too many administrations have stated that they were a wanting to change the health care program and haven't done anything with it and it just keeps a growing and a becoming more God awful all of the time...
I do have a concern though...the other day I worked on a 2009 Harvard Graduate Foreign Exchange Student from Uruguay...she was one of the lucky ones in getting a job before she graduated from Harvard...last week, I believe so.
That job is taking her to Dubai, Iraq, for they are as well as you perhaps know...a remodeling, their health care system/ as well as educational system, and she has been selected/hired to be one of their consultants...
She told me that those in government over there were a looking into Singapore's health care system; because she told me that it was the best in the world...
(please note*) I believe I have it wrong about Singapore having the best health care system…I believe she told me that it was the best education system and she will be a consultant for both education and health care…too cool!
I just wanted to pass that on to you and your committee...
She also told me that two weeks ago, she had gotten the H1N1 Swine Flu and took all of the necessary antibiotics, and had experienced a mild case of it...diarrhea, nausea, fever, body aches and such...she also told me something I didn't know...
She told me that over 200 students had it as well...okay CDC, how much money does it take to keep it out of the national news coverage?
We all know about the NY University that had students there with the H1N1 Swine Flu...do we have other major ivory (Ivy) league schools, with returning Easter Break students, sick as well...for if one covers it up for one, are they doing it also as well, is what I am a asking?
Just throwing it all out there, not trying to start any trouble...I guess I am just one of those pain in the neck multi-culture Americans...An always trying to see around the corner...especially since I am a seeing a rapid decline in our country’s immune system that is now supposedly not only effecting the elderly yet as well the babies and young children. A time that their immune systems should be on full functioning?
Personal thoughts on the FDA. Handling the Tobacco Industry?
Please Mr. President, aren't those guys and girls over worked enough?
At least, that is what they were a saying when they allowed foreign nations to ship to our stores contaminated food products/toys that not only harmed our babies, yet our animals as well? And to be truthful, I still don’t believe the melamine is out of our pet feed yet…yet I could be wrong. I just know that I have several folks that I know that have lost their pets recently…and we are a still in the panic mode with all pet foods…being so many of them that were American have gone overseas and are under that country’s regulatory requirements for quality control…
Or are you thinking about increasing the size of its FDA’S research teams and inspection/research centers.?
Just a trying to add more input...for as you already know...I am not up for a FDA that is trying to take our right to purchase supplements and such and thus only allow the medical doctors to prescribe the vitamins that they deem healthful to mankind.
For quite ironically, the products that the FDA banned, for all products that helped us stay healthier…so lots of us in the alternative care maintenance world have lots of distrust for the FDA.
For were you to take a walk through their files on such products banned…you would find the cases slighted were very few…and where is the proof that what they were a taking to ease the side effects of medications, caused the problem to begin with?
How many cases of medical prescriptions taken that resulted in death were given on our leading prescribed meds? The FDA has banned some and yet they still went back into the market place?
The system of the FDA sounds like it would be a bon a fide institution to help protect the people it is being paid by to serve…yet most in my world of thought of “back to basics program” don’t see their behavior as such and one more geared for the big money of drug companies…
Case In Point
For remember, the FDA allowed the drug companies to recreate nature with their bio identical synthetic creations, simply because the drug companies couldn’t get a natural product; patented, simply because God holds that patent...
If all of the shelves at the health food store or online web sites, were emptied of these supplements…we would be forced when illness struck us…to go to the doctor and get a prescription to get better and a prescription for the drug companies…synthetic health food supplements…thus being able to kill off the small struggling herbal, vitamin and such companies, as well as the health food stores that supplies them to the public, not to mention the patient that their body can’t adjust to synthetic versus natural…for like all other things in life…everybody’s body’s response is different…based on too many factors, diet, or lack of, exercise or lack of, optimism, or pessimisms, faith or not…see what I mean?
We Are Not A” One Size Fits All” Land Mr. President
Anyways, enough for now…I will return
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. D.Tonie Wallace
Dear President & First Lady:
This is what I posted about my emails here on my June 16, 2009 Spiritual Ministry Newsletter at:
Be Blessed always again
love, light and peace of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit
Rev. d.Tonie Wallace
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 16, 2009
"Health Care Reform Is One Of The Hot Topics In Our Government, Currently"
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director, Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Yes you read my opening title correctly. I was informed that my recent email to our president will be published in his committee on Health Care Reform Book.
Along with all others a wanting our president to read their thoughts….
I was asked to edit it if I chose and submit a photo of myself along with.
I am honored by the mere fact that at long last, I am slowly making some progress...in the right direction as always...and even if I do stray from time to time from the markers, I always seem to hurriedly return so as to not lose my spot in the line...all those that know what I am a saying, please say Amen Sister!
So for those that thought my ideas were too out landish and off of the wall...I still say that they are not and somehow our president's Health Care Reform, board are a feeling the same way as myself and all others that have taken the time to write Our President and his board of constituents to not only be able to feel like we have a voice and our thoughts do matter, yet to also help our president pull together some sort of a picture that our nation might be able to move towards without too much conflict and debate.
I thank God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for allowing this conformational moment to occur in my life time...before I am too old to remember this moment...hahahehehe...Thirty years a writing my stuff, and finally some of my stuff is a being recognized for having some sort of sense a mattering.
Too cool, I say, simply too cool!
The saddest part of this victory dance within myself, is that only a small hand ful of my friends and family would find it all that wonderful...
For many are lost in the world of fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of no change…
I know that my best friend from Okinawa, Japan and her brother the healing vibrational medicine man whose family did this type of healing work for God, for many generations passed down... a man who told my friend, his sister that she was to stay close to me forever for one day I would be famous and would not forget to take her with me to financial independence land...(that was about ten years ago.)
So even if this takes me absolutely still in no where land…I will have no regrets…for at least I tried to help with the needed health care reform change that is a needed…and intention is everything…know what I mean?
How many presidential terms have been served where health care change was told us would happen and it was too large of a dream to bring forth…at least with our current president…he has thrown himself right into the wolves den with the AMA…what other president did we ever see do this? Think about it.
Right now, getting published in this manner is a start and with that door now opened, understand that I still have plenty to say on the subject for I don't believe our bodies were made to ingest the chemicals that man kind had created to bring our bodies into balance...
When God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, already had a grander plan...el natural...
Thus I feel that for the body condition states of the aging and severity of cases, medical intervention along with alternative & complementary medical therapies, combined.
Then you would have a picture that goes something like this: prevention first and then medical intervention, then alternative & complementary medical therapies thrown into the mix as a way of dealing with chronic maintenance patients…
The way that medical science conducts itself today is: (remember, I have 24 years in my professional alternative & Complementary medical field so I have lots of experience in which to base these thoughts)
Medical exam followed by prescribed programs that generally include if it is muscular problem that is…
1. pain pills. 2.physical therapy 3.shots and pills. 4. That doesn’t work., then surgery and then perhaps back to physical therapy.
The problem that I have with physical therapy is that the only areas that the medical doctor have them work with to rebuild and recondition the muscles; is in the problem area of pain and discomfort.
What I have discovered in my 24 years plus of research, education and discovery is that the body is electrical in nature and what effects one area affects the opposing area and then moves into other areas as the body compensates itself…as a way to relieve the pain signals, the brain tells the body to adjust so that lulls are given to that body part in order to recover from the event…
So perhaps one day our physical therapists will be free to make their own judgment call on what areas need rebuilding…and not depend on the prescribing physician who believes he has the top call on what a physical therapist needs to be doing or not…just a thought a throwing it all out there…just in case someone is a paying attention…
I still hear the words of Thomas Edison a sounding lightly in the background of my mental states..."The doctor of the future will prescribe no medicine, yet instruct the patient into the well being of their body with diet, exercise and proper mental processing." Now folks don't quote me 100% here...Just remember, all the stuff on these newsletters, will one day be subjected to editing...
These newsletters are in essence my rough drafts...for it seems as I write, more clarity seems to be abounding within my conscious and most importantly, my subconscious ness where dreams are born each and every night...
I therefore believe that research centers, universities and headed by eco-communities whose residents are the onsite research projects, plus the individuals/patients chosen outside of the center to be research projects as well...and the teachers that will come forth from of our joint research projects will be our greatest aim...
Sort of like a teaching the world how to take care of its self...and having medicine as a fall safe area, instead of the only area that help is given and available…being we are all, not a “one size fits all, land.”
I have been a visualizing this type of research center with medicine and alternative and complementary health care a joining hands and searching for the answers to all of our body ails...several modalities at a time...
For let's face it folks...the viral world (it seems to be generally accepted fact now) is now over running us, simply due to mutations of viruses caused by over antibiotic usage and the easy availability of anti bacterial soaps and cleansers...
Discovering better ways of dealing with our bodies immune system dysfunctions, with supplements that bring the body back into balance, naturally...I believe will be the cutting edge to surviving in a land over run with so many dysfunctions of the air, water, soil, and food products...for I believe we have to catch this run away train of increasing health care costs, and prescriptions that aren’t a working, yet have the FDA’s approval , backing and support…
Especially since the baby boomers which are the largest and fastest aging population we have...That includes me in that hit parade...for this year I will turn 58 and I am every bit proud that I have made it this far in life.
I am very grateful to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, for without Them, I wouldn't have or even cared to have gone this far on my journey...leading Home.
Those are my thoughts...at this time.
Now I am going to post the selected email I sent our wonderful president...later look forward to perhaps the vibration medicine two current cases that I submitted to their attorneys so that they could settle their cases with the insurance companies...one guy being told, that .”.the maximum we could possible get for you is $30K and out of that we will have to take our nominal fee of 30%, so you are a looking at about $13K”.
This guy was involved in a semi rig accident that first of all totaled his boss's tractor and trailer...left him permanently changed forever...and the passenger car that created this life change for my 36 year old research client, only had a $30K maximum pay out suit amount, with Geico insurance.
I will perhaps bring you later, the update on this case for what happens when one is found negligent in such a case and only have a minimal amount to be paid out, they can be taken to court, sued and have to make payments to the injured party for sometimes the rest of their life...
My client is a threatening this action...for this chronic suffering person, whose very job is in jeopardy of being able to remain a doing it...for long...and might not have another field in which to pursue, were his condition to worsen.
So sometimes, cheap policies, brings forth...disastrous after math’s...so to all that never thought about a an accident bringing forth such end results,, think upon these things...well, before you make your decision about cheap and affordable costs versus, well covered policies.
Be Blessed Always!
Love, Light and Peace
Dear Mr. President, First Lady, fellow American and world brothers and sisters.
A.K.A., Dear All One Family:
Before I go back to my ideas of Health Care Reform, being very necessary for one and all...
I want to also state that I told Mr. P., that I saw relief for his sufferings, some where down the road in the future...and that the permanent relief I saw for him; was that the facet joints that were damaged permanently in the volume of impact and collision in his tractor and trailer wreck, could possibly be corrected with stem cell research.
For I believe that one day, down the road the work with stem cells, could be his answer, yet when that occurs in our nation...perhaps might be a distance down the road...for like all nations, change isn’t something many want to welcome with open arms…especially if a nation is found distrusting…
Then today on Good Morning America...I saw a surgeon using stem cell surgery in repairing a damaged area of a person's lung...so I am not off the wall here.
Stem research is necessary...look at all the other wonderful things in medical science that our doctors and surgeons can now do to help damaged organs, tissues, bones, muscles...and I believe safe guards placed on stem cell research such as your administration has put into place…is a very good thing and a very smart move…thank you for all that you are a doing.
Mr. President: Subject of Doctors Prescribing Too Many Tests And Surgical Procedures
When I heard of talk about doctors doing odd amounts of testing procedures and such:
All I can say in defense of all of the doctors that I love and care about that I have personally known and worked with professionally is that:
I believe that the doctors zest to test for this and for that...is necessary because we are a not one size fits all land again and all that I have seen as patients of theirs, are complicated and quite complex in their sufferings and mind, body and spirit…energy patterns.
I also want to state that I have heard of surgeries that are now being viewed as old and outdated and non effective...yet I still know folks that state that their carpal tunnel surgery was successful because their forearm, fingers or hands don't give them all that much pain...and being cut was well worth it.
On the Same Note: Those That Sought Alternative Care With Me Prior to Surgery
I have discovered with my vibration medicine therapy educational pathway and journey...ways to deal with that soft tissue that somehow wanted to tighten in a manner that caused energy depletion to the forearm and fingers...and surgery paths needs were never taken…
Yet, my work is not all totally inclusive...for the person still needs to modify their posture, for our posture begins at the head area and the further off one is off the plumb line of erect...head/neck in balance and alignment with shoulders.
So I see a need for chiropractic care based on how much deviation from the postural norm of the person's straight line frame work.
The more deviation, the more work needed by all health care body workers...acupuncturist, massage therapist, personal trainer, physical therapist, dietary changes etc., etc.
Therefore, I ask that when you sit down with the medical doctors that you address the national statistical fact...”medical health care, third leading killer of people in America.”
Plus it wouldn’t be bad as well, to state that 60% of all this nation’s bankruptcies are due to insurance treatment bills to patients without sky rocket costing health care coverage.
I also know that those that can see outside of the box know what that means...and understand how much of a large direction of moving back to basics, we must travel backward in; and perhaps more areas than not…
That will also cause lots of jobs that have those who see the body once viewed as purely a chemical factor with more emphasis placed on the heart and circulatory system.
The change back to basics means, closing the doors that self interested professionals used to help attempt to crash the American system., perhaps not consciously…for I don’t believe the occupants of Atlantis wanted to destroy themselves…yet because we have evidence in our history books that show us clearly that we have always had a hard time with a thinking outside of the box, kind of thing…know what I mean?
Which is now made more evident by the amount of chemicals prescribed or not...that now fill our septic systems which in turn...is fed back to the ones able to get their medical drug chemicals...now naturally in their tap water.
Those that feel this isn't occurring for them because they are a drinking bottled water...ahhhh, the water filtration system that many bottled water companies have in place...perhaps is better...yet I believe research to discover ways that can safely increase the water's benefits for all the household of all consumers...should have already been put in place.
I realize that thinking like this...will mean a reduction in those a wanting to practice only medical practice...yet, the doctors I know like the Emmy winning television show, "House," are like the character portrayed in the show.
They want their patient to be more rapidly diagnosed and the prescription meds that they prescribe their patients to have more minimal side effects and help stimulate wellness, as quickly and permanently as possible.
Unfortunately, our doctors aren’t chemists and therefore a patient’s greatest friend is the drug store pharmacist.
Yet because we are not a “one size fits all land,” and doctors in the past practiced medicine like back yard mechanics used to be able to do before computers were put in place in our cars…trying this and a trying that…
Except for the surgeons, I would have to say that most doctors that really care for their patients, will be alright a sharing the team work progress record...were they to believe that this alternative, yet complimentary medically practices will aid their patient and help eliminate the need for surgery or further intervention.
I know that the National Health Institute has done lots of studies in these alternative/complementary health care practices field.
Mr. President:
Perhaps there is where you need to head for the stats (alternative-complementary practices given research grants in the past) you need to take to the Congress, Senate and House...
Long ago I considered going for government grants to assist me with my research field...yet I became intimidated believing that the grants I needed would take skilled grant writers in which to write them.
So I stayed a low keyed research center, funded primarily by my own client research subject base.
A.K.A...now that the economy has so to speak, crashed and burned at least in my field that I believe the A.M.A., kept low profile so that my field would be considered a luxury and only afforded by the wealthy or successful, or the very injured and diseased filled ones, by. In my estimation; making out that they were the only practical and valuable health care idea in the land.
Obviously the insurance companies and themselves have the same lobbyists in the past...no wonder they are upset at you taking the cap off of malpractice suits...for they know the real odds of success, are not all that high...
For generally the patients that my doctors sent me in the past...when financial times were better and more persons than not could throw money out of the window on a fluke and did come to me; did find that such bodywork that I do as to having been effective...
We All Are A Product of The Depression/Recession:
Insurance Company Complaint:
Around the late 90's, I decided that the only way that the medical community and the people they serve up, would respect us for our worth and value to the land, and compensate us for our work; was to get all of our state's massage therapists state licensed.
This was not my idea alone...Blue Cross Blue Shield...told me that,” the only way that they would pay for massage therapy sessions if we were state licensed.”
This information was given to me by a Blue Cross/Blue Shield executive.
I don't recall her name, and I didn't write it down...because at that time I believed her. The reason I had even attempted to seek compensation for my work, was because another area therapist that had traveled to Georgia and became state licensed by Georgia...was being compensated by their Raleigh based Insurance Company.
At that time as well, Medicare was also picking up a nominal amount of the session on a few of my fellow massage therapist peer, primarily elderly patients that there doctors had wrote prescriptions for her therapy...!
Yet when all of our state therapists became licensed and were able to gain compensation...Medicare pulled the plug on nominal compensation payments for massage therapy.
The cost of that move, didn't bring us now licensed therapists anything more than continuing education ...which is a positive, for continuing education is always a good thing, yet the additional expense of becoming and staying licensed…isn’t all that entertaining for any of us.
Yet, had the largest then health care system in our land...done what they said they would do:
The now 24 C.E.U.'s every two years and all of the fees that go along with that red tape...is causing many therapists such as myself, that have been hit the hardest by these depression/recessionary times, have caused many of us to consider going into a more financially lucrative secured field...
Also by my becoming state licensed, that meant my school as well had to become a state licensed school...and I didn't have the financial assistance that I needed to place $Ten Thousand Dollars in escrow and submitting an acceptable by the State Licensing Massage Board; published curriculum school catalog, every year my school was in operation plus a host of too many other demands on the school and students…so sometimes the process of becoming legitimate…brings forth additional red tape that stunts the field, rather than makes it better…does that make sense?
In other words, by becoming more I got whoo dooed.
Now in order to survive, more therapists in my field than not, are cutting back on their charges...yet it was hard for them to survive on their already low fees...this move in cutting prices, will surely break many therapists already aching back...know what I mean.
What Blue Cross/Blue Shield Gave Us Licensed Massage & Bodyworks Therapists:
The best that they gave us therapists that complied to all of their standards...was an opportunity to be listed in their directory...if we took a 25% discount off of all of their subscribers treatment price that they sent us.
Plus, we had to present them with our reports and findings of which we were to not be given a fee paid for them.
Yet were the story to end there, is doesn’t'... and as visualized in California about 2 years ago now, I believe...Blue Cross/Blue Shield started kicking subscribers out of their insurance system for pre-existing conditions.
Many a paper trail has taken many victims…
Not bad of a deal? Imagine Blue Cross/Blue Shield, a doing our advertising...and a providing us with their membership base referral system...we take the cut in payment, fill out documentation work for them, for free and they end up throwing those that we earnestly worked on to help better their life condition, and the insurance company takes our client's only means of continuing the health care program that was a working for them...
So to those that believe that we don't need a change back to the old ways...we do...yesterday would have been nice...yet as you know Mr. President...as I tell my clients, family and friends...once pain begins the work/road back home is a lot further away.
It is like your governmental plate full of stuff needed to be changed or eliminated...where to begin and where to end, where to cut and how to begin a new from the ashes?
A.K.A., "the turning of a pig's ear into a silk purse," kind of magical stunt! Good luck, I keep you on my altar of prayers before, God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...always!
To all those a believing that they could do a better job of deciding how, what and where they would make all of the necessary changes...I say, were they to look at all of the things that you will one day be blamed for...words, actions said or not said...just remember, when one is in a land of so many diverse cultures, and nationalities...
Mr. President:
"What ever you say, or do, or don't say or do, there is a very good probability it will be misinterpreted." Author, me!
Finding that balance point in all things out of balance will be your greatest governmental balancing mission, as I am sure that you have already discovered and being a Star Seed.; I am sure; have already surmised.
Thus I have decided/and pray that what ever I present to you with my ideas for consideration...that you will, "take what you need and please do leave the rest." Phrase coined by me...Tonie
The planting of good intention seeds is all that I am about. The deserve to help our planet move into a balance point...is why I am a writing...not to become a political rebel riser...just someone that knows that change was needed a long, long time ago and finally we have a president a wanting to follow through on his campaign promises.
I give you an A plus Mr. President and a A plus plus to your wife and family...thank you for caring for us all enough to accept the job, and your wife and family, for allowing you to be shared by the world...
Please also understand as well, that one of the things that doctors miss when they see their patients and gather all of the information they need to evaluate their patient's health conditions, after testing and such...is how that patient will respond to their traditional medical wellness program is also based on their patient's diet and mental health processing...
If a patient feels that there is no hope...of course their prognosis will not be as good as the one with the zest for life and the happiness and gratitude of experiencing another day...jet streaming their body's ability to mend itself...
Doctors also don't realize what I have realized as well...some persons take their meds as directed, some, somewhat and some not at all, yet they tell their doctor that they are...
Or that they drink modestly when moderate is more like it or and moderate means, excessive...
Or that they tell the doctor that they don't do sugar, yet were one to follow them around and see all the sugar they say they don't do...the doctor would wonder, how is this person's pancreas a handling the overload?
Sugar causes the muscles to contract...and weaken...it is not a strengthener as the Olympics promoted when they promoted the "Snicker's Candy Bar...
Drastic highs and lows of our body's blood sugar levels, plays havoc on a recovering health system or one already over burdened/or compromised with chemical meds...
Sugar also plays a grand role in mood swings...thusly;
I would like to see mental health and medicine becoming joined and the stigmata that all that seek counseling are nuts, being taken out of the preamble of old way thinking...for I believe that even if one is holding onto to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's hand, sometimes, just sometimes; just knowing that someone physically out there that can relate to what they are experiencing in their life at the moment...and can help give them some directives, is a very good thing.
I Thank God for persons such as Oprah and Dr. Phil...that gives away free advice for those that don't have health insurance or such, and The Doctor's Show of Dr. Phil's son;
Shows that are bringing to the television viewing world, a picture of what it looks like when medical science joins hands with others in alternative and complementary health care fields...and just how successful it can work together, is grand as well...
Those in the spiritual health field help us see more clearly when the outer storms around us, try to blind us to how special we are in God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, eyes.
Other thoughts on Specialized Medical Fields:
With the advance of medicine dividing up in so many specialized fields...comes a greater problem of patients being given too much medicine and not easily being able to be monitored for the patient believes that their primary doctor is a conversing with their specialized medical doctor and what I am a seeing and a hearing...it isn't a happening...
Just some thoughts you might want to consider. and .think upon.
I am now going to submit...the below additional stuff...that I have posted to my spiritual ministry newsletters and such.
Until I return...
Please be blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace
Thursday, June 18, 2009
9:47 A.M.
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Tearing Loose With Many Thoughts On Health-Care Reform
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone -Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
When one takes a good look through health care reform possibilities; inside as well as outside of the box...one discovers that Singapore, China as I already wrote our president about what a Harvard Foreign Exchange Student from Uruguay told me about Dubai, Iraq, whose nation’s whole scope is about creating a place of great comfort, beauty, peace, joy and financial prosperity for all that choose to participate...in helping them become better than they were, a yesterday.
That to me is a most welcomed and inviting concept...and one of our country's foreign exchange students, just graduated from Harvard, Suma Cum Laud...and Dubai hired her before she even graduated.
As a consultant for the government of Dubai, she will be able to jet sets around the World a discovering bigger and better ways of helping Dubai become as big as they want to dream her into creation and thus manifestation.
I then asked her, why she didn’t like our country enough to stay here and help work with our government a doing the same? She said sadly, ”.I do love this country; yet because of so many financial ills, your country has sort of a closed door policy to immigrants...and that is what you know I am.” My student visa is over...and I now have to go home or to another country intelligent enough to see my worth and my value to their land..
I asked this Harvard grad, this question? If you had a magical nose that you could twitch and while doing, create/change anything you wanted to...When looking at our country that you fell in love with in just four years of attending Harvard...what would be the things you would change?
She stated:
Gay Rights
As she stated, "this is a special interest group," and just because their way isn't everybody Else's way, they still have the same rights as everybody else’s, to .have and adopt children, marry and have all of the rights of straight married couples.
Tax breaks, right down to inheritance rights and right to be given the same sex partner's medical information and consent...
She also kind of hinted at that if people would concentrate on their own stuff more and less on others that mean them no harm...than what is the harm? How does the action of others, that has nothing to do with others, measure anyone else’s quality of life?
Perhaps then the judgment of it being against the law, would somehow lessen the guilt those of alternative life styles have to endure from the judgmental public eye…and perhaps many wouldn’t choose suicide over life…
She then said the part about Immigration and I sadly dropped my head and I said; oh my God, the Statue of Liberty doesn't hold the same sacred meaning...not a good sign!...yet in the land of milk and honey that the greedy are a trying their hardest to destroy like Atlantis...was destroyed by the civilization that discovered, all the negative attributes of greed, power and control and in essence became their own gods and thought themselves all so powerful and God, not...
I believe if she were a writing this, she would state that when America sits down with all of the illegals and are a making their decision who can stay and who has to leave, I hope that they take in consideration the skilled trade workers and the migrant field workers...
For many have been here a long time; and were never able to gain their green card, for one reason or another, yet they love this country as well and have helped and watched it grow...
Before I leave this subject...I want also to mention that I was in deep uncomfortable conversation with a friend/client who was just a ranting and a raving about President Obama a saying we were not a Christian founded nation.
I know that I wrote this before in another newsletter, yet I didn't mention the part about how I had told this Republican, conservative friend as gently as I could about how many religions we have in America...and that I totally agreed with President Obama...when I looked back to the oath that each state took to become part of the United States, I see no where In God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's name...all I see is In God's name.
Yet in Scripture in the Holy Bible, it is written that none is over Jesus and because of all of Jesus’ pain and sacrifices for taking on the past world, the present and future worlds of each of the sins of all of God's children ...special homage was assigned the Power of Jesus’ Name.
Thus if we want prayers answered, we must first ask in Jesus and Holy Spirit's name before we have Our Father's full and total attention.
Many religions believe in God, not all religions believe Jesus to hold the key to
eternity's gate. Some religions call Jesus, Prophet, some call Him, not real...A religion that believes in God, isn't necessarily Christian...and there in lies the difference.
Most Jewish people believe in God and Jesus a prophet. They study the Old Testament, for as all that believe as I do, The New Testament replaced The Old...and the Old Testament is used primarily as a history book and a reminder what God was like prior to Him coming here in Jesus to get a peek through at his earth children coconut heads...
Going Back To My Irate Republican Conservative, Type A Type-Client/Friend
This is what my friend/client then stated: If our Christianity got mixed with all the other religions that have chosen to come here in our Christian land...then they should be made to move because they are a upsetting the balance...
I then did a break dance of laughter and stated: Don't you know that we are all immigrants other than the Native Americans? Think about it...Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island...my goodness...don't think like me and you have to go home...
What most Americans that is a responding to President Obama's speech that has literally torn up the Internet lines...with criticisms from the conservative republicans...that are just a wanting to make him wrong and bad for this country...
Was someone to go to the poll that states our religious fiber in America...
83% believe in God. Of those 83% I would dare state that perhaps 50% believe in Jesus.
Christian equates to: Christ-Child-becoming more Christ like...
To those that want to read what I am saying and interpret a different angle...I have included it again...so maybe you can take another look through...please stop getting caught up in the words that you are a wanting to hear...
Anytime we go looking for negatives, we will most definitely discover them...
"that which you fear, comes at you greater." Albert Einstein
Then, just as I have stated that...I get this email posting...too much I tell you, too much! Please pray unendingly...
Please Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Dr Robert Verkerk, an internationally acclaimed expert with over 25 years of experience, will be addressing the Lewes-based Changing Times organization to warn that a new EU directive is about to massively restrict public access to natural health products. (see www.anhcampaign.org)
Dr Verkerk, who for the last six years has headed the Alliance for Natural Health, the leading campaign to protect natural health worldwide, says:
'Our ability to choose natural health is at risk. For the last half century, a mechanism (Codex Alimentarius) has been in place to hand over control of our key commodities, namely energy, food and health products, to transnational corporations, working in cahoots with governments. Now it is about to be activated. We may be getting used to the fuel and food price increases - but are we ready to say goodbye to our freedom to choose natural health?'
Andy Thomas of Changing Times says:
'To find out who is controlling our ability to manage our health naturally - as well as how and why - people should come along to hear Dr Verkerk's riveting presentation. Everyone who currently enjoys the benefits of natural health products, alternative medicines and high-dose vitamins will be affected by the new rules, and we need to be aware of what we can do to change them.'
Dear Mr. President Barack and First Lady, Michelle:
June 17, 2009
Today has been a very interesting day for me, since understanding that my ideas on Health Care Reforms were going to be presented in a book, along with all the other health care reform ideas that you have publicly told us that you would be a doing and you were asking for all of our suggestions, so as those that were a trying to stop this movement, would have a up front and personal in your face, proof that the American people are standing up, instead of down and voicing all of their ails with the current health care/insurance companies system.
Thus I have decided to submit to you three different cases files. Were you to go to these cases attorneys, you would find out the costs of the medical health care field, in relationship to the cost of alternative, complementary & vibrational medicine therapies…
In my vibrational medical research body therapies practice…I have incorporated ancient body therapies along with the high tech new FDA Medical Approved Machines,
I also have been a working with light, sound and vibrational affirmations as a way to bring the emotional level of my client, in synch with his/her body’s mental, and spiritual link up…instead of body dis-connect…
I believe that my research this 24 years plus has produced quite a profound effect, even on the most reluctant person a not wanting to try all of the modalities that I offer up in my research center.
Yet all in all…Our bodies being more energy than solid matter…should have told the medical doctors a thing or two…or perhaps Quantum Physics not being taught in medical schools…could have been the biggest problem as to why our medical researchers of old…stayed with the premise that our heart was the electrical part of the whole system…
We have to move towards prevention being first line stuff…for we can’t keep up with the rising health care costs of our nation…and as all indications are being given to us…the medical way does work, for some and for some others, not so well…
So for those that choose, bodywork therapies, a good regular exercise routine with a competent personal trainer and water aerobic program…along with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, good nutrition habits, good water balance, good positive attitude…over surgery or life time prescription taking with maintenance being a key factor over change…
The other day Mr. President on our national news, it was announced that Red Rice Yeast, was a mild natural statin, similar to Lipitor and other similar statins…for reducing cholesterol levels….successfully, yet at a slower pace.
I can’t tell you how many persons I have told down through the last ten or so years; about Red Rice Yeast, and they bought it and because they were expecting instant results similar to chemical prescriptions from the doctors…that they eventually got tired and put it down as being an old wife’s tale. And stopped taking it…and went on regular high side effects cholesterol lowering pills such as Lipitor…
I felt sad for these folks that believe that the speeding rabbit is better than the slow pace of turtle…for whom won the race of old, was the turtle…just something to think about…is what I am a offering up to you right now…
Please remember I was the first case accident presented to you here; on beginning this story posting…so you really have four cases with my postings.
I am giving you these parties, actual reports. None of the three like myself, feel we got a good deal out of having car insurance….and non of us feel that our treatment from the medical doctors, did us a whole lot of good, yet cost us greatly…
I am presenting their names to your staff and your eyes only…I ask that you see my newsletter to see how I took their first and last initial as a way of identifying them, yet not to my viewing audience…
I am also including their actual law firms that represented them, so that you can obtain additional information from them that this is common operating procedure in the land…
When one is involved in a car accident created by another…generally one doesn’t come out of it too well…especially if all have insurance companies that sell low costing policies and pay because of it, ridiculously low settlements that the attorneys a handling the case reap for their effort…Generally 30% and more if the case goes to court…sometimes to the tone of $600 an hour just to prepare it for trial…
First Case: Mary R.. I believe it faired better than C. P., for her victim creating party had perhaps a $100K auto accident policy so she got after the attorneys were a done a dipping in it…about $30K…currently her money is all gone…still in pain and when she splurges on herself, come and see me for an hour…about once every 6-7 months…
She is also unemployed…due to not being able to handle all the rigors of life a coming at her with all of the pain residual left from the wreck…of which a life time she will have to suffer…for she can’t afford a paying all of her alternative health care protocol….
Because Mary hasn’t worked in about 6 months…she wasn’t able to keep up with the water aerobics as well…or the Chiropractic Care as well…meanwhile, the bills just keep a piling up and the only thing can gets relief, if only temporarily, is from my work…Is it a sad story in our land? It is just the tip of the ice berg, for it has been stated many times than not, that back pain takes the majority of patients to the hospitals and doctors…
Depending on the doctor and the treatment protocol, determines if that patient will become a surgical or a chemical candidate or both…all those that know what I mean, please say, Amen Sister!
Therapist: Tonie Wallace
October 18, 2004
Visit#1, first visit: Date: 07/22/03
The patient complains of Left arm /shoulder/neck pain that radiates down to hip and leg, with spasms occurring quite regularly in low back and hip area.
She also complains of a mild-constant burning sensation down her arm into her left wrist and fingers with lots of stiffness and tightness in such areas.
She also is having difficulty sleeping and doing normal activities. When I asked her what pain level on a scale from 0-10, with 10 as being extreme pain, which level she found herself in normally, she responded with, “a level 7.”
Mrs. R states that she had no problems with movement/sleep/normal daily activities prior to her car accident of 11/12/02.
Mrs. R also states that prior to her physician sending her to me, she had never been given a bodywork therapy session before.
Palpitation skills revealed tightness and trigger point contractures in all of the following muscles of neck, shoulder, arm, back, hips and legs:
Therapist Initial Objective Findings:
Splenius Capitus
Rhomboid, major/minor
Levator Scapula
Serratus Anterior/Posterior
Teres Major/Minor
Muscles of the back:
Latissimus Dorsi
Erector Spinalis
Upper/middle/lower traps
Hip muscles:
Gluteus Minimus
Gluteus Maximus
Gluteus Medimus
Leg Muscles:
Arm muscles:
Brachial plexus
/pain radiating into wrist area of left hand
Anterior shoulder muscles:
Pectoralius major/minor
Treatment consisted of: deep tissue therapy with trigger point work concentrated on all areas of muscle involvement. Also included was muscle strengthening/lengthening exercises.
Treatment time with each session was 45 minutes.
Mrs.R it was noted held a longer period of muscle spasm/pain stability when my session was combined with frequent chiropractic and water therapy exercises. Mrs. Robinson is a chronic pain sufferer; her case is such that massage therapy affords her a temporary but necessary step towards pain management. One or two days of moderate pain levels is better than constant high intensity pain-filled moments.
I would also like to note that I am a licensed massage therapist and not a physician so therefore, my findings are purely objective, so therefore, the billing form that you requested, UB-92 or HCFA-1500, is not available to complementary medical health care providers such as myself.
Billing/treatment dates are as follows:
22/Jul/03 charge $45
18/Oct/04 charge $45
Total paid to date: $2,475.00
Monies owed: none
What follows is the objective findings per each session. If I can be of further assistance please feel free to contact me.
Tonie Wallace
Therapist: Tonie Wallace,
February 16, 2005
First Visit date: 07/23/03
Last Visit date: 02/16/2005
The patient complaints are the same as her first visit complaint. There has been no change. Massage therapy is still indicated and probably will be a life long endeavor.
Her original complaint was that of left arm/shoulder/neck pain that radiated down into hip and leg area.
She also still complains of a mild-constant burning sensation down into her left arm and left wrist.
Palpitation skills still reveal tightness and trigger point contractures in all of the following muscles of neck, should, arm, back, hips and legs:
Splenius Capitus
Rhomboid, major/minor
Levator Scapula
Serratus Anterior/Posterior
Teres Major/Minor
Muscles of the back:
Latissimus Dorsi
Erector Spinalis
Upper/middle/lower traps
Hip Muscles:
Gluteus Minimus
Gluteus Maximus
Gluteus Medimus
Leg Muscles:
Arm Muscles:
Brachial plexus
Extensors/pain radiating into wrist area of left hand
Anterior shoulder muscles:
Pectoralius major/minor
Treatment consisted of: deep tissue therapy with trigger point work concentrated on all areas of muscle involvement. Also included was muscle strengthening/lengthening exercises.
Treatment time with each session is 45 minutes.
Mrs.E due to money problems is unable to continue her once a week treatment plan. Therefore length of relief is greatly hindered.
Tonie Wallace
Additional treatment dates are as follows:
October 26, 2004
February 16, 2005
Total $450.00
Added to previous amount paid $2, 475.00
Now equals $2,925.00
Monies owed: none
“The Dr. of the future will give no medicine but
will interest his patients in the care of the human
frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention
of disease”. Thomas Edison
Chris Is the Case: That will be a getting I believe $13K…due to Geico a having minimal suit policy of $30K and after the attorney gets his share…
Attention: Law- Undisclosed Firm
Re: Chris P.
Claim Number
Date of Accident: 10/24/2007-Present
March 05, 2009
Dear Attorney M N:
Please find included my notes and additional billed invoice for Chris P., last three visits.
Dates of visits:
August 05, 2008
December 30, 2008
February 01, 2009
Mr. N: Attorney
Based on my client’s last visit of February 01, 2009, I would have to state that this client went back to work as a truck driver in order to not lose that which he still had remaining since his accident of 10/24/2007.
On 2/01/2009, Mr. P. stated that on a pain scale of 1-10 with 10 being totally intolerable, Mr. P.states that he is normally is a driving around on a 7.5 to an 8 level.
After taking 4-5 Goodie’s Powders, he is able to bring it down to around ½ the pain level.
Yet my concern is for the continued health of my client for taking anything to that excess can’t be all that good for him. Yet due to his financial concerns, one must do what they have to do.
I personally would like for him to come back off of the road and continue with a more intensive move in the alternative health area, combining vibration body work modalities with chiropractic/decompression work ups.
In my twenty four years of vibration bodywork practice, I have found the above combination to be the best approach for the condition of “Cervical Facet Disorder,” left Mr. P. from the wreck he was involved in.
Palpation and myofascial therapy discovered that Chris still had limited flexion in his neck primarily on the left side, yet still present in right as well.
I also discovered that his left quadratus muscle that is the hip flexors on his left side was also locked down.
As well, his rt. hamstring muscles were tight and knotted which could cause him difficulty in sitting for long periods of time.
Also present was tenderness to touch of his neck muscles and tightness and swelling in rt. arm muscles.
He also was experiencing pain in the lower back, and numbness in the pinky and left ring finger.
Chris stated that the only time that he got total pain relief was for a couple hours following one of my bodywork treatments.
If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me.
Tonie Wallace, License #
June 04, 2009
Total billing amount and dates:-dates changed like M.R.'s
January 15, 2008
April 23, 2009
Total treatment session charges is: $1060.00, with Mr. Powers still having a remaining balance of $400.00 currently owed to me.
Please note these changes…
In my phone conversation update with Mr.C.P. today, when asking him his current condition…he stated, “same oh, same oh.”
More pain than not…on Goody’s Powders for pain sometimes pain control…sometimes not…yet he is dealing with it…for he is back to work now and even though I feel that the job of a trucker is pretty difficult for one with facet disorders of his neck resulting from his semi truck being wrecked through the actions of another…he states that it is what he does for a living and though it is rough at times…especially being he is flat bed truck driver and that means lots of physical and mental work…keeping things strapped down and not moving on the flat bed.
Mr. P. states that it is sort of kind of, his exercise to keep his shoulders and neck muscles pliable and flexible…
A good way to look at things, you know?
Something like, “it is what it is,” kind of thing.
I have also told Mr. P. that all that I have heard of concerning decompression therapy on his spine, would be greatly beneficial for the kind of problems he was still experiencing with his facet joint disorder of a neck that I believe to have the worst whip lash condition remaining that I have ever seen.
Mr. P. told me today that the only problem that he had with the decompression therapy doctors were that they were only in for a 4 day a week office hour days…and being a truck driver has to roll when the boss says to roll…being home and available for treatment, doesn’t coincide with his work schedule…for he never knows when he will be in town to attend them or not…
Thus I suggested that perhaps a gravity boot designed device might assist him with a lengthening of his spinal region, yet without adequate chiropractic care and vibrational medical body work such as my own…some relief might be seen…for in cases such as Mr. P., that I have seen and helped in the past…when one moves through a severe whip lash condition such as his own…one receives a elongated straight neck instead of the normal neck pattern with a small natural curvature…
Thus long periods of sitting while driving would only further aggravate and already aggravated neck that the brain was trying its best to alleviate the neck pain by compensating in varying muscular neck changes…some that might bring a bit of good changes, yet most of the time, not…
I believe that is the reason that Mr. P.s medical specialists placed him in a neck denervation process…and to me, I just don’t have a good feeling that the neck nerve endings that were deadened, will eventually reconnect themselves…yet I could be wrong…
Our body does have amazing rejuvenation factors that modern medicine is just now a catching…see all the enclosed news articles and current health care reform petitions…that I have enclosed below…
Thus my suggestions are as such: Chris P.
1. A different occupation
2. Chiropractic Care
3. 3 times weekly exercise program that included cardio exercises.
4. Once weekly vibration medical body work session.
Those are my suggestions…I realize that Mr. P. is now in battle over the rights of truck drivers all over the land…for to him it isn’t fair that his company has to hold $1 Million dollar liability on the trucks that he drives, yet the person in the passenger car who created this perhaps permanent change in Mr. P.’s quality of life a drastically a changing…only has $30K maximum protection.
Where Mr. P.s takes his limitation of tolerance for the person that has made such a deteriorating change in his life, I don’t know.
I only know from experience of being a truck driver along with my husband…the trucking world is not all that wonderful and yes, many times I worried if I was going to be able to stop from a plowing into a casual observing person that thought that I could put the truck in a stopped position on the tip of a dime…
When a semi is fully loaded and traveling 55 miles an hour, it takes the length of a foot ball field in which to stop the forward motion of it…the person that created the wreck that caused Mr. Powers to total out his semi rig should be feeling quite lucky that he survived the impact…lots don’t…and truckers whose negligent drivers of passenger cars that don’t survive the impact…usually are held responsible for the accident…that is a factual statistic…
So I will state that if Mr. P. does sue in civil court for a life time of payments made to him for his suffering, above the $30 K, maximum…and after your cut out of it…than his victim should be happy not having to suffer a perhaps life time of suffering that Mr. P’s will have to do…
For as I see it, if Mr. P.is always stuck on the road…a working for a living, it will be mighty hard for him to take care of too many of his now necessary needs…diet as well comes to mind…adequate sleep comes in next…see what I mean?
Anyways, those are my thoughts…If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to call again.
God Bless
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace
State Licensed Body Works Therapist License#
This is what I also included with Mr. Chris P. report to his attorney
Health Care Reform Petition
We, the People of these United States of America, hereby call for revolutionary changes in our health care system that encourage health and prosperity instead of disease and corporate profit.
Specifically, we call for:
1. Federal government encouragement and reward for the People taking personal responsibility for their own health
- A full federal income tax deduction, with no minimum, for the purchase of any product, service, or device that is intended for use in the improvement of health. This includes, but is not limited to, dietary and herbal supplements, gym memberships, health coaching services, exercise equipment, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies or any other health-enhancing products and services.
- The immediate creation of an investigatory panel, comprised of leaders from both conventional and naturopathic backgrounds, that would investigate the "Citizens In Charge" debit card health care system described at www.HealthRevolutionPetition.org/CitizensInCharge.html
* The "Citizens In Charge" health care system is a "socialized-free-market" system of health care that eliminates all health insurance and puts health care decisions back into the hands of the People, allowing them to spend their government-provided health care funds on any health-related products or services they choose (conventional, alternative, licensed or unlicensed).
* The investigatory panel shall report on the economic viability (and potential savings) of the program, as well as the likely improvements in health care outcomes. This report shall be made publicly available on the internet for all citizens to read and discuss.
2. Restore Health Freedom to All Americans and Legalize Healing
- Allow all practitioners of the healing arts, licensed or otherwise, the freedom to practice healing arts with the consent of patients. End all government persecution of alternative and complementary care practitioners and clinics.
- End FDA oppression of free speech about health products and therapies.
- Protect access to dietary supplements, colloidal silver, medicinal herbs and anti-cancer products.
- End FTC and FDA assaults on the Free Speech rights of natural health companies who accurately describe the health benefits of their products.
- Affirm the rights of American moms and dads to choose to avoid mandatory vaccinations of their children.
- End federal assaults (DEA) on the possession or sale of medicinal plants that have been medically recognized and legalized by States such as California.
- Legalize Healing: End state monopoly medical licensing laws that grant conventional medical authorities absolute power to decide who can or cannot practice medicine.
3. End FDA Tyranny, Censorship and Corruption
- End the FDA's definition of a "drug" and strip it of authority to censor truthful health claims about dietary supplements.
- End revolving door employment between the FDA and Big Pharma; fire current FDA employees and advisors with past financial ties to Big Pharma.
- Require full disclosures of financial conflicts of interest of FDA managers, scientists and decision panel members.
- End the FDA's Big Pharma-initiated attack on compounding pharmacies and bioidentical hormone therapy.
- Investigate the FDA's collusion with pharmaceutical companies in hiding clinical trial data from the American public.
4. Protect the Food Supply
- Ban GMOs in the U.S. food supply.
- Ban harmful food additives: MSG, aspartame and sodium nitrite.
- Require honest labeling of irradiated foods.
- Require country-of-origin labeling for all foods sold in the U.S.
- Ban the importation of foods using pesticides outlawed in the U.S.
- Save California's almond growers and end the fumigation of raw almonds.
- Require honest investigation into mad cow disease and the questionable practices of factory animal farms.
- Only permit "harmonization" of our healthcare and food laws with other nations if all the freedoms and rights mentioned in this petition are respected and guaranteed both domestically and in the harmonizing nation.
5. Restore Honest Science to Medicine
- Require the open, timely publication of all medical studies.
- Require open disclosure of all ties between study authors, researchers and for-profit entities.
- Require clinical trial results to report ABSOLUTE numbers, not just relative numbers.
- Require long-term testing of drugs (at least 12 months) before approval in order to determine real-world side effects.
- Require safety testing of multiple drug combinations that are commonly prescribed to real patients.
- End disease mongering and the psychiatric medication of infants and toddlers. Outlaw the drugging of young children with mind-altering chemicals such as ADHD drugs.
6. End Era of Big Pharma Domination Over Health Care
- End all drug-company-funded "benefits" to doctors, including vacation-style CME events, speaking fees, consulting fees and author fees.
- Investigate and prosecute drug company executives for intentionally hiding negative drug trial data and misleading the public about the safety of their products.
- Get Big Pharma out of medical schools.
- Guarantee the right of consumers to sue drug companies and medical device manufacturers for damages caused by unsafe products.
- Restore power to the FTC to regulate commercial drug advertising practices.
- Modify the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to double product liability and personal injury awards involving any pharmaceuticals that are advertised in a Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) manner.
- Enact legislation that would impose substantial criminal penalties for executives of drug companies that advertise drugs for which serious adverse events were known by the company at the time the drug was submitted to the FDA for approval.
- Regulate direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising of prescription medications by removing its jurisdiction from the FDA and shifting it to the FTC, which is normally the agency that exercises jurisdiction over commercial advertising. Additionally:
* Require such ads to prominently and conspicuously display, for a period of no less than five seconds, a toll-free phone number that drug consumers may use to report drug side effects.
* Disallow the practice of using celebrity spokespersons for the promotion of any drug.
* Disallow ads that exaggerate claims of drug benefits or that do not accurately reflect the scientific findings of clinical trials.
* Require all statistical claims of drug benefits to be stated in absolute numbers, not relative numbers.
* Require drug side effects reports gathered through the toll-free phone number to be reported on a timely basis to the FDA.
* Require the FTC to disallow pharmaceutical "lifestyle advertising" that suggests taking a drug will dramatically transform the lifestyle of the patient. Lifestyle advertising sends a dangerous message that the "before" person (depressed, miserable, unhealthy-looking) will be magically changed into the "after" person (healthy, vibrant, happy, energetic and sexy) by taking the drug.
7. Protect Children From Products That Compromise Their Health
- Restrict commercial advertising of junk foods, sodas and caffeine energy drinks to programming hours not commonly viewed by children.
- Eliminate junk food and soda vending machines from all schools and public buildings.
- Get processed foods out of the school lunch program and encourage the use of fresh, unprocessed foods.
- End mandatory vaccination requirements (as per section 2, above), restoring this decision to parents.
8. Ban Man-Made, Non-Natural Cancer-Causing Chemicals in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
- Ban man-made, non-natural chemicals in cosmetics that have not been proven safe.
- Require government-funded testing of commonly used man-made, non-natural chemicals to determine their safety.
- Require honest labeling of cosmetics and personal care products with appropriate cancer warnings.
- Recognize that the skin absorbs chemicals, and chemicals used on the skin can enter the bloodstream.
9. Invest in Disease Prevention
- Encourage and permit tax deductions for routine testing of vitamin D as part of routine patient exams.
- Encourage vitamin D supplementation and sensible sunlight exposure to correct deficiencies.
- Teach the population about nutrition, vitamin D, medicinal foods and disease prevention by using Public Service Announcements.
10. Protect the Environment from Drug and Chemical Companies
- Require the EPA to investigate the environmental impact of pharmaceuticals in the water supply.
- End the chemical fluoridation of public water supplies.
- Require hospitals, pharmacies and nursing homes to dispose of expired pharmaceuticals in an environmentally-conscious away that avoids more drugs being flushed down the drain and passing intact through waste water treatment facilities and then into our bodies when we consume tap water.
Note: The actual wording of this petition may change slightly over time for purposes of clarity and completeness. Any changes will be minor and shall honor the spirit and substance of the petition text you are reading now.
This petition was authored and organized by Mike Adams, editor of NaturalNews.com, with the considerable help and input of many health freedom attorneys and advocates, including Scott Tips, Bill Faloon, Jonathan Emord, Jim Turner and others. The Consumer Wellness Center thanks all the individuals who took part in creating this petition, and keeping it aligned with the principles of liberty and freedom.
Medical bills underlie 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies: study
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor Maggie Fox, Health And Science Editor – 2 hrs 53 mins ago
This as well, was on our Associated Press News of Yahoo News.
Key senator says $1 trillion health bill possible
By ERICA WERNER and DAVID ESPO, Associated Press Writers Erica Werner And David Espo, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 31 mins ago
WASHINGTON – A bipartisan group of senators at work on health care reported progress Thursday in holding the cost of legislation to their $1 trillion target, but Republicans quickly added there was no agreement on even the outlines of a bill.
"We have options that would enable us to write a $1 trillion bill, fully paid for," Sen. Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, told reporters. His comments came one week after analysts set the cost of earlier proposals at $1.6 trillion over 10 years.
The Montana Democrat provided no details, but others have said the changes made in recent days would lower the cost of government subsidies for those who cannot afford insurance, as well as pare back a planned 10-year series of rate increases for doctors serving Medicare patients.
Aides said the Congressional Budget Office had estimated that the elements under consideration would extend coverage to 97 percent of the population, excluding illegal immigrants.
Baucus' comments coincided with the beginning of a one-week congressional vacation, and came as he and the Obama administration sought to demonstrate progress on the president's top domestic priority. President Barack Obama's goal is to revamp a broken system, reducing costs and providing coverage for nearly 50 million Americans who lack it.
Despite the gains made in lowering costs, Republicans made clear that intense negotiations lie ahead if a bipartisan bill is to emerge.
"We have made no deals, no agreements," said Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine.
"We have not seen language (of legislation) in any way shape or form," said Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah.
Of the five House and Senate committees working on health care, Finance is the only one that appears to have a chance at producing a bipartisan bill.
Republicans and Democrats remain at odds on major issues, including the question of a government-run option for insurance that would compete with private industry. Obama has endorsed the idea, saying it would hold down costs, while GOP lawmakers oppose it.
Another dispute revolves around the Democrats' call for a requirement on businesses to either provide insurance for their employees or pay into a government fund subsidizing coverage for those who lack it. Many smaller businesses would be exempt, and others would qualify for government subsidies to help them afford coverage, but most Republicans have expressed opposition to a so-called "employer mandate."
At its heart, any legislation is designed to require insurance companies to sell insurance to anyone seeking it. Denial on the grounds of pre-existing medical conditions would be banned, as would higher premiums
Have a great day...I know I will...
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