Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Another Plea To Be Heard If Of Course; one wants to hear that is...
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I heard your inner thoughts and that of my own...after stating what I stated about my sister and my conversation during our last phone visit...the part of her stating that her children were raised closer than my own...and thus her children had a greater understanding of her needs, because unlike my parenting skill/gift of always a running after my kids after they had done something consciously to hurt my feelings...
Simply because her kids know that when Momma is upset, that she needed time to cool off and they needed time to rethink their action that caused her great discomfort...where as I simply ran off to my children after reprimanding and trying to explain why I held such and such opinion...
Therefore I was too soft and not strong in patience for when they returned back, time and time again...on their own and I told her that for all of my life, I always tried to assume that others had my wellness over my demise...and because through others opinions about what makes the world go round...for them, I can see my own disney land...and sometimes, not all of the time, one gets lucky and sees that it isn't about all the chaos and wrong doings in the world...it is all about being present in the moment and not a looking too far forward or too far backward, for sometimes one can get caught up in the whole of things and miss the forest amongst the trees...
What you call dear sis...closeness, I call closeness too and all that I ask is that when you look over your progress record and that of my own...don't compare notes in such a manner...please...for I feel so close to my sons that I braved them a no longer a loving me for speaking up and doing what it is that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would have me do and be...
I told my sons that all of my true and real moments have been captured on these web pages and if one day that they really wanted to explore the mom that they called real or my grand children, friends and such....here is where I could be found for I had discovered a long long time ago...that the best offense is the defense and if one couldn't express their truths to those that they loved and cared about, who could?
So dear sis, I disagree that my sons and I aren't as close and connected as your own two sons...for like yourself, both my sons are equally important and real to me and even though they might not pay as much attention to me as they would like...just a calling me on all my special days and I them...then what does it matter if a card arrives or not? Love is something that isn't love until it is given away...
You know that...and besides you say that it counted because when asked if he got his children's mother a Happy Mother's Day Card and he said yes...of course!
Now that really ticked her off N.Y., and I would have to agree...you knew the rules young man and know as sure as your mother has breath in her...that there is no compromising here to be done!
Your curse words didn't make the situation any better as well...for there are too many cards all over the place for mother's day, especially on a military base as large as yours...
I do hope as well, that your slams weren't on purpose, just because your kids mother is a divorcing you and wanting all but your shorts in the mix...remember all women are not the same, just because it seems you picked one, don't for a moment be lead to be convinced that all women are the same for when you make that mistake, you end up a living alone for the rest of your life with only your occasional intimate moments of time captured by those a wanting the same as yourself, only a passing moment and before you know it, you are an old man with only porn magazines and a vivid imagination...hahahehe...just telling it as straight as I can see it...guilty by self-disclosure...
What makes it even more harming in my estimation is that you could have easily picked up a card for your mom, because you were there and it was there, so duh, I am not a totally take your part up for I believe you will discover that this was a very selfish moment in time and now Brad is being given kudos over your behavior and you know that isn't right...
For it has been a full moon of behavior since Brad went all out for me on that grand day of Mother's Day...I hope and pray that you won't make this a habit, for it really does show to other women that are a looking you all over as being hot, a lot about how you will treat them if you can't treat your mother right...
Straighten your crap out dear son, N.Y...you know that your mother loves you and would never harm you, and had every reason to question your lack of showing her and your dad and brother how much you care about them on their special days...
Please nephew/son...honor both your parents...and it doesn't matter if your spouse or girlfriend/friend believe that you are a momma's boy because you decide to check in from time to time...trust me it is a good thing when sons and daughters check in, for sometimes...great lessons given them...couldn't have been received if no contact is kept...
The way I am a hearing it dear nephew/son N.Y., is spelled out like this...your behind is in trouble not only for the missed birthday and mother's day card...both on the same day every year...now how lucky could somebody be? Two holidays for mom, on the same day?
So simply, yet too difficult for you...and now look, my behind is in the "snapper" because I jumped to your defense and conviction...and to tell you the truth...I remember other times that you weren't all that giving to your parents or brother...so am I sorry for coming to your defense, no...for sometimes all isn't all what it seems...never say, never is what I say...and I say that I will never give up on you that you will always know what is the best next step in your life, for all you will simply have to say to the mountain is this...
Dear heavenly Father/Jesus and Holy Spirit:
I ask that lead and guide me in all things that I may endeavor or encounter...I ask that all of my steps being counted in your Kingdom and Home...and that I will in return to endeavor to be all that I can and know I must be...All this I pray in Jesus and precious Holy Spirit...Amen.
That is it dear nephew/son...N.Y. and all of your steps in Afghanistan will be safe and God's Will...
You know nephew that I love you and your brother as if you were my own sons and all that I pass to you, I pass because I care for you, now and always and it doesn't matter what you say about this aunt of yours...knowing that I love you in spite of yourself and own self doubts and dis-illusionments.
I told your mom that perhaps you had not enough money to buy both cards and being you know that you are a sucking up with one acting like the enemy...makes some sense to me...just know that after the storm passes and your wife becomes your ex and definitely hopefully left you with more than your shorts that still could get hocked...and you headed over to Afghanistan...I say this...you wanting to go is different than you a wanting to stay...for it is my understanding that this is your choice...to go instead of staying and I say this...wow, what does that mean when the desire to put one in harms way, is greater than the wish to stay where all you are a facing is a marital break up that perhaps you played more than a heaping part of it for its eventual demise...
So perhaps it was guilt that lead you towards the end you chose to travel...
Who knows for sure? God/Jesus and Holy Spirit that is who...and even though you can hide things from the parents, family and friends...from God/Jesus and Holy Spirit there is no hiding place...always remember that dear nephew/son and life will always be filled with good moments and hopefully less indifferent or bad times...
Looking at your mother and father's health patterns...I would say that you might need to keep a better eye on them and try to help them as much as you can, for I have been a trying to as much as I possibly could afford, while it seems that you a spending alot more on yourself...than perhaps you need to, yet that isn't my call...for only you can call that one, for only you know what your limits were or are...
Just know that my prayers and well wishes will surround you as I imagine myself surrounding all of our country's finest over there, rather in the military or private civilian contractors sector...for what happens over there, happens here...and by keeping you all on the my altar of prayers before God/Jesus and Holy Spirit is what I believe is a doing my part...to assist in keeping up all's mantle, shield of protection...
A mantle and shield of protection that can only be turned on by the one a wanting it to be as such...for with only myself a holding the mantle of protection energies of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit towards you, it serves you little...there is where the importance of "two or more in my Name a praying together and God/Jesus and Holy Spirit a not only a hearing the prayer, they are within your presence as commanded in the Bible."
Perhaps dear nephew/son, you are a acting in this manner simply because you need additional prayers from all that are a believing that you are lost due to your wife and you a divorcing and her a wanting all but your dirty shorts...something like even bad behavior attention is better than no attention at all...is so...straighten up coconut head...moms are special in their prayer requests to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit because our brother Jesus so enamored His Mother, Mary, that He allotted extra prayer manifesting power to all moms of all lands requests...I bet you didn't know that?
So as a warning to all those that would dishonor their moms, wives and sisters...In the way of praying power...ability...I see it as very harmful for those a needing God/Jesus and Holy Spirit assistance...for when you upset the mom, sometimes she gives up on you and just allow yourself to pray yourself clear of the storm's impending lesson giving winds and rain...
I don't believe your mother will ever stop praying for the change in you that she has been anxiously awaiting your whole life...For I know there is where I live...never give up, and never surrender...yeap that be me...
Just know that I love you both and want both of you to learn how to compromise and come back together...also N.Y...I believe when you told her that you weren't coming home before Afghanistan...bothered her a great deal...I don't believe she bought whole heartily the excuse as to why you couldn't...I don't know how you are going to resolve this episode....pray and ask God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for counsel...for you know this wasn't a very dignified example of how you were trained up to be and accept...so get with the program...please...your mom has enough on her plate to handle at this time...this is not good behavior..
Be Blessed Always...
Love, Light and Peace
Sis: I am not upset at you as well...you said what was on your mind and I agree our parenting skills are a bit different, yet very similar for I too believe that the truth will set one free...if they are paying attention, that is...
Be lite and free with your spirit as you allow your wings to take flight...
I love you still, no matter how you feel about different things than myself...
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