Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
July 25, 2009
"Unless One Is Of The Native American Indian Heritage You Are An Immigrant"
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
This posting was started a few days ago, before the memory of why I stopped communicating with my adopted mother...Almost three years ago, she had set into motion this case against her grand daughter and nasty Mexican husband. I got to meet my adopted daughter husband and you know, there wasn't anything nasty about him, actually, no one other than my adopted daughter's mom's sister and the man she married, got that privilege, and it wasn't because my adopted daughter wasn't proud of her guy, she was back then and is still very much in love, with her forbidden love man...a man who has been sitting in jail since December 06, 2009, no Christmas with his wife and step children, a birthday had already passed, and his wife and step children, unable to see him since February...a man of 24 years old, "innocent as the day is long."
My adopted mom's hatred for Mexicans, was present long before my adopted daughter ever dated one or married one. For I remember her saying on several occasions, how she saw them in the grocery store with a filled grocery cart with steaks and stuff and a using food stamps to pay for it all...and how angry she was that they were all on our social security system, and how she knew real Americans who paid into the system and never were able to get anything more than a few dollars a month in food stamps...all because these people were a getting it all, and even free health care...
I don't know how long I had been a dating my adopted mom's son when she got a chance to meet one of my brother's, perhaps the darkest skin toned one of them all; being simply he works outside from sun up to sun down...and we have that type of skin combination that when we get a tan, we keep a tan.
This day, my brother brought over his wife and I noticed the difference in my adopted mother's attitude towards them when they both conversed in Spanish to each other...my adopted mother got very uncomfortable and left a short time later...when she got home, she called back to my house and asked me in a very serious voice, is your brother and sister in law, Mexicans?
I told her, my brother? If I am not Mexican, why would you think he was? He and I come from the same parents, and my sister in law is from Costa Rica, so she is classified, Latino...by our government's labeling system and she is a Naturalized American Citizen, just like my mother received, so many years ago after first coming to America with my dad and three of his kids:
Then she asked me if Costa Rica was on the tip of Mexico? I told her no again, just like I told her and a few of her family members when it came up where my mother was from and it being Panama, they too wanted to know how close to Mexico it was...
It took me perhaps about ten years to understand how these plain Jane people that came down from the mountains and settled in this expansive valley, thought and how they categorized people...
1. Colored people
2. Whites
3. Mexicans
Colored people were basically people with any kind of variances in color tones other than white...Blacks, Asians, Filipinos, Hawaiians, Koreans, Vietnamese,etc. etc. etc.
To help keep these plain Jane "white" types of folks clear on what kind of person was in their direct path, "halt! friend or foe," the way that they could recognize a Mexican, was if they spoke Spanish...
The tables got turned on those that used the original classification method, when the word colored was no longer vogue...for our Black race thought it was directed at them and they wanted to know what color were they a referencing when they threw out that term at them or around them...never fully understanding that the term colored meant about 70% of the world population...and especially The Holy Lands, of which not only did Jesus have His birth at, yet primarily that is where He hung out and that is where all of His Disciples as well, originated...so I am sure that the early immigrants that came from the Middle East, were more in likely considered colored folks, because they were people of varying hues...and if they were persons that weren't high school educated in Geography, they had no clue as to where all these immigrants had landed from...and if they couldn't speak the English language, they probably as well, thought that they were from, somewhere, "south of the border," of Mexico.
Before I leave the subject of Mexico, from my history book days in High School, I seem to recall that quite a good chunk of America used to belong to Mexico...and that we obtained some of it in the Spanish-American War and such...so in all actuality, parts of United States were once Mexican territory...so who lives and who dies in America. I guess is dependant on who is at the helm and how those a serving him and us supposedly, feel about things...Mexicans-people or animals needing to be caged.
Once again I would like to explain the differences of color that is in each of us...for all know that we are all descendants of Adam and Eve.
We were all once, the same color and we spoke the same language...we all lived in the same proximity of Our Father's earth, and it was a time that we still remembered how wonderful it was being back Home in heaven...and one day a large group of us decided that we didn't want to wait for God Our Father to bring us Home, so we decided that we were going to combine our talents and construct this large tower that would reach Heaven, and all we had to do, was step off of it, and we would be Home and not have to wait to be called...
I am not sure how high we were allowed to build it, when Our Father made His presence known to us all, and we were told that we weren't to attempt that move again, for Our Father told us all the proper way to come Home, was not in that manner, so Our Father destroyed this large tower...
I am not sure how long it took us to forget Our Father's warning about coming Home in that manner, and this time we set out to build the highest anyone at that time had ever seen a building so huge and the tip of it was high in the clouds.
This time Our Father became very sad, (probably thinking, retarded kids)and He told us that He would have to punish us in a manner different than last time, for obviously we were coconut heads...so this time, when Our Father destroyed the Tower of Babel, named as such for when He toppled it, everyone on it, fall to earth and when they landed, it sounded like nothing but babbling going on, for we were all different colors and spoke different languages...Our Father did this so that we could never group together and disobey Him again in this manner.
We became a separate land and world at that time and have yet to be able to come together on anything since that time to now. There is a good possibility that our world will have to end if we don't come together soon...no not another dooms day prediction, only common sense folks, for what is causing our strife today, the inability to see eye to eye...the inability to see the Christ in all of us, the inability to look past the visuals presented in us all, and thus feel our heart energy a flowing out to all, equally...
The other day while I was a crying and praying out loud to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, I heard somewhere deep inside of myself, "dear one don't cry, what you have here is the secret of the mission that you volunteered to do for Me before you left Heaven for these wild parts I sent you into to discover where real love existed and not...for I need to know for I see so much bad stuff done to my children and I am concerned that if I continue to allow this kind of disobedience to continue, my special children that I sent to earth to gather all this love is, love isn't present information for me, will continue to be harmed or slain and that kind of behavior is just not acceptable...and because you have given almost 58 years of heart breaking service to me, your rewards as I told you before you left will be great upon your return...
I am sorry dear one that you never found love anywhere you traveled from birth till now...I guess unconditional love isn't what my children find comfortable...and no I knew it was bad down there, yet when love given another is called, "buying ones love," I believe that makes Me the most unhappiest.
I want to thank you dear child of mine for having gone through so much sacrifice for Me and all those that were fortunate to have discovered you while you were amongst them, it is really too bad though for what you had to give them all, only a small few even recognized what it was you were a bringing them all.
Take care and slow the tears little one, for your heart with all that has been given you the entire time you were a carrying out your mission, took too many stakes of non love attacks and now you must rest for a while before I move you...now it is coming real soon, so be prepared, like in the past, travel lite, give it all away for you don't need the money that non love has for it is as empty as the hugs they gave you that meant nothing. I love you dear daughter and don't you ever forget that...Your real Father.
Dear All Family:
Today, I shared with my next door neighbor that I had discovered what my mission had been all the steps through life I had taken, from birth to now...I am a love is or is not contained in the land tester...and as I walk through my journey path commissioned by Our Heavenly Father and mingle between all those that I have crossed in my path, if they did anything under handed or mean, or make me cry, it was supposed to have been pins placed in me with the child of God's name attached to it, and what I have discovered that a while ago the pin size went to stake size and now if someone were to be stupid enough to pop a cap into me, more or less that would be a mistake for I have so much reflective metal in me, that the chance of it penetrating my flesh would be not all that easy, and It would be more of a rick a shay kind of thing, and hitting the one that sent it a flying...
When I told my neighbor what I had discovered in the heat of prayer, he told me that his sister also states that she is also a unconditional love tester and that kind of made me sad, not because I can't handle competition, no, it is more like, oh my God, Our Father has many of us doing this job, and that might mean that things could change and instead of just a purification of the planet a happening, we might easily be headed towards the big bang as prophesied in Revelations...interesting, am I fear ful, not at all, for I already told Our Father that if my Calvary(Oprah, Dr. Phil) isn't going to take me to the research center, I know our planet needs, than I want to go Home, for I know that I can get more accomplished there, than I have here...
More later
Be Blessed Always
love, light and peace
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