Spiritual Ministries, Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Healing/Research/and Education Center
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace, Dream Founder and Director
May 2008
Randone response to C and all one family members.
Dear C.:
I am sorry that I didn't allow our conversation to continue tonight. To be truth filled...I had some important papers in my hand and while in deep meditation with you, I forgot where I placed them and got nervous that the cat got them and hide them for me, like he has other things in the past.
I almost feel sometimes that he is doing it on purpose, than again it could the little guy again...up to his own tricks again.
I also wondered if I laid them down lost in thought, due to some kind of karmic unfolding for not setting my intentions right when asking God to assist me into my search as to what your intended, intended needs or doesn't need.
For it isn't up to me what karma they both are a needing to balance. "Not my will, not my will but thine be done in Me." You know how strong all of our mind sets are, what we believe becomes our reality. Ordained Spiritualist Ministers are very aware of using His powers incorrectly and how it all returns back to the sender...
I really can't afford to be coconut headed too much longer, for the costs in all ways are just too great to play the game...besides, from all appearances, it looks like a crash and burn situation...financially that is...education wise, research wise, it was a rip roaring success...I can't say it any clearer...
Yet in the financial end of it...to make sure that I am not a quitting this area for good...for reasons not of God's Will for my life...I am still a working my divine magic in this area...just to see if what I am a seeing is not my own visionary illusion that I am a creating as a way to punish myself for whatever it is that I feel guilty about and thus is transferring it over as need instead of guilt.
I personally don't feel that it is guilt, for I have thought and prayed over everything that I have done that was not of God's highest will for my life...and I found answers for them all and even knowing that...I still asked for forgiveness, for I want to be sure to cross each and every t, plus dot all my I's...
Some in web sites past, have accused me of being frightened of God's wrath...being they were not believers such as myself to any degree...I grew to understand that even though I thought my way, their way is still just their way and if their way makes them happy, even though my way I feel is so much better...The point being; I can only force my way on myself and no one else...for we all must walk our paths individually, and that really is a good thing...for then we are responsible totally for our own paths and no one elses...no matter how much we want to blame others for our lot in life...we can't for we shared in 50% of the deciding vote...
Simply because...we choice to participate...right or wrong, good or bad or indifferent situations...
I know that you know C. that I believe that we come here to balance karma for all things that happened yesterday and we couldn't quite clearer see the end due to the means. So coming back is a definite whenever that happens..."Time After Time."
Supposedly we are always near to those that we have walked similar walks with of yesterday...family, friends, clients in my case...So every meeting is really not a new meeting, yet a remembered walk of yester year...So times we reconnect in a good way and sometimes not..yet how we leave those walks determines if we will ever walk those walks again...because supposedly all soul mate relationships are purely karma balancing...sometimes it doesn't even go into love or marriage, sometimes it is what it is...
Sometimes that is a good thing...sometimes if it does go into marriage, it becomes one filled with drama and more karma possible producing moments...especially if the other has a ego that only states that he is powerful beyong belief when he is always right and always gets his own way and dismisses you when he decides the moment is over.
So those soul mate relationships becoming terminated before they ever took off when first base...isn't all that bad, now is it?
Thus I feel that all should try to resist the urge of staying in a mind set that keeps one anchored to the memories of yesteryear...
Some kind of reality thoughts are: "there is lack and only one soul mate has the ability to ignite my jets."
I want what I want and I will get what it is that I want, when I want it and whatever it takes to achieve it.
Yet has been the case in my life a few times...as soon as I get it, I wonder; is their more of this same good stuff out there.?" Then our minds jump into that mode of searching for more, out there, even when our plate is already filled with enough love to float a cruise liner...
Yet it was a love not complete for I loved them in a way that couldn't ever make them happy enough, for inside of the men that I chose in the past...all had pieces of their heart a belonging to yesterday and no way could yesterday ever compete with the Now Moment...
Eckhart I believe, believes in that wave of thinking...thus remaining in the Now moment, not looking back or forward...just being present...is the only way to fully move into ones life moments, epipanies...those moments when all things make sense instead of nonsense...
Oprah calls those moments, Aha Moments in time...
I have so much more dream planning to do and things that I have to get done, yet can't being I have no solid answers as to what my heart, head and Spirit is wanting to lead me towards yet...I only know that I can't have the dream until I first dream it...
So I am just a giving it over to God for handling...I am merely His servant, nothing more and definitely nothing less...
Love you girl
Just had a need to throw this out there...I still haven't found those papers that I missed place while a doing light trance work with you...when it comes to God's work...that always takes presidence over mundance matters...
That is why I stopped taking calls during sessions...I always forgot to write down the apt...and while in a light trance with my clients...time kind of stands still and I hold the memory of the meeting for about 30 minutes...sometimes more...sometimes not...It basically varies on my need to know more not being God's Will...I can accept that for lots of things are contained in ones soul essence of other life times...I used to do regression therapy on some of my friends...and some clients in the past used to ask me to tell them what I saw in their life times past that was relevent to this life time...
This gift is not an evil thing as you know...for in the book of Corinithians...Chapter 13, are listed all the "Gifts of the Holy Spirit," and I asked for them all when I received my baptism of The Holy Spirit." So prophecying or horoscopes are not an evil thing to me...I was a doing this as a small child...with the set intention of helping not hurting others...today I am just a maturing version of that small child that always had others ahead of herself in the game of life...and when I come across others that have their intentions set on themselves...of course my ying won't be able to dance with their yang...no matter how hard I try to awaken them, they will only awaken if they so choose...it isn't up to me to tell them that they have to change for me to find them acceptable...It is only up to me to tell them that our views being so varied will never work in my world, being I am just too sensitive for a whole lot of false pretense...and drama...as we strive to keep ourselves in check when their world is a falling apart and they try to reach out to blame us...
For that is the way of the self absorb individual...they can't see their part in anything, being the fault is never with them, yet that of others...
Some that I know have told me that I am only looking for perfection and all others need not apply...and some on blamed it on me being a virgo...a perfectionist. I say that they are wrong, for I have settled in the past with less than I deserved and it never worked out...and this my last time down the marriage aisle is going to be my moment of completion...I have already told God that if the one I am a waiting for isn't on the planet...I can wait to go Home to find him...
I am in no hurry to begin a new relationship being I have so much writing needing to be done, and perhaps major move ahead...and grant research...for as of yet, no grant writer has happened on the scene...
Pray that I find those papers..thanks...
May You Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
I have gotten to this site yet...still am looking for those papers...darn pesky cat...it craves so much attention... definitely an attention deficit being...
You might have already gotten this.
I thought it was pretty cool.
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