Thursday, February 26, 2009
Working My Dream, Open Letter To President Obama, Part 4
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
What Color Is Love, Honor, Understanding and Respect?
February 26, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Hopefully this will be the close of my letter to President Obama. I have lots still to say, yet I am hopeful that I will be able to say lots with fewer words; please pray for me to obtain this large goal...hahahehehe...Be Blessed always!
Love, Light, Peace and Hope
Dear Mr. President:
I gained lots of hope from watching your Address To Congress the other night.
A few vital things stood out that I felt a bit apprehension about:
1. Cuts to Medicare. The Baby Boomer population as you know are the largest and vastly aging sector of your nation. I am part of that special sector and already I have no health care insurance and to have that which I haven't received yet; almost gives me a sinking feeling for all those currently on its life earned program, and all those like myself; not yet there...for it is my understanding that it has already been cut in the past and soon, it might not exist and that troubles me...
2. Cutting costs to fight war in Iraq and Afghanistan...yes, I would like to see pennies pinched where necessary, yet please Mr. President I know that you are proud of our brave men, women and all other Americans either serving to protect, or working over there to help restore, rebuild and clean up our presence over there...yet please make sure that you don't cut funds too much and they are kind of left out in the cold...unprotected or too low in numbers to adequately protect themselves or other innocents. God Bless you in all of your decisions.
3. Trade Agreements, & "Made In America" a once again common label being sung in America. I am not a math whiz and I along with the rest of America, do not know what trade agreements our politicians in the past have made with other countries; all I do know is that when America fall down, the rest of the world fall as well and that isn't a good thing.
I have seen in the News that Japan, like earlier mentioned in the long letter to you, had to bail out their failing economy with $7 Trillion and China today I have heard, spent $1 Trillion to bail out their own. If our great nation calls all our industries that have decided to go for the cheaper wage earners, tax breaks, deregulation of OSHA standards here in America, back home; how will that impact lands already on decline in all major business aspects like our own?
Won't that cause an even greater "domino effect?" Just thinking out loud Mr. President, no disrespect.
Being it seems like we have moved away from an "industrial nation," that means to me that perhaps our nation would be better served in technology goals that you with your education package proposals with the "recovery bail plan," makes so much sense and offering to give back to our government, country service hours in exchange for education me is quite I said earlier, I liked the majority of your thoughts reflected to us all...what a gift you are to our land!
Mortgage assistance plan. I like many other Americans, aren't all that happy with the idea of paying for others mortgages that they can't possibly handle. I personally would like to see, perhaps 3-4 mortgage payments added on to the back of their current mortgage and perhaps help in reducing the interest rates for those caught up in the balloon scam plan of devious banks and lending institutions. Just a thought.
Did I mention that I have a kid sister, with two babies that was left homeless by a court system in our state who awarded her fully paid off mobile home to the original seller simply due to her being 2 1/2 weeks late on her lot payment.
My sister and her husband hired an attorney to handle her case being she and all thought that in America this couldn't happen. Trust me it did, and the attorney who is African American, said that he thought he lost the case because he was black and the judge and original seller of the home was white. That was over a year ago.
My sister at that time was considered Hispanic/Latino descent simply due to the at the time current, nationality status labeling at the DMV office that states, if you have a parent or grand parent from another country, you are to check that box as to what your nationality label is:
If you happened to check my mutt, break-down mentioned earlier in this letter, how one can possibly call me Hispanic or Latino only, has always been beyond me, for I am proud of each drop of blood heritage that I carry within me, yet in America being Hispanic or Latino is not a good thing, being our land always seems to have an under dog that they must have (quite recently it was African Americans) and now it is the illegals and like you know, we are a country that likes to throw all into the mixes of others behaviors...Just speaking my truths, I hope all that I write hasn't offended you sir.
I want to also mention that I don't have a lot of sympathy for our banks or wall street along with our insurance companies. They are to me, the most greediest of all of our corporations and needless to say the most needy.
Needy Greedy
One of my past bill collectors is a bank in California called, Marin Bank. I got about 10 years ago a unsecured credit card. At the time that I got it, I needed a card that would act like an ATM card. (a time before ATM cards)
I used it twice only. Once for a meal I purchased with it and a tank of gas. I made payments on it for years and tried desperately to get it canceled because the interest rate on it was putting so much interest on the unpaid balance, you would have thought that this bank had issued me a credit line for $20K. It wasn't, it was for only $450 and they like I stated only allowed me to use it twice.
I told the collector the other day when they called about my now over $1K unpaid balance that they would not see another penny from me, for when I had it under $200 they slapped on interest fees and wouldn't allow me to cancel it until I paid the whole balance.
I know that Marin Bank has used this illusionary debt owed as an unpaid note towards gaining bail out funds...please Mr. President, watch out for these kind of under handed claims coming from banks that are now in trouble and wanting a hand out from us taxpayers. Thank you.
Thank you President and First Lady Obama for all that you and your team are doing for us all...It would have been a bad time in America if Senator McClain had won the nomination, for even though he stated at his goodbye,"I didn't win speech," that he would support you in office, it seems apparent that he told a vibe, for when it was time for his voice to be heard when the Republicans were a fighting your recovery plan bail out proposals, we heard the same thing that almost the last year of his run for presidency speeches..."too elaborate, too waste filled, too impractical," like DAH!
Again I will say, "if one isn't part of the solution, they are definitely part of the problem."
Please view my thoughts on part of the solution in my web blog, "Moving Towards Change," Health Care Research Dream Project.
Your move towards solar, wind turbines, bio fuels...alternative health care research to me is simply are the greatest! I will keep you all in my prayers and thoughts for a change in America.
God Bless and God Speed
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Working My Dream, Open Letter To President Barack Obama, Part 3
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Out of Silence Into the Light, Love and Peace of God/Jesus & Holy Spirit
February 23, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All Family:
I know pretty insane believing that I could talk one on one with our President!
Yet, when the phone is ringing off of the wall with bill collectors of long past yesterday still a calling and a leaving their messages, as well; with the trials and tribulations that come with a continuing reduction in research patients a able to patronize my establishment, hope is all I have while I am a working my life long dream.
Many of you know me to be a dreamer, yet when you heard me talk of my dreams; did anyone hear me say that I was only a dreaming my large dreams in order to help myself financially?
No, I was a dreaming my large dreams in order to continue my service to the whole betterment of man-kind; plus put into key job situations those individuals that were awake to their own life purpose plan of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, of helping others as well.
Having stated that, I will now continue with my letter to President Obama. "Working My Dream, Open Letter To President Barack Obama," Part 3
Be Blessed As Always
Love, Light, Peace, Hope and Joy
Dear President Obama:Here is what the site that I order my sage incense supplies from, states about their product.
The power of spiritual healing. As the white sage (salvia apiana) wafts across your body, breath it into your soul. Let your spirit find its balance with the emotions and the physical body. Feel its power raise your spirits, feel yourself stand taller and stronger. There are holes in the spirit when it is sad, let the sage fill those holes with good thoughts and positive attitudes."
About the Owner of the sage company
" I have been a gathering sage for many years, ever since I was a little boy my dad used to take me with him. I used to get mad because I didn't like getting up at 5:00 in the morning everyday in the harvest season (which is in the summer when I was on vacation from school). over the years I have come to understand the importance of what my dad did and still does by gathering these sacred herbs. My dad is a grown man now, he's not as young and strong as he used to be. It's now time to take care of him and gather this sacred herbs.
Now I wake up at 4:45 a.m. everyday with pleasure knowing what I'm about to do.
We have come to do business with most of the companies that sell online, every year we get more and more orders from them, I supposed they like the quality of our product and that's why I can assure you that you won't be disappointed.
We have always tried to be the best at what we do, simply by doing it the way our ancestors wanted to, and that is with respect."
Mr. President, now do you understand how grave of an importance it is to not only myself yet also the world! For I am one of many persons that believe that sage incense should be burned in all public businesses and homes and not eradicated simply because the FDA wants to help the chemical companies, hold the market on drugs and the heck with vitamins, mineral and herbal supplements.
Deep Research Study into the ancient alternative world is what I am a have been doing since I became a body electric works practitioner since 1984.
I know that you have heard of the saying, "healer heal thyself," and that is exactly what I have done for myself and for those family and friends that have sought my experimental treatment format for years.
I am 57 years, and have had the advice of medical doctors to have surgery performed first on the hole in my lumbar region of my back, caused I know by a work related accident that set me up for numerous losses in the emotional,financial and mental realm of my life. (1981)
A time I would like to remember as a time that I went in search of answers that after helping me, I used to help others afflicted with same or similar injuries, and resultant pain patterns.
Then just when I thought my days of suffering were nearly gone, along with the $10K settlement that the insurance for my company where the injury resulted paid (I got the settlement reward; simply due to my suing the company for sexual harassment, during a time our country hadn't awakened to the reality that some companies had a hard time a dealing with female workers and thus treated them unfairly and thus I had to prove that my supervisors didn't allow me the assistance of male co-workers when having to lift large parts out/or put them in my machines)..
Later in Life
I was involved in two separate car accidents, with the first one; Nov. 2001, and the second one; less than one 1/2 year later.
Both accidents were the fault of the persons driving the vehicles that hit me. The first one sent me back into extreme and chronic pain patterns and I wasn't completely recovered from the first before the second one occurred.
The second one sent me back into the world of pain with a vengeance being now I was left with two-three herniated discs in my neck and two torn medial meniscus in both my knees.
Both car accidents left me with the inability to return to work for quite a while and for over a year, I could only work at half the amount of sessions I could do in the past.
The first car accident settlement I received was $2,300; the reason it was so low (I was told by my attorney-supposedly from the best law firm in my area) was because I was self-employed and I didn't follow the medical route, instead went alternative with medical evaluations.
The second car accident, I not only got medical evaluations, I also got a Cat Scan, M.R.I. for the right knee, and xrays. The rest of my treatment protocol was alternative assistance. Thus I got I guess the $7,000 settlement even though my total health care costs was over $13,000. Ahhh the luck of the Irish, German, Scottish, English, Chinese, Panamanian, French Canadian, and Danish mutt!
This past November I got a full medical physical and even though I got an A on all of my tests, my doctor told me that he, "could get my total disability started if that was what I wanted."
I told him that until the money I received from my practice got as meager as it did, I was able to pay for my supplements and my alternative work such as bodywork, chiropractic care and such.
So my turn around in well being was hampered a bit, yet I am still very strong and can work and believe that once my income straightens out a bit and I am able to obtain more of my research supplies and treatments, I will be just fine because approximately $800 disability pay a month is not enough to pay the bills on a place that I have been a renting for over 9 years, for just the rent, and utilities alone, I was a needing at least $1200 a month, and that wasn't my food or clothing or car expenses...
I also told him that once a person gets labeled disabled, their mind follows suit and before you know it...I would just quit on life and I wasn't that bad off to want to do that ridiculous number...
So if it seems like I am a bit embittered at our current insurance companies policies of slapping the victims/consumers when they are down...perhaps now you cam understand better why I am so displeased at a system that states that only medical intervention is adequate and compensation is given.
I can't take pain meds, and I don't want anyone a cutting on me...I have had one surgery for a tubuligation and one exploratory test that resulted in the doctor a taking out a well appendix...
Mr.President: I believe that alternative care is much more cost effective than medical care. Alternative care in line with medical evaluations makes greater sense than having a nation turned onto chemicals as a way and pattern of life.
Yes, we have had many successes in the medical world and lots of it is definitely needed in a sick land. Yet when did we change?
Besides, the herbal, mineral and vitamin world hasn't been studied by the medical profession, so why do our television ads tell us to consult our doctors for these supplements usage? Do you know how many doctors tell their patients, "I don't know what it will do for you, perhaps it won't hurt you," so just take a small dosage of it and I will see you again in a couple of weeks to see how it does."
Isn't it about time that we start to evaluate these natural elements?
Especially since the FDA can't patent them, unless the studies are done on them, and they can't patent anything that is natural. That is why the FDA allowed the drug companies to make bio identical chemical substitutions for them. Kind of like one of those axi-moronic moments wouldn't you say?
Anything chemically reproduced can be patented.
Bio identical chemical substitutions is the reason I believe that some supposedly genetic engineered supplements were found to not be effective...I don't use the chemical version of God's herbs, vitamins and minerals.
I purchase/use only the natural source ones and wonder if that is the real reason the FDA allowed the chemical companies to do this type of experimentation on those individuals not aware that we are being sold junk products for our hard earned money.
Thus it is my suggestion because the FDA has such a case against the natural world, that before the FDA rule this vitamin or that mineral or supplement dangerous/useless, the distributor of the product should produce the real source of their product rather it be natural or chemically reproduced. I hope that makes sense to you, Mr. President.
For I am only just thinking out loud.
I also want to state that more medical doctors than not, believe/tell their patients that chiropractic care is dangerous to ones spinal vertebraes...yet why is it that chiropractors have a much lower Mal-practice insurance costs than the medical doctors?
Why is it that medical care is the third largest killer of the American People? And chiropractic care isn't mentioned in the stats? Thinking out loud again.
Chiropractors as well, in my case; saved my life and got me back walking when physical therapy from the work related accident, didn't...what else that helped me along with exercise, acupuncture, bodywork, were supplementations...pain pills like I already stated, don't work on me and I didn't want to become chemically depended on them or to move and have my well being in the world.
We definitely need better insurance handling being I just heard an ad for a law firm that states that what happened to me, happens to 90% of all claims...interesting isn't it? One has no money, one gets little to none help...even if one has insurance coverage for the drivers that I might run into one day...doesn't seem fair does it?
I keep thinking about the lady that got $4 Million from McDonalds when she spilled a cup of coffee on herself...she must of had money to hire the attorney that she did...
Back to Insurance Companies
I also want to share a true story of my niece who house burned down almost two months ago. My niece wasn't late on her mortgage.
Her home owners insurance provider on top of having her take a lie detector test that proved she didn't torch her house, and as well, proved that she didn't have anyone else do it; yet they still havn't paid her for her damages in spite of the fact that all of her stuff and her three children's stuff was lost, along with the house.
I believe the insurance company was a doing this to her; simply because they perhaps are a having lots of cases where the home owners are back on their mortgage and stuff and perhaps they have proven that they have torched their homes and businesses.
My niece wasn't behind...and I believe it is a sad day when the insurance companies have taken to such low tactics...putting all in the same boat.
I know that many home owners insurance companies have taken down quite a few storm victims...of hurricanes and other natural disasters ( I have also heard that some of the largest insurance carriers have even moved out of the states that have more than their fair share of such claims)...I guess if one's home burns now falls into the same category, wait around for compensation when the insurance company chooses to compensate you for your losses after taking you through the mill and treated like a felon...what a sad state of affairs we are a moving towards.
That is why I am so happy that you have come on board. We have hope that some of that which ails our country will be handled by you and your team. Thank you again, for caring enough to run and hold the office of President. God Bless you and yours, always!
Making those companies that are going to receive the bail out you just got signed into operation, to be held accountable for what they will do with the money and keeping the fat cat corporate executives from gaining more than the consumers they are representing is a fine start dear President!
End of Part 3
More later
Friday, February 20, 2009
Working On A Dream, "Open Letter To President Barack Obama," Part Two
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
"Why Must We Live In A Land of No Longer Milk and Honey"
February 20, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
"Working On A Dream, Open Letter To President Barack Obama," Part 2
Jada and others like us that could see you clearly, all had to go into silence as our families, friends and business supporters all fall to the political fears generated by your constituents.
Even our celebration to your God Granted Victory, had to be done secretly...please let me tell you that you are the first presidential election that sent my joy and hope level to an all time high!
I thank God for your placement!
It took me a short while to move completely fear free into your support corner and once I got there through reading alot of the stuff that you and your wife, support web team members placed there, I was completely at peace with a land with you at the watch!
I believe that with your leadership and those that you have selected, and those not, a bipartisan vote will be possible, especially if we as a nation take the responsibility to pray for your God inspired insights to keep a flowing freely, for Japan is a whole lot smaller than our land.
Yet you are expected to do more, with less.
Yet you told us that it would take lots more and were given lots less and now if any of those that got bailed out, take vacations or give bonuses to those that are at the top already, and little to none gain occurs; it could cause you to lose more political/governmental policies favor?
Wow do you have a lot to carry!
Almost like trying to get a one-legged horse to walk straight and balanced...listen to "Working On A Dream,' by Bruce Springsteen, as you read this letter, for while it was a playing, I was a writing this letter to you.
Were I to have produced a movie of my life and struggles and dream of what my new tomorrow would be, the entire album of Mr. Springsteen would be a playing. Almost all of the songs fit beautiful that which I have and am a moving towards...all things on purpose as you know.
Oprah on her website asked that all write in what they experienced when you were elected and all the results were in.
I somehow never got a chance to write my thoughts there, so here goes that well remembered moment in time. I laughed, cried, jumped in the air, hooted and hollowed Thank You God/Jesus and Holy Spirit!
Then the phone started ringing at first from those that could see as far as I could...almost all of them saying the same as me, we got to be careful that we don't celebrate too loudly for those that thought differently than ourselves, out numbered us...
My toughest battles were with my family members, who thought me absolutely out of my freakin mind! They questioned all aspects of me, religion, loyalties to our name it, we went there!
I believe I even lost a few clients here and there over my political views and some even used my Christianity views as a reason to ditch me from their lives...
Heck my battles weren't over after the election and all should have settled down to the fact that we had a African American/Muslin President, with a middle name of a past asleep dictator that America helped remove, a man his own country believed villainous enough to send back Home to God.
Guns sales went up dramatically! As the energy of fear ran a rampant. A fear highly charged by our own fear propagandized nation.
A fear energy that is still quite high as individuals close to me report, (Jada Stone) her two sons in their mid to late thirties a having to take employment in the war zones through contractor jobs, in order to keep what they have accumulated and feed their families being jobs are being lost...Katie Coric reported this a few nights ago, 13 jobs a minute!
I believe times are bad when it is more sensible to leave ones families to handle their own lives, as they dun "body armor," and the Armor of God and go to work in the War Zones a helping to reconstruct/construct during the clean up after the storm of disagreements had passed.
Can you imagine how much faith, trust, understanding, strength that it takes for the loved ones of these brave men and women that are over there a doing the same?
I know that you are aware of how much stress it takes to break one down that has no faith, those of us that do have faith, know that all it takes is, "faith the size of a mustard seed and we can command all mountains to move in our life."
I have you, your family and all policies creating team-mates on God's Altar of my prayers. That is also what I am telling all those still a whining and complaining that we are doomed having you on board...
I tell them that I don't seem doom and gloom, I see hope!
I also tell them that being I believe that God answers all prayers and I had prayed months before I casted my history changing vote, "Dear Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus, and Holy Spirit, I ask that you guide my hand when I cast my vote, for I want my vote to be thy Will for my life and those that I love and this great land of yours and us your children.
"not my will, not my will, but Thine be done in me."
I have also written that many in the field of being able to look outside the box, of things as myself, see you as a Star seed.
What is a Star seed? I have been told that I am one as well.
So allow me briefly to explain what the heck I think I am.
A Star seed is a mightily special child seed of God, planted deliberately onto our earthly existence planet to help bring forth the land from darkness into the light of God.
A celestial soul essence that after God asked who was a willing to do this or that mission; volunteered to come to Earth in a life time of trying to be the change the world was a needing.
A high level of being in God's Heavenly Kingdom that was giving extra gifts in which to help him/her awaken the sleeping masses...
An individual given so many extra gifts that sometimes they themselves fall asleep as the power mantle increased in intensity and they stopped seeing God/Jesus and Holy Spirit as the source of that power and fell hopelessly asleep in the mirroring pool of Narcissus and believed that they were the power.
Some of the noted star-seeds that speak to this are Hitler, Napoleon, to mention a small few!
When I look down the road with you at the mantle/helm...this is what I see.
I see an administration that will be successful at nearly all of their endeavors...especially if that President gets his country to their knees back to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit by telling them to visualize a pray new world, by first asking God into their life, first of all.
Then having them pray that each and every stroke of your pen and each and every thought that you make is for the better ment of our land and that each meeting that is held both here and all over the world is for that end and not for more greed, destruction and loss...ends.
By doing this simple move, you are guiding the world to take on the Armor of God, for right now that is all that I personally have left.
Faith that all is proceeding according to God's Will for my highest good. I wish that I could give this same peace to others that can't see that far yet...
Imagine me a trying to convince a friend that I have nick named "Shark Bait," that all is proceeding to God's Will for her life when she a disabled , non compensated past employee, health has completely left her and she believed it was due from being exposed to mold at her long termed job position held work place.
A place now sold, and Shark Bait was told that the mold didn't cause her cancer, or any other of her disabilities, thus she wasn't entitled to workmen compensation benefits...due to their insurance companies findings.
Now imagine Shark Bait, no longer with a job were it available, no insurance coverage for her unemployment benefits for she isn't able to work...and when she went to get a second mortgage on her home to be able to feed herself and pay her first mortgage was denied it by the lending facility because our local hospital here issued 21 hospital charges bills on her credit record.
Imagine a single woman in her early 40's, a losing her home and life gathered ownings, with plenty of assets; yet no job or ability to work now...a person kind of looking dazed and wondering how could American politicians allow this to be a good thing and my telling her that it will be alright, for God's hand is in it?
Now imagine me a telling a single nurse in her early 60's, that God's hand is in her life as well after she tells me that her dreams of retiring soon were crushed when her retirement 401k, went to a 201k.
A wonderful specialty nurse that gave to her mankind benefit ting the best that she had, it all.
She never took the time to marry, have children or even pets of her all. A nun in incognito...a person that all that ever beholds her presence, knows she walks and talks with Jesus, God and Holy Spirit.
I told her that Jesus was a carrying her now and that all would turn right, especially when the research university/community goes into manifestation.
I also told her that in Romans we are told that in "end times, all that was taken from us unjustly, would be returned to us in Grace, given now more abundantly."
I also told her in Romans as well, we are told that the victory over the devil has already been won.
I told her as well that I believe that it isn't the devil a running around a getting credit/blame for all that is a wrong in the world.
I told her that I believe like the Amy Grant song about there being two sides of each of us, one that knows the right thing to do and one that can't see, and thus do wrong.
I can't help but see how easy it would be to slide down the hill towards the viewing of life at "1/2 cup level," were I not continuing to keep re-filling my lantern with God's Love, Light and Peace, with prayer filled moments to Him with gratitude and excitement that even though I have shot straight to the moon with my dream I am a working straight out to you dear President, I believe; that even if I only catch a star; I will have at least givin our great land, my very best just in just having made the attempt at trying to see a world changed.
I also told her that, "if one isn't part of the solution, they are part of the problem," and currently more must be a whole lot a feeling negative that a change can occur in our land; or else there wouldn't be so much stress and fear energy in our land world.
I told her that individuals that live in a world that sees others out to get them because the devil is a running around creating all kinds of havoc and the world is no longer safe or buying themselves into an early grave for stress is a all time destroyer of our bodies, starting with the spiritual energy field filtering down from God and that once the spiritual energy flow with God is disrupted through too much fear energy within a person being held on, and not enough releasing of them to God through forgiveness, understanding and hope.
Then what I believe occurs is that without constant prayer loaded with good intentional requests, that spiritual channel becomes blocked and a down ward spiraling of energies through every body's electrical systems ethereal, mental, emotional, causal and once it hits the physical level, we end up with a wide range of what appears to be physical ailment states.
I also told her that if what is known today (as the only way to wellness profession) were to have viewed an individual who is physically broken in this manner; whole bodily; spirit, mind and body...I wonder what kind of a picture would it look like?
Would our medical profession still be given the rating of third largest death creator? Given this rap due to prescription medications and not surgical interventions.
I have also heard Mr. President that many of our pensioned retirees and disabled ones on fixed incomes, are having a hard time a purchasing their medications and thus aren't even taking them properly.
Then we all are worried that health-insurance companies known for charging high prices for coverages and doing a swell job of not properly covering their clients adequately when the client goes down for the count and the help they thought would be there when they needed it and entrusted thousands of dollars to the institution in years past, that cared not when their number was called...We are all worried that they might now want to play the, "or you had that problem in the past so we aren't a going to cover you now, number."
A number that I personally experienced my own self, so I know it is real and in existence in today's current world.
I have also seen car insurance companies a skim, scam me away when it was their own client's back they were a holding supposedly open.
What do I say it in this manner? Please allow me to tell you why?
I believe that because we hire an insurance company to represent, they are in essence us going forth and re compensating the person or persons we had injured most of the time, accidentally.
When our insurance company takes our created victim to the cleaners, we are a taking that victim there ourselves.
Perhaps that doesn't make sense to you right now...yet in my "what goes around, comes around logistical mind, it does to me and as such, I had to throw it out there for I believe that we all live in a "Pay Forward," Land. (please catch the movie, Pay Forward," and you will better understand what I am a trying to get at.)
The more Light, Love and Peace of God we send out to others, the more comes back...It just can't help but grow and magnify itself.
The more darkness, fear, worry and such energies that grows, the more sentient beings such as ourselves grow heavy with the burdens of others energies.
Thus we have to continually fill our energy spaces with God's Love, Light and Peace so that we can keep the heavy and dark energies away so that we don't fall asleep.
Because I work in helping release these dark and death defying energies from my family, friends and clients; I have found a need to burn sage rather abundantly as of such I am a begging you one favor; please don't allow the FDA to take away our supplemental world of herbs, vitamins and alternative modalities...and please don't make salvia illegal, for you know it is sage.
I believe sage should be burned in all offices, stores and shops...perhaps not directly like one would smoke a joint, in incense form.
Many in the medical world are a buying into the idea that it is a hallucinogenic, I will tell you one thing, it doesn't make me high or want to jump from tall buildings, what it does do is calm my energies and helps remove the subtle energies of those down casted persons that visit my home office.
Our Native American Indians have used it for centuries to clear the energies of their dwellings and some have legend ed that it perhaps was one of the ingredients placed in their peace pipes...perhaps to give them clarity or peace of mind.
I use it in my home office to clear the energies of others that they believe are the demons a keeping them from experiencing a whole life wonderfully.
I call it my self defense against a land that wants to call everything, someone else's fault.
Just look at what the site that I get my bulk supplies wrote about sage and you will understand that once the FDA gets to ban salvia, there goes one of my greatest defenses against the energies of others lost to their own inner demons...and once the FDA wins this battle, one of natures finest, thinking outside the box, that could represent us losing them all.
Already we have lost ephedra and as far as I can see we lost a lot due to some individuals believing that is less worked, than more was a winning ticket.
I don't know about you Mr. President, I have seen a tremendous increase in upper respiratory ailments since ephedra went by by...For one of its medicinal aspects was that it kept the bronchial open and lungs cleared and for individuals such as myself that use tobacco to keep grounded so that I can work around those not so grounded, I know that the increased carcigenics used as pesticides on its crops, have caused a world win of trouble and since I am no longer able to take ephedra, I find that coughs and inflammation to be a more than common result.
I have placed lots of petitions to keep the FDA from taking away our choice to use alternative herbal, vitamin and mineral supplementations.
Not only are they more cost effective, they are also highly preventative medicine and one that has been mentioned in our Bible, several times. "herbs are to be your medicine and food."
End of Part 2
"I'm Working On A Dream, Open Letter To President Barack Obama"
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Image The Possibilities
February 20, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
When one lives in the "Land of OZ" and "Alice In Wonderland," one can dream large and expansive dreams. My dream is taking me to write our beloved President in answer to him a asking all of us to do such.
Hard to imagine isn't it that our president would request such a thing. Imagine the amount of complainers and criticizers he perhaps have encountered.
I know in my everyday below modest income level, no matter how hard I try, I still find those that would find fault with what I say or do. I can't imagine trying to please not only our grand nation, yet all the nations in the world.
So as to not take up too much writing space with my introduction and/or give too much of what I want to say to our president, I will just simply say, I love you all and thank you for following thus far with all that I and Jada want to express to you all currently and those that will find their way to our destiny unfolding adventure.
God/Jesus and Holy Spirit Bless You
Love, Light and Peace
Dear Mr. President: Barack Obama
You asked all that want to share, "how it is living in America under our current economic condition."
I must be truth filled and tell you, all isn't so well in "milk and honey land."
I have seen a grave difference in my research health practice since 2001. So dear President as I make it known all of my concerns and the difficulties and struggles your unseen public is a having; understand it is not you I could ever blame for we have been in an economic down spiral for a long, long time.
While it is important that you understand that finding the problem areas is on top of being important to know; what I believe we as a nation would like to see, is that you fix it.
I for one realize how immense is your mission and thus to have a president that not only wants to know what we the common folks of the land are a thinking, and what our ideas are, is the coolest of the cool!
President Obama, you give me hope at a time when hope is hard to find. I thank you for all that you are doing and have done to help change that which is obviously broken and by so doing; help do your part to bring in a new day for us all.
I remember somewhere in my writings, either here in my newsletters or perhaps on your web site that you still have up for all to leave their postings. I did do a few on your site.
I don't believe I saved them to my hard drive, so perhaps you can appoint someone to check it out...if you wish.
I am an Ordained Spiritualist Minister with a dream idea that I believe will work for all of mankind. I welcome you journeying back into my postings...I am sorry that I can't give you an accurate picture as to where they are a posted for I have currently 102 postings, just on this web site alone!
I am just finding it so hard to believe that you want to know how all of your people are a handling our current despairing economy! You have also been the first presidential candidate to have a web site.
That was cool as well, for I live in a land currently that are primarily retired, wealthy and Republican.
I found that I could only sing my joy at you a caring enough for our country, to run. That's right, run for office.
I also remember writing something about myself not knowing if it was such a good deal for you to receive...hahahehe. (Still am wondering...) Absolutely fantastic for our country...perhaps an expensive bum deal for you! Yet, I don't want to focus on that negativity, for I believe like all of us that can see you believe, that you will be the change and the change in a good way!
I don't know how many changes you will be allowed to change for I remember how I felt when I discovered that our first stimulus package went out to help institute the first wave of change under the Republican Watch.
I felt sick and hopeless, for it went primarily to those that perhaps had a hand in the decline in our economic status quo.
When one is of below modest level of survival, the hopes of anyone a believing in me, as a small business owner.
It wasn't that I objected to the large incurred debt that didn't change a thing yet only made us suspicious of governmental insight and direction.
Making it seem as if it played itself out as if the powerful and greedy were getting a longer free ride on the backs and complements of us the tax payers and the victims/subscribers of the National system that is horrendously broken...
I have always heard that history repeats itself. Now that we are perhaps lower in economic stability to the 1920's...I guess that statement must be true.
I heard the other day that the country of Japan put together their own stimulus package to bail out their land and it came to 7 Trillion Dollars in which to do it.
No wonder the leader of that country looked drunk and out of it, after his jet flight after taking cough medicine...I would probably be drunk, knowing how much of a loss that their country will now have to recoup.
How many generations will have to pay back that debt? You know that our Bible speaks of; "the sins of the parents a falling down upon their children for six generations."
End of Part One
Thursday, February 19, 2009
One Hundred One Posts Today! Celebration! Thank You God/Jesus and Holy Spirit!
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
February 19, 2008
Bruce Springsteen, "Working On A Dream"
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I feel like I am being totally transformed in order to be able to handle the enormous project that I have been a dreaming about; my whole life. A total Holistic Healing/School/University with on site living research participants that are the directors and family members of such.
A research community of folks that understand that without Jesus in their conscious sights, a community of this enormity wouldn't be able to stand the Light, Love, and Peace that could result from them a holding their own "Lighthouse Light," lite.
Thus these folks that believe that the "Ten Commandments," just makes good sense in a world not able to tell the difference between up and down...knowing that in Revelations it does state that, "in end times, that which is good, will be called bad."
I didn't know that there are Christians Muslin's. Of course it just made good sense to discount that fact when one is caught up in the illusion that only the bad acting ones, exist.
I can see why we were commanded by God to, "not judge, least we be judged."
I know in my own life I too have fallen short of the mark of not being all that Jesus would have me be. So I will attempt to not judge others, yet some are a acting so irrational in my mind's eye.
Yet it is my opinion and thus I have to ask God to forgive me my judgement call, just in case I am wrong and don't realize it at the time...all that know what I mean, please say, Amen Sister!
I ask that those from the Angel Dream Foundation that will be a heading the movies to come forth from the latest step that Jada and myself are a walking through in order to find that piece of Heaven on Earth healing education center. To incorporate all of the songs of Bruce Springsteen, latest album, "Working on a Dream," it is what I gifted myself yesterday and all the songs speak to that which I would like to impact my viewing audiences.
I will give you the words to "Working on a Dream," at the close of this newsletter, than you will be able to see how perfect and snchronistic it came into being, even though I heard it from a distance on Super Bowl Sunday, for I was a working on a energetic weakened family member and only heard the melody in the background a playing softly, I knew I liked the melody then, yet hearing it and reading the words of it...while writing you this newsletter, just brings me so much peace filled, excited tears!
The Life Long Dream
Perhaps it is a dream too big for those not able to see that far, yet. So people like myself and Jada have to jump forth and create the dream illusion for it to become a reality.
Something like from the movie, "A Field of Dreams," "If you dream it, they will come."
I believe like so many other crazy thinking people like myself and Jada, that all things happen for a reason and the reason this dream couldn't happen before now, was that we as a world of believers of this and that way, couldn't get together and reason out the reason our worlds weren't a working properly.
We had all buried our heads in the sand and pretended that all the destruction, chaos and stuff would all go magically away as all we did was meditate and hold the illusion that all was a up in a down world.
Unfortunately, not concentrating on the problem is now showing us all conclusively that the old ways are no longer a working.
Illnesses of all sorts are a taking over the care costs are rising to the point that the ones needing the prescription medications from their medical doctors, they can't afford, the baby boomers are coming swifting into vogue with extreme health conditions at a time when they number the most in population...and no money other than borrowed money from the government is around to meet its escalating increases.
The latest figure I got on the amount of American Citizens that have no health insurance and thus get no care for they don't want to go into further debt...thus getting little to no care, is 4.5 million.
I personally don't see our government able to handle the socialized medicine theory as well, for I don't know of too many doctors that could handle the government a regulating their income source amount. I could be wrong.
Besides when doctors are forced to fun assembly lines and one doesn't have a choice as to what doctor they will see or where, I somehow see a part of us kind of going away...for I am not one in believing that our government has always, always, our best interest at hand for us all and being placed in one slot, is kind of a way of categorizing/labeling a nation.
Thus I believe that organizing a research center whose aim is prevention/maintenance of the Mind, Body and Spirit, makes a whole lot more sense than a science of medicine that holds prevention last, and maintenance with chemicals, first.
I would like a center that would move towards a blend as all the directors of this blending process, move towards the well being of the planet, versus the well being of their own pockets. Just my thoughts, no judgments here.
Yet can you imagine a total center and private housing of directors, all going solar and wind turbines in order to not only produce our own electricity harnessing the natural elements of our world, yet also storing electricity and a selling it back to the power companies for a profit being made for the centers other continuing financial needs...imagine a win win for all!
Now imagine a center able to produce and harness its own food needs, with minimal needs in the organic nature having to be obtained outside the center?
Imagine a bed and breakfast in the Deltec Homes design that would accommodate guests of the directors for short amount of time stays. Imagine ones guests, privileged to be able to sample our natural richness through guided tours of our centers and the ability to move into various treatment areas with their insurance companies a paying the research visits?
Calling All On Board
I have currently put on notice; several directors, telling them all that if they help me visualize the center and add their input, our chances of realizing this massive dream can occur.
Of course it will be a smaller scale than the rest of the prototypes to come from this move forward into faith...yet one small step can lead to other larger steps...I am also a telling them to visualize 15 directors Deltec homes such as mine a peppering the surrounding hilly fertile land, with high fenced in gates to protect the privacy/security of us all (with Oprah, Dr. Phil and others perhaps amongst us as well) with our healing center, broadcast/recording studios, gift shops/herbal center and shops and restaurants a nestled below us and in the center of our landscape viewing.
I am also seeing in my dream illusion center, the green houses, the housing for our students, doctors and therapists, coming from far and wide a wanting to join our whole body healing/make over/maintenance center that will focus not only on chronic muscular problems, yet as well chronic illnesses such as cancer, MS, Lupus, Gastro troubles and afflictions of all sorts, such as PTSD, Manic Depression, Addictions, with the list being endless...
The placement of those special areas I will leave to the design experts...for my expertise lies in vibration medicine and being the director/over seer of that large department reaching into skin care and our spa, along with bodywork modalities that date back to the year 2,000 A.D., while also being an instructor myself will keep me rather busy.
Just some more thoughts a throwing it all out to all...
Get yourself a copy of Bruce Springsteen "Working On A Dream." It will be well worth the money.
"But here the nights are long the days are lonely
I think of you and I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
The cards I've drawn is a rough hand darlin'
I straighten my back and I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
Through sometimes it feels so far away
I'm working on a dream
And how it will be mine someday
Rain pourin down I swing my hammer
My hands are rough from working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
Though trouble can feel like it's here to stay
I'm working on a dream
But love will chase the trouble away
I'm working on a dream
Through it can feel so far away
I'm working on a dream
And our love will make it real someday
Sunrise came I climb the ladder
The new day breaks and I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
I'm working on a dream
Though it can feel so far away
I'm working on a dream
And our love will make it real someday
I'm working on a dream
Though it can feel so far away
I'm working on a dream
And our love will make it real someday"
Isn't this the most perfect song? Working in harmony for the total whole of the entire world...what greater gift can we gift mankind than Hope?
Go In Peace, Knowing All Are Blessed, If They Want To Believe It/Feel It or Not!Love, Light and Peace Always
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Healing Ordination, Process by Tonie
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.February
February 18, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
February 17, 2009
"When You Look At The Midnight Sky, What Do You See? I see Jesus and all the Majesty that God Our Father has given us."
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Jada asked me to disclose to all how important it was that I was to gain passage into the mission path of becoming an Ordained Spiritualist Minister for she felt that I was a listening to the voices of those that don't know me and want to consider me narcissistic, instead of real and coming straight at you with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit a holding and a maintaining my "front door," a term quite familiar to former/current 18 wheel truckers, like myself.
Jada felt that by me a disclosing how grand of a new life beginning it was for me to take that first baby step into becoming certifiable for mankind's wellness, that perhaps her a trying to explain to not only her daughter in law, yet the world that she along with me will have to face who stays, and visits our joined effort research center.
So here goes it:
That opening the door to Divine Ministry Channeling, done July 29, 1995; again was unlike any other body work I had ever done! Instead of doing a point specific body energy type of healing, I was now a having to stand on a chair and palpate what "left brained" individuals would call, moving ones hands through empty space.
Yea that's right! Did I not already mention that God has a great sense of humor!
I also was lead to select the heaviest woman initiate in the "birthing into The Light of God/Channel,"graduating class of 13 ministries.
All that I really knew about her was that she was a very friendly, outgoing personality type that loved everyone, yet not herself.
When I looked at her energetically, I saw this great burden and heaviness surrounding her energy and I also saw that if she somehow didn't get the help she needed to break out of her old patterning, she would return Home sooner than I felt her mission here needed to be completed.
Our ministry training classes were heavy involved and we didn't spend time a getting to know each other, for we all worked and had busy life's outside of the classroom and even though we got together I believe once in that year as a group outside of training with Rev. Bill, it wasn't a time to get close, just sort of a get together to share what our lives direction was a moving towards since Rev. Bill first came into our lives.
Please allow me to state as well...I am not sure if my 6 months training in Shamanic Training from a Shaman Apprentice from Peru, held at Gilford Tech. College, came before this training or after or while I was a taking it...
If anyone has ever taken Shamanic Training, they will understand much more about the palpating of what one would normally term, "empty space,"
For it is simply an exercise in getting in touch with the dark side of The Light Side of God.
It simply when I was a doing my "soul retrieval journey work," was the hardest for me to do, for it made me face all the things in my life that I had tried to bury in hopes of it never happening again and most importantly, not in my present imagining world.
I remember quite clearly the first time that our instructor Oscar took us into it...I told Oscar that I couldn't move past the door that would lead me into the dark side of myself and he laughed and stated that it was quite normal for a sage to respond in that manner for sages have had many lifetimes and much to balance karmically in hopes of helping mankind figure it all out themselves...
I told Oscar that the experience left me breath less, and caused my heart almost out of my chest for the fear was so great! He then told me that all I needed was to face the fear and tell the fear that it had no power over me and that by a facing it, I would be free from the shadows, that might one day revisit me.
Oscar told me that until I could reach past the fear, I would never be able the face the fear of others and help them realize/release it themselves.
Back To The Healing of God, Ordination Thesis Presentation
My work in auric healing prior to this session was simply, my doing hands on work, stopping from time to time to balance this meridian and that meridian, unlocking this muscle package and that muscle package and a restoring energy flow where there is little to none and discharging over heated/over charged energies.
I also knew that we have several energetic bands of energy that moved outside and past the physical body with some having energy fields that can extend for miles off of the body...
I had never attempted to balance the fields that reached past the height of a 5'4" inch person while a standing on a chair.
So instead of starting like I normally do with the physical, causal, emotional, mental and then spiritual layer of energies...I started from the highest level of mankind energy fields, the spiritual...and never touching the physical like I had done only yesterday.
In this ministerial initiate "spiritual energetic field," that loomed higher than I could ever possibly touch the ending of...I discovered many of the rough storms of her past life.
I talked slowly and gently to her as I scanned her energy and told her what visions I was being shown and what things I was a hearing coming through that God/Christ/Holy Spirit channeled energy moment in time that I was being lead and guided by God to bring to her.
I only wish that the moment was captured on tape. I was given several tapes to fill a brown paper bag, and I never checked to see if my presentation was on any of them...I have the memories of that time locked deep inside of me and it never left me for what came out was so astounding!
Over and over again, my dear sister in God, cried and told all that were in attendance how no body but God and such and such knew any of those things!
And most importantly she confirmed in me that yes, I was a healing channel of God and the work that I had been doing in the past now held the confirmation that God was a leading my little wagon of healing tools and even though I was the instrument of His work, He was a directing my hands.
I also told my dear sister in God, that when I asked God and Jesus and Holy Spirit to show me that which is my sister's largest difficulty in overcoming in the present moment event I was told the story of a 16 year old that was forced to have a miscarriage.
That one statement threw my dear sister in deep ebbing sobs as she repeated, no one knew that but my parents and they are have passed on. No, not even my husband knew about it and I have hated my parents my whole life because I wanted my baby and they wouldn't let me keep her!
I then told her how important it was to God that we forgive all others their transgressions so that they can see what forgiveness looks like and they can do it as well...follow by example kind of thing.
Especially being we all have been instructed by God, to forgive all others, especially if we want to be forgiven by Him. Again, "Do unto others, that which you would have done unto you."
I then told her that because she was a holding onto her soul baby energies, her baby was still being carried by her, for she was a holding it earth bound. You know we can hold the souls of our loved ones hostage here on earth?
I then told her that was the real reason she couldn't get pregnant even though her and her spiritual ministry initiate husband that was present at the ordination as well...(lucky girl!)had been married for years, never were fortunate to have a baby...together on earth.
I believe in quantum physics there is a law of relativity that states that two objects can't share the same space," kind of thing.
So after I was a done a smoothing and unruffling, guiding and balancing her spiritual energetic field, I got down from my chair and asked our whole group to help me help her release her child to Heaven and to help assist our sister as I took her through a physical, and emotional, mental type of body unwinding...where as the participant moves into any direction that they feel their body wants to travel with all 12 of us a holding onto she unwinds all of the clutter remaining that didn't get taken out in the spiritual realm...
It was my first public unwinding event since I had graduated from Irene Gautier's School of Myomassology, which is really a cover for vibrational medicine therapist...for she was the one that opened the door to that vast field of mind, body and spirit combining...
Her prior teachers were our field's current experts...Therapeutic Touch Master, Creator...Dr.Gordon (last name has left my memory) a nutritional and body electric Chiropractor out of Detroit, Michigan.
Our own Cranial Sacral Master, Dr. John Upledger, D.C., and Irene Gautier also took those after class wanting more information prodigy students such as me, her own walk through Dr. Randolph Stone's work with Polarity Therapy and what points she discovered were even greater than those found by him at the time of his publications...beginning in 1890. Yes that's right, 1890. Not a clerical mistake.
So as not to over boost that audio trail, allow me also to state that I and my class met with our classmates a few years after graduation day to see what each other had done with their training work.
So I am not really sure, if all that happened during the ordination is as I had stated, it is what my mind has thrown out of its memory cells of that grand moment in God's Healing, Light, Love and Peace resultant work result.
For I was really thanked for my work on my sister minister again at the get together and I am not really sure if all that I felt I had said, happened at the ordination or at the few years past, get together of us please be kind if all you are after is a trying to make that day a smaller event than what it was...for to me, it was what I intended/prayed it to be...and more! For me it gave me confirmation as to what God would have me do and be in my work for Him and Jesus, Holy Spirit.
How that has translated today is this.
It has made me more confident that it is my Father's work that I am about. That spark, that connection to Our Father is what is a giving me the intuition of selecting this or that modality out of my fifty now plus tools of healings insights...and as well that which I am lead to express to my clients/congregation/family members and world.
If what flies out of my mouth, feels like a bomb to you, "please don't kill the messenger," I beg of you...hahahehe...
I have only scanned the book, "Your Body Believes Every Word You Say," (and one day I plan on getting to read all of my books that I have been lead to, for to me, that is relaxation...a praying and a reading and a writing and a growing better day by day.) yet what I have read thus far through, confirms quite nicely that what I have discovered in those that come to me for electrical body work.
Perhaps if you were to read it, I wouldn't appear all that crazy to you all and you all know who you are...hahahehe...
I guess that is all I want to leave with you at this time...I thank you Jada for a leading me back into the past moment in time, in order to grab up more conformational energy through remembrance...especially now that the storm of our land seems to be a kicking up more dust...I needed that flash back. I thank you and hope that this helps as you reach out to your daughter in law with gratitude and respect.
You are a special and warm contribution to our research university project...may you always hold your head up, welcoming the Light, Love and Peace of God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
Your beacon of Light, Love and Peace is a burning brighter since all of this event began with your sons a making the decision to leave for the war zones of Iraq.
So now I am prepared to hear of all the inspirational moments that instead of taking your breath of air out of your lungs, instead filled you with enough faith, hope and love that you feel more illuminated than ever!
What living truth to the power of prayer being a truly a marvelous moment in time! "As and yea shall receive," it can't get any easier than that. You go girl for you absolutely and divinely rock! Rock On Sweet Daughter in Christ.
Please All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
"Going With The Flow of Change," Author Tonie
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
February 17, 2009
Jumping On board The Joy Filled Moments In Time Wagon, Come All On Board!
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All Family:
Things are going along rather smoothly since I have totally thrown all of my cares and worries to Our Heavenly Father, Jesus & Holy Spirit.
The resultant peace and joy of Our Lord has allowed me to think more clearly and visualize that which I am a called to creatively create. The Research/ University -Living Angel Foundation-Research Prototype.
Follow along with me if you will...
I see a center that all of its founders in all fields of medicine/alternative-complementary medical practices will reside as well as participate in it. That is right, lucky live experimental human beings a wanting to discover what the combining of both ancient and current medical practices could bring forth in a world so badly out of balance due to all kinds of disturbances in foreign and home lands, a more viable/less costly solution to that which ails us a whole.
A place like I have wrote of in the past that will one day have its birth. A place I would call Nirvana, yet those that don't view preventative medicine as our only recourse, might not agree; and to those I ask that you don't apply at Our Center for work because our only focus will be in helping the world become a better place to visit, and have our being.
This place will along on being an educational center where our world's greatest speakers will come to teach what it is like living in the moment ideas, share and give their own views on how we could make this first pro type a dynamic sell to the world, thus not only helping us pay forward to the world by helping create these progressive total preventative health care centers, because they will work in keeping future health care costs by at least limiting the amount of persons needing to go to the hospitals and such in the first place.
It will be a place where Christian Spirituality will live, grow and develop. Those not allowed to live on grounds, will be those that don't adhere to the common sense of our Golden Rule given us all and that is for those that aren't familiar with it: "Do Unto Others, that which you would have done unto you."
It will be a place that is able to come together as a team all working for the same end result, a better way to live, breath and be in the world.
Not only will it all be ecologically geared, as we will not only incorporate the concepts of bio-solar, wind turbine power through our research present within the compounds, we also will be a researching the implications of the vibrational medicine theory that I like and so many others in the field have done for years.
It will be a center that I will compile my thoughts and findings along with others in the field; to see just how far into the mind, body and spiritual aspects, wellness flows...
I will as well, continue to grow and research along with others in the field and finally be able to get my doctorate in alternative medicine and no longer will be considered, just a massage therapist.
Now how cool would that be?
Now imagine a team of progressive futurist thinking doctors like those on "The Doctors Show," (of course there is no team that could ever be them, but them) a being present at Our Center, than again if one wanted to dream further, could I see "The Doctors Show" televising their show from there on The Dream Network Broadcast belonging to Oprah.
Do I dare dream that large?
I can for it is my dream and besides, part of the gift given me in my Baptism Into The Holy Spirit; Corinthians Chapter 13...was the gift of dreams and I have been a dreaming of this center, my whole life and never fully connected the dots...until now.
My awakening from the dream and bringing it forth into manifestation, meant that I had to take the dream from the sleep state and bring it into the light of day by sending my ideas out to Oprah, Dr. Phil, President Barack Obama and others that would listen and could help make a change like that which Our President is telling us he is a wanting to help us change...
For I see futuristic ally a need for change yesterday and that new and bright day is a coming...just look at how progressive The Doctors Show, is moving towards...information geared towards prevention....
We all can see the need, yet many don't have the strength or hope left in order to move towards it.
I have to believe that not all of us have fallen asleep to changes a having a need to be addressed. The time for silence was yesterday.
Before I close for the moment, I just want all to know that some people wait by their door for the mail man, or delivery man, or returning loved ones, I wait by the door for Oprah, Dr. Phil, The Doctors, to come and announce where it was that they found the right place to put the research center pro type and Deltec house from the catalog I was a wanting to have built again?
Of which I will answer, "the one on the front cover." Yet I want a hand in on the designing of it, for as all should know by now...even within its perfect design already, I still would like to put my own creative energies into it, for it is where I will spend the remainder of my life residing at.
With so many millions of Americans without health care...and rising illnesses of all sorts...viral, bacterial and antibiotics not effective as is a necessary move...research-education, working together, not apart for the whole well-being of all lands for we are all in this together.
Thus it will be information that we will pass/share with the world, as we believe the world will share back with us.
Another thought I want to pursue is this:
When I hear doctors of all sorts a telling the people that if one eat a sensible diet laden with the fruits and vegetables of the land in order to stay healthy...I start to cringe for our fruits and vegetables I know to not be all that wholesome simply due to all the chemical additives that is now the major way of life.
I personally would like a center that would also research the in and outs of organic versus commercial growth...meat, milk, fruits, vegetables, eggs. I would also like to study the implications of water filtration.
For it isn't only our food, and air that we need to be a concentrating on, along with all the other concentrations we now seem to be a having...we also have to be concerned about our water quality and quantities as well, we also have to be cognitive about its healing aspects as well.
Thus our high light will be research into building ones immune system responses by utilizing, color, sound, light, music, meditations, exercise, water therapy, yoga, in combination with Christian Spiritualist Belief system based on faith, prayer, meditation and good works,(K1 Machine, Mannetek Nutrients, Dr. Weed, Herbal Extracts, vitamins, see my website and click on links as named)
The dream that keeps reoccurring and causing me to have to sedate myself with one or two beers a night in combination with my two tablets of benedryl, so that I can shut off the thoughts of it and its implications to a world a needing a different direction in what our land is calling the only health care system possible is the one that we currently have in place.
I want to also tell all, that there hasn't been too many dreams in my life time that didn't come to pass...and if this dream is one that more than not loved ones in my life, told me was too big to imagine and not possible; than please all be very gentle with me as I pass by you in my borrowed shopping chart, rather than spit on me and tell me, "you told me so!" just gently toss your emptied soda and beer cans in the chart, please a missing my head...even though you believe I might need the blow to the head to awaken to a world that has stopped a dreaming and a hoping that, "God, if He brings you to it, will deliver you through it."
That is all I feel moved to contribute at this time...I believe that Jada will perhaps take the next newsletter...for she has lots of peace giving thoughts to give her kids both home and in the Middle East.
I want to thank all that have taken the time to either participate or share by emails your responses to the direction that God, Jesus and Holy Spirit has lead me towards my whole life.
Perhaps my dream is too large for your viewing eyes, perhaps it isn't...time will reveal all is all I want to leave you with at this time.
I hope that you will take the time to follow along with Jada as she reaches not only towards her non listening and non believing eyes of those closest to her, she reaches out to the world that might be facing a similar learning experience as she.
Please keep her and myself in your prayers and good intentional thoughts. For you know it only takes one a praying along with another to effect a result. The Bible promises us that gift. Two persons a praying, God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, not only a listening yet also present...too cool!
Be Blessed Each And Everyone
God and Life is Good!
Love, Light and Peace
Sunday, February 15, 2009
"Living With The Peace That Everything Will Be Alright, Jada Stone"
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Friday, February 14, 2009
More Gifts From Heaven
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Happy Valentine Day!
Again welcome! Whew! Life has been very challenging for me as well as Jada Stone. Many ups and fewer downs! Now that is exciting news, for now I believe I perhaps will be in flight myself and real soon.
No silly ones, not Home to God, of which I would have to admit; doesn't look all that bad, yet I know that I still have plenty of God's work still left to do myself and that time will be what God's will for my life will happen/occur and not before because I love life and feel that in spite of all the fires a being put out or at least, simmering instead of spurring/pieces of the missing purpose/plan God would have for ones life.
For I like Jada Stone believe that life is like a game of life, kind of thing, we pick up pieces of new information and run with it, until we discover that what piece we might have picked up, was a good move or a bad...and we weigh the results with how it made us feel/ good or bad and most importantly did we learn from that piece of past action or did we just place it on the roulette wheel and "let it roll..."
With each move if not brought into God's Counsel Chamber, in prayer; more times than not end up with the results after merely; one night at the casino...all those that know what I mean, please say Amen!
Everything since I have awakened to that one great and grand truth, has changed my whole world. There is a confidence in each and every step that I am now freely and peaceably comfortable to do for one knows when one is a living right with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit and those that aren't.
The way that Jada and myself know it, we sense it, we are both sensitives and sensitives need like energy to exists on this planet of so much fear, greed, lust, violence.
Thus we feel it within your energy fields. I believe that all can become sensitives, simply by asking God into their life and because I feel so much closeness to my Brother Jesus/Savior and precious Holy Spirit and believe that once I receive baptism into the Holy Spirit of God, simply by praying for it and knowing that I had received it from experiencing, "the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Deal Between Jada Stone and Tonie Wallace to co-author each other's books...
It is with that blurp out, that I would like to announce that being we both are trying to do in similar ways of awakening all that would travel through these books of ours that we feel will help all those that are a walking similar paths during these difficult times of our nation.
So basically for all of my readers, I would love for you to welcome the new me, as well as Jada Stone as we travel through our obstacles a wondering what lesson was we given then.
That Jada and I believe is what can happen to one when the land on the square called synchronicity...many writers of past, current and present have written about this secret piece of valuable keys as one rolls their dices and make their move in life.
By attention to what appears in ones day and sometimes the animals/incests/beings/things we meet in life in a day to day movements...some people believe that it doesn't matter what pops up, for today is just another day and to those folks I say, you are wrong! All things are on purpose to awaken us to what is real.
That tap in can come in a song played on the radio, the newspaper, a commercial that answers a question that you had asked God in prayer...a stranger, a friend, a family member, a show that wasn't supposed to have been shown, and just magically appeared, showing you a piece of it that you had either over looked or totally missed...a letter that somehow magically appeared in your mail box from someone you had been waiting to send you a response.
Ones life becomes magical at that point.
Not always easy, yet quite eye opening; that is if one wants to move into that level of being in the world.
You know it is a free choice world that we live in. The only real thing that God asks us to do is, "do unto others that which we would have done unto us." Golden Rule Straight out of Bible Land, folks.
He would also like for us to practice the Ten Commandments. Thus I say that The Ten Commandments should be hung at the White House. Look what happened to our politicians when it was forced to be removed?
I as well as Jada Stone are Christian Spiritualist Ministers, which means simply that we honor all religions and see the good in all and the things we don't like about any of them, we don't allow that difference to be a stopping point from holding communication.
Any differences in religions doesn't divide us unless it is a religion that harms or does ill intent to another.
We both received our year long training from an Ordained Spiritualist Minister, Teacher. He was from Gaines ville, Florida and we were honored to have him travel to us, versus us to him.
On the weekend of our Ordination that was held at a ecological house and mountain retreat in Johnson City, Tenn. July 29, 1995. Present were 12 others like Jada and myself a going for ordination.
Graduation weekend meant each of the 13 were supposed to do a thesis presentation that would signify how much growth and preparedness that William E. Perry, M.A. was instrumental in leading us towards as future lighthouses of good news and divine healing efforts.
The one that Jada gave was extra special as each of them were. It was a very magical day for me and it did change me for the good, just like Dr. Bill promised it would. Everything about my life changed when I became a minister.
I like Jada got no recognition for having traveled that far man-made legally for God; yet we both know it isn't others we need to impress. God is the only one that matters and He sees all and knows all and trust me, Is taking notes.
One thing that I would like to kindly remind Jada is that: "family and friends know you the least for generally our family and friends just tend to take us for granted. They don't mean to; yet sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life, all things close to us somehow become invisible.
No wonder so many of my client-turned friends and family members, somehow stopped seeing or hearing me and went away!
It is the norm and I couldn't dance to the norm song. That is because I went underground and never mentioned anything about my "Secret Garden World," to the majority when I discovered that those closest to, told me I was a living in the World of "Oz" and "Alice In Wonderland."
Perhaps many were a judging me this by the lack of wealth and success that would normally amass a fortune if I was all that I said that I was.
To those individuals I would state: Don't judgment me by man-kind norm, as you know I am so beyond the norm that most find me quite intimidating and threatening simply because I don't think and act like they do.
To those that feel this way about me, please forgive me for being who I am.
Ordination/Graduation Day
Ordination Thesis
Ordination Day Found Me Without a Clue as to what I would do to prove to the group and most importantly, God/Jesus and Holy Spirit that I was worthy holding the position as "Messenger, Light House to the world."
I had been asking God, and Jesus and Holy Spirit for what it was that They would have me do in order to prove my worthiness in holding the sacred job of being an Ordained Spiritualist Minister. Sunday morning it finally dawned on me what it was that I was to do to prove my worthiness.
The job assignment given me was to be an instrument of God's, Light and Love by balancing, smoothing out the winkles, uncovering the burdens held within the physical, mental, emotional and most importantly spiritually illuminating the soul essence in showing it what its purpose, plan and God's Divine Being it is...
I had to stand on a chair and extending my arms over the entire physical body of another Spiritual Minister initiate. I had never worked on her in the past and didn't have a clue as to what was going to occur in God's and my performance.
What did was totally astounding to her as well as myself. Somewhere I have the audio of that grand day and I never bothered to listen to any of the tapes of our spiritual ordination ministerial training.
The reason being the same as why I don't put to memory all of the Bible quotes that stood out and spoke directly to me, for there would be too many to ever possibly mention without a writing my own book on it.
The information given me in my training and ordination lives within me still, just like my favorite verses from the Bible. My time a training helped move into the path that I proudly like Jada, have and hold.
No it isn't walking the path of teacher, yet someone has to do it. For if we didn't, who would? I like Jada believe that we are all supposed to awaken and take on the role of the mantel of Christ, thus making ourselves a minister to Him, like the disciples of old.
Just a throwing my stuff out there. Please take what you want and do please leave the rest.
It is now time for Jada to bring forth her continuing letter to her oldest son's wife and mother to her two teen age grandchildren.
I can only imagine how pain filled it must have been for her to read all the things that her only daughter in law currently, had to write her.
As she puts salve on all the slashings and deep wounds, she begins to open up to the miracle of the moment, for she realizes that without the information given her, even in the heat of anger her daughter in law believed had her mother in law's marks emailed her, never less like Dr. Phil always states, "until one acknowledges the problem, one can't possibly heal or change it."
Now Jada searches within to find the words to convince her daughter in law that no matter what she felt in tuned to release to her mother in law, she still loved her and forgave her when she gave her over to God.
Check out my next issue for Jada I believe will show everyone that she wasn't over stepping her bounds when she reached out to her departing sons with important messages about obtaining the "peace of God that surpasses all understandings."
Please stay tuned and we will return shortly.
Be Blessed Always
love, light and peace
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