Spiritual Ministries-Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research/Healing/Education Center Dream Founder/Director, Rev. Tonie Wallace
Saturday 10, May 2008
Revised: May 30, 2008/posted
Casual Conversation - with add on, current editing...news releases since...newsletter date.
Volume 91
Dear All One Family:
What I have discovered in life is that it is hard to get a rational answer on today's news issues, from one that goes the extra hundred miles in not watching the newscasts...
These are the news, like it or not...can they be ignored? I don't think so, especially if my work is depended on what the economy/ are a doing... Just like in my estimation, it is silly for a builder or construction worker to not keep an eye on the weather, when it means the difference between work or slumber...
Ahh the differences in opinions sometimes can change the world for the better or for the worst... I guess it is how we perceive things and how important our opinions are to the beholder... some make it a matter of life or death...I make it a matter of how it best serves the needs at hand...
Does my opinions make it a better world for all or do those random thoughts carelessly thrown about, somehow shut down the world and does stop or slow down the earth becoming a better place for all that inhabit it?
Good thoughts versus unwelcoming thoughts...
We each must decide what it is that makes our world go round...and focus out of the box even with those thoughts...
I remember somewhere in the Bible where it states that we, " must keep a flexible mind about us," in these so called "end times... I have noticed in my body electric healing facilitator...Identity world....that those that have a flexible mind, also have a flexible body...and that has always been a fascination to me...for I have a very flexible body, even though 7 years ago, I was told by my long term physician, that I should file for disability and be taken care of by the state.
A.K.A...flexible spirit, equals flexible body and mind...hmmm...sounds like a good combination of the trinity of the space time continuum...life.
Some emails I received recently since I sent out this newsletter...Just for additional things to consider... please send Light, Love and Peace to all of these conditions that it will not persist... Thank You...
File a report if yours is gone !
A woman said her son found his license plate missing so he called the police to file a report. They told him people were stealing the plates to get free gas. Given the rise in gas prices, people have taken to stealing license plates, putting them on their car, then getting gas and running. The gas station will have "your" license plate # and you could be in trouble for "pump and run." Check your car periodically to be sure you still have a plate. If you should find it missing, file a report immediately!!! Keep an eye on your license plate! Make sure you always know it's there! When the license plate is reported as the "drive off vehicle", it's YOU they contact!
Be aware!!!! Be aware of your license plates, most of us never look to see if the plates are there or not.
Mechanics, police say gas theft changing with times
By JEFF KAROUB, AP Business Writer Tue May 27, 5:37 PM ET
DETROIT - Dale Fortin is getting a new kind of customer at his Detroit auto repair shop, customers who have not just been in a fender-bender or had a windshield smashed by a rock.
The soaring price of crude oil has turned gas tanks into a cache of valuable booty, and Fortin has replaced several tanks punctured or drilled by thieves thirsting for the nearly $4-a-gallon fuel inside.
"That's the new fad," said the co-owner of Dearborn Auto Tech in Detroit. "I'd never seen it before gas got up this high."
While gas station drive-offs and siphoning are far more common methods of stealing gas, reports of tank and line puncturing are starting to trickle into police departments and repair shops across the country.
Some veteran mechanics and law enforcement officers say it's an unwelcome return of a crime they first saw during the Middle East oil embargo of the early 1970s.
Gasoline prices surged just before the long Memorial Day holiday weekend and crept a hair higher overnight Monday to a new record national average $3.937 for a gallon of regular, according to a survey of stations by AAA and the Oil Price Information Service.
Given their height, Fortin said pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles are more vulnerable to the thieves who puncture the tanks and use a container to catch the fuel.
Plastic tanks are typically the target, he said, since there is less chance of a catastrophic spark, and they are easier to drill into.
A design change may also be contributing to the preference for a drill rather than a syphoning hose. The tanks in many vehicles now have check balls, which prevent spills in a rollover accident. They also make siphoning more difficult.
In recent weeks, police in Denver arrested two suspects in connection with about a dozen cases of damaging tanks and stealing gas.
Denver Police Det. John White sees this "new way of siphoning gas" as a bigger problem.
"What made this particular method so dangerous and concerning for us was the way in which they were doing it — using cordless drills to puncture holes in these tanks," he said of the rash of cases his department has investigated this spring. "The heat, friction generated could have easily sparked a fire. It just made for a dangerous situation for the suspects and the community."
Tank puncturing has yet to reach the radar screens of law enforcement organizations such as the National Sheriffs' Association, or the Automotive Service Association, a group that represents independent garage operators.
Still, at least one insurance company has taken notice: AAA Mid-Atlantic issued a press release earlier this month that cited a case in April in Bethesda, Md., involving a thief who broke the fuel line underneath a car and sapped five gallons of gas. Montgomery County police said a bus in the same parking lot had 30 gallons of diesel stolen.
"These are crimes of opportunity," said AAA spokeswoman Catherine Rossi. "Right now, some people think that stealing gas is a way to get rich quick. It becomes a question of whether you're leaving yourself open to the possibility that someone can get to your car without being seen."
The cost of replacing a metal tank on passenger vehicles is between $300 and $400, and the plastic tank common on newer vehicles would be at least $500.
Bruce Burnham said thieves have hit the Budget Truck Rental business he owns in Shreveport, La., about a half-dozen times in the past three years. The thefts started shortly after Hurricane Katrina when prices spiked, then stopped for a while, then restarted about a year ago.
In some cases the gas lines have been cut; in others, gas has been pumped out. He figures he's lost at least a few thousand dollars in stolen fuel, repair costs and loss of rental fees.
Burnham said he has taken "extra measures to protect the vehicles," but declined to elaborate.
Gas and diesel aren't the only fuels being plundered. Restaurants from Berkeley, Calif., to Sedgwick, Kan., are reporting thefts of old cooking oil worth thousands of dollars. Cooking oil rustlers refine it into barrels of biofuel in backyard stills. Biodiesel can also be blended with petroleum diesel, and blends of the alternative fuel are now sold at 1,400 gas stations across the country.
Still, the theft of regular unleaded gasoline — the kind that leaves everyday drivers high and dry — is on the minds of more law enforcement agencies as prices rise.
Troy Police Lt. Gerry Scherlinck said his suburban Detroit department this month received a report of a stored motor home whose tank was siphoned and drained of 50 gallons of gas. They also had several incidents last year in industrial parks where the gas tanks of vehicles were punctured.
"Gas is liquid gold these days, and has been for the last year-and-a-half," Scherlinck said. "I would anticipate seeing more of these kinds of incidents as the price continues to go up."
toniecw@gmail.com wrote:
Date: Sat, 10 May 2008 07:02:45 -0700
To: toniewallace@yahoo.com
Subject: Video from Yahoo! - Food crisis hits home
From: toniecw@gmail.com
Today, inspite of not having all that many groceries myself, I still found some to place in a plastic bag for the mail man to collect for our local food bank...
Please do all that you can to help others...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and peace
Food crisis hits home
Dear All One Family:
The other day I received this email...I somehow got from the email contents that by concentrating on something, makes it real, so I laughingly stated, okay, perhaps I should stop writing all of these thoughts of mine and do more meditation, being I perhaps am a creating this lack of consciousness by watching the news...
I don't know about that though, for I also believe that we can become so complacent that instead of assisting, we are actually a burying our heads in the sand when we don't pay attention to what is a happening on Planet Earth...
I know, there are always negatives and positives about doing anything in life... go with your Christed heart...in all things...is my motto...W.W.J.D...What Would Jesus Do.
Be Blessed.
Dayu's email.
"What recession?"
Abraham quote: "I anticipate that I will thrive even more during these economic times. These are boom times for me."
http://abraham- hicks.com/ journal.php? eid=281
Are Economic Business Slumps Natural Phenomena?
Guest: Is there such a thing as an economic cycle? Is there a natural law to economics, like summer is summer, and fall is fall
Abraham: Your economics are, in terms of your individual success, your exposure to contrast which gives you your idea of desire, and then your success has to do with your alignment. So, the alignment of your own Energy is the only thing that causes anything to affect you. Of course, your Energy is affected by what you think about other things. And so, your economy is the consensus of the mass consciousness thought, because, as you have become a global world, and as you are all tied into the same media information, you can simultaneously be affected -- and therefore mass consciousness is affected -- therefore your economic conditions are more worldwide experiences.
These are rip roaring times. This is the leading edge of thought. There is not a reason for there ever to be a decline. And the declines are always false. Always man-made. Never necessary. And they always serve some extremely well.
As we watch your television and we see, through Esther's eyes, the newscasts, we notice that although the good news of your planet is huge in proportion to the bad news -- the bad news is what is amplified and given to you. What the media is showing you, is the bleakest picture, in order to get your attention, because that sells newspapers or television programs, or whatever. And even if they are all doing it, it does not need to affect you. But, it usually does affect you. And as it affects you, then there is a greater ripple effect.
How could you go through eight years of one presidential administration, having economic booming times, and then days into a new administration, have economic disaster? It is because a handful of people began saying a handful of things that a few billion listened to. And so, it affected a few billion vibrations, and now you're having the ripple effect of all of that. It is a powerful example of the power of mind.
There are popular trends and there are unpopular trends. And positive attitude has, as long as you've been in your physical body, not been a very popular trend. It doesn't sell newspapers. It doesn't sell television programs. (It doesn't sell "protection".) If you are in a position that you are wanting to soothe people's troubles, then isn't an aggravation of their troubles beneficial to you? That's sort of what is at the heart of all of that.
You are having glorious economic times, and there is not a reason for it to be otherwise for you individually. You are having glorious economic times. And there is not a reason for it to be otherwise for you as individuals, or you collectively. But don't let what they are doing, collectively, affect you individually. It need not. Begin making statements that always keep you in the receiving mode: "I'm not affected by what's happening outside of me. I'm only affected by the alignment of Energy between my desires. I'm actually benefiting by what's taking place here, because I'm giving more thought to what I am really wanting. I am fine tuning my desires in a more powerful way. I'm pulling more Energy through me than I ever have before. And I'm more deliberately paying attention to when I'm in the receiving mode than when I am not.
"I anticipate that I will thrive even more during these economic times. These are boom times for me. I'm clearer about what I am knowing. I'm in a much better place this time than at any other time. All is really well here, and the Law of Attraction will sort everything out, and we are all doing extremely well."
When you hear others that are expressing otherwise, sometimes it is to your advantage to stop, just for a brief moment, and ask: what is their reason for perpetuating this? In many cases, they haven't thought it through. But, sometimes the answer will be, it is to their economic advantage to do so. And as you begin to acknowledge how many people are using this to their economic advantage -- you won't worry about the economy any more.
Economics has always been about supply and demand. So if you are the diamond dealer and people are digging diamonds up in their back yard, you might want to go find something more rare, like a chunk of coal, or something like that.
There is no shortage. We know that there is no shortage, because we know that when you ask, the Universe has the ability to yield. There cannot be a shortage. All there can be is an individual or a whole bunch of individuals cutting themselves off from the supply of Well-being -- by finding one thing or another to be upset about.
Remember, there are the three points... You ask, the Universe yields, and you just must be in the receiving mode. It does not matter what games anybody else is playing. You have the ability to stand in a place of prosperity -- no matter what. And so, is there ever, really any shortage? There is never ever, ever, ever, ever any shortage! It is all something that is man's making. Sometimes deliberate, sometimes indeliberate. But it is never reality. It is only a perception of reality.
Life is good, let it be. It is our powerful wanting that you let yourself receive half the benefit that we all receive in our interaction through you. It's time for you to begin letting it in.
There is great love here for you.
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