Rev. Tonie C. Wallace, L.M.B.T, Vibrational Energy Therapist, Licensed Esthetician
Ordained Spiritualist Minister (1995)
Volume 88
Dear Linda:
I almost fell on the floor with laughter from your story! My goodness, sometimes life's most wake up moments comes with some pretty rough analogies of life that causes us to wonder, am I crazy or is the world.
When I saw you walking up my driveway, I thought oh no, God was a testing Linda's patience level today...
And then I let that fear moment pass as I felt in that moment and time and space, that you would victorious pass the test, for you always have my friend...it might have taken you a bit longer to get to where you are a standing now...yet you still made it and that is what it is all about...dear sister in Christ/God, dear friend.
What I got from yesterday's moment in time; when you allowed yourself to relax into it, that is... "the peace that surpasses all understanding." A grand gift promised us by God, if only we had faith, trust and belief that whatever we ask for in good intentions deemed as being a benefit to mankind, not only ones self.
That one concept of letting go of the fear element that hasn't worked for over 2,000 years since our dear brother/numerous sprinkled God essence being, and in my "infinity conscious thinking mind," I see one spark contained for all in the world at that time and all times to follow...present, future...so to the faiths that believe that Jesus was God in disguise...you make a valid point.
Is that the answer to the equation of whether Jesus was God or not? In my world of thinking and being...He is and was back then...and to the world of different believers, hey it is okay that we don't compare...this is my belief system, all have their own you know?
Thus the world would better serve itself better I believe, were all to at least agree to disagree...
Agree that the only way to gain peace, is to be peace...The only thing that I have seen that fear gathers, is more fear...so like yourself Linda...I too spent many years a pondering the differences in interprets from verse to verse. I had to let it go and understand that I can only be who I am supposed to be...and that is a divine being of Our Father. I believe we all were given the same intention.
Thus I am no better, nor less than yourself, or any others in the world...rather richer or poorer than myself... We are equals in Our Father's eyes. We all are...and sometimes I used to feel that I would never be good enough to go Home because of my past experiences and then I would go to those scriptures that confirmed the promise that anything is forgiven by God, except denial of His Holy Spirit.
My interpretation of His Holy Spirit is that It is the Essence of God's Spirit/Jesus, sent to us all to protect us from those that choose to not see or heed the life smart warnings and thus try to destroy God's awakened spark, child.
I also find God's/Jesus Holy Spirit to also be our protector and guide...so not to call upon God/Jesus Holy Spirit to help move us safely through life...is like have a high dollar security system and never turning it on...what is the point? Yet I realize that is my illusion and when lots of persons would rather have me just shut up for I was never going to change them anyways...
First of all, allow me to explain one very valuable thing...I walked in disguise from 1995 to April 2008. I was never a public viewed minister...for it was never my mission I believed back then to openly promote my identity.
Yet I did try to walk this fine line of being, to the best of my ability. I did make some mistakes along the way, yet from them I gathered so much valuable knowledge that I know will live on inside of me forever...
When one does that Linda...they in essence are the change that the world is a needing...
Trying to live in a state of peace isn't an easy thing...especially if ones workaday world is that of throwing off the individuals, dark and negative energies that are a holding their bodies in such tight constriction.
Perhaps you can ques where that dark and dank energies are a remaining after each person leaves my table? That is right, it stays right in the room...so my doing clearings on it is a given thing...rather with incense, prayer or meditation...so my physical house cleaning duties aren't my only responsibility, I also have the responsibility of cleaning the energetic emotional baggage through out from my client's energetic always a remembering bodies of space time and moments in my home...
One of my energetic house clearing friend's and Light bringing sister..walked into my room and went...”oh my God, the energy in here is intense”...and yes it had been a while since I had cleared it...so she hit the target, bulls eyed!
What this special lady also did, was to gather up the energetic imprints and put them all into a golden ball of energy and pushed them straight down through the therapy table...
She was quite amazed at how the energy was easily sent in that manner straight into the earth to help clear it of its energetic weight...
Little did my friend know that on my table is the Unique Biotechnology, BioMat that one part of its "Tri-Synergy Action is the numerous Amethyst Crystals in it...on top of the Far Infrared rays, and the Negative ionizer...what she was a gathering was those dangling soul imprints of waste filled time spent a dealing with itself… that the table didn't have time to release into itself...Amethyst is a healing crystal that absorbs into itself...the energy needing to be transmuted...it is just too cool of a device and again FDA approved medical device...
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