Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Does Green Building Mean To You?

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Our President Obama Supports Green Technology and Moves Towards The Future of ChangeRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:
I know that I didn't elaborate much on the journey to a 300 acre off the power grid community a practicing the art of a attempting to live off of the land in a community developed center...

So here goes a brief glimpse of that moment in time that my brother and I shared a couple of week ends ago...

The best way that I feel that I can capture that moment is by responding to an email that one of my client/friend posted to me as a way to help further my brother's vision of capturing the solar panel, hydrotherapy and wind turbine world that all kinds of grants are currently being given...

Being what one assumes to be green design, another would find not all that welcoming...

Be Blessed Always

Dear P.E.:
Thank you for thinking about my brother and his dream of getting into the solar panel and wind turmbine industry.

As of this point, he is still working with his future investors and dreamers also of having their own off power grid systems...

He knows that he has lots of work to do in obtaining the necessary grants and really was a wishing the same as myself that the grant writers that are out there, will come magically out of hiding...hahahehe...

When I told him about your email, he stated that green building means different things to different people...that primarily it meant someone a wanting to build a office totally natural...from the land.

Plus being he and I both believe that the Deltec home design to be about as green as he and I were a wanting to travel in structures that would last the hand of time and wind and weather conditions...

Besides when we looked at the structures present with most of the buildings present on that primitive estate...we saw the most natural structures a full of mud dappers that feed off of the clay structures and the only natural structure that seemed to not have as many mud dapper bee like insects, was the one created from a straw combination with some sort of cement insulating sealer...

As for him a working with "habitat for humanity," in a volunteer manner, were he retired or financially able, he would jump at the chance yet right now, he is a busy a working while a developing his dream, for without survival funds...he can't leave his visiting residence with me...or afford to purchase the vehicle that he will need that will perhaps take him and the mechanical engineering friend of mine of several years passed to California where the company that is a wanting to work with him franchising the solar panel warehouse that they own there and bringing it here...

I told my brother that he should broach his potential future investors and ask them to donate to the expense of him having to get certified and the travel expenses of both him and the mechanical engineer that will later design the system that would be more cost effective and effecient...and thus allow him more ability to receive the different grants that he would later need.

Yet again, my voice is not heard by anyone saying that they are a paying attention...

Do I believe that my brother will arise out of the dust victorious, absolutely...for anyone to fly, all they have to do is believe that they can...for wasn't it Andrew Carnegie that made his and his family's fortune on only a dollar?

Anyways, those are my thoughts...please take what you need and do please leave the rest...when one is in a crawling stage, imagining them a walking then a running is all we can do for them besides praying that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, will bring them all that their hearts are a yearning and a dreaming of...

I thank you P.E., for all that you do for us all...Habitat For Humanity is only one of the good things that you are a helping this planet project with...You are the bomb dear one!

Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace

Email response from P.E.: May 16, 2009

"Tonie: Habitat for Humanity's Midway development is going to be a green build. Maybe your brother could talk to the general contractor of the project to help or volulnteer or even get some kind of job. They cannot afford solar panels tho.

Prior email posting to Tom Murasso wrote:
Tonie Wallace Wrote:
Dear Tom:

I have been in the newspaper, several times in the field that I am about and have my God/Jesus and Holy Spirit mission...sort of kind of, undiscovered earth bound awakened servant .

I would love to see what level I could take my mission and work towards additionally, yet unfortunately many would tell you that I am already a too high and outside of the box thinker for them...and that I boost too much about myself to ever be taken seriously...and because I like yourself am a dreamer and writer...with the difference between us lying in how effective we can take ourselves to the strangers that know us not and thus am because of this stranger factor, become quite successful...

For it is a known fact that those that know us least, give us more attention.

Tom, I have been a following your emails for quite a while now and I truly like what it is that you write and can relate to lots of things that you write and also of a different opinion on some of your stuff...which is a good thing, for that is what makes the world go round...different strokes for different folks...

Thinking back to what differences I discovered about what you wrote, really wasn't all that life stopping...and hearing others different spin on things...can only makes us more informed and further our out of the box kind of thinking, reality creating experience...

I would thus like to experience the next level you believe I can reach...currently I am in a sort of transitional phase of my ever life expanding experiences and would like to bring it all to a head or a conclusion...yet at this moment in time, I think I would like to pass...for I believe it is going to happen rather I take your course plan or not...for I have been a waiting my whole life to experience this very moment in time, I am experiencing...

Yet, I promise when the financial independence picture finally arrives, I will be back for I totally believe that what one experiences and what another one experiences can be quite different...yet so very similar...know what I mean?

I have wrote several newsletters of which I have posted some of your writings Tom...Good stuff!

Please feel free to explore the many editions...over 130 by now...you might find a different Tom than what you believe is occurring in this present moment in time...than again...you might just be given confirmation to that which you already know and are experiencing to already be your reality picture.

Be Blessed Always Tom,

I promise I will be back...for I have to post your email concerning karma and past lives...it holds a lot of truths and some stuff that I have personally experienced to be my truths...

Love, Light and Peace
Rev Tonie Wallace
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies

--- On Thu, 5/7/09, Tom Murasso wrote:

From: Tom Murasso
Subject: is this you in the newspaper Tonie?
To: "Tonie"
Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009, 5:54 AM
Hi Tonie,

Imagine opening your morning paper one day and seeing
a headline telling the world that you finally figured
out how to get the manifestation process to work for
you - over and over again!

I wonder what that headline would say? Maybe something
like this:...

"Tonie Celebrates More Health, Wealth & Happiness
With 16 Minute Manifestation Technique!"

Isn't that way better than the gloomy news we're used
to seeing every day?

Wouldn't it be great if you could get to a point where
that headline was a common occurrence in your life!? Just
think about it for a second Tonie... How would it
feel to know, and I mean absolutely KNOW that there was
a simple 16 minute a day process that could bring you in
alignment with your desired outcome in such a way that
whatever you really want actually starts showing up!?

Sound like fiction? Well you wouldn't be the first person
who's sick and tired of all the hype around "the Secret"
and the "law of attraction".

The truth is, even many of the teachers in the "the Secret"
agree that while the movie did raise awareness, it did
little to actually help you apply the profound and life-
changing principles it discussed so enthusiastically.

The bottom line is that you've probably been on an endless
quest since you first saw or heard about the law of
attraction and have yet to find a practical, easy to apply
process that doesn't leave you more confused than when you
started. You just want something that works - right?

Well how does 16 minutes a day sound to you? Are the things
you're looking to attract important enough for you to be
able to squeeze in a simple exercise that completely
energizes you and actually leaves you feeling so connected
with your desired outcome that you can practically taste
it?... Well?

If you are truly committed to your dreams and you're ready
to set aside all the confusion and information overload,
then you will definitely want to take a moment and discover
one of the first comprehensive manifestation exercise that's
totally fun and so easy to apply, you might just get hooked.

Dõv Baron has spent the past 25 years teaching people from
all walks of life how to apply this simple formula called
The Equation For Manifestation™ with huge success. Whether
you've heard of Dõv or not, I'm sure you'll soon agree that
he is probably the best kept secret in the personal development
field. His ability to clarify the science of the mind, show
you exactly how to bypass your ego mind and tap into your
own conscious manifesting ability is amazing.

As you can imagine, Dõv usually charges a substantial fee to
teach in front of a live audience, but I've managed to twist
his arm in a BIG way for you. Over the next 7 days, he's going
to give you a video course on the "X-Factor" which is one of
the missing ingredients in most people's manifestation process.
And it won't cost you a single penny!

If you haven't been getting the kind of results that blow your
hair back, that's all about to change for you. Right here, right

When you finally see Dõv's video mini-course, you'll be excited
at how easy it is to use and how powerfully effective it is.
Apart from the fact that Dõv is an amazing teacher, he really
cares about you getting results!

Go watch his first F-R-E-E lesson Here:

To your success,


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