Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
May 19, 2009
Dedicated To My Sister
Dear All One Family:
This posting I am dedicating to my sister who is eight years younger than myself...she is in an emotional uproar concerning her youngest son who forgot her birthday and mother's day...knowing full well that his mother even if the card holds no money, still held the thought that he was a thinking about her...
As I tried to tell her how I handled all those times that cards didn't come from my sons and how I had learned to live through it, she stated that her relationship with her sons was closer than the one that I had with my sons and that thankfully I had started to change and stopped running after them when they acted up...
I tried to tell her that when her son goes over to Afganistan in August, she will have wished that her broken lines of communication currently with him...wouldn't have all that much meaning...yet she states that she raised her sons better than I had mine and they know the rules about, "when mommy isn't happy, nobody is."
I tried to tell her of all those moments that I wasn't happy, yet forgiving for I know that perhaps one day both my sons and family will get to see what really makes me tick and cry as well...
She then told me that I didn't have any complaints being I not only was gifted a card and two gifts on mother's day, and even though I protested that this was a first in a long, time...she disagreed and said that her son was nothing but self centered and greedy with his money and time...
That she knew him and I didn't and that the largest problem he had was making exaggerated promises and I merely reminded her that this problem was not the first I have personally heard in our family and perhaps he got it honestly and she said, sorry not...
Oh well, it is her head ache and I definitely have my own as well...just a throwing it all out there for all that keeps one upset and angered, weakens one immune system and right now with all the virulent viruses out there...a staying out of sorts doesn't help anyone...especially the one being controlled by the one that holds your upset...
Be Blessed Everyone...
Love, Light and Peace to sis and all...
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
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