Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
May 31, 2008
Volume 101
Dear All One Family:
Many, "Last Lecture Books," still left inside of me. Thus the need to keep expressing myself is obviously apparent to those closest to me. Yes, I am a talker and a writer, yet never to the extent that I have been a doing.
I know that is because I feel the sense of urgency to get set and located for the next few years are going to be a bit rough.
Thus I am merely trying to get prepared my friends, family and the world...not as a way to frightened them, yet to kind of be a road map for the world to better see clearly and brightly...so they can choose to become ready and prepared or stay just the way that they are, for they like it where they live inside of themselves.
Thus when I lay down my head and go to sleep at night...or when I get to close my school books and go Home, I will be remembered as the one that talked and wrote a lot...yet she did it all out of love...for all of mankind...even those that didn't accept, acknowledge or like her.
My life up to this point, has been quite the adventure of several lifetimes that I know I must have balanced already several times...hahahehe...yes, I be at times a bit of a hard head...yet I am trainable...good intentions, good mind, good heart...loves Father-Mother God, Son and Holy Spirit and believes in the "Gifts of Holy Spirit," as outlined in Corinthians Chapter 13- Holy Bible.
I know that I am heading for the dream that I am a visualizing if Oprah doesn't choose to partake of its unlimited possibilities for all of mankind...with my and my team of dreamers prototype...leading the way...all a sharing with the world and helping create Heaven on Earth.
For you know that the channel er that Fredericka shared in my newsletter to all...web feed address... stated that earth isn't going anyplace...only transforming and becoming clean and brand new...just like we are all a doing right now...in our own and special way...
The earth and ourselves are all one...thus in order for us all to survive during that changing vibrational energy format...we all must lay down the baggage of yesterday and walk into the sunlight of our life's real possibilities...knowing all along that you will be able to manifest that which you are a wanting...rather you want it or not.
My sister told me today about a large building sign along the freeway in Grand Rapids, Michigan...that causes the driver to think deeper thoughts...she thought it was highly inspirational for instead of getting upset and angry at the inconsiderate drivers and road conditions...ones mind is taken off the immediate and placed in the Now Moment of Time.
I don't remember exactly how the quotes went, yet they went something like this..."Entertain if you will, had Christopher Columbus not discovered America, would anyone else to have done it?
My answer to that first mind free floating spin...Yes, Christopher Columbus would have had a succeed or...for it wasn't any accident that America was discovered. America's Destiny...
Or the next one went something like this...where does your mind go when you aren't thinking?
My mind either soul travels when asleep or while awake, in the Now Moment...where all things are a happening in the very moment I spend a reflecting its neutrality...
I want all to know that to me, support is the all in all...for when one puts their concentration on the vibrational research healing/education center...they are in essence helping bring it into manifestation.
Another way that support helps manifest the dream center? Until one can see themselves a present there, they really aren't truly a supporting it...only a mouthing the words.
Three of the future directors...one that will be given the medical center as her little hot potatoe and one Oprahs Bed and Breakfast center, and one the Eco green technology center; have all stated a need to not have at residence center, those individuals that are only into the center for the financial part of it and not the grand picture vision we are trying to create all over the world...tired of only using the medical way...and wanting to experience more than surgery, prescriptions drugs as being the only way to health...
They are also wanting it to be a totally celebrated Christian center that allows others to come and teach...I couldn't agree more...
My sister also stated that it would be nice to have a grey cloud energy buster, for those that she loves and knows would be good for the center...a device that perhaps is hand held.
Little did she know that today, I went on line...to check out a another gift I was given by S..that is a foot bath that is supposed to pull parasites out of your feet...and on that website...I did find other vibrational energy devices that I know I will one day utilize in my research healing clinics...
So perhaps her idea isn't all that outside of the box...besides the parasubliminial and binary beat stuff that I am a already an implementing on the far infar ray amethyst table, medical device...has already shown to be a remarkable destressor...it is a hit with those that are a using it in my research program...
Plus the implementation of float tanks...meditation, music and dance, higher thought thinking lectures...like Greg Braden, Dunvelo, Dwyer, Chopra, Bradshaw, Gray...Montel...Eckhart Tolle...etc., etc., etc...think what kind of individuals would be a running and working at the center?
Next newsletter posting: SS...your letter of health advise needed...will follow
Be Blessed
Love,Light and Peace
Saturday, May 31, 2008
For Your Educational Listening Time-Oprah-Eckhart

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Casual News Brief * Responses to replies:
Correspondence from Fredaricka...
Hi everyone, this most definitely appears to be the next set of lessons for us on our journey, it is all about rebirth and living our divinity. Powerful energy emenates when reading the transcripts quite magical, one can also listen to the recording at the site. Embracing all in Pure White Source Light, Fredaricka http://loveandempow erment.com/ 1024_p1
http://www.solarys- teachings. com/DM-intro- 1.htm
Dear Fredaricka and all One Family:
I have found myself spending quite a few hours basking in the energies of these channeled messages. I know that they aren't for the fear ridden ones...and you know who you are...hahahehehe...yet to me...I feel strengthened from the experience and I definitely am not done a listening and watching the slide shows at the same time, plus I even like to read them as well. It is great having an option to do either or...Oprah and Eckhart have done the same things with their workshop...A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose.
All can download Oprah and Eckhart's workshop...from here... http://oprah.com/obc_classic/webcast/archive/archive-download.jsp
All can find my newsletter as well on my website... www.onlinetoniewallace.com see you there...as well.
I have already told all about the shift in consciousness that I received from the viewing of all ten week classes. This is simply good stuff...do please enjoy...and if you can't get on with the above click...please do go to oprah.com and let your heart and mind behold a different day...
May All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Friday, May 30, 2008
"How Many Zeros in a Billion" Casual Moment

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Casual News Brief
May 30, 2008
I thought this collection of thoughts to be quite interesting...any thoughts on the subject? If so...please hit reply button on site...thanks...love and light and peace always.
Be Blessed
"How many zeros in a billion?"
This is too true to be funny.
The next time you hear a politician use the
word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about
whether you want the 'politicians' spending
YOUR tax money.
A billion is a difficult number to comprehend,
but one advertising agency did a good job of
putting that figure into some perspective in
one of it's releases.
A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
A billion hours ago our ancestors were
living in the Stone Age.
A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
A billion dollars ago was only
8 hours and 20 minutes,
at the rate our government
is spending it.
While this thought is still fresh in our brain...
let's take a look at New Orleans ...
It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division.
Louisiana Senator,
Mary Landrieu (D)
is presently asking Congress for
to rebuild New Orleans . Interesting number...
what does it mean?
Well... if you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans
(every man, woman, and child)
you each get $516,528.
Or... if you have one of the 188,251 homes in
New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.
Or... if you are a family of four...
your family gets $2,066,012.
Washington, D. C
< HELLO! >
Are all your calculators broken??
Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL License Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax < BR>Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax
Hunting Lic en se Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Tax
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service charge taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax < B>Utility Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago...
and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt...
We had the largest middle class in the world...
and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What happened?
Can you spell 'politicians!'
And I still have to
press "1"
for English.
I hope this goes around the
at least 100 times
What the Hell happened????
Spiritual Ministries Newsletter 88

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace, L.M.B.T, Vibrational Energy Therapist, Licensed Esthetician
Ordained Spiritualist Minister (1995)
Volume 88
Dear Linda:
I almost fell on the floor with laughter from your story! My goodness, sometimes life's most wake up moments comes with some pretty rough analogies of life that causes us to wonder, am I crazy or is the world.
When I saw you walking up my driveway, I thought oh no, God was a testing Linda's patience level today...
And then I let that fear moment pass as I felt in that moment and time and space, that you would victorious pass the test, for you always have my friend...it might have taken you a bit longer to get to where you are a standing now...yet you still made it and that is what it is all about...dear sister in Christ/God, dear friend.
What I got from yesterday's moment in time; when you allowed yourself to relax into it, that is... "the peace that surpasses all understanding." A grand gift promised us by God, if only we had faith, trust and belief that whatever we ask for in good intentions deemed as being a benefit to mankind, not only ones self.
That one concept of letting go of the fear element that hasn't worked for over 2,000 years since our dear brother/numerous sprinkled God essence being, and in my "infinity conscious thinking mind," I see one spark contained for all in the world at that time and all times to follow...present, future...so to the faiths that believe that Jesus was God in disguise...you make a valid point.
Is that the answer to the equation of whether Jesus was God or not? In my world of thinking and being...He is and was back then...and to the world of different believers, hey it is okay that we don't compare...this is my belief system, all have their own you know?
Thus the world would better serve itself better I believe, were all to at least agree to disagree...
Agree that the only way to gain peace, is to be peace...The only thing that I have seen that fear gathers, is more fear...so like yourself Linda...I too spent many years a pondering the differences in interprets from verse to verse. I had to let it go and understand that I can only be who I am supposed to be...and that is a divine being of Our Father. I believe we all were given the same intention.
Thus I am no better, nor less than yourself, or any others in the world...rather richer or poorer than myself... We are equals in Our Father's eyes. We all are...and sometimes I used to feel that I would never be good enough to go Home because of my past experiences and then I would go to those scriptures that confirmed the promise that anything is forgiven by God, except denial of His Holy Spirit.
My interpretation of His Holy Spirit is that It is the Essence of God's Spirit/Jesus, sent to us all to protect us from those that choose to not see or heed the life smart warnings and thus try to destroy God's awakened spark, child.
I also find God's/Jesus Holy Spirit to also be our protector and guide...so not to call upon God/Jesus Holy Spirit to help move us safely through life...is like have a high dollar security system and never turning it on...what is the point? Yet I realize that is my illusion and when lots of persons would rather have me just shut up for I was never going to change them anyways...
First of all, allow me to explain one very valuable thing...I walked in disguise from 1995 to April 2008. I was never a public viewed minister...for it was never my mission I believed back then to openly promote my identity.
Yet I did try to walk this fine line of being, to the best of my ability. I did make some mistakes along the way, yet from them I gathered so much valuable knowledge that I know will live on inside of me forever...
When one does that Linda...they in essence are the change that the world is a needing...
Trying to live in a state of peace isn't an easy thing...especially if ones workaday world is that of throwing off the individuals, dark and negative energies that are a holding their bodies in such tight constriction.
Perhaps you can ques where that dark and dank energies are a remaining after each person leaves my table? That is right, it stays right in the room...so my doing clearings on it is a given thing...rather with incense, prayer or meditation...so my physical house cleaning duties aren't my only responsibility, I also have the responsibility of cleaning the energetic emotional baggage through out from my client's energetic always a remembering bodies of space time and moments in my home...
One of my energetic house clearing friend's and Light bringing sister..walked into my room and went...”oh my God, the energy in here is intense”...and yes it had been a while since I had cleared it...so she hit the target, bulls eyed!
What this special lady also did, was to gather up the energetic imprints and put them all into a golden ball of energy and pushed them straight down through the therapy table...
She was quite amazed at how the energy was easily sent in that manner straight into the earth to help clear it of its energetic weight...
Little did my friend know that on my table is the Unique Biotechnology, BioMat that one part of its "Tri-Synergy Action is the numerous Amethyst Crystals in it...on top of the Far Infrared rays, and the Negative ionizer...what she was a gathering was those dangling soul imprints of waste filled time spent a dealing with itself… that the table didn't have time to release into itself...Amethyst is a healing crystal that absorbs into itself...the energy needing to be transmuted...it is just too cool of a device and again FDA approved medical device...
Randon Response - CC

Spiritual Ministries, Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Healing/Research/and Education Center
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace, Dream Founder and Director
May 2008
Randone response to C and all one family members.
Dear C.:
I am sorry that I didn't allow our conversation to continue tonight. To be truth filled...I had some important papers in my hand and while in deep meditation with you, I forgot where I placed them and got nervous that the cat got them and hide them for me, like he has other things in the past.
I almost feel sometimes that he is doing it on purpose, than again it could the little guy again...up to his own tricks again.
I also wondered if I laid them down lost in thought, due to some kind of karmic unfolding for not setting my intentions right when asking God to assist me into my search as to what your intended, intended needs or doesn't need.
For it isn't up to me what karma they both are a needing to balance. "Not my will, not my will but thine be done in Me." You know how strong all of our mind sets are, what we believe becomes our reality. Ordained Spiritualist Ministers are very aware of using His powers incorrectly and how it all returns back to the sender...
I really can't afford to be coconut headed too much longer, for the costs in all ways are just too great to play the game...besides, from all appearances, it looks like a crash and burn situation...financially that is...education wise, research wise, it was a rip roaring success...I can't say it any clearer...
Yet in the financial end of it...to make sure that I am not a quitting this area for good...for reasons not of God's Will for my life...I am still a working my divine magic in this area...just to see if what I am a seeing is not my own visionary illusion that I am a creating as a way to punish myself for whatever it is that I feel guilty about and thus is transferring it over as need instead of guilt.
I personally don't feel that it is guilt, for I have thought and prayed over everything that I have done that was not of God's highest will for my life...and I found answers for them all and even knowing that...I still asked for forgiveness, for I want to be sure to cross each and every t, plus dot all my I's...
Some in web sites past, have accused me of being frightened of God's wrath...being they were not believers such as myself to any degree...I grew to understand that even though I thought my way, their way is still just their way and if their way makes them happy, even though my way I feel is so much better...The point being; I can only force my way on myself and no one else...for we all must walk our paths individually, and that really is a good thing...for then we are responsible totally for our own paths and no one elses...no matter how much we want to blame others for our lot in life...we can't for we shared in 50% of the deciding vote...
Simply because...we choice to participate...right or wrong, good or bad or indifferent situations...
I know that you know C. that I believe that we come here to balance karma for all things that happened yesterday and we couldn't quite clearer see the end due to the means. So coming back is a definite whenever that happens..."Time After Time."
Supposedly we are always near to those that we have walked similar walks with of yesterday...family, friends, clients in my case...So every meeting is really not a new meeting, yet a remembered walk of yester year...So times we reconnect in a good way and sometimes not..yet how we leave those walks determines if we will ever walk those walks again...because supposedly all soul mate relationships are purely karma balancing...sometimes it doesn't even go into love or marriage, sometimes it is what it is...
Sometimes that is a good thing...sometimes if it does go into marriage, it becomes one filled with drama and more karma possible producing moments...especially if the other has a ego that only states that he is powerful beyong belief when he is always right and always gets his own way and dismisses you when he decides the moment is over.
So those soul mate relationships becoming terminated before they ever took off when first base...isn't all that bad, now is it?
Thus I feel that all should try to resist the urge of staying in a mind set that keeps one anchored to the memories of yesteryear...
Some kind of reality thoughts are: "there is lack and only one soul mate has the ability to ignite my jets."
I want what I want and I will get what it is that I want, when I want it and whatever it takes to achieve it.
Yet has been the case in my life a few times...as soon as I get it, I wonder; is their more of this same good stuff out there.?" Then our minds jump into that mode of searching for more, out there, even when our plate is already filled with enough love to float a cruise liner...
Yet it was a love not complete for I loved them in a way that couldn't ever make them happy enough, for inside of the men that I chose in the past...all had pieces of their heart a belonging to yesterday and no way could yesterday ever compete with the Now Moment...
Eckhart I believe, believes in that wave of thinking...thus remaining in the Now moment, not looking back or forward...just being present...is the only way to fully move into ones life moments, epipanies...those moments when all things make sense instead of nonsense...
Oprah calls those moments, Aha Moments in time...
I have so much more dream planning to do and things that I have to get done, yet can't being I have no solid answers as to what my heart, head and Spirit is wanting to lead me towards yet...I only know that I can't have the dream until I first dream it...
So I am just a giving it over to God for handling...I am merely His servant, nothing more and definitely nothing less...
Love you girl
Just had a need to throw this out there...I still haven't found those papers that I missed place while a doing light trance work with you...when it comes to God's work...that always takes presidence over mundance matters...
That is why I stopped taking calls during sessions...I always forgot to write down the apt...and while in a light trance with my clients...time kind of stands still and I hold the memory of the meeting for about 30 minutes...sometimes more...sometimes not...It basically varies on my need to know more not being God's Will...I can accept that for lots of things are contained in ones soul essence of other life times...I used to do regression therapy on some of my friends...and some clients in the past used to ask me to tell them what I saw in their life times past that was relevent to this life time...
This gift is not an evil thing as you know...for in the book of Corinithians...Chapter 13, are listed all the "Gifts of the Holy Spirit," and I asked for them all when I received my baptism of The Holy Spirit." So prophecying or horoscopes are not an evil thing to me...I was a doing this as a small child...with the set intention of helping not hurting others...today I am just a maturing version of that small child that always had others ahead of herself in the game of life...and when I come across others that have their intentions set on themselves...of course my ying won't be able to dance with their yang...no matter how hard I try to awaken them, they will only awaken if they so choose...it isn't up to me to tell them that they have to change for me to find them acceptable...It is only up to me to tell them that our views being so varied will never work in my world, being I am just too sensitive for a whole lot of false pretense...and drama...as we strive to keep ourselves in check when their world is a falling apart and they try to reach out to blame us...
For that is the way of the self absorb individual...they can't see their part in anything, being the fault is never with them, yet that of others...
Some that I know have told me that I am only looking for perfection and all others need not apply...and some on blamed it on me being a virgo...a perfectionist. I say that they are wrong, for I have settled in the past with less than I deserved and it never worked out...and this my last time down the marriage aisle is going to be my moment of completion...I have already told God that if the one I am a waiting for isn't on the planet...I can wait to go Home to find him...
I am in no hurry to begin a new relationship being I have so much writing needing to be done, and perhaps major move ahead...and grant research...for as of yet, no grant writer has happened on the scene...
Pray that I find those papers..thanks...
May You Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
I have gotten to this site yet...still am looking for those papers...darn pesky cat...it craves so much attention... definitely an attention deficit being...
You might have already gotten this.
I thought it was pretty cool.
Spiritual Ministries Newsletter Volume 89

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace, L.M.B.T, Vibrational Energy Therapist, Licensed Esthetician-Vibration Moldalities Research
Ordained Spiritualist Minister (1995
May 03. 2008
Volume 89
Thank you for your wonderful responses. It was by no accident that our paths crossed today, for I had been needing my special awakened Indigoes to find out of my plans before I ventured into it.
Sort of kind of like a energetic hug that helps me venture out into the great unknown with not as many egoic voices in my head a telling me the reasons I need to stay right where I am...
Your energetic being Kristen is electrifying...I also think it is so cool that your mind was thinking thoughts about me almost at the same time period my mind went to you...again, no accidents...nope, none at all.
Yes Kristen, I have many kindred spirits that have rediscovered me in this life-time...many want to call it circumstantial...and that is alright as well...and like yourself and I, our lives are so busy and it is time to retire to start another day in the morning go round for us all...so I do understand the financial and full plate kind of deal...been there, still am there, Tonie...hahahehehe...yet I see the horizon in the distance...so I am learning to take each day as it comes...know what I mean?
I throroughly believe that we are the creators of our own reality and we can make it a good one or we can make it one filled with drama...
To me what a good reality looks like is something like this:
Each and everyday we awakened fresh and revitialized just knowing that no matter what happens, the good, the bad, the awful, the indifferent...we can handle simply because, "if God be for us, who can come against us."
Thus the spirit of gratitude abounds in every moment of our reality that we are a realizing...from the moment we open our eyes to the moment we shut them down for our rest and slumber and travel into God's realms...and about.
The reason Kristen that I don't regularly attend servicies is because I am generally either found doing treatments on those with emergency cases or conflicting apt. time changes...or I am found counseling with family or friends and being it is my day on the pulpit...most generally get a sermon, unlike any other...
What I have found also very interesting in my travels all over to find churches that would preach like myself...and realized that no church could ever possibly get it right in my interpretation because the reason so many religions have sprung up since Christ's days, over 2,000 years ago and written about 50 years after Christ's Resurrection...
With so many writers back then...(Dead Sea Scrolls-over 10,000 books/scrolls-1950's) and the writers/books in The Bible, imagine first of all, Divine inspiration to write them all according to how they interpreted the Holy Spirit a moving through them...
Kristen Wilson
Date: Sat, 3 May 2008 18:20:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kristen Wilson
Subject: Re: Spiritual Ministries-Mind Body Spirit Therapies Newsletter volume 89
To: Tonie Wallace
Dear Mother Indigo,
So, I know I just saw you in Foodlion, of all places!, but just thought I would drop you a quick note since I just checked out the site! Holy crap! It looks like an awesome place! You know, it's funny because I've wanted to get out of NC so bad since coming to Pinehurst, that I have not really ever checked out all of the "hot spots" as they say. If only there was a job for Jamie there, you know?! We keep trying to stay as positive as we can - I keep telling him that the big man upstairs just has something planned that we don't know about yet, but it's hard to keep him in that mindset when we're living off one paycheck and he didn't even bring in 30 after taxes last year. But, I try my best not to focus on the money thing; we have been really trying to focus on getting me to finish school. His parents, who have been helping us pay our rent and daycare, will stop come the end of June, so needless to say, we're a bit out of sorts here recently, and he was telling me, after we saw you, that he definitely understands the stagnant thing. Who knows? Maybe the Lord will bring us to Asheville! It seems like such a positive, uplifting place, and the Lord knows we all could use that...especially after living in a place like Pinehurst. I do not have a doubt in my mind that you'll be blown away even more by it once you stay up there! I think it's a great move for you, on all levels! It is awesome to read an article in a local magazine that talks about light and love, science and religion, and baptists and wiccans. Beautiful! I love it! I was talking to my Memere the other day (dad's mom) about how I just don't really associate with one denomination because I think they all have good things about them, but the majority of them have too many rules made by men, not by God, and that's where I stray. Did I ever tell you that I had looked into Wicca? It was probably about 6 months before I met you, and I absolutely loved so much about it, but it was missing Jesus Christ, and after the sacrifice He made for me, I could not turn my back on Him. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and I really hope you find Asheville to be even more than what you were looking for because you need it and deserve it, to be around more people who understand alternative work and don't think that you're trying to sell something! But, don't forget that the Lord is going to make you work still!!! :) Unfortunately, there are still enough coconut heads out there, but with more light-filled people helping to support your mission, I think it'll make your job a great deal easier! I really hope that the Lord has a job for Jamie there. Maybe that's why he didn't get the one in Maryland? I'd hate to think that we burned on the stake together in a past life, and in this one we just cross paths, but I guess you've had your fill of me huh?! Got all your writing juices from me and leave me! haha! You know I love you, and no matter where you go, if I don't end up at the same place (which, hey, you were here before me, so you never know...) I'll always come to you! So much for a short note huh?! Anyway, I will see you soon - I'm serious when I said I was going to stop by some time during the week, but I'll probably schedule an appointment (since my loving husband suggested it!...he just doesn't know I was sending him energy to say that...) and I'll make sure we have enough time to hang too! Maybe do lunch? How's Thursday look? Well, I'll talk to you soon! Though I can't see you all the time, I hope you know I love you and I think about you!
Love you always,
Tonie Wallace
Dear All One Family:
Happy May Day!
Before you go to this newletter...(trying different formats) I just want you all to know that one of my friends, heard Cher state that her work out machine like our K1 was what kept her in shape...so cool...this technology is getting around...first Whoopi and now Cher...The other machines perhaps one can't develop a business of distributing them...this one you can.
Many designs, not all the same piece of equipment...or resell value...this one can be worked as a business tool, like I am a doing with actual CPT Codes that one can charge for the treatments were a patient to obtain a script...that is just too cool...Both machines...K1 and BioMat.
May You Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
S.M. Newsletter Volume 90

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace, L.M.B.T, Vibrational Energy Therapist, Licensed Esthetician
Ordained Spiritualist Minister (1995)
Sunday May 04, 2008
Volume 90
Dear Linda and All One Family:
What I found so hilarious about this posting is that even though the pictures are indicative of a few retired persons that I know...it is definitely not the pictures of many that I also know that have taken the retirement walk...
Actually, many of my retirement folks have a harder time a scheduling time for themselves so that they can receive the work that has been showing itself to help reverse the thought patterns and actions of yesterday. Telling me that they really don't know how they were able to get things done when they worked full time, went to school and tried to raise a family.
I call it setting a priority of putting self before the work a day situations of living in the real world.
Perhaps to many I was simply wanting to only sell my time...It that was the case than why did I strive so diligently to convince my congregation of hard heads that what I had to offer wasn't only relaxation exemplified! It was a complete system of wellness advice. Mind, Body and Spirit...that which I am about.
My mission quest was simply wellness. I didn't have low self esteem and that is why I only charged a nominal fee for my services. For I knew that my graduation from my mind, body and spirit emotional/electrical body works school back in the mid 80's in Michigan, that I was to be a works in progress kind of student and to prove my validity, I needed to have the certificates on the wall. For many in the non trusting and believing in a thing beings, would question not only my race, yesterday, religion, thoughts amid psychic strengths and such...yet even the certificates...
(see Roger, I told you that by not giving me a certificate, it would reach out and bite me one day...it did...yet I am over riding its effects by reaching out to other Reiki Masters, not afraid to send out to the universe...they intention in stone...yet it is all good...for I have perhaps about twenty Reiki Masters, some of my own as well...a sending me so much healing energy that it almost takes my breath away when they gather to send me their best...around 10 P.M. each evening..., so it is all good...I thank you again Roger for bringing me to that point of energy work that I could now not only send distant healing, I can also train and teach all of mine, that which you gave so freely...I still owe you for that opening that I needed...I love you still Roger.
Linda: I got my retirement energy a tested from my one day job a working as a waitress..
I guess the Cher imitation exercise design...is a doing that to me after only a month of usage...Due to my monetary needs, I chose the job because it was part time...5-6 hours a day. Also because of low business contacts, I thought by going to a slow restaurant, I could remember what it was like to be a waitress again... For my first job ever was waitressing. I was 14 years old and I told my dad that was considering a giving away two of my siblings because of our mother's health being so poor and him not having the finances to pay all of the medical bills of our sick mother and feed us to.
I was also tired of my well meaning friends and Dr. Phil a stating that before one can quit something, they need to first test the waters...
So okay, wanting to quiet the voices in my head a telling me that I was only imagining all of the outcomes I was experiencing, I threw myself whole heartily back out in the world to shake the bushes so to speak...
I did as Eckhart and Oprah suggested in their workshop talks...I threw it all into the moment and viewed it all a happening as a third person...taking none of it too seriously, yet serious enough to do a good job for $2.46 an hour, plus tips.
Thanks to you Linda, I got to bring home $34 dollars in tips. That plus the $30 dollars I got paid for that day, came to $64 for the 5 1/2 hours on the clock I worked.
That left me simply due to all the heavy exertion to my body in recovery from two serious car wrecks that left me with a 50% disability. The last one in November of 2001. Whereas my first M.R.I.'s on the neck area showed, three herniated discs.
A condition attested to by Chiropractic physicians that I contacted...to be permanent. A condition that Medical Doctors state is never self reversing and deemed surgical when the pain level is too great to handle on the left side of my body, most afflicted...
I also have a 5% disability rating for my low back area...due to an over lifting accident on the job that also was a being viewed as a surgical need...and I chose it not...and that was the start of my healing adventure...
So feeling after the job ended, my low back a tightening up like it did when I first injured it, in 1981, I became quite concerned that this little side trip had to have a deeper meaning than just the obvious...money and advertisement of my real work...
You already saw the monetary gain...knowing that your ten dollar tip, took it to $34...picture...knowing that I make that much in one 45 minute treatment session.
With my other medical devices...of course the love donational prices have to increase so this is what I am going to do...to recoup my investment...I am going to state...$120 love donational request. All can pay as they feel prompted to pay...being I am going to set a $70 minimum standard offering fee.
For all are going from a 45 minute session time to 1 hour and 45 minute session. I will also charge for individual time frames on just the treatments themselves.
BioMat. $45 for a twenty to 35 minute session.
K1. $25 for a ten minute session. $35 with training.
Perhaps one of my first things as founder is set up contribution funds to be fed into an empty account so that I can advertise...in hopes of shaking the bushes the proper way.
On the note of talking to the customers. I didn't have the time for I was a running too hard to keep every ones drink glasses full...and for this I got...$1 per guest...
As you know, becoming acquainted with the owner of the company was the best thing...for she lead me to resources that could help generate my business here...being I am surrounded by those that I attend to and love a telling me that "all need to rescue themselves."
So at this current time and junction...I don't know if the information came on time or not...time will tell you know...
Did you see my last newsletter about the trip to the mountains and the web site contained on it? When one gives over their life to God's lead and is still questioned as being, out there in many viewings...I can only say that perhaps I am...and is why perhaps I am not all that noticeable simply due to my lack of having all that many in this area, deemed as successive
at what I do...Is that why I am always it seems limited in my research approach?
So moving to an area that seems to incorporate those with a higher mind set than where I am a living currently and for over twenty years...than it would make sense that a move to an area is going to do only one thing...perhaps take the life that I seem to not be living and put it on a different perspective for I have always felt closer to God in the mountains, yet I don't like to drive them during the winter so I have a plus and a minus a going there...
Yet I am quite the home body so I believe that keeping my house well supplied with extras during the storms a passing outside...just in case...would be good...don't you? Yet I know that I am not afraid for I know that if I fall in love with the area...I can make it there, "for love is where the heart is."
And yes, I will miss everyone forever...yet, one never knows how long forever is for anyone...you know what I mean...
Also Linda...Wednesday would be better if you came at 1:30 P.M. instead of 1:00. One of my friends is wanting to bring one of her dear friends who is 90 years old going on 70...So her time might run into yours and I know how you value all of your time with me...
So if you would do this for me...I would be greatly appreciative...
I think I want to close for now...I just went through a 15 hour on and off sleep, and I just believe that is my way of expressing my sadness in having to make a move that doesn't seem at this moment to be all that wise, yet it does...if you know what I mean.
I am leaving it all up to God's hands...The trip itself will either energize me or depress me...for being a sentient being and taking two more sentient beings along for the ride of discovery...I know that it will be all I seek and more...for I just feel it...The Acupuncture College in the Mountains...also excites me. I might finally get my doctorate in that as well...living in the valley closed me off from that avenue in the past.
I am sorry that you didn't get to experience the Lumbee Indian Festival...I think you would have had a ball...you know that they have been fighting to get the nation of Indians a recognized as a tribe...too cool...
As for Tim, he has had three acupuncture treatments and is a doing the Mannatek nutrients as instructed and light stretching exercises and lots of mental exercises...all is good...he sounds great on the phone and happy that he didn't choose to follow the VA hospital route...he is also getting charged up again about our products...now having the strength slowly returning...
I can't wait for him to start back on the K1, yet all in time...all in time.
Linda and all:
What is below is an email that I got from my upline in Limu, nutritional juice.
It seems that his interpretation of where Heaven is, is right here on earth and that we are to strive to stay healthy and faith filled and turn our earth in Heaven... Both him and his wife are into nutritional supplementations and aromatherapy healing...
Another dear and close friend believes that we will rise to another vibrational level of being similar to paralle existence...and of course if ones vibration is too heavy from all of the fear that they are a carrying as their safety net...they won't be able to arise and will have to face all the changes that earth will be a going through from 2012 onward...
In a way, I like her vision even better than my own...for in my own I saw the transitional phase as one filled with lots of suffering and she basically told me, baby, you are a working your magic mission now...all the suffering that you thought was in preparation...you were experiencing and because you didn't see it that unusual while going through it...for your mind told you that the experience was going to be rough, and one hardly able to move through it...so you basically expected a worstening time that what was your worst...so I guess that it is all good....
Who is right and who is wrong? Is it important? Perhaps to those that have no visions of tomorrow...perhaps...Both state some interesting thoughts...
Think about it...
Thanks for the many interesting emails.
I had to reply to this one since Dina and I are very interested in the Bible and what it tells us about subjects such as death.
For instance, Jesus called those going to heaven a "little flock" at Luke 12:32. Paul said those going to heaven would rule as kings. ( 2 Tim. 2:12 ) They will rule over the earth according to Revelation 5:10.
These and many more scriptures would indicate that only a relatively small number of humans would go to heaven, by God's choosing, and for a specific reason. So the "wonderful way to explain death" would apply to only some people. What about the rest?
Jesus explained the state of the dead when he resurrected Lazarus. In John 11:11,12 he said Lazarus was "sleeping" when describing his being dead. That goes along with the Bible's description of death at Ecclesiastes 9: 5,10 that the dead are "conscious of nothing at all".
Think of this,Tonie. If Lazarus, being a good man,went to heaven, why would Jesus bring him back to the earth to deal with sin and death all over again? Why did he not just offer the "wonderful way to explain death" to those mourning over his death?
What Jesus did, instead, was give us a glimpse of what the future holds for those who pray for his " kingdom to come, his will be done on earth, as in heaven." ( Matthew 6:9,10 )
There are nine different accounts of people being resurrected in the scriptures ( John 11:38-44; Acts 9:36-42, 20:7-12; 1 Kings 17:17-24,;2 Kings 4:32-37; 13:20,21; Matthew 28:5-7; Luke 7:11-17; 8:40-56 ) All came back to the earth. Only Jesus was described as going to heaven after being resurrected.
This earth was created for man to live on. That is still God's purpose! ( Psalms 37: 10,11 )
Only those who are willing to do his will, as laid out in his word, will live there. Then, by means of his kingdom arrangement, with Christ as king, peace will reign and we will be brought back to perfection, the way Adam and Eve were in the beginning. We will have all the natural health products in what we eat every day.
No more sickness!! No more death!!! ( Revelation 21: 3,4 )
I have much more I could say on this subject, but I'll let you digest this.
Let me know if you have questions or would like to know more.
Donn Stanley
It's the best explanation I have ever heard! Love it!!
A sick man turned to his doctor,
as he was preparing to leave the examination room and said,
"Doctor, I am afraid to die.
Tell me what lies on the other side."
Very quietly, the doctor said, "I don't know."
"You don't know?
You, a Christian man, do not know what is on the other side?"
The doctor was holding the handle of the door;
on the other side came a sound of scratching and whining,
and as he opened the door,
a dog sprang into the room
and leaped on him with an eager show of gladness.
Turning to the patient, the doctor said,
"Did you notice my dog?
He's never been in this room before.
He didn't know what was inside.
He knew nothing except that his master was here,
and when the door opened, he sprang in without fear.
I know little of what is on the other side of death,
but I do know one thing...
I know my Master is there and that is enough."
(sorry - cannot break this)
May today there be peace within you.
May you trust God that you are exactly
where you are meant to be.
I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet
when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
Linda Alderman
From: LHAlderman@webtv.net (Linda Alderman)
Date: Sat, 3 May 2008 15:11:51 -0400
To: toniewallace@yahoo.com
Subject: Tonie..."Hoot" animations w/Question... Why do I Like Retirement
... Re first animation...If we don't buy those new "dancing machines"
used by Cher, we'll find ourselves a movin on a scooter,... Maybe Tim
will us on a bicycle tour, with his beloved dog... ha Right now I should
be there in So Pines, as usual, but two of my old "lighter knot" trees
in front yard are still burning real flames, and it's windy.... No
Lumbee dance today, but I did get Chap Jordon to go, since he lives in
Laurinburg... Guess Wed at 1pm is on your book for me... LA
S.M.- Newsletter Volume 91

Spiritual Ministries-Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research/Healing/Education Center Dream Founder/Director, Rev. Tonie Wallace
Saturday 10, May 2008
Revised: May 30, 2008/posted
Casual Conversation - with add on, current editing...news releases since...newsletter date.
Volume 91
Dear All One Family:
What I have discovered in life is that it is hard to get a rational answer on today's news issues, from one that goes the extra hundred miles in not watching the newscasts...
These are the news, like it or not...can they be ignored? I don't think so, especially if my work is depended on what the economy/ are a doing... Just like in my estimation, it is silly for a builder or construction worker to not keep an eye on the weather, when it means the difference between work or slumber...
Ahh the differences in opinions sometimes can change the world for the better or for the worst... I guess it is how we perceive things and how important our opinions are to the beholder... some make it a matter of life or death...I make it a matter of how it best serves the needs at hand...
Does my opinions make it a better world for all or do those random thoughts carelessly thrown about, somehow shut down the world and does stop or slow down the earth becoming a better place for all that inhabit it?
Good thoughts versus unwelcoming thoughts...
We each must decide what it is that makes our world go round...and focus out of the box even with those thoughts...
I remember somewhere in the Bible where it states that we, " must keep a flexible mind about us," in these so called "end times... I have noticed in my body electric healing facilitator...Identity world....that those that have a flexible mind, also have a flexible body...and that has always been a fascination to me...for I have a very flexible body, even though 7 years ago, I was told by my long term physician, that I should file for disability and be taken care of by the state.
A.K.A...flexible spirit, equals flexible body and mind...hmmm...sounds like a good combination of the trinity of the space time continuum...life.
Some emails I received recently since I sent out this newsletter...Just for additional things to consider... please send Light, Love and Peace to all of these conditions that it will not persist... Thank You...
File a report if yours is gone !
A woman said her son found his license plate missing so he called the police to file a report. They told him people were stealing the plates to get free gas. Given the rise in gas prices, people have taken to stealing license plates, putting them on their car, then getting gas and running. The gas station will have "your" license plate # and you could be in trouble for "pump and run." Check your car periodically to be sure you still have a plate. If you should find it missing, file a report immediately!!! Keep an eye on your license plate! Make sure you always know it's there! When the license plate is reported as the "drive off vehicle", it's YOU they contact!
Be aware!!!! Be aware of your license plates, most of us never look to see if the plates are there or not.
Mechanics, police say gas theft changing with times
By JEFF KAROUB, AP Business Writer Tue May 27, 5:37 PM ET
DETROIT - Dale Fortin is getting a new kind of customer at his Detroit auto repair shop, customers who have not just been in a fender-bender or had a windshield smashed by a rock.
The soaring price of crude oil has turned gas tanks into a cache of valuable booty, and Fortin has replaced several tanks punctured or drilled by thieves thirsting for the nearly $4-a-gallon fuel inside.
"That's the new fad," said the co-owner of Dearborn Auto Tech in Detroit. "I'd never seen it before gas got up this high."
While gas station drive-offs and siphoning are far more common methods of stealing gas, reports of tank and line puncturing are starting to trickle into police departments and repair shops across the country.
Some veteran mechanics and law enforcement officers say it's an unwelcome return of a crime they first saw during the Middle East oil embargo of the early 1970s.
Gasoline prices surged just before the long Memorial Day holiday weekend and crept a hair higher overnight Monday to a new record national average $3.937 for a gallon of regular, according to a survey of stations by AAA and the Oil Price Information Service.
Given their height, Fortin said pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles are more vulnerable to the thieves who puncture the tanks and use a container to catch the fuel.
Plastic tanks are typically the target, he said, since there is less chance of a catastrophic spark, and they are easier to drill into.
A design change may also be contributing to the preference for a drill rather than a syphoning hose. The tanks in many vehicles now have check balls, which prevent spills in a rollover accident. They also make siphoning more difficult.
In recent weeks, police in Denver arrested two suspects in connection with about a dozen cases of damaging tanks and stealing gas.
Denver Police Det. John White sees this "new way of siphoning gas" as a bigger problem.
"What made this particular method so dangerous and concerning for us was the way in which they were doing it — using cordless drills to puncture holes in these tanks," he said of the rash of cases his department has investigated this spring. "The heat, friction generated could have easily sparked a fire. It just made for a dangerous situation for the suspects and the community."
Tank puncturing has yet to reach the radar screens of law enforcement organizations such as the National Sheriffs' Association, or the Automotive Service Association, a group that represents independent garage operators.
Still, at least one insurance company has taken notice: AAA Mid-Atlantic issued a press release earlier this month that cited a case in April in Bethesda, Md., involving a thief who broke the fuel line underneath a car and sapped five gallons of gas. Montgomery County police said a bus in the same parking lot had 30 gallons of diesel stolen.
"These are crimes of opportunity," said AAA spokeswoman Catherine Rossi. "Right now, some people think that stealing gas is a way to get rich quick. It becomes a question of whether you're leaving yourself open to the possibility that someone can get to your car without being seen."
The cost of replacing a metal tank on passenger vehicles is between $300 and $400, and the plastic tank common on newer vehicles would be at least $500.
Bruce Burnham said thieves have hit the Budget Truck Rental business he owns in Shreveport, La., about a half-dozen times in the past three years. The thefts started shortly after Hurricane Katrina when prices spiked, then stopped for a while, then restarted about a year ago.
In some cases the gas lines have been cut; in others, gas has been pumped out. He figures he's lost at least a few thousand dollars in stolen fuel, repair costs and loss of rental fees.
Burnham said he has taken "extra measures to protect the vehicles," but declined to elaborate.
Gas and diesel aren't the only fuels being plundered. Restaurants from Berkeley, Calif., to Sedgwick, Kan., are reporting thefts of old cooking oil worth thousands of dollars. Cooking oil rustlers refine it into barrels of biofuel in backyard stills. Biodiesel can also be blended with petroleum diesel, and blends of the alternative fuel are now sold at 1,400 gas stations across the country.
Still, the theft of regular unleaded gasoline — the kind that leaves everyday drivers high and dry — is on the minds of more law enforcement agencies as prices rise.
Troy Police Lt. Gerry Scherlinck said his suburban Detroit department this month received a report of a stored motor home whose tank was siphoned and drained of 50 gallons of gas. They also had several incidents last year in industrial parks where the gas tanks of vehicles were punctured.
"Gas is liquid gold these days, and has been for the last year-and-a-half," Scherlinck said. "I would anticipate seeing more of these kinds of incidents as the price continues to go up."
toniecw@gmail.com wrote:
Date: Sat, 10 May 2008 07:02:45 -0700
To: toniewallace@yahoo.com
Subject: Video from Yahoo! - Food crisis hits home
From: toniecw@gmail.com
Today, inspite of not having all that many groceries myself, I still found some to place in a plastic bag for the mail man to collect for our local food bank...
Please do all that you can to help others...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and peace
Food crisis hits home
Dear All One Family:
The other day I received this email...I somehow got from the email contents that by concentrating on something, makes it real, so I laughingly stated, okay, perhaps I should stop writing all of these thoughts of mine and do more meditation, being I perhaps am a creating this lack of consciousness by watching the news...
I don't know about that though, for I also believe that we can become so complacent that instead of assisting, we are actually a burying our heads in the sand when we don't pay attention to what is a happening on Planet Earth...
I know, there are always negatives and positives about doing anything in life... go with your Christed heart...in all things...is my motto...W.W.J.D...What Would Jesus Do.
Be Blessed.
Dayu's email.
"What recession?"
Abraham quote: "I anticipate that I will thrive even more during these economic times. These are boom times for me."
http://abraham- hicks.com/ journal.php? eid=281
Are Economic Business Slumps Natural Phenomena?
Guest: Is there such a thing as an economic cycle? Is there a natural law to economics, like summer is summer, and fall is fall
Abraham: Your economics are, in terms of your individual success, your exposure to contrast which gives you your idea of desire, and then your success has to do with your alignment. So, the alignment of your own Energy is the only thing that causes anything to affect you. Of course, your Energy is affected by what you think about other things. And so, your economy is the consensus of the mass consciousness thought, because, as you have become a global world, and as you are all tied into the same media information, you can simultaneously be affected -- and therefore mass consciousness is affected -- therefore your economic conditions are more worldwide experiences.
These are rip roaring times. This is the leading edge of thought. There is not a reason for there ever to be a decline. And the declines are always false. Always man-made. Never necessary. And they always serve some extremely well.
As we watch your television and we see, through Esther's eyes, the newscasts, we notice that although the good news of your planet is huge in proportion to the bad news -- the bad news is what is amplified and given to you. What the media is showing you, is the bleakest picture, in order to get your attention, because that sells newspapers or television programs, or whatever. And even if they are all doing it, it does not need to affect you. But, it usually does affect you. And as it affects you, then there is a greater ripple effect.
How could you go through eight years of one presidential administration, having economic booming times, and then days into a new administration, have economic disaster? It is because a handful of people began saying a handful of things that a few billion listened to. And so, it affected a few billion vibrations, and now you're having the ripple effect of all of that. It is a powerful example of the power of mind.
There are popular trends and there are unpopular trends. And positive attitude has, as long as you've been in your physical body, not been a very popular trend. It doesn't sell newspapers. It doesn't sell television programs. (It doesn't sell "protection".) If you are in a position that you are wanting to soothe people's troubles, then isn't an aggravation of their troubles beneficial to you? That's sort of what is at the heart of all of that.
You are having glorious economic times, and there is not a reason for it to be otherwise for you individually. You are having glorious economic times. And there is not a reason for it to be otherwise for you as individuals, or you collectively. But don't let what they are doing, collectively, affect you individually. It need not. Begin making statements that always keep you in the receiving mode: "I'm not affected by what's happening outside of me. I'm only affected by the alignment of Energy between my desires. I'm actually benefiting by what's taking place here, because I'm giving more thought to what I am really wanting. I am fine tuning my desires in a more powerful way. I'm pulling more Energy through me than I ever have before. And I'm more deliberately paying attention to when I'm in the receiving mode than when I am not.
"I anticipate that I will thrive even more during these economic times. These are boom times for me. I'm clearer about what I am knowing. I'm in a much better place this time than at any other time. All is really well here, and the Law of Attraction will sort everything out, and we are all doing extremely well."
When you hear others that are expressing otherwise, sometimes it is to your advantage to stop, just for a brief moment, and ask: what is their reason for perpetuating this? In many cases, they haven't thought it through. But, sometimes the answer will be, it is to their economic advantage to do so. And as you begin to acknowledge how many people are using this to their economic advantage -- you won't worry about the economy any more.
Economics has always been about supply and demand. So if you are the diamond dealer and people are digging diamonds up in their back yard, you might want to go find something more rare, like a chunk of coal, or something like that.
There is no shortage. We know that there is no shortage, because we know that when you ask, the Universe has the ability to yield. There cannot be a shortage. All there can be is an individual or a whole bunch of individuals cutting themselves off from the supply of Well-being -- by finding one thing or another to be upset about.
Remember, there are the three points... You ask, the Universe yields, and you just must be in the receiving mode. It does not matter what games anybody else is playing. You have the ability to stand in a place of prosperity -- no matter what. And so, is there ever, really any shortage? There is never ever, ever, ever, ever any shortage! It is all something that is man's making. Sometimes deliberate, sometimes indeliberate. But it is never reality. It is only a perception of reality.
Life is good, let it be. It is our powerful wanting that you let yourself receive half the benefit that we all receive in our interaction through you. It's time for you to begin letting it in.
There is great love here for you.
Spiritual Ministries Newsletter 90

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace, L.M.B.T, Vibrational Energy Therapist, Licensed Esthetician-Vibration Modalities Research
Ordained Spiritualist Minister (1995
May 03. 2008
Volume 90
Thank you for your wonderful responses. It was by no accident that our paths crossed today, for I had been needing my special awakened Indigo es to find out about my plans before I ventured into it.
Sort of kind of like a energetic hug that helps me venture out into the great unknown with not as many egoic voices in my head a telling me the reasons I need to stay right where I am...doing what I am doing and perhaps a adding a waitress job to my already heavy energy work that I love and the people that I get to serve while developing my expertise along the way...such a cool, cool exchange, just like you know Kristen, being you as well are a highly talented young lady yourself, and a Licensed Massage Therapist from Salt Lake City, Utah.
Happily married with a two year old star child...that is again outstanding behavior especially for one as young as yourself. I at your age had much older children and I too went in search of my dream, simply because my children were older and the strain and stress of leaving my kids so that I could pursue it, was still present, yet not as much as it probably would have been had they been younger.
So to balance all the things that you are having to carry all at once can't be easy; yet the dream of manifesting your destiny is that strong in you, that it is safely taking you where you want to go.
Now you know how very proud of you I am my destiny daughter. I am honored that you would be honored to live near me, always and I you.
I love it too that you are wanting to take my pig's ear writings and turn them into a silk purse. I will send you privately the three books that I put into another kindred sister's hand whose husband and herself, developed this most wonderful gloss covered magazine.
Not to edit it, just kind of turn it into roughened silk, so that you could take it where it needs to go. I don't believe that she has had a chance to go there yet, so rather than wait on her...for she will be doing more of the graphic work, art, music , e-books, for all of my work and the research projects.
Of course if that is alright with you little one? I know that you are on college break, yet you did ask me first about doing it while you were off, so is that offer still available?
I forgot to mention to all that Kristen is also a college student with the dream about becoming a Doctor of Osteopathy behind her name...and carrying a straight A average! That is highly impressive behavior, you go beautiful lady! A doctor not only with brains, yet a heart as big as the planet, and beautiful...now how common is that?
You are confirmation to me dear past life daughter, that many of us that have come to help the planet through the next few perhaps rough years, before the cleansing transformational phase that our planet is a needing, rather badly, I would say...(how about you?) are awakening more and more and being you and your husband both feel the stagnant energy here...it must be free and not a figment of my imagination.
My sister C.C., also left here and being I don't know all that many other light bearers that have awakened here, and it isn't that I haven't felt the energy for a long long time, I guess that I was just a spinning my wheels a waiting a long lost love interest to awakened and sometimes they just want to sleep on forever...and now forever is here and I am a moving into the Now moment, no longer frightened or a feeling unsupported, because more like me are telling me to run and don't look back...easy for them to say...22 years here in this county...some natives have called me almost a native...Yet I feel that I am being moved...for if not enough income...is that God's Will for me or is it a sign? Big dilemma...you know? Time away is what I need and CC and her daughter as well...and what grander place to gather ones self back together, than the mountains?
Free weekend except gas and food...money I don't have, yet need to put forth to see if there is where God is a leading me towards...just too many synchronisities to ignore...so being a dreamer...I am allowing the dream to continue onward...for it is written in almost all the mind out of the box readings of a lifetime...that we create that which we first have to visualize...and by a visualizing it, it becomes real...we are able to do this because we are all Children of God, all over the world as you know.
I thank you for your kind support a few weeks ago. It was grand a seeing you again...you bring such magic into my life...you little Indigo you!
Your energetic being Kristen is electrifying...I also think it is so cool that your mind was thinking thoughts about me almost at the same time period my mind went to you...again, no accidents...nope, none at all.
Yes Kristen, I have many kindred spirits that have rediscovered me in this life-time...many want to call it circumstantial...and that is alright as well...and like yourself and I, our lives are so busy that; " it is time to retire to start another day in the morning go round," for us all...so I do understand the financial and full plate kind of deal...been there, still am there, Tonie...hahahehehe...yet I see the horizon in the distance...so I am learning to take each day as it comes...know what I mean?
I thoroughly believe that we are the creators of our own reality and we can make it a good one or we can make it one filled with drama...
To me what a good reality looks like is something like this:
Each and everyday we awakened fresh and revitalized just knowing that no matter what happens, the good, the bad, the awful, the indifferent...we can handle it all; simply because, "if God be for us, who can come against us."
Thus the spirit of gratitude abounds in every moment of our reality that we are a realizing...from the moment we open our eyes to the moment we shut them down for our rest and slumber and travel into God's realms...and about.
The reason Kristen that I don't regularly attend services is because I am generally either found doing treatments on those with emergency cases or conflicting apt. time changes...or I am found counseling with family or friends and being it is my day on the pulpit...most generally get a sermon, unlike any other...my time constraints in my normal world of being is generally kept quite busy. Not an excuse...a fact.
What I have found also very interesting in my travels all over to find churches that would preach like myself...and realized that no church could ever possibly get it right in my interpretation because the reason so many religions have sprung up since Christ's days, over 2,000 years ago, was written about 50 years after Christ's Resurrection...
With so many writers back then...(Dead Sea Scrolls-over 10,000 books/scrolls-1950's) and the writers/books in The Bible, imagine first of all, Divine inspiration to write them all came according to how they interpreted the Holy Spirit a moving through them...so have it completely and some believe that they do...
Being it was written so many years ago, lots of things in it is purely historical data and some of it are great pearls of wisdom...it is a book of exploration with the key being, "do unto others what you would have done unto yourself."
Many of the passages in the great book...kind of give you a charge towards life like no other....I especially am lead towards the unconditional love of God, Christ, Mary and Holy Spirit...all the passages that make me feel less than what I know God believes that we are all...I kind of walk over a bit...hoping that I didn't get it wrong, yet a believing that being all I can be, is all that I can be and if that isn't enough...oh well, I guess I will just have to come back and try again to get it right this life-time...know what I mean?
I believe our Bible to be wonderful...filled with all kinds of stories and all kinds of situations...lots and lots of history...I truly love it and have many interpretations...for Ordained Spiritualist Ministers believe all interpretations will and can take one Home...
My vow that I took stated exactly that...to accept all as one...and pray for those that I didn't believe was awake to awaken...
And to love those that refuse to awaken as well...knowing that even though knives, and daggers were used against one...the wounding wasn't permanent...and perhaps nothing but karma was balanced...and it was a good thing, and not just a dark night of ones soul experience...
So yes, I be some kind of a nut...yet before one states that I am "borderline certifiable," perhaps one should catch the Dr. Phil's, show that highlighted the psychic talents of one of the producer of the mini series,"Ghost Whispers," James Van Prague.
Dr. Phil is a skeptic because of his training as a medical doctor...as he stated on the show... Yet because he put it on the air ways, that is a big deal for James Van Prague...did a phenomenal performance of accuracy, in my estimation and "Ghost Whispers," is one of my favorite shows along with "Medium."
"Supernatural." when I want to scare myself awake from fundamentalistic religion type training of my yester life...know what I mean? Hell, demons, vampires...hell....damnation...criticism, judgment, vengeance, lust, greed, envy...
I heard on a talk show that Hollywood writers write these kind of programs for those that believe that they have a bad life, so something worst than what they are a living in their head and heart...will only if nothing more, generate gratitude...kind of sick thinking, yet...you know those of us that are ill and can't see things the way that others do...sometimes just like to hang out alone with our own miserable selves a believing that doing my best will insure that I don't have to hang out with the devils and demons...or feel the raging hell fires...and thirst for a drink of cold water...polluted or not...hahahehehe...
I love that one segment of Dr. Phil's show so much that I am going to put it on my website...
I also have joined the message board of it...to add my little zippity do da...so when I do get the time...after I get back from the mountains...do please check it out...I think you will see that lots that I have already told you about myself...and my gifts from the Book of Corinthians..."Gifts of the Holy Spirit," and those gifts passed down from my mother and God...at birth...are real...and like three of my male skeptics...Like Dr. Phil...want to get me a blue helmet with antenna wires on it...are not a thinking right...even though they think they are...whatever! ( R, G., and C., you know who you are)
Also Kristen for 17 years, Montel had Silvia Brown on his show, sometimes twice a week...she too is pretty good...James blew me out of the water. John Edwards is no slough either...he is quite enlightened and has also quite a gift...and then I heard about another who also has a show and some I have heard, find her better than John Edwards...and I have found Jan...to be quite good as well and she is within a short distance and has been known to make special engagements of at least a party of 8.
I guess that I had better close for tonight...I have to get up at 6 AM...to meet CC and her daughter...1/3 of the way to the mountains...
I hope that when I get back...I will find another correspondence from you...
Again, thank you for your lovely thoughts and support...knowing that I might be a leading the way for you to follow again...gives me large comfort, peace and joy...
Be Blessed as you and your husband and baby are definitely joys to our world.
Love, Light and Peace
Mom Tonie
Kristen Wilson
Date: Sat, 3 May 2008 18:20:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kristen Wilson
Subject: Re: Spiritual Ministries-Mind Body Spirit Therapies Newsletter volume 89
To: Tonie Wallace
Dear Mother Indigo,
So, I know I just saw you in Foodlion, of all places!, but just thought I would drop you a quick note since I just checked out the site! Holy crap! It looks like an awesome place! You know, it's funny because I've wanted to get out of NC so bad since coming to Pinehurst, that I have not really ever checked out all of the "hot spots" as they say. If only there was a job for Jamie there, you know?! We keep trying to stay as positive as we can - I keep telling him that the big man upstairs just has something planned that we don't know about yet, but it's hard to keep him in that mindset when we're living off one paycheck and he didn't even bring in 30 after taxes last year. But, I try my best not to focus on the money thing; we have been really trying to focus on getting me to finish school. His parents, who have been helping us pay our rent and daycare, will stop come the end of June, so needless to say, we're a bit out of sorts here recently, and he was telling me, after we saw you, that he definitely understands the stagnant thing. Who knows? Maybe the Lord will bring us to Asheville! It seems like such a positive, uplifting place, and the Lord knows we all could use that...especially after living in a place like Pinehurst. I do not have a doubt in my mind that you'll be blown away even more by it once you stay up there! I think it's a great move for you, on all levels! It is awesome to read an article in a local magazine that talks about light and love, science and religion, and baptists and wiccans. Beautiful! I love it! I was talking to my Memere the other day (dad's mom) about how I just don't really associate with one denomination because I think they all have good things about them, but the majority of them have too many rules made by men, not by God, and that's where I stray. Did I ever tell you that I had looked into Wicca? It was probably about 6 months before I met you, and I absolutely loved so much about it, but it was missing Jesus Christ, and after the sacrifice He made for me, I could not turn my back on Him. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and I really hope you find Asheville to be even more than what you were looking for because you need it and deserve it, to be around more people who understand alternative work and don't think that you're trying to sell something! But, don't forget that the Lord is going to make you work still!!! :) Unfortunately, there are still enough coconut heads out there, but with more light-filled people helping to support your mission, I think it'll make your job a great deal easier! I really hope that the Lord has a job for Jamie there. Maybe that's why he didn't get the one in Maryland? I'd hate to think that we burned on the stake together in a past life, and in this one we just cross paths, but I guess you've had your fill of me huh?! Got all your writing juices from me and leave me! haha! You know I love you, and no matter where you go, if I don't end up at the same place (which, hey, you were here before me, so you never know...) I'll always come to you! So much for a short note huh?! Anyway, I will see you soon - I'm serious when I said I was going to stop by some time during the week, but I'll probably schedule an appointment (since my loving husband suggested it!...he just doesn't know I was sending him energy to say that...) and I'll make sure we have enough time to hang too! Maybe do lunch? How's Thursday look? Well, I'll talk to you soon! Though I can't see you all the time, I hope you know I love you and I think about you!
Love you always,
Tonie Wallace
Dear All One Family:
Happy May Day!
Before you go to this newletter...(trying different formats) I just want you all to know that one of my friends, heard Cher state that her work out machine like our K1 was what kept her in shape...so cool...this technology is getting around...first Whoopi and now Cher...The other machines perhaps one can't develop a business of distributing them...this one you can.
Many designs, not all the same piece of equipment...or resell value...this one can be worked as a business tool, like I am a doing with actual CPT Codes that one can charge for the treatments were a patient to obtain a script...that is just too cool...Both machines...K1 and BioMat.
May You Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Comments to Eckhart Tolle Group Members

Comments to Eckhart_Tolle_A_New_Earth Group*
May 2008
Spiritual Ministries Dream Founder, Director
Rev. Tonie Wallace
Dear All One Family:
I went to the website and I totally agree with all that sent their thoughts on the pastor's thoughts...when I got totally immersed into the pool of thought illuminations of Eckhart and Oprah...I found a deeper sense of my being, come alive...and now I am supposed to be sleeping to make a sojourn to the mountains to find those persons able to see that we are much more than we ever thought ourselves to be...and I have claimed my ministry after holding since 1994...since the workshop...so how was it a bad thing that Oprah did again?
A Total life change...that from poverty consciousness to helping the world and making it a better place...in the health area...so how again was what she was a doing so bad?
It is written that if anyone helps another to see more clearer the way Home, that person has a free ticket to ride...for that is our purpose here on earth, a helping awaken mankind to God...
Those that didn't catch those dangling participricols...is that Oprah and Eckhart's fault? Or could it be they aren't ready to see all the Light, Love and Peace of God, and Jesus that was a given us in its entirety...one can't possibly catch just bits and pieces of the whole and call it whole, just from a few passing moments of words used...
That is like taking bits and pieces of the Bible and forming ones own church...when one looks at all the Church's and synagogues and temples around us...one can only imagine the reason we have so many...differences in the way we call all things...I got quite clearly towards the last three segments of their shows, just how important God, Jesus was to them...and I was convinced...it is as real as what I feel...and I am a Christian, Ordained Spiritualist Minister...said in their own filter of perception, yet said, darn loud and clear...for all those that chose to listen to its entirety, that is...I mean really listen and not only pretend to hear that which didn't sound just perfect in their own estimation..."Judge not, least thee be judged, is my own motto...all can do and believe as they choose...
I judge her on her works and love given to us all, and she is absolutely astounding and I have always felt that way about her...Eckhart is probably one of the most astounding men of our times...he is hot! I get more done now than I ever have, just by practicing staying in The Now.
Has this passion for the teachings of Eckhart and Oprah harmed my relationship with my traditional fundamentalist believers clients...absolutely...I have even lost two on my email listings...because their way of thoughts state that anything outside of what they want to hear is evil...even though one of them is someone near and dear to me...and she hired me at my first hospital job...perhaps 12 years ago and I even worked on her son when he had a terrible skin condition for a price much less than normal...she kind of was something that I always send special thoughts and prayers too...down through all the years of only email contact...being I couldn't get the MLM business I started up under her, a going...and she told me that only those working the business could associate with her, being she was just too busy for anything other than that...up to and including the work that I do...not because she couldn't afford it...she just didn't have a need for it...
So to lose these email contacts...hurt...especially since one emailer, email name is harmony...and she has already told me three times to stop emailing her...yet I can't because I know that what I have, she needs...yet she thinks not...yet...I like Oprah, must let go all the judgments and thoughts of others that don't know us and don't really care too...for they are doing exactly what they need to be doing and yes, Sheyl, Jane and Tom, it is all good...
When we allow the voices of others to drown out our own voices, we are making a choice...go with the flow or go with God...
I chose to go with God...like Oprah and Eckhart...if that takes me to another place that is okay too, for as the saying goes, " a prophet is never recognized in his/her own land, they sometimes have to leave their land, so others can see them clearer."
I am currently living in one of the Bible Belts of the South...I too have jumped off the edge, even though I absolutely love the Bible...go figure...hahahehehe...it is all good.
Thanks for the mind blend...I needed it tonight...tomorrow a big adventure day for me...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
sheyla filmeridis
To: Eckhart_Tolle_A_New_Earth@yahoogroups.com
From: sheyla filmeridis
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 21:01:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [Eckhart_Tolle_A_New_Earth] Re: Let's Pray for Oprah
I sense that this letter was carefully written, with
very good intentions, and with love.
Of course, as you say, "his belief system is filtering
his perceptions".
Is this not true for any of us when we step out of the
Presence within, when we are away from that deep quiet
in which is 'everlasting peace'?
My deep desire is to touch that inner freedom now, and
the only way i have been able to sometimes glimpse it
is to leave behind ego, mind, senses ... and i
remember, some days more than others, to stop
searching, analyzing, defining... and by doing so i
simply experience Presence.
I hope that this makes some sense!?
Oh, and how lovely for the pastor's letter not to be
polluted with hatred!!
Love Love to all,
--- redsmydog
> Exactly! His belief system is filtering his
> perception to where he
> sees what validates his beliefs!
> -Tom
> --- In Eckhart_Tolle_A_New_Earth@yahoogroups.com,
> Jane Wood
> >
> > It's actually sort of amusing. All the things he
> is concerned about
> she is actually doing
> > but he just has a different spin on it. He
> hasn't made the shift
> that God is truely within us and not "out there"
> somewhere. It's all
> good:)
> > Jane
> >
> > redsmydog
> > Hi Folks,
> >
> > Now that the New Earth webinar is complete, it
> seems this list is
> > pretty quiet. I'd be interested to hear what
> people have gained, if
> > anything, from the 'Tolle Experience'.
> >
> > I found the following article on the Internet and
> as I read it, I
> > could see the ego-mind at work compartmentalizing
> and dividing. My
> > belief is all paths are leading in the same
> direction, some just twist
> > and turn more than others. Live and let live!
> >
> > Here's the link to the article, tell me what ya
> think:
> > http://www.jamesrobison.net/columns08/041808.html
> >
> > Peace,
> > -Tom
> >
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Patricia Coble Robles Newsletter

Newletter out of sequence...
May 2008
Dear CC & HH and all one Family Members
I thought that if your weren't getting Patricia's newsletters...you might like a copy of her most recent one...especially being that the supposed wedding is scheduled for around the same time as this planned action...interesting.
Also, today I told another friend that is a going through some troubling times with a love interest that at one time, recently was interested in her and now isn't...and she and I view as him a having baggage that he is till processing...and is doing cave time-time outs...
When I mentioned quite briefly, no name mentioned about your dilemma...she first threw down..."he has changed direction, because he didn't want the blame of what transpired...now how similar is that to what I told you? Just a throwing it out there, take what you need and please do leave the rest...love you girl.
Now onto the sketch of the research and teaching center... 2 large domed buildings, 2500 plus sq ft each.
2 large half domed shaped houses...green designed...website sent you in one of my last emails...2,500 sq. ft. each. One is my house and the other, the guest house for overnight student guests and such... ten double bedrooms.
Then I would also like an additional 3,000 sq. ft. half domed building...similar to other two home designs...to encase 4 double apartments for employees choosing to live on site...
I would like my house to over look the mountains in the distance and the others perhaps with a scenic back drop...paved driveways...landscaped with lots of flowers and scrubs native to Asheville area..
That is what I would like my newsletter logo to be, a drawing of this dream because when anyone puts it down on paper, any thing that they are wanting to manifest...it becomes real...
Somehow also...throw in the name of the center...
Spiritual Ministries-Mind, Spirit and Body Vibrational Medicine Therapies, Healing and Teaching Center.
Love you both!
Maybe we can talk later.
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Your I AM Presence, your true God Self, has been preparing you for lifetimes to assist during these very challenging times. You have skill, wisdom, strength and courage beyond your knowing. Take the time to go within, and ask the Presence of God pulsating in your heart how you can add to the Light of the world during this critical and auspicious moment in the Earth’s evolution.
The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are reassuring us that everything is unfolding in perfect alignment with the Divine Plan. The powerful purging and cleansing taking place for all of us individually and collectively is indeed intense, but it is a necessary process in paving the way for the anchoring of the archetypes for the New Earth. These archetypes are the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God through which God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will manifest in the physical plane. According to the Spiritual Hierarchy, anchoring these patterns for the New Earth is the greatest need of the hour. The Legions of Light throughout Infinity are standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to assist us in unprecedented ways, but they cannot intervene without our cooperation. Our Light and Love are needed now.
At this time, the entire Company of Heaven is embracing the Earth in powerful forcefields of Divine Love and Protection. In spite of the horrific things we see taking place all over the world, nothing is happening by accident. At some level, we have all agreed to participate in the facet of the purging process in which we are involved. This is true, even if the facet of the healing process involves people leaving the physical plane.
This is the moment we have all been working toward. This is the Cosmic Moment when Humanity’s descent into poverty consciousness and chaos will be reversed, and the NEW archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will be permanently established on Earth. We knew this would involve an intense cleansing process, and we vowed that we would do whatever was necessary in order for this facet of the Divine Plan to be God Victoriously accomplished. We agreed to this, because we were shown the end results. We were shown the glory and the wonders of the New Earth. In deep humility and gratitude, we agreed that whatever it took to manifest that perfection on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth, it was going to be worth it.
The viable solutions for all of the maladies existing on Earth are beginning to flow from the Realms of Illumined Truth into Humanity’s hearts and conscious minds. In order to bring these powerful solutions into physical manifestation, awakened people need to have the financial support to bypass the old paradigms of greed and corruption that caused the problems in the first place. At this very moment, there are patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God that contain the practical solutions to our energy crisis, global warming, disease, poverty, aging, hunger, homelessness, war and every other human miscreation.
Lightworkers around the world have spent decades magnetizing the 5th-Dimensional patterns of the New Earth into the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of this planet. At last, we have reached a critical mass that is creating an unstoppable quantum shift. This shift of energy, vibration and consciousness will lift Mother Earth and ALL her Life out of the painful and distorted patterns of Humanity’s miscreations. This shift is paving the way, so that the glorious patterns of the New Earth can physically manifest on Earth.
The Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have said that this year, 2008, will go down in the annals of history as the Cosmic Moment when Humanity’s descent into poverty consciousness was reversed BY THE UNIFIED EFFORTS OF LIGHTWORKERS EVERYWHERE. This is the year in which Humanity’s ascent into the Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace of our Father-Mother God will be reclaimed as our Divine Birthright.
In order for this facet of the Divine Plan to be fulfilled, we are all being called to a Higher Service. We are being asked to join with the Company of Heaven, as we cocreate an outer-world activity of Light that will allow the Light of God to flow into the planet in ways we have never before experienced. It is very difficult to express the magnitude of this opportunity by means of verbal communication. So as you read these words, please take them into your heart, and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth of this message and to show you what your part is in this Divine Plan.
It is an irrefutable natural law that God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace are inseparable aspects of our Father-Mother God. Without God’s Abundance, Eternal Peace will not be sustained, and without Eternal Peace, God’s Abundance will not be sustained. When we fully comprehend this Truth, we begin to glimpse the magnitude of the opportunity that is being presented to Humanity this year.
There will be several ways in which people will participate in this facet of the Divine Plan. The most important thing for us to consider is that we have all been preparing for lifetimes for this opportunity. We each have been trained by our I AM Presence to fulfill a particular part of this Divine Plan. It is imperative that we ask our I AM Presence for guidance. Then, we must listen to the promptings of our heart and respond to this inner calling.
Archangel Michael and the entire Company of Heaven are asking Lightworkers around the world to respond to this clarion call. We are being asked to gather within the forcefield of Archangel Michael’s Focus of Light, which pulsates in the Etheric Realms above Lake Louise and the surrounding mountains near Banff, Canada. Together we will form a mighty transformer of Light through which the NEW archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will be anchored on Earth.
We will serve as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity, holding the sacred space for the I AM Presence of every awakening soul. We will cocreate the Open Door through which God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will flow into the lives of every man, woman and child on Earth.
This has to be a joint effort. No matter how willing and capable the Legions of Light are or how committed these Beings are to helping us anchor the archetypes of God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace, they cannot do it for us. They can only respond to our willingness to serve as instruments of God. But, amazingly, once we respond to our heart’s call and volunteer to do whatever it takes to be the Open Door that no one can shut, the floodgates of Heaven open to assist us.
These selfless messengers of God have been given permission by our Father-Mother God to amplify our efforts a thousand times a thousandfold. This means that THE MORE LIGHTWORKERS WHO RESPOND TO THIS CLARION CALL, the more powerful we will be and the more Light the Company of Heaven will be able to add to this Divine Plan.
The vehicle to gather Lightworkers within the Forcefield of Archangel Michael at Lake Louise in Canada is the 22nd Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will occur over the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence, August 16-21, 2008.
This life-transforming annual event has been taking place every year since Harmonic Convergence in 1987. This year will be the 22nd World Congress on Illumination. Twenty-two (22) is the master number that reflects POWER ON ALL PLANES AND THE ABILITY TO CHANGE THE COURSE OF HISTORY. The synchronicity of this event with the unfolding Divine Plan has been orchestrated by the Company of Heaven.
Our time is at hand. Listen to your heart, and you will KNOW your part in this Divine Plan. Archangel Michael is awaiting your response. Ask the Company of Heaven for assistance in paving the way for you to attend this activity of Light. Trust your inner knowing. All is well.
This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. Each day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, Archangel Michael and the Spiritual Hierarchy will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through the various activities of Light, under the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, our mission will be victoriously accomplished.
When you enter Archangel Michael’s portal of Light, you will experience the full magnitude of his Power and Protection. Within the Divinity of your Heart Flame you will remember your mission on Earth, and you will be filled with bliss and elation for the opportunity at hand.
The World Congress On Illumination is truly a life-transforming event that will provide you with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the world with whom you have been serving for aeons of time. You will join hearts with fellow Lightworkers who will support you in your selfless service to the Light.
The Divine Plan we are being called to fulfill will be accomplished through myriad activities of Light. We will be joined at inner levels by the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns, the entire Company of Heaven, the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity, the Divine Intelligence that directs the Elemental Kingdom, the Mighty Elohim and the Legions of Angels throughout Infinity. All of this will occur within the Infinite Body of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, All That Is.
The entire Universe is supporting us in this holy endeavor. The Beings of Light have been given permission to assist us in myriad ways, but the Lightworkers on Earth are a critical factor in bringing this Divine Plan into physical manifestation. Our responsibility is enormous, but when we join our hearts together, we will succeed God Victoriously.
Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and experience the overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Heavenly Realms. Feel the deep appreciation being sent to you from On High for your willingness to serve Humanity and ALL Life during this critical moment in the evolution of this blessed planet.
Our website, http://eraofpeace.org, contains all of the information you will need in order to participate in the 22nd Annual World Congress on Illumination. Read everything carefully and feel the elation pouring forth from the Heavenly Realms. After aeons of time, the archetypes for the Abundance of God and Eternal Peace are being permanently established in the lives of awakening Humanity. Thank you, God.
There will be many ways in which Lightworkers all over the world will participate in this unprecedented opportunity. Many will have the heart call to serve as the Hands of God on behalf of ALL Humanity. They will travel to Archangel Michael’s Focus of Light and become mighty transformers through which the Light of God will flow to anchor the NEW archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance and Eternal Peace.
Some Lightworkers will be inspired to travel to various sacred sites on the planet to magnetize the NEW archetypes that are being anchored within the focus of Archangel Michael, and project them into Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System. Other Lightworkers will gather with their groups in their own locations. They will join with us in consciousness, and they will weave their Light and Love into this global activity of Light. And still others will join in consciousness from the solitude of their own sanctuaries.
All of these ways of participating are vital to the success of this Divine Mission. The important thing is that you truly listen to your heart and respond according to your heart’s call and your particular facet of this Divine Plan. No one else can do this for you. Trust your inner knowing.
No matter where you are guided to be, know that we are ALL One. Precious Heart, your Light and Love are needed NOW!
If you have the heart call to serve an instrument of God within Archangel Michael’s focus of Light, please read the following information carefully.
This is prime vacation time at the exquisite Chateau Lake Louise, and the number of sleeping rooms we were able to reserve are filling up fast. Please make your reservations with us as soon as possible to secure your space.
When making your travel arrangements, you will fly into Calgary Airport in Calgary, Canada. You will then take a shuttle to Lake Louise. It is a three-hour drive from Calgary to Lake Louise, but you will not mind this portion of the trip at all. The scenery is exquisite.
When you register for the 22nd Annual World Congress On Illumination, we will send you a confirmation letter with instructions that you will need to reserve your space on the shuttle to Lake Louise.
REMEMBER, if you are not a Canadian citizen YOU MUST HAVE A CURRENT PASSPORT. Be sure to make those arrangements with plenty of time to spare.
I want to thank you from the deepest recesses of my heart for your willingness to serve Humanity and this precious planet during this Cosmic Moment. God Bless YOU!
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
Website: http://eraofpeace.org
FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.
© 2008 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.
Host: Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The program airs on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time or 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
You may access the radio show directly from our website:
http://eraofpeace.org We are on STATION 1
Or you may go to our NEW Online server:
http://bbsradio.com STATION 1
After the radio show airs, it will be available on demand through the archives link.
This is a commercial-free hour during which we join hearts with thousands of Lightworkers all over the planet. Together, we invoke the Company of Heaven and add to the Light of the world. As we experience the sacred knowledge that is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth, we will remember who we are, and we will know how to fulfill our purpose and reason for being.
During our sacred time together, we work in the Eternal Moment of NOW. That means that whether you are able to tune in with us live or you are listening to the radio program through our on-demand archives service, your precious Light is being woven into our Forcefield of Light. Your sacred gifts are added to this unified Divine Mission, which is being cocreated by embodied Lightworkers and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity.
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