Monday, September 29, 2008
Love And Relationships By Tom
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Love And Relationships
September 29, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
The below excerpt from Tom is truly quite good. I do hope that you take the time to read it.
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Love and Relationships
© 2008 Tom Murasso
We’ve heard it said so many times – Love makes the
world go ‘round. Well, it’s true! Love does make the
world go ‘round… and the Universe too! Love is the
energy of Creation – the movement of All That Is – the
fuel that brings forth life.
There are many kinds of love. We use the word love to
describe what we enjoy; “I love pizza!” And, we use
the term when we appreciate something; “I love how you
painted the bedroom.” Love can be expressed as an
emotion when we say something like; “I love my new
kitten!” or to show our feelings for spouses, friends and
family; “I love you so much!” But, these expressions of
love are ‘personal’, which mean there are conditions
attached to them and they are expressions of the
What does ‘conditional love’ mean then? Simply put,
the ego part of us expresses love in a selfish or
self-centered way. Conditional means: relating to
conditions, circumstances, or requirements. For example,
the love of one’s sexual partner is conditional.
Typically, it is based on the sexual attraction of the
individuals and the exclusivity of the relationship.
However, if one party had sexual relations with another,
this circumstance most likely would interrupt the love as
the ego self of the partner that didn’t stray would feel
bruised, hurt, angry, unloved, or worse.
Another example would be the love of a friend. Friendships
are based on shared interests, mutual support, feeling good,
easy communication, and various other things that make
people our friend. If someone loves a friend because of
their personality, sense of humor, the way they make us
feel, or any other aspect, then the friendship is based on
conditional love. If any circumstances arise which
threaten the love, i.e. lifestyle changes, periods of no
communication, friendships with others, or they cease to
express what we enjoy about them, the love is selfish and
What is getting in the way of expressing real love –
unconditional love – is the egoic separate-self and
it’s emotions like, anger, pride, envy, and something we
think is okay, possessive love of spouses, sexual partners,
friends and family. She’s my wife; that’s my husband; I
love my kid, my dad, my sister, or my anything. I’m
describing personal, possessive, conditional love that has
very little to do with the other person.
Unconditional love is not personal – it doesn’t start
or stop – it just is. Conditional love has expectations,
rules, agendas to follow, and when not met, causes upsets
and reactions. In a way, it is easier to show
unconditional love to a stranger than someone close to you.
We all want to feel love. We go to great lengths to
achieve it, and feel our lives are incomplete without it.
It’s probably safe to say that our need to feel love is
as great as our need for food, water, and air. But, the
kind of love everyone seeks (and needs) is unconditional
love. So, why must we put conditions on it?
We put conditions, circumstances, and requirements on love
because we were programmed to do so from early childhood.
We saw that when we were good, people loved us. So, if we
were quiet, cleaned our room, did our chores, didn’t hit
our siblings, and otherwise did the right things, we were
loved. But, when we were bad, all the love suddenly
vanished. We were taught that love was conditional –
that we had to buy love from the people around us with our
behavior. How can someone feel loved when love is bought?
We can only feel loved when it is given freely,
Few of us have ever received true, unconditional love. We
were taught conditional love. As long as we were good boys
and girls, our parents and others smiled at us, gave us a
hug, spoke nicely to us… and we felt loved. But, what
happened when we made a mistake? The people closest to us
– the ones we thought loved us - frowned, showed
disappointment, and maybe even yelled at us. Although it
was unintentional, our parents and others taught us a
terrible message.
The moment we do anything at all to win the approval or
respect of other people, we are paying for the attention
and affection we receive. We seek real love without a
price tag. Any other kind of love – conditional,
circumstantial, required, possessive – anything other
than unconditional isn’t really love at all… it’s an
imitation of the real thing. True love is entirely
different from the kind of love most of us have known all
our lives. It’s hard to believe, but conditional love is
based upon fear – fear of not being loved.
Unconditional love is a state of being. It is caring about
the happiness of another without any thought for what we
receive in return. Unconditional love is the way of the
Children of the Law of One (explained in depth in my new
book, The Manuscript: Awakening Into Oneness).
Unconditional love is expanded awareness, and
We can see the results of people not giving and receiving
true love… emptiness. We then try to fill that emptiness
with whatever feels good at the moment be it drugs, alcohol,
anger, money, sex, violence, power, gambling, buying things,
or anything else we use as a substitute for real love. It
fills the emptiness for a moment, but it never lasts, and
it never brings happiness. Most people spend their lives
trying to fill their lives with a substitute for true love,
but all they achieve is more frustration and unhappiness.
The single most important requirement for happiness is to
feel loved, but most people don’t really understand what
love is. We don’t know how to find it and if we do,
it’s difficult to hold onto. We talk about it, thousands
of books and movies are made about it, yet it is elusive and
slips through our fingers. Love and happiness go
hand-in-hand, and when I talk about happiness, I’m
talking about a feeling of peace and fulfillment that
bathes the soul in a knowing that all is well and there is
nothing to fear. This feeling doesn’t go away when life
becomes difficult – it grows and engulfs us in a light of
protection. This is our reason to live – to find
unconditional love and share it with others. This is our
work on the planet. Nothing else matters.
Conditional love can bring us moments of happiness, but
we’re still left with emptiness inside. Only
unconditional love can fulfill us. When someone is
genuinely concerned about our happiness, we feel connected
to that person. And, when we love unconditionally, we
connect with others and create a powerful lasting bond that
brings happiness to all. Only true love without conditions
can do this.
Anything other than unconditional love is an imitation of
this essential emotion. Praise is a substitute for real
love. When we received praise as children and heard words
such as, “Good boy,” or “Good girl,” we understood
that to mean we were loved. This set us up for a lifetime
wanting to please others in pursuit of praise. “Good
job,” “Excellent work,” and similar words of praise
programmed our body-minds to believe we were not lovable
unless we, “Make a good first impression,” or “Put
the best foot forward.” We’re taught that seeking
praise is a good thing… but it’s a poor substitute for
And, what happens when someone sees the other foot – the
worst foot? What happens when we make a mistake or reveal
some imperfection? The disappointment can be overwhelming.
Relationships based on praise are an illusion destined to
fail. Neither person loves the other completely – once
the complete person is revealed – so is the illusion.
Without real love, the foundation of any relationship will
be weak and any upsets will eventually cause it to fail.
As we try to do our very best, hoping to fill our emptiness
with praise, we find it is fleeting and never fills the hole
in our heart. The effects of praise are always short-lived
leaving us desperate for another ‘fix’.
All forms of imitation love are like addictive drugs.
Despite our pursuit to earn it, the beneficial effects
become less and less. We have to work harder to get the
‘high’ and eventually we become exhausted, frustrated,
or worse. No matter how much we pursue – no matter how
successful we are at obtaining it – imitation love never
connects us with another… we still feel alone, helpless,
and afraid.
Power and control over others provides temporary relief
from our feelings of emptiness, weakness, and fear. When
we get people to agree with us – to do what we want –
we feel we have some measure of control over the love we
receive. Power as a substitute for real love includes
money, authority, intimidation, anger, violence, and sex.
And again, only leads to more addictive behavior.
Some people fill the emptiness in their hearts with
physical and emotional pleasures. Food, alcohol, shopping,
sex, extreme sports, drugs, gambling, etc. are some of the
choices for many of us looking for love. The pleasure we
receive is a short-lived distraction from the pain and
emptiness we feel inside. These distractions can never
produce genuine happiness. The pleasure wears off more
quickly each time and eventually, no amount of it can
satisfy our need for unconditional love.
We go to great lengths to avoid the pain of not being
loved. If we can’t find the love we seek, we can at
least do everything we can to avoid experiencing more pain.
So, we stop growing. We avoid anything new and unfamiliar.
We live in fear, staying in the same unfulfilling jobs day
in and day out, diverting our attention with television and
mindless drivel, and continuing unrewarding, yet
predictable, relationships.
Sixty percent of marriages end in divorce these days, and a
vast majority of those that remain married have settled for
less then they had hoped for. Ideally, a marriage should
be the ultimate relationship in one’s life, joining two
Souls in joy and love. So, what happens? Both people
believe the other is at fault. They each feel their
partner has failed them in some way as they once made them
happy and now their spouse makes them miserable. What
caused the marriage to fail? The lack of real love almost
guarantees a relationship is doomed from the start.
Oh, in the beginning the relationship is happy… each
party gives the other enough imitation love to achieve the
illusion of joy, happiness, and compatibility. This
feeling is better than they’ve ever felt before – this
must be the real thing. But, when the illusion fades,
they’re left with the realization that their marriage has
no more substance than a cloud of smoke. The one thing that
would guarantee happiness, unconditional love, was missing
from the beginning.
But… everything I pointed out above concerns the egoic
separate-self focused on an objective reality. In other
words, the separate-self believes everyone and everything
is ‘out there’ – even love! Enlightenment, expanding
awareness, ascension – whatever we want to call what is
available for us in the coming years – means our work is
to become connected to the True Self and leave this
illusion behind us. Yes, of course this awakening includes
unconditional love, but it’s more of a way of being and a
service to others that encompasses all people and things.
Unconditional love, happiness, joy, the connection with the
True Self, and our relationships with others are all
happening within us. It is not our spouse’s work, nor
anyone else’s responsibility to help us find love and
happiness – we must find love and happiness within.
Every relationship we have with every person we ever come
in contact with is a reflection of ourselves.
Relationships help us look within. What we dislike in
another is what we dislike about ourselves. What we like
about someone reflects what we like about ourselves. The
problem lies in the fact that most people look for
validation of their likes and dislikes through
relationships with others. Rather than finding our own
truth, we care more about what the other person thinks,
says, or feels rather than what we think, say, or feel.
The relationship defines who and what we are.
We must become our truth. The answers to whom and what we
are must come from within. We must identify with the
greatest part of ourselves, the True Self – that part of
us that is compassion, confidence, wisdom, happiness,
sharing, and unconditional love. We must find that place
inside that knows no boundaries, sees past the illusion of
separateness, and loves and accepts all.
This knowing – this state of being – is the greatest
gift we can give to ourselves and others. It is not
difficult to love ourselves when we find the truth of our
being. Quite often people seek out relationships to
determine if they are worthy of love when the answer really
lies within. The True Self is unconditional love!
When we know our infinite potential and love who we truly
are unconditionally, then we have no reason to seek
relationships to determine if we are worthy of love. Once
we understand our greatness, our perfection, our
completeness then we can begin to use relationships to
share our greatness with each other instead of seeking out
a relationship to complete us. We are already complete and
whole (and love). Everything we see in another will always
be what we see within ourselves. Consequently, we start to
treat all people as the magnificent part of Oneness that
they are.
How one interacts with others in relationships is based
upon one’s viewpoint of relationships. In other words,
if we have had negative experiences in our relationships,
there is the danger of creating the same scenario again and
again if we decide to react based on the interaction itself.
However, by adopting the perspective that relationships are
mirrors of qualities within ourselves, we will discover the
exact source of every problem a relationship may encounter.
So, what are these hidden parts of us that reflect in our
relationships? These are the parts of us that we deem
unacceptable; the parts of ourselves that we try to hide,
deny, or suppress. Anger, laziness, criticism,
selfishness, weakness, etc. are the negative qualities we
don’t want to reveal to the world… or to ourselves.
Most of us hope that by suppressing these aspects of
ourselves, we will find the peace and happiness we desire.
We’ve been taught early on that we’re flawed and
inadequate, so we think locking our bad qualities away, no
one will discover our secrets and we would be worthy of
But, suppressing our negative sides stunts our spiritual
growth. We cannot live our lives to the fullest expressing
our completeness; or worse, we live in shame and
dissolution. Until we acknowledge our dark side, we will
continue the battle inside us and our relationships will be
a reflection of the war we are having within. When we can
love every aspect of ourselves and forgive our humanness,
we will be able to experience love from all who cross our
paths. Until that point, we will continue to attract
people and events that reflect the negativity we feel about
ourselves. If we’re not receiving the love and
appreciation we desire from others, most likely we’re not
loving and appreciating ourselves. Read that again.
How do we shift gears from suppressing to embracing our
negative side? Rather than deeming our weaknesses, rage,
and insecurities as enemies, we must find the wisdom hidden
within them. Every quality, every emotion, every
experience, hold great lessons that help us transform our
thoughts and beliefs and can help us remember our infinite
potential. Anything that once held us back – any quality
of ourselves that we suppressed – can become the fire
which ignites the True Self and will begin the process of
great spiritual transformation. Embracing our dark side
allows us to reclaim our power.
Accepting the totality of ourselves is a process of loving
ourselves completely – unconditionally. Our emotional
scars are transformed into our greatest gifts, and what we
once believed were our adversaries, become our greatest
allies. There is no greater love than self-acceptance.
Loving the darkness within ourselves allows us to love the
darkness in others. Then there are no conditions attached
to our love for another – no judgment – it is
unconditional, whole, and complete. We come to a new place
of understanding where we can shine our light on all of
Integrating our different aspects allow us to uncover how
our hidden side is really our greatest gift. We find that
are weaknesses are the hidden strengths that lead us to
expansion. We must make a conscious choice to change our
belief that life happens to us and open up to the reality
that we create our experiences for Soul growth and we must
find the lessons therein. We must look at our lives and
understand that each and every event, experience, and
person in our life are there in order for our growth,
insight and wisdom. This requires examining every aspect
of ourselves and our lives and asking, “How does this
serve my growth?”
The darkness we hide inside is our greatest teacher. It is
what guides us to uncovering the True Self – if we only
allow it. It requires nothing more than a shift in our
perception whereby we choose to look at our lives in a way
that empowers us and allows us to realize all change comes
from within and to love unconditionally.
When we allow unconditional love (and acceptance) to become
our state of being, we unleash the capacity to enhance all
of life as well as ourselves. We expand our awareness –
we remember we are unconditional love. We really don’t
have to experience anything because we already possess the
knowledge of everything within; we need to awaken, we need
to remember. We always have the option of staying asleep,
and that’s okay – people, events, and circumstances
will come our way to help us awaken. It’s up to us if we
leave the driving up to our unconscious, or grab the wheel
and consciously take control of our journey and the
direction we want to go.
Excerpt from Tom's new book,
“The Manuscript: Awakening Into Oneness”
© 2008 Thomas Michael Murasso
Available at:
Want to use this article on your website, blog or ezine?
You can, as long as you include this statement with it: Tom
Murasso is a certified hypnotherapist and self-development
author/trainer. He has studied religion, metaphysics,
spirituality and the teachings of the ancient mystery
schools for well over four decades. The author of several
books on self-empowerment, he believes we’re riding the
crest of an accelerated cosmic energy wave that is raising
the consciousness of humanity. His current activities
include personal consultation, tele-classes, and developing
techniques to remove negative blocks to conscious creation.
Receive 10 FREE eBooks on the Power of the Mind at his
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Presidential Election Debate Thoughts September 2008
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Mess or all things as they are supposed to be?
September 27, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I don't know how many of you bothered with the presidential election debate between Senator Obama and Senator McClain. I did.
My thoughts for those a that I felt that they went well.
I got a chance to see both sides of the ticket and now I understand why they are basically a running neck and neck.
They both are basically similar to what our country needs, except different in two key aspects.
John in spite of his love for our country, still I feel moves more towards those that have more and Senator Obama...more towards the man and women that are the key backbone of this country...the middle and lower class.
Too long our country has put into office those that serve up themselves instead of the majority of this country a paying their way to do such to us.
Kind of ironic wouldn't you say?
I have gotten so many not so kind or truthful emails a trying to down grade Senator Obama from everything, but the devil...that I just pray for those misguided individuals that proclaim such lame mistruths...for isn't it one of our Bible's commandments that we don't bear false witness?
Just a throwing it out there if anyone cares to know what I am a thinking and a feeling right now that our country is at its worst level in the history of our country since the Depression back in the 1920's.
Do I feel that Senator Obama is the man of the hour? Absolutely right!
Do I agree with each and everything that he is about? No, yet does anybody agree with all things told them by others? I personally don't have any in my life that I agree with 100%. I pray that you do, yet believe that were one really honest...they perhaps would find the same factor...rather that person be a family member, friend or such... Just my thoughts...
Tonight's news was pretty depressing to me...especially the part where Senator Obama was a stating that not one American should pay one dollar to bail out those responsible for the crashing of our economy. Mortgage companies, Banks, Wall Street and such.
My question to Senator Obama is thus...if we don't help, what is the long range effect..."for every action, there is a reaction." Have you thought this one looking out of the box?
I also believe that if man kind can dream it, he can create it...such as the television show, "Numbers." I believe that the show has some validity in that all is a numbers game...all things can be put down and analyzed/calculated and come up with a summation...I believe that those folks that live within the numbers world, can help you bring forth the proper calculation figures and that is what the American people want you to do.
Find these folks, and not like what you state are Senator McClain's associate friends, Lobbyists...for these persons who are more for the self-interest groups; the multi-billion dollar corporations...for these are the responsible parties I feel will hold the major crux of the blame were our nation to fold.
So I would say to you this...pick your associates wisely...both you and Senator Biden...and I would say to Senator might want to re-evaluate your own comrades in light of the fact that we have become a very fear based, non trusting nation of Americans and others...
We see how hard it is to pay our bills on time and how slow and sometimes non existing our work is becoming...we are in trouble here and we all know that our government is responsible for it seems all were asleep and no one was a watching and wasn't it only a few weeks ago that Senator McClain stated that our economy was sound?
Does Senator McClain feel that we are all asleep? Some of us are a working two and three jobs to keep their heat/air, lights, water, food on the table, for themselves and their children...just a throwing it out there.
As for my thoughts on Iraq...should there be a pull out? I believe that we should have a scheduled pull out, for this nation in case you aren't a borrowing money from China in order to keep funding the war efforts..yet Iraq isn't a helping with our presence there and that bothers me...for I thought that they were going to help fund the endeavor, especially in their own rebuilding...
Yet I could have been a dreaming never knows...Just like I could still be a dreaming that color means nothing in America anymore...yea, right! Yet just remember something that is real...The Jewish nation believes Senator Obama is white...because his mother is white...for the nationality of the birth mother is what determines ones race.
I personally believe that the soul essence of each and everyone of us, is the color of water...and that our outer garment is not as important as what is our inner worth...for there is where God lives inside of each and everyone of us...
Thus when Senator Obama and Senator McClain clashed on Senator Obama a wanting to go into negotiations with other world leaders without demands first stated, I for some reason believe that how can you know what the other is thinking before a asking them?
The old way that we used to think as a world, was that to "shoot first and then ask questions." To me it just makes good sense to sit down at the table and talk things through first...then if the talks aren't a going as good as you would like...formulate a plan that would benefit both parties and not just one or the other...
To Senator McClain I would state that it made me quite worrisome when I heard you state that you would suspend all spending that wasn't earmarked by you...that sounds like some more programs for the little person a being cut and here we go again on that magically down ward can we trust someone that doesn't feel that open ended communications are good? Just my thoughts and I do hope and pray that I am wrong about this analogy of you from just your debate speech last night. do please forgive me if I am wrong.
The polls state that Senator Obama took the debate last night...again I felt that both are making a good attempt at trying to have us believe that a turn around in our country is possible...I do hope and pray you both are right...
Back to today's news cast...
Along with Senator Obama's words earlier expressed in my newsletter...Senator Obama's blirp...showed him talking on the phone to the committee meeting a trying to bring together the bail out...and personally, he looked a bit gloomy...and I feel as well, that he too is having doubts that this bail out will work for the whole of the American people and not just those responsible for letting us all down...
I hope and pray that I am wrong...and it was just my paranoia a working overtime again!
To Senator Obama and Senator McClain, I would like to finally both are rather brave men...please choose well your decisions...understand that lots is at stake here for your fellow Americans...and our history books, historians are a recording all of your actions, just like they have for all actors and actresses in our nation's are a helping write history as you go...make it a grand and nation blessed journey...please?
My thoughts tonight
May All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Body Wellness-Acid/Alkaline Balance
The pH Nutrition Guide to Acid / Alkaline Balance
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
This is a very special edition of my newsletter.
In this posting, not only are you able to see the most current picture of Clayton Anthony, my neice's baby that was born premature and still has to see lots of specialists in the medical field...isn't he gorgeous!
You also get to read about another idea in the alternative/medical field about acid/alkaline balance from "Natural News."
Just click on the link and there you will be.
May you all be blessed, always!
Love, Light and Peace
Monday, September 15, 2008
To Herb Lady - Ginny
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Untiring work of God's Messengers of Hope
September 15, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
September 15, 2008
Dear Ginny:
I want to thank you for all of your contributions to my website at , "Ginny's Herbal Corner" I want to thank you for helping my friends and family members that have traveled to your site by email or phone...and were helped by you.
I want to thank you for all those persons that you have signed up under me in Nature Sunshine Company as well. I know that I have been a forfeiting my bonuses by not maintaining a set monthly pv...yet right now...just a keeping the rent sort of paid, and the lights, water, phone, food, gas a flowing in this economy...has taken up all of my mandatory reguirements of life.
I hope that I do get on the stick rather soon though...for I know that I am losing money by having this research center at such a precarious position...yet it is what it is, until it is not...just keep a praying for me...
Thank you again for all that you do for us all, with your newsletters and such...
Also, a family member of mine has this condition that I pulled a bit of stuff from the Web MD site...I know that she will be a contacting you seek help with the below well as her blood preassure and stuff and I also told her about the muscle testing that you do for flower essences...I hope you still have those to offer from folks...
Love you girl and I will be a resigning up again for my yearly membership before it expires, I believe the end of this that correct?
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
Arnold-Chiari Malformation
It is possible that the main title of the report Arnold-Chiari Malformation is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report.
Arnold-Chiari Malformation
Cerebellomedullary Malformation Syndrome
Disorder Subdivisions
Chiari Type I (Chiari Malformation I)
Chiari Type II (Chiari Malformation II)
General Discussion
Arnold-Chiari malformation is a rare malformation of the brain that is sometimes, but not always, apparent at birth. It is characterized by abnormalities in the area where the brain and spinal cord meet that cause part of the cerebellum to protrude through the bottom of the skull (foramen magnum) into the spinal canal. This interferes with the flow of cerebral spinal fluid to and from the brain, leading to accumulation of cerebral spinal fluid in the empty spaces of the spine and brain. The portion of the cerebellum that protrudes into the spinal canal can become elongated and is called the "cerebellar tonsils" because it resembles the tonsils.
There are four types of Chiari malformation. Depending on the type, the impact on the affected individual may range from mild to severe.
American Syringomyelia Alliance Project, Inc. (ASAP)
300 N. Green Street, Suite 412
Longview, TX 75601
Tel: (903)236-7079
Fax: (903)757-7456
Tel: (800)272-7282
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
1275 Mamaroneck Avenue
White Plains, NY 10605
Tel: (914)428-7100
Fax: (914)997-4763
Tel: (888)663-4637
Spina Bifida Association of America
4590 MacArthur Boulevard NW
Suite 250
Washington, DC 20007-4226
Tel: (202)944-3285
Fax: (202)944-3295
Tel: (800)621-3141
Hydrocephalus Association
870 Market Street
Suite 705
San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel: 4157327040
Fax: 4157327044
Tel: 8885983789
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
31 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892-2540
Tel: (301)496-5751
Fax: (301)402-2186
Tel: (800)352-9424
Canadian Syringomyelia Network
69 Penny Crescent
Ontario, L3P 5X7
Tel: 9054718278
Fax: 9059444844
Hydrocephalus Support Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 4236
Chesterfield, MO 63006-4236
Tel: 6365328228
Fax: 3142515871
Birth Defect Research for Children, Inc.
930 Woodcock Rd
Suite 225
Orlando, FL 32803
Tel: 4078950802
Fax: 4078950824
World Arnold Chiari Malformation Association
31 Newtown Woods Road
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Tel: (610)353-4737
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
5550 Meadowbrook Drive
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-3852
Tel: (847)378-0500
Fax: (847)378-0600
Tel: (888)566-2267
Internet: and
For a Complete Report:
This is an abstract of a report from the National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. ® (NORD). A copy of the complete report can be obtained for a small fee by visiting the NORD website. The complete report contains additional information including symptoms, causes, affected population, related disorders, standard and investigational treatments (if available), and references from medical literature. For a full-text version of this topic, see
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Weathering Hanna Sept. 06, 2008
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
After The Storm Passes, The Sun Always Shines!
September 06, 2008
Dear All One Family:
What a beautiful day it is here...the storm waged on all through the night and I paid very little attention to it...for all things are in God's Hand's...all wonderful it is to bask in the Light, Love, Peace and Comfort of God, knowing that He is totally taking a hold of the reins of all things that we can not control or change...
By basically changing how we feel about things within ourselves...helps change the world around is so true...we are a blessed world and don't even know it for the most part...
I am so full of peace, comfort and joy from the events of yesterday now unfolding down upon myself...and as I look through all the soot and ashes of people's lives so changed by a moment in time...I am in awe that inspite of my world being so rocky and bumpy at this is still better than some a still trying to make out some meaning from the meaningless...
Just my thoughts today...
May All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Yes, I know that we have the hurricane named Ike a moving in close proximity of us...yet with it as is what it is...will I pray to help diminish its impact upon all those caught in the wake of its storm? Absolutely, for that is what I would want done for me as well..."Do unto others that which you would have done unto you."
By the way, the county and area that I live in was perhaps the hardest hit in my county...the floods, downed trees and power lines and road closings are all around me...and I was spared by less than 5 blocks? Too cool!
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Senator Lieberman-Movement Towards Independent Party
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
First Night of Republican Convention
September 02, 2008
Dear All One Family:
These are some thoughts that flowed after tonights first night of the Republican Convention. It also contains a testimony that I needed all about now that it seems evident that I will have to come to some kind of decision for the compensation that I am a receiving for my research is not allowing me to continue in the luxury that I have grown to have and to hold?
So please bear with me as I move back into the Light, Love and Peace that I know that Our Heavenly Father would have us all travel.
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
Dear loved one:
What a precious story you just shared with me. How much of it did I already convey in thought possessions...that convinced you that I could touch the very core essence of yourself?
That is why you allowed me in...those that don't allow me to, usually don't find that which they are a looking for...answers sometimes that only God knows and all our loved ones that have gone before us, back Home.
I still believe that I made soul contact with your father...the man that was a high school principal and kind of showed me where my grandchild's teacher's office was, because I was asked to cover my oldest grandson's parent-teacher conference because my son and my daughter in law were too busy to cover it.
The man that directed me to my grandson's class room was your father as you surmised from the description I gave of him to you, being you had never shown me a picture of him.
I told you of his deep charm and romantic manipulative spirit, I could see me being with a high school principal...quite easily!
You said that was your father's spirit, he could charm a snake out of their skin...hahahehehe...and some sort of similarity can own it if you want too... or not...
I told you that I didn't like a doing these soul contract things and that is why I like the show "Medium," so well...I can kind of relate, yet would rather not is too busy for me to be stuck in yesterday...for today, this very moment is where all things are a happening...
Know what I mean dear dolphin spirit?
I watched tonight's first night of the Republican Convention. You know I had too, even though I am an Independent and an Independent is one that does exactly what D-Senator Lieberman told us all to do..."vote casted not for party, but for the person."
I have a few problems with tonight's presentation...leading in towards the highlights of John's and Sarah's acceptance speeches...
First of all to Sarah I will say this...I don't see you responsible for your daughter's too early judgment of trying to grow up too quick. I did as well. Please don't punish your daughter for the shame that you believe she caused you, during this picky ass election me...
Many mothers just like you have been caught up in the phenomenon of teen-agers a growing up too fast..., or at least believing that lfe won't begin until one leaves home...has a husband and kids in any order...marriage first, marriage is the way of the world as you know.
Yes, perhaps you blame yourself for spending too much time away with work and other commitments of time for I don't believe as a was a simply just seem more motivated than that and I don't doubt that you could do the job as vice president very well...I just wonder if you realize all that is wrong with the government system...
I know that I should concentrate on what is right in the world...yet it is hard when one has to basically beg for others to assist so that she can keep her lights on, while basically allowing her land lord to be on stand-by for payments a flying in the air...pretty soon, one just realizes that the battle is over and it is throw in the towel.
So it is hard for me in being a professional and realizing that the work that I do is not totally compensated by insurance coverage.
I know that when I talked to Blue Cross - Blue Shield representative for our state, I was told that were we all to have licensure...that insurance companies such as theirs would compensate their subscribers...that never happened and now I am a facing a losing my licensure ability if I don't hurry up and get another 15 credit hours, plus come up with licensing fees...
This every two years of it costing me about $1K is really a getting to me, especially since most of us aren't a making all that much money being we are being held back by the insurance companies as not being a valuable commodity...
They are a saying that...even though the research from the National Health Institute states that their research projects that they had conducted with their sponsorship...proved differently...
So yes, between all the things good about our great land, those things that aren't right...needs to be someone with lots already on their plate is a good source to tape for all know that such a person as yourself and be the most liable to get the job done right...Yet what is the cost? Something to think about...are you Sarah up for the march?
Now on the subject of abortion. I see your side and that of others as well...Yet, I have to ask you this question...don't you believe that our government has enough laws to place upon us?
I just don't like the idea of so much government control for as in time periods in the past...those that want abortions will find abortion clinics in which to perform them...even in shaddy out of the place, non sterile conditions.
I am right up there with you Sarah about abortion not being for me...So I can only speak for those not into the abortion thing.
We are a land of so many different circumstances that could surround a pregnancy...I myself have experienced date rape. I didn't know that is what it was called and I somehow just digested the situation, perhaps as the time frame mind-set of that time that it happened; a believing that somehow the women institute it...through elicit dress or perfume or suggestive behavior...
No pregnancy came out of the date rape...I was lucky...
Had I gotten pregnant I would have carried the baby full term...for the taking of another's life is just not what I am about...yet I can't speak for the everyone...for were it a gang rape kind of thing that left me devastated and damaged forever from all memories of that event...or a rape that left one in can I speak for that person? I can't, I can only speak for myself...and that is how it is going to be when we all go Home from where we came from originally...
I also got married at 18 and had my first child at 19. With so much trash on the television and movie, is it no wonder...our kids are acting out a bit early for their years...we can all understand it...this is personal stuff like Obama stated...we need to stay out of it...We stayed out of Bill and Hillary's way...the press needs to here as well...go girl! I am proud of you...great job! And my prayers go to your son and all the sons and daughters, past, present. Thank you all our American heroes...that goes for you John as well.
May God keep and hold you all securely until all can come home and keep our shore lines secure...God Bless You All!
Just my thoughts...All can take what they need and please leave the rest...
I also find John McCain's wife to be a jewel...and highly loving, humanitarian and devoted wife...both women in this election race, I find to be outstanding...
John McCain. A very good man and war hero...I have no doubt that were we in normal times...not seen much in our nation's history...the job you could do would be outstanding!
Yes I do remember when you stood out against those things that President Bush was adamant about. I didn't forget all those "Face The Nation," shows that you did...Yet right now at the state that our land has grown to...due to the amount of persons having a hard time in obtaining jobs, health care, vacation time, adequate schooling, alternative health care for those wanting it, research into bio fuel sources because the current one is a destroying the ability for us to stay one day ahead and are losing two days, each day... and cost of living increases automatically within everyones pay...
All countries a understanding the need to stay within a conformity on all issues...nuclear, social behavior...for all behavior done to done to us all...we all are sharing the same air, and commodities.
I realize that is simple stuff and in a land that says all things have to come by us hard or it isn't appreciated...all that believe that way...might be right...yet I believe it can be as simple as all a understanding we are all in this together.
Communication is the key to gaining world wide adminstration that once they get a handle on all the inside and outside of our government system...I see can go either direction...they an go towards the good for all of mankind or they can move towards the good for only a small few...
I believe Aseem from one of my websites calls it..."Attitude equals altitude," which spells out to me the rise or fall of a nation...
Senator McCain, the person that I see a holding this office will be one that will be busy a doing lots of hard work...and some of it will make him wonder ; "what was he thinking?" When he said he would run for office. " (Dr. Phil issum)
So now again I want you to ask yourself...are you really up for the count down?
Especially since your friend Senator Lieberman praise former president Bill Clinton so much for his and Al Gore's free trade agreement... NAFTA...
I also heard you say Senator McCain, that you too were for th free trade agreement and that is the sole reason along with president George Bush's...CAFTA...the opening up of free trade to Central America, along with NAFTA's being our European connection...
This is the amendment that took our American jobs over seas/Mexco/Central and South America...a leaving our government in a deficit over now uncollectable income taxes, plus not to mention the foreclosures, high gas pricing that lead to increase cost of living costs...and I could go on and on...yet am tired of all the thoughts of the things needing to be resolved.
Both of our party candidates know them all by now...
That is why I say, good luck to you both...and I personally would like you all to stop the name bashing and fault finding...and please discover between the both of you president candidates...Obama and yourself...what the real issues are and the one that can best tell us what their plans are about solving our nations ills...will gain the election...we no longer need to hear what so and so did 24 years ago when he was young and dumb...we all have had our close calls when we were much more asleep than we are now..."cut to the chase"
Facts and solutions is what we are a hoping for when the debates go into play...that is all and may the best team...pull forward...I have both teams on the altar of God.
And that L.M. is what I would tell them all...were it within my power to. Know what I mean?
Dear L.M.
For anyone dolphin energy lovely one...that can see the value in my work,which says to me, that I am valuable and to have you reaffirm my value...I thank you, for you given me the strength to stay longer than I had anticipated and I do thank you for your offer of residence and adoption...hahahehehe...and I am older than you! Too funny!
Yet somehow in my mind's eye...I like the father of 5 children, and a wife...who were on Dr. Phil's show a while ago...believe something very magical from God will be a happening soon...and then my whole life will change in an instant...I haven't lost that hope yet...yet it is really hard especially when you think you will be in the dark and out on the street, if the cavalry doesn't arrives soon...hahahehehe...
Thus I feel that my next move will be perhaps the final move...for I really do hate a moving...lots of and then leaving the place better than I found my a putting my stuff in storage and moving in with you...would be alright were I able to work as well out of your home...which I probably could...yet there is the issue of my way too hairy...and basically has the run of my place, and as you know believes he is a little man...and my dog's hair makes you itch... livng with another after being alone for 15 years and loving my life of hibernation...I don't know...short time will tell what God has in store for me...
I have a close friend of mine in Wisconsin that has looked into a 70 acre spread with a barn that has been converted into apartments...and other buildings on it...and a small rustic chapel...that she believed would be a good investment for a research center...
I told her that I would consider it...for she had always wanted something similar to what she found and combine the dream with mine...The price on the piece of property was about $750,000. I no longer like the cold this is lots to think that way as well.
Lots to think about...
Enough for tonight...I am getting tired, finally...
May We All Be Always Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Thank you L.M., again for your story...I am touched by it all...
--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Lisa
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 9:12 PM
My name is L.M. and I would like to share my story with you.
I was never a big believer in "religious" services, they just never rang true in my heart, there was always something missing, or the preacher didn't live what he preached, so I avoided church.
Then several years ago, my close friend's sister, Joyce, invited me to her church, and I went. I was amazed at how right it felt, but still did not pursue it. Years later, this same church was built right below my house. intrigued by what I remembered I went several times and was once again amazed at how right and real the pastor, the people, the atmosphere felt. I remember thinking, Turning Point and Pastor Stoney have shown me the light at the end of my long dark tunnel.
I could not have been more wrong.
Pastor Stoney, and Turning Point have shown me the light of the beginning of my journey of service and worship to god. My heart my eyes my life has been opened to the miracles that are ours to receive if only we believe.
And belief is a major part of what I have learned. I know that God loves me, I know that miracles exist, and I know that there are beautiful wonderful caring people on this earth and that I am blessed.
I was diagnosed with a very rare brain tumor on Feb 9th of this year. How this diagnosis came about is another miraculous story I will tell another time. One in ten million people get it what I had. Our local hospital would not even consider touching me. Luckily we are close to Chapel Hill and the brain surgeon there at-least knew of the disease. after multiple blood and other test including MRI and cat scans, it was determined that I had a 6 mm tumor that was attached to my pituitary gland and was laying on my optical nerve. This tumor was causing my pituitary gland to secrete levels of hormones into my bloodstream at 100 to 300 times what the normal levels should have been. My blood pressure was extremely high, sometimes as much as 220 over 140, I was loosing my sight, and balance, my weight was out of control, it caused kidney stones and calcium deposits in various parts of my body. In other words, my own body chemistry was killing me. We also could not tell if the tumor was cancerous. So surgery was scheduled for May 3.
I told the people of Turning Point, my coworkers, family and friends what was going on and, and the love, support and healing they provided was overwhelming and such a comfort, other friends lit candles and prayed and offered their support in their own unique ways. I had never felt so at peace in a time when life should have been total chaos, I was the calmest I had ever felt. I was wrapped in Gods warm embrace.
A second set of tests were ordered just to confirm the results. These tests, all of them, came back completely normal. Surgery was cancelled and Pastor Stoney announced our miracle to the church. Every body asked me did I think it was really gone, and I would say yes, but this little part of me held doubt. That little doubt and the doctors insistence in a third set of tests leads us to the rest of the story.
I was feeling better and some of the symptoms were fading, but I knew the ultimate answer would lie with another brain scan MRI. I told my doctors that if it still showed up I wanted it out. So the MRI was set for July 18. sure enough, it was still there, but smaller, so surgery was set for 630 the next morning.
Because of the size they were able to go in thru my nostrils instead of drilling in my skull. The surgery was performed in the observation deck so the students could learn. I agreed to donate blood and the tumor to research to help others. Originally my surgeon had told me i would lose at-least 80 percent of my pituitary gland if not all of it, which would have been a drastic thing to happen, and there was also a chance of vision loss, and many other complications. and if it was cancerous I would have to have radiation to my brain. All in all it was a scary prospect for me, but still the calmness and peace of mind never left. I found myself comforting others when I told them instead of them comforting me. I cannot fully tell you of he peace I felt. those that were close to me can tell you what they saw and felt.
I was told the surgery would take about five hours. When they reached the tumor and touched it, it basically dissolved, it was an empty sack that was not attached to anything around it. The doctors said they could not explain it. but I can, disease cannot exist where God's love flows. What little they brought out did not test positive for cancer and just disappeared leaving none for research.
My vision is recovering, I have 100 percent of my pituitary gland, my blood pressure is lower. My blood levels are being monitored as are the other symptoms.
I will never doubt in God's love again. I have been shown without a doubt that miracles do exist, even for people like me, who don't think they deserve them. and Turning Point and Pastor Stoney have shown me how to open my heart and accept these miracles as truths and I am ever so grateful and ready to fulfill my role in God's destiny for me
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Monday, September 1, 2008
Natural Health Advice
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
September 01, 2008
Dear All One Family:
Lots of times, I respond in similar manner to others that are a posting on other web sites...this is the problem that Chinmayee put before this blog site and my and another's response to her question.
May the responses given all that are a searching for similar ideas...
another Pay Forward Kind of Thing:
Dear Chinmayee:
I too am a health care provider...see my website.
It is my understanding that our research scientists still in 2008, have little understanding of how our brain really works.
The treating of our body ailments symptoms is the best that medical science has given us...
I believe after 24 years in the field of body dis-easement...research and study...that only 1/10 of percent is the physical beingness of what makes us the solid parts of us and the rest is pure energy.
When I looked over your request for help, I noticed that your past is one that has somehow convinced you that you have little worth or value and that I believe plays a large role in how that 1/10th of a percent functions.
I know that I too have come from a past that didn't really fill me up positively and perhaps is the largest reason that I have fallen so many times in the past...and allowed myself to make wrong choices about things that should have really mattered the most to me at the time and because I didn't have the strength to be stronger due to this diminished self viewing of myself...took the wrong road/path/direction.
I have just came across your email and don't know what you have already given this I will ask you the questions that seem to be coming across at this point to me...intuitively.
First of all...being we are what we eat, think and's your diet? Is it high in sugars for that can cause us to become unstable if our body has too much or too little...for the rule of thumb, salt, sugar, tobacco, alcohol...plenty of exercise and 8 glasses of water, meditational time...daily. Attitude of gratitude for our life wouldn't hurt as other words...moderation in all things...except prayer and positive attitude...
Secondly, have you ever received chiropractic care and bodywork? Sometimes the body can get out of balance so badly...that seizures can arise...bodywork moves the energetic fields...and chiropractic places the vertebra's in their proper locations so that energy flow will go where it is needed most to feed and remove the waste products remaining after nutrition is given each and every cell of our body...
Thirdly...what we think about ourselves, radiates and goes out into the world...that is why I have found Steve Jones hypnosis tapes to be so valuable to me.
I have only been in to them a short while...yet I do believe that along with the energetic bodywork that I do on my clients, family and will be a life saver for all those caught up in not being able to see themselves clearly...
Check out again, Steve Jones on my website...
The latest tape of Steve's that I am doing is the latest development called the hybrid tapes series...forward and backward affirmations at the same time...Steve is working with the backward concept being, supposedly all that we hear comes into our processing centers of our brain, is it a working for me?
I have only at the current time done the positive attitude and motivation tape...yet I did them last night before retiring to bed and this morning it seems like the world is a much brighter and inviting day, while yesterday so much negative junk hit my plate from those that I love and attend to...that sleeping for days didn't seem all that bad, of course that was yesterday.
Steve i believe is in the world like myself to help all those a needing help...he wants us all to be successful, just like I do.
When you get into his will see and feel what it is that I am a seeing and a is good stuff.
As for the nutritional aspect of your treatment might want to check into the site on the Mannetek product line up...good stuff!
And if you are wanting to deal with a master herbologist and Iridologist...see Ginny's site again on my website...Ginny has spent her life a helping others...I know her personally and have worked with her for over 7 years in her health food store and feel very good about being able to pick up the phone and get her nutritional ideas and thoughts on just about any subject...
Those are my thoughts...also have you done Dayu's DNA activation work up? I have and let me tell you, there is nothing else like it on the planet...good stuff!
That is all that I have to give you at this time...
Please know that you are blessed
God Bless You Little One
Love, Light and Peace
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
--- On Wed, 8/20/08, sara ann From: sara Subject: Re: [PIVOTinJOY] Natural Healing
Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 9:07 PM
hello, i deal with patients that has the same problems. 3 of them are suffering from epilepsy, and i feel really bad that when they have there episodes i cant do nothing but make sure they dont swallow there tongue. later i have to tell them about there day, and help them to remember what we was watching or reading before it happen. i have not found a cure for this. but sometimes they do remember what they did earlier today or the movie we just watch. sometimes i sit and re watch it all over again. i have been a caregiver for 11 years. and i have no real answer to this question. but to say, when you relax listen to some soft jazz or focus on the beautiful things in this world. stay strong,
--- On Wed, 8/20/08, chinmayee
Subject: [PIVOTinJOY] Natural Healing
Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 1:20 PM
hi friends,
i am a 24-year old unmarried girl..i have newly joined this group.
I am a patient suffering epilepsy.Though i have been having seizures since childhood lasting for 30-45 seconds...I dont know what kind of problem i have...On medical tests of EEG and MRI Scan,my reports indicate that i m not epileptic... .I have done these tests many times as and wen advised by the neurologist. Each time it has indicated that everything is normal....but in spite of that i do have seizures..sometimes very rarely(just 4-5 times a year),and sometimes frequently(even 3-4 times a week,especially when i have tensions and stress or if i have inadequate sleep).I have been living upon medicines since childhood though after my first few attacks...I started medication when i was 6 years old as advised by my Neurologist. ..Recently, I was advised to reduce the dosage of Divalporate Sodium to zero...and now i am having Levetiracetam- 750 along with Clobazam-20 per day.I have read from articles that Valporate is not good especially for women at the time of pregnancy and it also affects the liver.So i m quite scared....Further i want to know how can Levetiracetam affect me...Is there any harmful effect...I am also confused about the cause and the reason why i am having this problem....and what is the problem in me.....
Dear friends,please help me.Why should i go for medication life-long if medically,i m found not Epileptic... .Why do these seizures happen? Can this have any other reason than epilepsy.... May be.....Pls help me.thanks a lot.
Whatever the problem may be,i am doing TAT along with some EFT to heal myself naturally... But while doing them,i don't understand where i should rank myself....on the scale of 1-10,and also m unable to recognise where are these negative thoughts,etc. accumulated inside the it needs to be answered in TAT or EFT Techniques.
After performing them for 20-30 minutes even i cant notice any change within me....Each time it comes to ranking myself,i feel confused.I doubt if i am not doing that in the correct procedure..or i m unable to recapitulate my memory properly.... All thoughts are diffused and sometimes they aggravate and consequences are not good...There are few things i have experienced in my past which may not be very big in general but a big shock to me....which i find difficult to overcome...I don't know wats the reason behind it....but i have many other lackings in i lack confidence.. .find it difficult to trust people...i regret a lot for simple things...feel i m unsocial...think myself good for nothing and a trouble for everyone...etc. etc.etc.This may be because of my past experiences or my health problem.I am taking the medicines which can have adverse effects. Please help me in healing myself through proper utilization of EFT and TAT techniques.What should i do?
Pls advise...Thanks a lot....
Dawning of a Brand New Day-Key Largo -Fl.Morning 8/08/2008
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Riding The Waves of Life As We Don't Know It
September 01, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family: Please support Jerry's Kids MDA fund raiser...they were there for my youngest son...and paid all the bills on him...when I get to where I believe I will be a landing...I will definitely make sure that they are one of my greatest contributions that I doesn't know how dark that stormy night is until you have a child that is sick and there is no money for insurance...thank you again Jerry and Cripple Children's Hospital of Michigan.
My son isn't disabled, only within that portion he chooses to be...he just celebrated his 36th birthday...father of two sons, one daughter, two step of which just completed her high school education and headed to college...
My son is gorgeous, strong and highly intelligent...and definitely a contribution to society...ask those that really know him...
So please give as you are lead...thanks for all that you do to help our planet each and everyone!
The following email came from my upline sponsors of the K1 and Mannetek products...they have wonderful advise to give if anyone needs it from them...Bill also has one of those biofeed back machines that he gives sessions I feel privileged to have him and Laura a working with all that want to help others the same as myself.
Feel free to ask them any questions about health and healing that you might have...just make sure that you remind them that I sent you and you want that which you received from me to pay forward so that you can help others as well...thus my work like the other Johnny Apple Seed of the world workers...will all gain from this small act of gratitude.
Email from Laura to me...please remember to copy and then paste any of the links your browser. And then fly there...sorry that this Google blog is so is free and that is all I can afford right now...I watched this ad and it is exactly what I as well, see a need n pursuing...see if you don't agree...
All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
email to Laura:
Dear Laura,
$427 million. That's what the oil and coal industries spent during the first
half of 2008 on lobbying and advertising. They're protecting their interests
-- and hurting ours.
So we've got a new ad that tells the truth
what needs to be done -- demanding that our leaders FREE US from an
addiction to expensive fossil fuels.
Watch it here
It's running on TV right now, but we need millions more to see it. The
special interests will outspend us, but we can compete head-to-head with
them when we find ways to share these messages for free.
That's why I'm asking We members in all 50 states -- from Oklahoma to Ohio,
from Minnesota to Mississippi, from New York to North Carolina, and all the
rest -- to watch this ad and share it with their friends
Let's spread the word
time to Repower America with 100% clean electricity in 10 years.
Cathy Zoi
Bill and Laura Brobeil
This following is my K1 and Mannetek sponsors...remember to mention my name and site...
Bill Brobeil
104 Stevensbrook Rd.
Moretown,Vt. 056660
N.C. : 1-828-693-5497
Vt.: 1-802-496-5333
It Is What It Is
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Happy Is The Person That Knows God Lives!
September 1, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Yesterday I received 3 negative programming Obama email ads...none were true and exact. Thanks anyways CFW for them. You sent them before and I would like for you to scan the previous newsletters here to discover what I wrote about them to you then.
You also sent me the one about what Chuck Norris had to write about Oprah/Eckhart's new church.
As I stated somewhat in my last newsletter directed towards the email about Chuck Norris comments. I basically told you then that I watched all ten of them and found nothing that would suggest that they are about a new church being organized only that of a new way of thinking about what God Consciousness means to them and what it could mean to you.
It was apparent that Chuck Norris if he had wrote it at all...he had not seen anything that I saw...or heard anything that I heard correctly. Allow me also to state...who is Chuck Norris besides a movie actor and muscle building guru?
Had he wrote this...I would say that his voice is that of the very few...not the majority that got the privilege of being gifted such a gift of eye opening awareness classes for free!...yet you somehow support this type of broadcast and being you have your rights along with the rights shared by all in this great land of ours...
I also dear one went to Revelations and read directly there about the email that you sent from a supposed minister about Chapter 13 and Obama..."the beast."
The only thing that I found similar to the email facts, was that it is a description of the beast of a man that would take leadership that would bring us all to our knees..It says nothing about it being a black man or a Moselm...and in my fundamental book of thoughts about judging...or the bearing of false witness... would say that who ever was the author of that posting...needs to look out for broken glass..."those that live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones."
Just my thoughts, for I know that you have you own as well. So let's call it a draw especially since you and I go back perhaps 15 already stated in last newsletter I wrote...addressing your fear based/propaganda emails.
Now let's go to the email with the cartoons depicting Obama looking like a monkey.
Now doesn't that reek a bit of racism? Many of all races, have more than average sized ears...look at Buddha! Large ears are a sign of intelligence, not evilness...
As for Obama being black. Obama is mixed. The Jewish religion believes that a child takes on more of his mother's heritage than the father's, genetic that means that Obama is actually white, to the Jewish.
What is Obama to me? He is no different than you or fact, I believe that it is all Christian's job to recognize the Christ child in another. Now I could be wrong...yes, even those that especially don't think/do like ourselves...
Our job is not to look towards the exterior, only the interior...for there is where lies the true measure of a person.
I used to see color in Obama when the tide of thoughts of my daddy of old, helped circulate within all of his children...and now I see a brave man a wanting to help United States the world understand that it is time to put down the cave man ways...and help the world understand that we are all in this together...what is happening over in Iraq is also a happening right here in the United States...
Why do I call Barack Obama a brave man? He knows that even though he doesn't want to circulate the fact of his heritage during this election year...he knows that we have those radicals that are looking to gain their 15 seconds of fame...even at the expense of this country a losing someone as brave as himself.
That is why he told "Sixty Minutes," that he chose Joe Biden as his running mate, because he knew that Joe could handle the job of president if for some reason or the other...he couldn't.
Also CFW: Please understand my largest reason for not viewing the Republican Candidate John McClain in a serious this time.
His age. Years experience formulated primarily from years in the Senate and growing up in a military family, with own military roots himself...bomber during the Viet Nam era and such...A grand history although honorable and patriotic...still not enough to make him the wisest choice as well.
My final vote came from President Bush's mouth himself. It was perhaps a speech of his that I caught a couple of months back. President Bush himself stated that he was sorry that he couldn't do more for this country that he loved, simply because the majority democratic based, House, Congress and Senate...spent all of their time a blocking his decisions...
I voted for George his last term out because I was still upset with Al Gore for a pushing to the people of United States, NAFTA...that I could for see that would take jobs away from Americans and give it to foreign countries...and the effects of that lame action...filtered on down to George...just like I believe the closing of our military bases and the canceling of other programs to help balance the budget and provide an excess of money in reserve...only went back out as we fought to show the world that we still held power...with 9/11 as the catalyst for change.
I also felt that we sort of owed it to George Bush to finish the job that he that he couldn't come back and state in our history books; that had he been re-elected...he would have completed the job. (Everyone deserves a second chance)
I was totally against all the web bloggers that wrote me during that time a calling me this or that because I supported our own era's the bloggers pushed for all to go total democratic the last House, Senate and Congress voting session...I stated that all we would be doing would be to mess up the government even more and actually give George Bush an excuse to have not done better in his final months of office...
So having said that and no, "I told you so's!" Allow me again to re-interate those last thoughts... Were the election to swing towards the Republican Party...what makes one believe that John and Sarah will fair better than President George Bush?
With so much needing to change and yes I know what Obama is viewing will cost in the billions...and perhaps a raise in taxes as well...yet I still see him and Joe a doing better with democratic support, House, Senate and Congress than not...
Can we afford a president that only has excuses when so much work is needed?
I also state that I was rather dis-illusion ed with the choice of Sarah by John McClain...with so much on her plate already...wife, mother of 5 children...with a son going to Iraq this month...anniversary date of 9/11...I know what I went through when my son went to Desert Storm with the Marines...
Life as I knew it had changed...I had no other choice but to change as well and go with the flow...yet my life didn't get better until my son came home for good...I can't help but wonder how others whose loved ones and babies didn't, how did they fair their own personal storms...
Sarah Pilan looks like she could weather it...yet, with so much other stuff on her plate...infant plus other children...I wonder what Dr. Phil would say about the feasibility of one so over burdened already...and John McClain a thinking the office of Vice President is such a cake walk...that she can easily handle it all...
Were God to decide that it is John's and Sarah's to run things in Washington D.C., this election year!
Just my thoughts all dear ones...take what you need and please leave the rest...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
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