Rev. Tonie C. Wallace, L.M.B.T, Vibrational Energy Therapist, Licensed Esthetician-Vibration Modalities Research
Ordained Spiritualist Minister (1995
May 03. 2008
Volume 90
Thank you for your wonderful responses. It was by no accident that our paths crossed today, for I had been needing my special awakened Indigo es to find out about my plans before I ventured into it.
Sort of kind of like a energetic hug that helps me venture out into the great unknown with not as many egoic voices in my head a telling me the reasons I need to stay right where I am...doing what I am doing and perhaps a adding a waitress job to my already heavy energy work that I love and the people that I get to serve while developing my expertise along the way...such a cool, cool exchange, just like you know Kristen, being you as well are a highly talented young lady yourself, and a Licensed Massage Therapist from Salt Lake City, Utah.
Happily married with a two year old star child...that is again outstanding behavior especially for one as young as yourself. I at your age had much older children and I too went in search of my dream, simply because my children were older and the strain and stress of leaving my kids so that I could pursue it, was still present, yet not as much as it probably would have been had they been younger.
So to balance all the things that you are having to carry all at once can't be easy; yet the dream of manifesting your destiny is that strong in you, that it is safely taking you where you want to go.
Now you know how very proud of you I am my destiny daughter. I am honored that you would be honored to live near me, always and I you.
I love it too that you are wanting to take my pig's ear writings and turn them into a silk purse. I will send you privately the three books that I put into another kindred sister's hand whose husband and herself, developed this most wonderful gloss covered magazine.
Not to edit it, just kind of turn it into roughened silk, so that you could take it where it needs to go. I don't believe that she has had a chance to go there yet, so rather than wait on her...for she will be doing more of the graphic work, art, music , e-books, for all of my work and the research projects.
Of course if that is alright with you little one? I know that you are on college break, yet you did ask me first about doing it while you were off, so is that offer still available?
I forgot to mention to all that Kristen is also a college student with the dream about becoming a Doctor of Osteopathy behind her name...and carrying a straight A average! That is highly impressive behavior, you go beautiful lady! A doctor not only with brains, yet a heart as big as the planet, and beautiful...now how common is that?
You are confirmation to me dear past life daughter, that many of us that have come to help the planet through the next few perhaps rough years, before the cleansing transformational phase that our planet is a needing, rather badly, I would say...(how about you?) are awakening more and more and being you and your husband both feel the stagnant energy here...it must be free and not a figment of my imagination.
My sister C.C., also left here and being I don't know all that many other light bearers that have awakened here, and it isn't that I haven't felt the energy for a long long time, I guess that I was just a spinning my wheels a waiting a long lost love interest to awakened and sometimes they just want to sleep on forever...and now forever is here and I am a moving into the Now moment, no longer frightened or a feeling unsupported, because more like me are telling me to run and don't look back...easy for them to say...22 years here in this county...some natives have called me almost a native...Yet I feel that I am being moved...for if not enough income...is that God's Will for me or is it a sign? Big dilemma...you know? Time away is what I need and CC and her daughter as well...and what grander place to gather ones self back together, than the mountains?
Free weekend except gas and food...money I don't have, yet need to put forth to see if there is where God is a leading me towards...just too many synchronisities to ignore...so being a dreamer...I am allowing the dream to continue onward...for it is written in almost all the mind out of the box readings of a lifetime...that we create that which we first have to visualize...and by a visualizing it, it becomes real...we are able to do this because we are all Children of God, all over the world as you know.
I thank you for your kind support a few weeks ago. It was grand a seeing you again...you bring such magic into my life...you little Indigo you!
Your energetic being Kristen is electrifying...I also think it is so cool that your mind was thinking thoughts about me almost at the same time period my mind went to you...again, no accidents...nope, none at all.
Yes Kristen, I have many kindred spirits that have rediscovered me in this life-time...many want to call it circumstantial...and that is alright as well...and like yourself and I, our lives are so busy that; " it is time to retire to start another day in the morning go round," for us all...so I do understand the financial and full plate kind of deal...been there, still am there, Tonie...hahahehehe...yet I see the horizon in the distance...so I am learning to take each day as it comes...know what I mean?
I thoroughly believe that we are the creators of our own reality and we can make it a good one or we can make it one filled with drama...
To me what a good reality looks like is something like this:
Each and everyday we awakened fresh and revitalized just knowing that no matter what happens, the good, the bad, the awful, the indifferent...we can handle it all; simply because, "if God be for us, who can come against us."
Thus the spirit of gratitude abounds in every moment of our reality that we are a realizing...from the moment we open our eyes to the moment we shut them down for our rest and slumber and travel into God's realms...and about.
The reason Kristen that I don't regularly attend services is because I am generally either found doing treatments on those with emergency cases or conflicting apt. time changes...or I am found counseling with family or friends and being it is my day on the pulpit...most generally get a sermon, unlike any other...my time constraints in my normal world of being is generally kept quite busy. Not an excuse...a fact.
What I have found also very interesting in my travels all over to find churches that would preach like myself...and realized that no church could ever possibly get it right in my interpretation because the reason so many religions have sprung up since Christ's days, over 2,000 years ago, was written about 50 years after Christ's Resurrection...
With so many writers back then...(Dead Sea Scrolls-over 10,000 books/scrolls-1950's) and the writers/books in The Bible, imagine first of all, Divine inspiration to write them all came according to how they interpreted the Holy Spirit a moving through them...so have it completely and some believe that they do...
Being it was written so many years ago, lots of things in it is purely historical data and some of it are great pearls of wisdom...it is a book of exploration with the key being, "do unto others what you would have done unto yourself."
Many of the passages in the great book...kind of give you a charge towards life like no other....I especially am lead towards the unconditional love of God, Christ, Mary and Holy Spirit...all the passages that make me feel less than what I know God believes that we are all...I kind of walk over a bit...hoping that I didn't get it wrong, yet a believing that being all I can be, is all that I can be and if that isn't enough...oh well, I guess I will just have to come back and try again to get it right this life-time...know what I mean?
I believe our Bible to be wonderful...filled with all kinds of stories and all kinds of situations...lots and lots of history...I truly love it and have many interpretations...for Ordained Spiritualist Ministers believe all interpretations will and can take one Home...
My vow that I took stated exactly that...to accept all as one...and pray for those that I didn't believe was awake to awaken...
And to love those that refuse to awaken as well...knowing that even though knives, and daggers were used against one...the wounding wasn't permanent...and perhaps nothing but karma was balanced...and it was a good thing, and not just a dark night of ones soul experience...
So yes, I be some kind of a nut...yet before one states that I am "borderline certifiable," perhaps one should catch the Dr. Phil's, show that highlighted the psychic talents of one of the producer of the mini series,"Ghost Whispers," James Van Prague.
Dr. Phil is a skeptic because of his training as a medical doctor...as he stated on the show... Yet because he put it on the air ways, that is a big deal for James Van Prague...did a phenomenal performance of accuracy, in my estimation and "Ghost Whispers," is one of my favorite shows along with "Medium."
"Supernatural." when I want to scare myself awake from fundamentalistic religion type training of my yester life...know what I mean? Hell, demons, vampires...hell....damnation...criticism, judgment, vengeance, lust, greed, envy...
I heard on a talk show that Hollywood writers write these kind of programs for those that believe that they have a bad life, so something worst than what they are a living in their head and heart...will only if nothing more, generate gratitude...kind of sick thinking, yet...you know those of us that are ill and can't see things the way that others do...sometimes just like to hang out alone with our own miserable selves a believing that doing my best will insure that I don't have to hang out with the devils and demons...or feel the raging hell fires...and thirst for a drink of cold water...polluted or not...hahahehehe...
I love that one segment of Dr. Phil's show so much that I am going to put it on my website...
I also have joined the message board of it...to add my little zippity do da...so when I do get the time...after I get back from the mountains...do please check it out...I think you will see that lots that I have already told you about myself...and my gifts from the Book of Corinthians..."Gifts of the Holy Spirit," and those gifts passed down from my mother and God...at birth...are real...and like three of my male skeptics...Like Dr. Phil...want to get me a blue helmet with antenna wires on it...are not a thinking right...even though they think they are...whatever! ( R, G., and C., you know who you are)
Also Kristen for 17 years, Montel had Silvia Brown on his show, sometimes twice a week...she too is pretty good...James blew me out of the water. John Edwards is no slough either...he is quite enlightened and has also quite a gift...and then I heard about another who also has a show and some I have heard, find her better than John Edwards...and I have found Jan...to be quite good as well and she is within a short distance and has been known to make special engagements of at least a party of 8.
I guess that I had better close for tonight...I have to get up at 6 AM...to meet CC and her daughter...1/3 of the way to the mountains...
I hope that when I get back...I will find another correspondence from you...
Again, thank you for your lovely thoughts and support...knowing that I might be a leading the way for you to follow again...gives me large comfort, peace and joy...
Be Blessed as you and your husband and baby are definitely joys to our world.
Love, Light and Peace
Mom Tonie
Kristen Wilson
Date: Sat, 3 May 2008 18:20:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kristen Wilson
Subject: Re: Spiritual Ministries-Mind Body Spirit Therapies Newsletter volume 89
To: Tonie Wallace
Dear Mother Indigo,
So, I know I just saw you in Foodlion, of all places!, but just thought I would drop you a quick note since I just checked out the site! Holy crap! It looks like an awesome place! You know, it's funny because I've wanted to get out of NC so bad since coming to Pinehurst, that I have not really ever checked out all of the "hot spots" as they say. If only there was a job for Jamie there, you know?! We keep trying to stay as positive as we can - I keep telling him that the big man upstairs just has something planned that we don't know about yet, but it's hard to keep him in that mindset when we're living off one paycheck and he didn't even bring in 30 after taxes last year. But, I try my best not to focus on the money thing; we have been really trying to focus on getting me to finish school. His parents, who have been helping us pay our rent and daycare, will stop come the end of June, so needless to say, we're a bit out of sorts here recently, and he was telling me, after we saw you, that he definitely understands the stagnant thing. Who knows? Maybe the Lord will bring us to Asheville! It seems like such a positive, uplifting place, and the Lord knows we all could use that...especially after living in a place like Pinehurst. I do not have a doubt in my mind that you'll be blown away even more by it once you stay up there! I think it's a great move for you, on all levels! It is awesome to read an article in a local magazine that talks about light and love, science and religion, and baptists and wiccans. Beautiful! I love it! I was talking to my Memere the other day (dad's mom) about how I just don't really associate with one denomination because I think they all have good things about them, but the majority of them have too many rules made by men, not by God, and that's where I stray. Did I ever tell you that I had looked into Wicca? It was probably about 6 months before I met you, and I absolutely loved so much about it, but it was missing Jesus Christ, and after the sacrifice He made for me, I could not turn my back on Him. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and I really hope you find Asheville to be even more than what you were looking for because you need it and deserve it, to be around more people who understand alternative work and don't think that you're trying to sell something! But, don't forget that the Lord is going to make you work still!!! :) Unfortunately, there are still enough coconut heads out there, but with more light-filled people helping to support your mission, I think it'll make your job a great deal easier! I really hope that the Lord has a job for Jamie there. Maybe that's why he didn't get the one in Maryland? I'd hate to think that we burned on the stake together in a past life, and in this one we just cross paths, but I guess you've had your fill of me huh?! Got all your writing juices from me and leave me! haha! You know I love you, and no matter where you go, if I don't end up at the same place (which, hey, you were here before me, so you never know...) I'll always come to you! So much for a short note huh?! Anyway, I will see you soon - I'm serious when I said I was going to stop by some time during the week, but I'll probably schedule an appointment (since my loving husband suggested it!...he just doesn't know I was sending him energy to say that...) and I'll make sure we have enough time to hang too! Maybe do lunch? How's Thursday look? Well, I'll talk to you soon! Though I can't see you all the time, I hope you know I love you and I think about you!
Love you always,
Tonie Wallace
Dear All One Family:
Happy May Day!
Before you go to this newletter...(trying different formats) I just want you all to know that one of my friends, heard Cher state that her work out machine like our K1 was what kept her in shape...so cool...this technology is getting around...first Whoopi and now Cher...The other machines perhaps one can't develop a business of distributing them...this one you can.
Many designs, not all the same piece of equipment...or resell value...this one can be worked as a business tool, like I am a doing with actual CPT Codes that one can charge for the treatments were a patient to obtain a script...that is just too cool...Both machines...K1 and BioMat.
May You Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
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