Comments to Eckhart_Tolle_A_New_Earth Group*
May 2008
Spiritual Ministries Dream Founder, Director
Rev. Tonie Wallace
Dear All One Family:
I went to the website and I totally agree with all that sent their thoughts on the pastor's thoughts...when I got totally immersed into the pool of thought illuminations of Eckhart and Oprah...I found a deeper sense of my being, come alive...and now I am supposed to be sleeping to make a sojourn to the mountains to find those persons able to see that we are much more than we ever thought ourselves to be...and I have claimed my ministry after holding since 1994...since the workshop...so how was it a bad thing that Oprah did again?
A Total life change...that from poverty consciousness to helping the world and making it a better place...in the health area...so how again was what she was a doing so bad?
It is written that if anyone helps another to see more clearer the way Home, that person has a free ticket to ride...for that is our purpose here on earth, a helping awaken mankind to God...
Those that didn't catch those dangling participricols...is that Oprah and Eckhart's fault? Or could it be they aren't ready to see all the Light, Love and Peace of God, and Jesus that was a given us in its entirety...one can't possibly catch just bits and pieces of the whole and call it whole, just from a few passing moments of words used...
That is like taking bits and pieces of the Bible and forming ones own church...when one looks at all the Church's and synagogues and temples around us...one can only imagine the reason we have so many...differences in the way we call all things...I got quite clearly towards the last three segments of their shows, just how important God, Jesus was to them...and I was convinced...it is as real as what I feel...and I am a Christian, Ordained Spiritualist Minister...said in their own filter of perception, yet said, darn loud and clear...for all those that chose to listen to its entirety, that is...I mean really listen and not only pretend to hear that which didn't sound just perfect in their own estimation..."Judge not, least thee be judged, is my own motto...all can do and believe as they choose...
I judge her on her works and love given to us all, and she is absolutely astounding and I have always felt that way about her...Eckhart is probably one of the most astounding men of our times...he is hot! I get more done now than I ever have, just by practicing staying in The Now.
Has this passion for the teachings of Eckhart and Oprah harmed my relationship with my traditional fundamentalist believers clients...absolutely...I have even lost two on my email listings...because their way of thoughts state that anything outside of what they want to hear is evil...even though one of them is someone near and dear to me...and she hired me at my first hospital job...perhaps 12 years ago and I even worked on her son when he had a terrible skin condition for a price much less than normal...she kind of was something that I always send special thoughts and prayers too...down through all the years of only email contact...being I couldn't get the MLM business I started up under her, a going...and she told me that only those working the business could associate with her, being she was just too busy for anything other than that...up to and including the work that I do...not because she couldn't afford it...she just didn't have a need for it...
So to lose these email contacts...hurt...especially since one emailer, email name is harmony...and she has already told me three times to stop emailing her...yet I can't because I know that what I have, she needs...yet she thinks not...yet...I like Oprah, must let go all the judgments and thoughts of others that don't know us and don't really care too...for they are doing exactly what they need to be doing and yes, Sheyl, Jane and Tom, it is all good...
When we allow the voices of others to drown out our own voices, we are making a choice...go with the flow or go with God...
I chose to go with God...like Oprah and Eckhart...if that takes me to another place that is okay too, for as the saying goes, " a prophet is never recognized in his/her own land, they sometimes have to leave their land, so others can see them clearer."
I am currently living in one of the Bible Belts of the South...I too have jumped off the edge, even though I absolutely love the Bible...go figure...hahahehehe...it is all good.
Thanks for the mind blend...I needed it tonight...tomorrow a big adventure day for me...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
sheyla filmeridis
To: Eckhart_Tolle_A_New_Earth@yahoogroups.com
From: sheyla filmeridis
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 21:01:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [Eckhart_Tolle_A_New_Earth] Re: Let's Pray for Oprah
I sense that this letter was carefully written, with
very good intentions, and with love.
Of course, as you say, "his belief system is filtering
his perceptions".
Is this not true for any of us when we step out of the
Presence within, when we are away from that deep quiet
in which is 'everlasting peace'?
My deep desire is to touch that inner freedom now, and
the only way i have been able to sometimes glimpse it
is to leave behind ego, mind, senses ... and i
remember, some days more than others, to stop
searching, analyzing, defining... and by doing so i
simply experience Presence.
I hope that this makes some sense!?
Oh, and how lovely for the pastor's letter not to be
polluted with hatred!!
Love Love to all,
--- redsmydog
> Exactly! His belief system is filtering his
> perception to where he
> sees what validates his beliefs!
> -Tom
> --- In Eckhart_Tolle_A_New_Earth@yahoogroups.com,
> Jane Wood
> >
> > It's actually sort of amusing. All the things he
> is concerned about
> she is actually doing
> > but he just has a different spin on it. He
> hasn't made the shift
> that God is truely within us and not "out there"
> somewhere. It's all
> good:)
> > Jane
> >
> > redsmydog
> > Hi Folks,
> >
> > Now that the New Earth webinar is complete, it
> seems this list is
> > pretty quiet. I'd be interested to hear what
> people have gained, if
> > anything, from the 'Tolle Experience'.
> >
> > I found the following article on the Internet and
> as I read it, I
> > could see the ego-mind at work compartmentalizing
> and dividing. My
> > belief is all paths are leading in the same
> direction, some just twist
> > and turn more than others. Live and let live!
> >
> > Here's the link to the article, tell me what ya
> think:
> > http://www.jamesrobison.net/columns08/041808.html
> >
> > Peace,
> > -Tom
> >
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